we picked this name because teddy is so fluffy and we thinks it looks like a teddy he is fluffy and he is cute and a small little baby<3. Your email address will not be published. With their obedient, clever and easy-going attitudes, Chow Chows have evolved from watchers of the temples, to working dogs pulling and herding to beloved and pampered pets. Dont choose a complex or long name which wont be fun to repeat throughout your dogs life! Because he had such a commanding presence. The breed has been known as Songshi Quan in Asia for centuries. Theres a critical aspect of giving a cute name to a big dog thats often overlooked. Im going to get a black chow chow named Shadow. Once a Chow Chows stubborn little heart has been won, it will be yours for life. 65 Super-Long Baby Names for Girls: The Ultimate List. Required fields are marked *. Either way, we hope that your search for dog names with meaning ends here! Your Chow Chows behavior could give you a long nickname list itself. To make them good family pets, they need plenty of early socialization including exposure to children. Norman Choosing a name based on this breed heritage is a unique and fun idea! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Try to avoid names that you often hear at parks or in the neighborhood. Alternatively, some Chow Chow owners choose to name their pooches based on the color of their abundant fur, which comes in five different shades of cute: black, blue, cream, red and cinnamon brown. There are many things to consider when selecting a Chow Chow name, but you dont need to be overwhelmed about it. What to Know About Allergies? Keeping your pups name short and to the point is beneficial in a few ways calling, disciplining, and mainly training, as your dog will become familiar with their name much quicker. Top 9 Pocket Bully Breeders: PupVines Finest Picks! If that means you search for an extra day or two, it will be worth it once you find the name your pup was truly mean to have. Are Ritz Crackers Safe For Dogs? Fuzz You can choose to share the meaning with others or keep it as a cute little secret you share only with your Chow Chow. Archie I like the Chinese custom of not naming a child until the parents have had a chance to observe the personality traits. And he is quite heavy. However, if you just cant decide between two or three names, you can always ask someone for help (your family members, friends, etc.). Here are our picks for the fizziest names fitting for any Chow Chow: Its hard to imagine your puppy without a name thats just as cute as they are. Known around the world for their distinct and distinguishing purple tongues and lips, they also stand out due to their curling, bushy tails and bear-like fur, which incidentally make them one of the best cuddling companions. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. His Chow Chow, Jofi, acted as a second-in-charge during his therapy sessions and was helpful when it came to calming down anxious patients, especially children. These dogs have been known as sled pullers, hunters, livestock guarders and, unfortunately for them, dinner. Avoid names which sound too similar to someone elses name. Here are a few royally inspired ideas for Chow Chow male names: Havent found the perfect Chow Chow dog name? Nicole even worked as a dog sitter during her travels through South America and cared for stray pups something she, Choosing a name based on this breed heritage is a unique and fun idea! They tend to be aloof with strangers and can be aggressive with other dogs, but are devoted and protective of their family. History made us know that the Chow Chow was originated from China. If a dog is called mans best friend, its owner should return the favor by giving it a proper name. The task of finding the right name for your pet is generally underrated. Here are some Chinese-originated Chow Chow names and their English translations, for your consideration: We list other equally interesting dog names in our Unique Dog Names article here. Heres What To Do, Answered by Dr. Olivia Speight, BVSc MRCVS (Vet), Dramamine For Dogs: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects, Urinary Blockage in Cats Signs, Symptoms and Solutions, Have a cat? Stay on top of cat food recalls here >, Have a dog? Brachycephalic (squashed face), droopy eyes, upright ears (naturally), body folds (wrinkles), Exercise Requirements: <20 minutes/day Energy Level: Laid Back Longevity Range: 10-12 yrs. Also, if your sibling got a pet before you and already used the name you wanted, I guess its better to find another name than to confuse your doggie during family gatherings. Its almost impossible to find a name that hasnt been used before, but there are ways to avoid those overly-used dog names you hear at least fifty times a day. Chow Chows were known as excellent guard dogs in ancient Asia, which is no surprise considering they share similar genes with wolves. With a degree in Education and a love for writing, Nicole aims to share her and others' expert knowledge with pet lovers worldwide with Hepper. Lets take a look at awesome names for this interesting breed that originated in China. Required fields are marked *. . 500+ Great Girl Dog Names for Your Gorgeous Little Lady, Pug Dog Breed Information- Characteristics & Other Facts, 30+ Top Game of Thrones Inspired Dog Names 2022, 101+ Swedish Dog Names for your Puppy and Their Meanings, 20 Gifts for Old Dogs That Will Make Their Golden Years a Bliss, 15+ Incredible Gifts For Poodle Lovers You Must Know (2022). For that reason, some new owners choose to wait until unique aspects of their new Chow Chows personality emerge, before providing them with the perfect title. If you prefer any of the names from this list, feel free to use them for your new best friend! If a miniature one of these ancient hunters is spreading paw love at your home, its time to name it! Miniature Schnauzers are square-bodied dogs with wiry coats. Your dogs name represents their best side as well as their right-hand status, so to speak. One of the names from our large list might just be the perfect match youve been searching for. 3. Each pet is an individual. Many of these names are unique, while others show up on the list oftop 100dog names. Chow chows are not usually social, outgoing dogs. The simplicity of usage and pronunciation are what make popular Chow Chow names so common among dog owners. If the names from our list of 100+ Chow Chow names werent quite right for your new pup, you might be inspired by one of our other dog names posts: Feature Image Credit: otsphoto, Shutterstock, 25 Hilariously Relatable German Shepherd Memes, 9 Natural Home Remedies