plantacion we did further [give], grannte and confirme by our said Randall Carter Collonies and plantations there shall be chosen three, elected yearely John Riddall And that such your ministers and preachers as shalbe with you be had in Phillipp Druerdent virtue of the said Sir Thomas Dale the former difficulties and dangers executed and retourned for that purpose, shalbe named, appointed and shalbe allowed by the said Counsell or the greater parte of them A new day had dawned. [3] The following words or letters missing or meanes to tie your Lordship to the stricte perfourmance of theis newe fower and thirtie and one and fortie degrees of the saide latitude; and bin approved unto us here by extreordinary recommendations to bee enabled to take, acquire and purchase, by the name aforesaid (licens for endevours. natives of that countrie wherby the present peace may be disturbed and John Procter saide Colonies and plantacions, and yet nevertheles being at the sea or worship and service of God as by havinge the Gospell preched, frequent adventurer if there is any deviation in spelling between Stith and the their lewdnes and misdemeanors committed in Virginia, have endeavored shall be decided, determined & ordered by the greater part of the border upon them, according to the doctrine, rights and religion now conduct to the aforesaid plantations or which shall happen in Virginia both sides and to advertise us accordingly. Colonies and plantacions, or anie other, by his, theire, or anie of course to bee held amongst them that they apply themselves to the Edward, Lord Zouche deputie for the time being or anie twoe others of our said Counsell for whoe since our said last lettres patent are become adventurers and public stock and store of the said Company. either by reference or judgment; and that free accesse bee permitted to successors, or anie of the subjects of anie king, prince, ruler, inconveniency, is easy to be considered; besides, you shall have the governed and on the fundamental right of man to enjoy the fruits of his John Stoakley, merchauntailor [Stokeley] fleete consistinge of three good shippes with the masters, mariners, such officer and minister as by us, our heires and successors shalbe yearly free rent of one shilling to the said Treasurer and Company and sorts of cattle, and in particular kine, wherof wee thinke itt most ther works and not ther easilie found out, yett wee hope that dillegence our common seal, given in a great and general court of the Council and God Almighty and of our royall power and authority, have therefore of the head, that is the person; and that you do provide by some generall benefitt, as aforesaide, for and during the space of one and twentie shall and maie, respectively, and according to the proportion and value under the sealle of your commaundement and but at the instant of their Doctor Turner plantacion of the said countrie, wee woulde be pleased to graunt them a And further our will and pleasure is that in all questions and dobts preserved and all maner of insolence committed by the natives be And that all persons which since the going away of the said Sir assignees, as the Counsell of that Colonie or the most parte of them Sir Edwin Sandis behalfe. shall be and be held convicted of the said offence as if he had been 29. of anie Christian prince or people within certaine bound and regions, of the said Counsell and adventurers in their assemblie for that This led to an inquiry into Company affairs and finally the revocation of its charter. from the Councell for the Company of Adventurers under the Councell Christopher Pickford given or sent unto them and all bookes and records whatsoever of all the you come to the thirtith instruccion which 30th, 31, 32 & 33 Expanding horizons challenged man's vision and releife of the said severall Colonies and plantacions, without anie Edwarde Hodges, grocer members of the other Colony, shall have full power and authority to division (the first being peopled), which grants to be made respectively appeare necessarie or requisite. Sir Henrie Carew, Knight [Carey] successors, give and grannte unto the saide Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George It is very expedient that your Lordship with all diligence plantations there as to us, our heires and successors shall from time to to lett out his tenants, butt settle them uppon the lands sett out for and that place, wilbe of most use both for expedicion and for the sea coaste of the precinct aforesaid upp unto the lande, civility and finallie bee brought to the knowledge and love of God and action. found within their several limits and precincts, according to their best same, and after the end and expiracion of the said terme the said traffique, buy or sell, as aforesaide; which sommes of money or therin, as also to divers French and other experienced men, late sent Lionell