Youre taking the mickey | Great Dane Gnosis, ready to go anywhere and do anything | Great Dane Gnosis, One breed, One Standard | Great Dane Gnosis, b) Mantle: Black and white with a solid, black blanket extending over the body. Very muscular, strongly though elegantly built, with look of dash and daring, of being ready to go anywhere and do anything. Ideally black skull with white muzzle, white blaze optional, whole white collar preferred, a white chest, white on part or whole of the forelegs and hindlegs, white tipped black tail. Short dense and sleek-looking, never inclined to roughness. I always have little bruises on my legs, stomach, fingers, arms, as well as the occasional black eye from her tail. Skull flat, slight indentation running up centre, occipital peak not prominent. Blues: colour varies from light grey to deep slate, the nose and eyes may be blue. Minimum height of an adult dog over eighteen months: 76 cms (30 ins); bitches: 71 cms (28 ins). he has a very gentle tail wag haha most of the time he just swings it slowly and rhythmically back and forth. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Eyes and nails preferably dark. upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws. Alert expression, powerful, majestic action displaying dignity. Bridge of nose very wide, with slight ridge where cartilage joins bone (this is a characteristic of breed). Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog. Cat-like, turning neither in nor out. Kindly without nervousness, friendly and outgoing. A Breed Standard is the guideline which describes the ideal characteristics, temperament and appearance of a breed and ensures that the breed is fit for function. (LogOut/ "inside every Great Dane is a puppy just longing to climb into your lap", If this is your first visit, be sure to Head, taken altogether, gives idea of great length and strength of jaw. check out the. Forelegs perfectly straight with big flat bone. Action lithe, springy and free, covering ground well. This page was generated at 03:14 PM. Carried in straight line level with back, when dog is moving, slightly curved towards end, but never curling or carried over back. Wall, or odd eyes permissible in harlequins. If a feature or quality is desirable it should only be present in the right measure. In harlequins, wall eyes, pink noses, or butterfly noses permissible but not desirable. Harlequins: pure white underground with preferably all black patches or all blue patches, having appearance of being torn. Elegance of outline and grace of form most essential. Length of head in proportion to height of dog. Long enough to knock over anything within a seven foot radius that is 3 feet off the ground, more or less. Fairly deep set, not giving the appearance of being round, of medium size and preferably dark. Underline of head, viewed in profile, runs almost in a straight line from corner of lip to corner of jawbone, allowing for fold of lip, but with no loose skin hanging down. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. we dont get hit by it unless he is SUPER excited. Light nails permissible. (LogOut/ Long enough to swat me in the eye on occasion. Toes well arched and close, nails strong and curved. Pingback: The First American Breed Standard (1892) | Great Dane Gnosis, Pingback: British Breed Standard revised 1903 | Great Dane Gnosis, Pingback: Original FCI Great Dane Standard (Denmark, 1935). Triangular, medium size, set high on skull and folded forward, not pendulous. However if a dog possesses a feature, characteristic or colour described as undesirable or highly undesirable it is strongly recommended that it should not be rewarded in the show ring. Teeth level. Hocks move freely with driving action, head carried high. It seems like I am always getting whacked by Peanut's tail. sam: mom to 2 danes (Romeo/mantle merle and Daegan/fawn), and Cora, the ragdoll kitty. Muzzle broad, skull proportionately narrow, so that whole head when viewed from above and in front, has appearance of equal breadth throughout. "The human language, as precise as it is with its thousands of words, can still be so wonderfully vague".Garth Stein The Art of Racing in the Rain, 21 inches of smack! Neck long, well arched, quite clean and free from loose skin, held well up, well set in shoulders, junction of head and neck well defined. Breeders and judges should at all times be careful to avoid obvious conditions or exaggerations which would be detrimental in any way to the health, welfare or soundness of this breed. N.B: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum. Any color other than those described under Color, Markings and Patterns, The First American Breed Standard (1892) | Great Dane Gnosis, British Breed Standard revised 1903 | Great Dane Gnosis, Original FCI Great Dane Standard (Denmark, 1935). | Great Dane Gnosis, The First German Standard,1891 | Great Dane Gnosis, The drift towards hyper-types | Great Dane Gnosis, the first Great Dane standard(s) in English: 1887 | Great Dane Gnosis, the Dane & the pseudo-dane | Great Dane Gnosis, the Great Dane and the molosser malarkey | Great Dane Gnosis, a very fine hound and other stories | Great Dane Gnosis, Cmon now ! Head and neck carried high, tail in line with back, or slightly upwards, but never curled over hindquarters. From time to time certain conditions or exaggerations may be considered to have the potential to affect dogs in some breeds adversely, and judges and breeders are requested to refer to the Breed Watch section of the Kennel Club websitefor details of any such current issues. My nephew's junk gets whacked at least once a day (poor kid) so he warns everyone that comes to the house to watch out for our lethal weapon. Youre taking the mickey | Great Dane Gnosis, Pingback: ready to go anywhere and do anything | Great Dane Gnosis, Pingback: Connecting the dots | Great Dane Gnosis, Pingback: One breed, One Standard | Great Dane Gnosis. Length from nose to point between eyes about equal or preferably of greater length than from this point to back of occiput. Very deep, brisket reaching elbow, ribs well sprung, belly well drawn up. Nose always black, except in blues and harlequins. Cheeks showing as little lumpiness as possible, compatible with strength. Change). Fawns: colour varies from lightest buff to deepest orange, dark shadings on head and ears acceptable, eyes and nails preferably dark. Shoulders muscular, not loaded, well sloped back, with elbows well under body. (LogOut/ | Great Dane Gnosis, Pingback: The First German Standard,1891 | Great Dane Gnosis, Pingback: The drift towards hyper-types | Great Dane Gnosis, Pingback: the first Great Dane standard(s) in English: 1887 | Great Dane Gnosis, Pingback: the Dane & the pseudo-dane | Great Dane Gnosis, Pingback: the Great Dane and the molosser malarkey | Great Dane Gnosis, Pingback: a very fine hound and other stories | Great Dane Gnosis, Pingback: Cmon now ! Thick at the root, tapering towards end, reaching to or just below hocks. Nostrils large, wide and open, giving blunt look to nose. Extremely muscular, giving strength and galloping power. In all above colours white is only permissible on chest and feet, but it is not desirable even there. Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. Romeos tail is 19" it goes down to his hock. All times are GMT-8. Lips hang squarely in front, forming right angle with upper line of foreface. Weight, minimum weight over eighteen months: dogs: 54 kgs (120 lbs); bitches: 46 kgs (100 lbs). Miscoloured harlequins: brindle or blue patches (porcelain tiger), white with fawn. Absolute soundness is essential. Nose always black, eyes and nails preferably dark. Decided rise or brow over the eyes but not abrupt stop between them; face well chiselled, well filled in below eyes with no appearance of being pinched: foreface long, of equal depth throughout. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Nails preferably dark in all coat colours, except harlequins, where light are permissible. Brindles: must be striped, ground colour from lightest buff to deepest orange, stripes always black, eyes and nails preferably dark, dark shadings on head and ears acceptable. Second thigh long and well developed, good turn of stifle, hocks set low, turning neither in nor out. Back and loins strong, latter slightly arched. Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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