In other words, they bred them smaller in size over the course of many years. The teacup poodle was bred purely for the sake of having a poodle as small as it could be bred. Some of the links on are affiliate links. This is a characteristic that has been built into the breed for their water retrieving purpose. Earnings from commissions help keep running. Celebrities could be seen carrying their toy poodles with them in designer handbags. As a result, there were a lot less Poodles being bred for this job. The Poodle is a popular dog in the US. Just take a look at a Poodle in the water and their body will look completely natural. Romans carved Poodle-like dogs on tombs as early as 30 AD, and they were pictured on Greek and Roman coins, but experts don't know if those dogs died out or if they further evolved into the modern Poodle. Why you Should Get the Standard Poodle Instead of the Giant Schnauzer. Hunters who owned Poodles for duck retrieving wanted their dogs to be agile in water and to be able to swim freely without restrictions. The Poodle, for example, was bred to hunt and retrieve game and to have an instinct to herd livestock. Most experts agree that the Poodle was bred and developed inGermany, although there are some who claim that the breed originated inFrance. Each dog breed that we know today will have likely been bred with a particular role or job in mind. Unfortunately, the Poodle didnt make the cut. Reputable Poodle Breeders in Wyoming in 2022, Reputable Poodle Breeders in Rhode Island in 2022, Reputable Poodle Breeders in Maine in 2022, Reputable Poodle Breeders in Alaska in 2022. There are three size variations of Poodles: the Toy, the Miniature and the Standard Poodle. No matter the size of the Poodle, theyre a great all-rounder and its clear to see why so many people choose this dog breed as their loyal companion. She's contributed columns and articles about pets to a slew of publications. Why the Standard Poodle is Better than the Australian Shepherd as a Pet. Theyre one of the best family dogs and companions because of their charming, elegant personalities and favorable temperaments. It is important to note that when the standard, miniature, and toy poodle sizes were first being bred, breeders were careful to breed to specification. It also doesnt hurt that theyre some of the smartest dogs ever. In fact, the cut was used to give them extra mobility in the water, while protecting vital areas. She is the best poodle ever! This site also participates in other affiliate programs and is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. The Poodle, for example, was bred to hunt and retrieve game and to have an instinct to herd livestock.
\nJust when and where the Poodle emerged as a separate breed is hard to say. The breed is divided into three varieties based on their sizes in the U.S. After having 12 great years with my Standard, Antonio, I couldn't agree with you more. This site does not provide pet medical advice, please do consult a professional veterinarian in your area for pet health advice. Each breed was developed with a specific purpose in mind, from sitting in a person's lap and being a companion, to guarding livestock and property, to retrieving fallen game. The structure was to look the same. Dummies has always stood for taking on complex concepts and making them easy to understand. She was extremely smart. In some of these cases (though not all), breeders have taken a toy poodle and bred it to a full-size Bernese Mountain dog! German artwork dating back as far as the 17th century depicts water dogs that very much resemble the modern-day standard poodle. They did not attempt to breed any litter too small too quickly. Instead, they were frequently used in circuses that traveled all around Europe. Dont let their elegant stance fool you. Today, the miniature and toy variations make some of the best apartment dogs. Standard Poodles, on the other hand, are perfect playmates for kids. And of course, the Standard Poodle was one of them. Thanks for sharing with us, Sherry. The doodle trends of the last couple of decades have caused a lot of heartaches in that they have produced many low-quality doodles with health and structure concerns. Later on, Poodles were developed to be circus dogs, war dogs and even truffle hunters. The strong and elongated neck of the Poodle is responsible for keeping the dogs head far out of the water while swimming to see more clearly. To achieve this goal, breeders were careful in how they chose breeding pairs. Poodles are just like any other dog breeds today. Most experts agree that the breed has its roots in Germany, where the standard size was originally bred. Historically, standard poodles have been bred for hunting. We will send you free tips and tools that will make you the best poodle parent! In 1942, in the midst of World War II, the US Army looked into 32 different dog breeds to be used as war dogs. {"appState":{"pageLoadApiCallsStatus":true},"articleState":{"article":{"headers":{"creationTime":"2016-03-26T14:13:42+00:00","modifiedTime":"2016-03-26T14:13:42+00:00","timestamp":"2022-06-22T19:22:19+00:00"},"data":{"breadcrumbs":[{"name":"Home, Auto, & Hobbies","_links":{"self":""},"slug":"home-auto-hobbies","categoryId":33809},{"name":"Pets","_links":{"self":""},"slug":"pets","categoryId":33964},{"name":"Dogs","_links":{"self":""},"slug":"dogs","categoryId":33967},{"name":"Breeds","_links":{"self":""},"slug":"breeds","categoryId":33968},{"name":"Poodles","_links":{"self":""},"slug":"poodles","categoryId":33978}],"title":"A Brief History of the Poodle","strippedTitle":"a brief history of the poodle","slug":"a-brief-history-of-the-poodle","canonicalUrl":"","seo":{"metaDescription":"Many people look at Poodles and think \"froufrou,\" when in reality the Poodle was bred as a working farm dog. The American Kennel Club officially recognized the Poodle breed in 1887, but the breed has been around far longer than that. Just when and where the Poodle emerged as a separate breed is hard to say. Though theyre known for high intelligence, their curly and poofy coats may make you question what they were actually bred to do. Standard Poodle versus Jack Russell Terrier. They were bred from several types of water spaniels. If you want to raise a Poodle, make sure you give them plenty of physical activity for stimulation. On this website, I document my research and my experience on getting a poodle, and about raising a poodle. The snout was to be proportionally the same. The original dog was domesticated between 13,000 and 17,000 years ago. In the past, dog breeding had the primary goal of creating dogs that were excellent at certain skills or that had a certain temperament. Sometime after this, the breed was bred down in size, to perform in circuses or to be a better companion size. 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Ewing has been in dogs since 1977 and enjoys showing and trying various performance events, with an emphasis on trying.