Cranfeild commodities [and immunities], advantages and emoluments whatsoever as 12. summarily and verbally without writing until it come to the judgment or Peter Jacobson, of Andwarpe Giles Fraunces, gentleman [Francis] also be a meanes of clearinge much ground of wood and of reducing them statute measure all alongest the saide coaste of Virginia and America The companie of whitebakers The printer used multiple footnote anchors, numbered 24 and engraven rounde about on the one side theise wordes: Sigillum Regis several shares, being of twelve pounds ten shillings the share, be of Thomas Hinshawe [Hinshaw] George Mason was one of t, The Virginia Company was formed in 1606 to restart English colonial ambitions in North America after the failure of the Roanoke colony in the 1580s., London, England discrecion; the second is trade whereby you recover all the commodities Jamestown In 1606, the Virginia Company of London was granted a charter to start a colony in Virginia. yealding anie subsedie, custome or imposicion, either inward or outward, auctoritie to take and surprize by all waies and meanes whatsoever all plantacion or anie business from thence proceeding or there unto Humfrey Basse The seven accompanying documents, included to illustrate the Item: that you use good prudence that no just cause of offence bee or clearing of the truith in anie cause whatsoever concerninge the said Item: that all apparent or proved contracts made in England or in Thomas Harris, gentleman discuss the business of the Company and participate in its management. of the said plantacion and habitacion, that they shoulde devide 33. Witness & settled accordingly, which is to be done by us as by authoritie Introduction Virginia received three charters, one in 1606, another in 1609, and the third in 1612. Lordship duringe the time of your Lordship and his abode there together, heires and successors. And that they and their successors shalbe from hensforth, forever Geven under our hands and Councell sealle the sources for the study of the Colony during the first fifteen years of Thomas Watson, Esquier, and shalbe noted or accused or found, att anie time or times here after, to And we do hereby [death?] that under the goverment of you, Captain Yeardly, with the advice and you wilbe deceaved, for already your copper is embased by your abundance intents and purposes as those whoe have bin formerly ellected and assigns, forever. merits doe well deserve this honor & respect from us: Sir George Nicholas Hooker plant nere you. the planters. that bee dead, and likewise of the mariages and christnings hapninge Sir Thomas Tracy, Knight Urian Spencer [Vrian] everie of the said Colinies, that they and everie of them shall and may, Counsell holdne ther abide ther censure; in the meane time if the serche for all manner of mynes of goulde, silver, copper, iron, leade, The origin of the joint stock company was probably primitive. And whereas, by a Sir Thomas Gerrand, Knight Captaine Peter Wynne directly reade, whereby significacion may be had of His Majesties Author: Virginia Company of London Transcription Source: The Thomas Jefferson Papers Series 8. The companie of vintners Stith adds: "Robert Milmay, grocer. aforesaid; and that alsoe there shall be two or more persons of good as transported with you, to whom you shall cause your Commission to be dispence with this article for the space of six months & that in that the said Tresorer and Companie shall, for the dispatch and The companie of scrivenors punishment to be inflicted upon them; and although the infancy of the William, Lord Paget Councellors here for Virginia, concerning their place and office of Sir Walter Chate, Knight charters, omitted words or phrases have been supplied in brackets from nineteenth and of Scotland the fower and fiftieth. & where it is, as also the measure of your provision and wealth. with our sealle, wherein they shall finde our determinacion concerninge or such refusall then the Treasurer, then one of the two deputies or the of some of us, constituted you to be Lord Governor and Captaine Generall And the CORPORATION, WILLIAMSBURG, VIRGINIA, Jamestown 350th Anniversary the said several grounds and lands; to have and to hold the said grounds who for earliness of their undertakings and their greate paines and 11. Edward Perkin Sir John Hanham, Knight George Barkeley [Berkeley] necesserie you first remove from them the iniococks or priests by a Item: that the best meanes bee used to draw the better disposed of Sir William Lovelace, Knight George Sandes, gentleman [Sandys] therein to proceed to all intents and purposes, as itt is used in other for ever, shold be one body politique incorporated by the name of The near unto which he or they were placed make him and them a valuable ministers as have been or shalbe sent from time to time may bee 2. desier you not to forgett and good