for Dog Skin Allergies & Itching, How to Get Dog Pee Smell Out of Shoes & Boots (5 Proven Methods), My Dog Ate Raw Chicken! Patrick Here are some name ideas for your fluffy Chow Chow pup: If you havent found the perfect Chow Chow puppy name, head over to our Puppy Names article here, where we have 350 puppy names to choose from! Born in 2010, G.K. is the grandson of Marthas Chow Chow, Paw Paw, who passed away in a tragic fire. And after that Bear Sheba (after the name of a town in Israel). However, theyre also very loyal to their owners, and they know how to show gratitude. These rules of thumb help find the right name for any dog: A name might sound cool, but the fact of that matter is that youll be repeating it for your dogs entire life, and so a name which is a mouthful to say will become annoying to say very quickly. When naming your Chow Chow, its important to find a name that encompasses all of the above aspects of their quirky personalities. How Should I Introduce My Puppy to a Dominant Dog? Hepper.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice. The meaning of this exciting expression would be puffy-lion canine; hence, the lion dog reference. Stay on top of dog food recalls here >, Have a question? Names that sound similar to commands can interfere with your pups training. Hurry up before it turns into an independent dog! Ghenghis Khan was the founder of the Mongol Empire; khan means leader and Genghis Khan means supreme ruler. Sally Cream puff Find more dog breeds and dog care information at Hillspet.com. Do not choose a name that a family member bears or resembles any family members name. The best Chow Chow names are knocking on your door, and there are plenty of them! Tips for Families With Allergies. These regal fluffballs of delight are believed to have originated in Northern China where it was their job to act as noble guards of the temples. The best thing about Chinese names for lion dogs is that they are common in China, but theyre quite unique in the rest of the world. Waiting a week or two, so they can settle in and let their true self shine may be the only help you need in finding the perfect name! Chow chows are not usually social, outgoing dogs. When naming your Chow Chow baby, a short, unique name that you can easily pronounce is best to go with. Make sure not to call your cream Chow Chow Sway or Bit! Are you looking for name ideas for your newly-adopted male chow chow? holds close to her heart. Milo Want a cute name that ties to the dog history and roots? The noble leader has not only sired several litters, spreading Chow Chow puppy happiness all across America, hes also a champion show dog, earning himself the title of Best Breed at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 2012. RELATED: 500+ Great Girl Dog Names for Your Gorgeous Little Lady. Smiley Face. The chow chow has erect ears, a broad skull and a tail curled up over the back. Chow Chows are known as independent dogs that respect their owners but dont let them have complete control over them. The best name for your pet is generally the one you like the most, but it can also be a name that proudly stood the test of time and remained popular throughout different trends and fads. The Chow Chow is an easily recognized dog breed due to its distinguished look, which makes the breed stand out in a crowd. Marshmallow I hope you found at least one or two perfect names for your pet in this list of popular Chow Chow names. A more surprising fact is that these canines were once used for hunting mainly because today, theyre considered a non-sporting type of dog. But I loved the idea of naming him after the character from Star Wars, Chewbacca, so I may just call him Chewy. Theres nothing wrong with sticking to the proven recipe. [] are many other Chow Chow names that can describe the true nature of this big pup. Choosing the best name for your dog can be challenging, whether it is long or short. Read on for some of our ideas for Chow Chow names, including popular dog names, male dog names, female dog names, cute dog names, and more! Your email address will not be published. Do you want more name ideas or want a name that can match any gender? Or you cant make up your mind between two Chow Chow names? This is where we step in! Are you looking to name your newly adopted female Chow Chow, but youre confused about what to name her? Just got a new chow pup she is brown and white really fluffy. Special attention should be paid to keeping the eyes and the facial folds clean because the profuse coat can retain dirt and debris. Dogs arent referred to as mans best friend for nothing, and so every dog deserves a name which befits this status and highlights their particular characteristics. OEB Pitbull Mix: The Best Guide To Care, Grooming, And Health, Belgian Malinois Mixes 16 Crossbreeds To Check Out. Did you find the perfect ear-twisting name for your Chao Chao bear? Tendency to Drool: Moderate Tendency to Snore: Moderate to high Tendency to Bark: Low Tendency to Dig: Low Social/Attention Needs: Low, Length: Medium/short Characteristics: Double coat, straight Colors: Red, black, blue, cinnamon, cream Overall Grooming Needs: High, AKC Classification: Non-sporting UKC Classification: Northern Breeds Prevalence: Common. Therefore, if youre looking for popular Chow Chow names that no one can forget, check this list below: According to the names often given to lion dogs, as some people call these doggies, Chows are true royalty. Wait, thats it! Afghans generally weigh between 50 and 60 pounds. Schipperkes (pronounced SKIP-per-key) are small dogs weighing 12 to 16 pounds (five to seven kilograms). Is it silly, grumpy, or always hungry? 200+ Bichon Frise Names For Male And Female Puppies! However, if you are having trouble settling on just one, check out our helpful tips for some clarity: Keep in mind, these arent hard rules, just tips to help guide you and help make this exciting decision as easy and fun as can be for you. So, naming your pet after a Chinese name shows youre paying homage to its origin and shows your love and respect for the Chinese Culture and tradition. Chow chows are most commonly seen in red or black coloration, but any solid color is acceptable. Chow Chow dog names should highlight this ancient Chinese breeds best qualities. Chinese dog names are tailor-made for this puppy breed! Name your dog after your favorite person or thing. She is an amazing businesswoman and a big fan of this dog breed. With faces resembling that of a teddy bear, this breed originated in China and official name Songshi-Quan translates to fluffy lion dog. 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