She holds a masters degree in Television/Radio from Syracuse University in New York and has attended canine seminars at Cornell University. For example, you may see advertisements for miniature Bernedoodles. The Poodle, for example, was bred to hunt and retrieve game and to have an instinct to herd livestock.
Just when and where the Poodle emerged as a separate breed is hard to say. Poodles is a perfect dog. Their primary role when originally bred was to be a water retriever or a gun dog. In fact, some Poodles are still used in this role today. Which is Better between the Standard Poodle and the Saint Bernard? Although Poodles had many jobs in the past, their main role was in retrieving. Because of their quick wit and eagerness to please, they were quickly bred down in size to travel with circuses as performance animals. Because it is a highly intelligent breed, it was able to learn commands quickly. Every trick she learned, my mom showed her just once. Some have cashed in on false claims and made a habit of false advertising. The Poodles body is sturdy, well-balanced and well-proportioned. This style had extra hair on the joints and vital organs to protect them from the cold while in the water. Shes a member of the Dog Writers Association of America, as well as the Cat Writers Association, and is listed in the 2005 edition of Whos Who in America.
Ewing has been writing professionally since she was 16 and is the author of several books: The Pembroke Welsh Corgi: Family Friend and Farmhand (Howell); A New Owners Guide to Pembroke Welsh Corgis, The Pug, The Dachshund, and German Shepherd Dogs (all TFH Publications); and Bulldogs For Dummies (Wiley). From those early beginnings, man has created over 300 breeds, from tiny Chihuahuas and Yorkshire Terriers to giant Great Danes, Irish Wolfhounds, and shaggy Newfoundlands. They could, for example, take two standard poodles on the smaller side and breed them together until there were enough standard poodles of the smaller variety to breed to each other again, repeating the process until they eventually attainted a miniature poodle. Having such a coat is clearly an advantage for the Poodle as a water retriever! Even the topknot or fluff on the head had a specific purpose, that is, to allow the hunter to spot the Poodle in the water. Family protector. He did mention that Miniature and Toy Poodles may be a little too high-strung for families with children. For instance, Poodles were bred to be agile in the water and their curly coat is water-resistant. To understand more of the Poodle's background, here's a history of the beginnings of the breed.
All dogs are descended from the wolf, which may explain why they howl at sirens and the like. Dogs from Russia and France contributed to the modern Poodle, and one theory states that the Poodle's ancestors came from Portugal or Spain.
","description":"Many people look at Poodles and think \"froufrou,\" when in reality the Poodle was bred as a working farm dog. They are more prone to heart disease and to hip and elbow dysplasia. The original dog was domesticated between 13,000 and 17,000 years ago. There are so many different lines of standard poodles now. This created a demand for poodles that were more conducive to city dwellers. The French nobility took a liking to StandardandMiniaturepoodles until the breed became highly popular throughout all of Europe. For instance, many dogs were bred as hunting dogs, retrievers, guard dogs, herders or as loyal companions. The poodle also has an excellent sense of smell and has been used as a truffle hunter. Likewise, herding dogs have some of the best work ethics, especially compared to dogs meant to sit on owners laps. But, they do have the instincts for it. The toy poodle was first bred specifically for people who lived in big cities. Toy poodles can be seen performing in circuses to this day. She is a member of the Dog Writers Association of America and of the Cat Writers’ Association and is listed in the 2005 edition of Who’s Who in America.
Ewing has been writing professionally since she was 16 and is the author of several books: The Pembroke Welsh Corgi: Family Friend and Farmhand; The New Owner’s Guide to Pembroke Welsh Corgis; The Pug; and The Dachshund. However, Poodles still served domestically as guard dogs that protected military instillations, defense plants and occasionally the coastline. He was my once in a life time Canine companion I love and miss him so so much. We and our partners share information on your use of this website to help improve your experience. Instead, they were retrieving dogs. Though I was too young to comprehend the amazing qualities of the dog, I heard the same exact things about her: proud, loyal, loving and of course intelligent. The Standard Poodle was originally used bywildfowlhunters to retrieve game from water. The combination of these traits made the standard poodle one of the most magnificent of all bird hunting dogs. There is a strong belief that Poodles actually descended from the curly-haired hunting dogs of Asia. To understand more of the Poodle's background, here's a history of the beginnings of the breed. Dummies helps everyone be more knowledgeable and confident in applying what they know. According to Cesar Millan, Poodles are one of the top 10 best dog breeds for families. Lets take a deeper look into the old history, jobs and roles of the elegant Poodle. While the army loved their ability to learn, a huge drawback was the fast-growing coats. The same process was repeated to breed a toy poodle. Movement appears light yet effortless, with a definite spring in its step. Their muscular shape means theyre great at swimming, but theyre also very graceful in the water too. Her column, The Pet Pen, appears in The Post-Journal (Jamestown, New York) every Saturday. No matter their designation, there will have been selective breeding to ensure that the breed developed characteristics that were ideal for their role. Each breed was developed with a specific purpose in mind, from sitting in a person's lap and being a companion, to guarding livestock and property, to retrieving fallen game.
As time went by, people began expecting dogs to be able to do more than their primary tasks, because it's easier and cheaper to have one dog do many jobs than to have a separate dog for each task.
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