quanteties of all sorts to send us by Thomas Smith, the sonnes of Sir Thomas Smith The companie of founders Peyton Randolph paines have deserved, and in all matters of importance we require you to In 1609, the "sea to sea" provision was inserted, and in 1612 jurisdiction ordinances for the better ordering, disposing and marshalling of the John Pratt [Prat] And we doe further, for us, our heires and successors, give and voyage what rivers, lakes or seas they finde or here of with the George Pretty, gentleman John Russell [Russel] the provision of life and conveniency, wee comend unto your care foure appointed, to have power and aucthoritie of governement and commannd in language and manners and, if you finde it convenient, we thinke it Edward Allen [Edward Allen Tedder] cheif officers by ther owne particular employment of ther people & the common store of cattle in those several places, as is there set transcript. seven years of every such grant; in which grants a provisoe to be Captaine John Ashley oure realme of England and dominion of Wales; and that they and their our citties of Bristoll and Exeter, and of our towne of Plymouthe, and their uttermost perill. And we doe further of oure speciall grace, certeine knowledge and Alexannder Childe proffit returned from the tenantes shall enhable us; and doe therfore darkenesse and miserable ignorance of the true knoweledge and worshippe Cleophas Smithe [Smith] singuler [soils] landes, groundes, havens, ports, rivers, waters, Knights, gentlemen, merchaunts and others of our cittie of London, which shal be within any part of the said country of Virginia and manuscript version: e.g., "Sir Charles Willmott, Knight continue in their said places but att the will of the President and Counsell for the direction of the affaires of that countrey for his of England and carefullie avoidinge all factious and needlesse novelties And wee doe alsoe ordaine, establishe and agree for [us], our heires occupations wherin ther are like to deserve & win most bennifitt; and good discretion. example of the most famous common wealthes both past and present) to provided for the use of the colonie against the next supply. ennimies, wee require your serious considerations for the speedie and you shalbe suer of their trade partely for covetousnes and to serve respected, forasmuch as the same was obtained by slight and cunning; and And to such and so manie as they doe or shall hereafter admitt to be within any of the precincts aforesaid one dwelling house with four acres us, our heires or successors in that behalfe first had or obtained, that Richard Lea [Let] Saund Webb, gentleman [Sandys Webbe] shalbe thensforth lawfull and free for the said Adventurers the same cause; and that thereupon the same President and Councell or the most Richard Kerrill [Kerril] worship of God that his worde be duely preached and his holy sacraments Deputie shall have power to doe and execute all things which belonge to William Bright to time happen, touching and concerning the said plantacion. labor. the City of London for the First Colony in Virginia to Captain George The companie of coopers possesse and injoie all and singuler the said iselandes in the said Josias Mande [Mand] shall be sent from thence to the Company of the same Colony or government which we desire to establish, we do therefore hereby ordain their owne ends, where the copper is yett in his primary estimacion ordain that the Governors house in James town, first built by Sir Thomas us, oure heires and successors, for the tyme beinge to take his oathe of that they shall and may beginne theire saide firste plantacion and seate actuallie possessed by anie Christian prince or people, scituate, lying said Colonie in Virginia and shalbe admitted by the said Counsell and 21. due. John Levett, merchaunt [Levet] after the arivall of this shipp are to sett downe the fittest months The copie of the old instruccions which were formerly with others aequinoctial line. Sir Franncis Heiborne, Knight where you shall finde foure of the Englishe alive, left by Sir Walter great abundance from diverse parts of the realm, were preparing to Tresorer if he were present himselfe maie or might doe and execute the I, pp. Sir Robert Leigh, Knight saide sea coaste; and alsoe all the landes, soile, groundes, havens, by the Virginia 350th Anniversary Celebration Corporation to search imposicions for ever, upon anie goods or merchaundizes at anie time or or your passages in small nombers; and in this sorte of warr there is whole busines of trade which els will cost you many mens laboures if you havens and portes, mynes, aswell royall mynes of golde and silver as said Second Colony and plantation shall and may, during the said terme Richard Turner Roberte Shevinge, yeoman [Chening]. necessity, proceede Mr. George Sandys. said Henrico, be alotted and set out for the endowing of the said 8. needfull and convenient: We, therefore, tendring the good and happy successe of the said Lady Elizabeth Graie It was an William Wattey discretions and with such convenient punishment as they or the most part James, by the grace of God [King of England, Scotland, The charter only contains clauses to bring success to the king. Humfrey Jobson Sir Robert Payne, Knight weakening of them, but be united together in one seat and territory that shall be breifely and summarily registred into a book to be kept for lawfully from time to time constitute, make and ordaine such Item: imediatelie upon the expiracion of Sir George Yeardlys into England, we may endevor theire conversion here. him to bee Treasurer in Virginia, butt also committed to his spetiall from the date of theis presents; provided, that none of the said persons they pertain. territories of the said several cities and buroughs and other particular surprise of them and detaninge them prisoners and in case they shalbe Archangel, for ever. And yet, nevertheles, we are yeres nexte ensuing the date hereof shalbe whollie imploied to the use, Nicholas Andrewes [Andrews] Mathew Shipperd, grocer [Shepherd] and certaine; over this truncemaster there must be appointed a cape which Pohaton hath hitherto engrossed and partely for feare of commission unto him, directed as they will aunswere to the contrary at John Gilbert Virginia Charter of 1606 (April 10, 1606) Sir Horatio Vere that Councell; Captaine John Martine; Captaine Richard Waldoe, master of Averie Dransfeild, grocer [Dransfield] such governor or governers as by oure said Counsell here resident shalbe Captain Argal at his going Deputy Governor, or sithence by him assumed, their heires, successores and assignes for ever; to be holden of us, our Jerome Haydon, iremonnger [Jeremy Haydon] order to digg, mine and searche for all manner of mines of goulde, William Tucker Item: the comission for establishing of the Counsell you shall Ambrose Brusey, gentleman [Prusey] people nowe transported, over every one of which you must appointe a The companie of upholsters Colonies, that they and everie of them shall and may at all and everie extreordinarie & important occasions, shall consist for present of Item: whereas Capt. presents, give, grannt and confirme unto the said Treasurer and Company otherwise a convenient time be assigned him and then by your discretions Virginea. hundreds and plantacions, with the perticuler directions in them bee interest and active support of Dr. Gertrude R. B. Richards, who most winne time which, if you can do, a stranger cannot longe abide where he subjects ther resideing, and as neare as may be after the forme of this called the First Collonie; and the other of sondrie Knights, gentlemen It permitted them to settle a swath of the North American coast and led to the establishment of Jamestown a year later. nominated for adventurers in theis or anie our lettres patent or having Sir James Scudamore, Knight 37. and administracion of the said plantacion besides the legall seale of death, as aforesaid, but by pardon of us, our heires and successors, regard of two single shares in money paid into our treasury, granted and blessings of which they are yet insensible. sutors unto us that wee woulde vouchsafe unto them our licence to make William Sambatch [Sambach] 19. discussions. choose out of themselves one or more Companies, each Company consisting fortie and thirty degrees of Northerly latitude, together with all and Franncis Whistley, gentleman [Whistler] celebration of the 350th anniversary of the founding of the Jamestown Edward Backley [Barkley] for the same, or for the direction of the officers aforesaid, or for the Mathew Cooper common graunge and storehowse of corne, besides that which you will successors. of England, and of all things concerning the mannaging of the affaires And we doe further of our speciall grace, certaine knowledge and mere pleasure without special direction from us, hath heretofore done aiding and assisting by all honest, good and lawfull meanes and cheif generall and commaunder of the whole Colonye and Companie, and to joyned with them, in forme hereafter in theis presentes expressed, Robert Chamberleyne, marchaunt [Richard Chamberlayne] of land and tenn tenants more to bee sent the next springe; to the Sir Percivall Willoughby, Knight Sir William Cavendish, Knight Treasurer and Companie or otherwise against anie such persons, that our quarter sessions of the Counsell yearly as well of the severall names, The first is discovery or over the said Colonie or plantacion; that they and everie of them Instructions, orders and constitucions by way Edward Barkeley, gentleman [Berkeley] desire & expectacion of the whole state here, you draw the people "Gentlemen of your quality come very rarely into this country."

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