Mixed-breed dogs are often less likely to develop some genetic problems because their parents originate from a more diversified genetic pool, making it less probable that harmful recessive genes would present in both parents. Youll usually have to pay a deposit of a few hundred dollars. You can check petfinder and your local shelter. Designer dog Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by george wilburn, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Richard Harpster. BEST DOG EVER!!! I believe this couldnt be more true: Did you know there is a definite difference between a male and female? Its possible that your Schnoodle will be more like one or the other parent. I LOVE what I'm doingits a lot of work, but I have met so many wonderful people over the years that I never would have met if I hadnt sold them a puppy. Well also answer the question of how big do Schnoodles get as well as talk about their health conditions. I welcome phone calls, emails, text messages, etc. Because this is a mixed breed, a hybrid between two purebred breeds, hybrid vigor is worth mentioning. You must make arrangements with me ahead of time. I love to stay connected with every family that buys a puppy from me. Had t put her down due to Lastly, we have the Standard Poodle which is above 15 inches tall. Because of that, Schnoodles have a long coat (or lets say its on the longer side), but some Schnoodles will have a wiry coat like their Schnauzer parent, while others will have a curly coat like their Poodle parent. We lost one this week and it feels like losing a human loved one. Please show me a fabulous Schnoodle, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Debbie Dowling, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Hgbbb, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Raymond Walters, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Mary Rader. At older age of 12 we moved from Fl. You will have to brush them once or twice a week, and bathing should only be done when necessary, but not more often than once a month. They are smart, loving and loyal. Write for us, or send us your guest post. My life is good, and I am blessed with many wonderful family members that support me and what I am doing. This mix is protective and makes a good watchdog just like the Schnauzer. dog A schnoodle is a cross between a schnauzer and a poodle The word schnoodle is a portmanteau word combining the two breed names. All of this can indicate an infection. For example, if two small purebreds are crossed, their offspring will be on the smaller size too. So make small sure children are never alone with the Schnoodle, especially if you have a large Schnoodle. Now, lets take a look at all of the possible health problems Schnoodles or Schnoodle puppies might face in their lifetime and the general health of their parent breeds. They make for good family companions and are exceptional with children and other pets. Easy to train and dog wanting to please it's owner. They are very social and friendly gentle and loves to be center of attention. Of course, purebred and mixed-breed dogs are also vulnerable to nongenetic diseases such as rabies, distemper, injuries, and parasite infestation. Mating a German Shepherd carrier of the defective gene with a dog from a breed that isnt known to have hereditary hip issues lessens the chances of having kids with the condition. Although it is non-refundable, choices in color, size, or gender can be changed. and are 8-10 inches in height. In fact, they are such bundles of joy that theyre described as the forever happy designer dog! Interesting fact: genetic markers can be used to determine how much of which breed is in your designer dog! They have a long waiting list for their, The scheduling helps to protect the puppies from any illness they might get from the visitors. Pitbull Please consider saving one of these dogs before you buy from me or any other breeder. All Rights Reserved. WE GET SO MANY REQUEST FOR FEMALE ONLY. Both of its parent breeds are great dogs with high intelligence, so Schnoodle puppies should be the same, right? However, its important to know where to get a, Making sure you get a puppy from a reputable breeder will make all the difference, no matter the breed. All puppies are sold as companions only. With mixed breeds, its always a bit difficult to predict what they will be like and even look like. Medications While there truly is! husky Does a male or a female make a better pet for you and your family? The Goldens Club is a place for dog lovers and owners across the globe to share photos and videos of their fur-friends! range when full-grown (a toy schnoodle). I have always had dogs but I think my schnoodles are my favorite breed of all. The most loyal and affectionate dog I've ever known. In todays article, were going to answer all of these questions and show you why Schnoodle puppies are a designer breed worth having! Remember, I loved your puppy before you even got to hold him, so please remember me as you raise and love your puppy. food dogs can eat Its a common misconception that allergies are caused by a dogs fur or hair itself. The Miniature Poodle is 11 to 15 inches tall and weighs 15 to 17 pounds, and it is a small dog breed. This will prevent any problems. Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Brady Carson, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Barbara Reid, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by SAM OLSEN, Miss my Party Schnauzer who died in December. So before making your decision on that age old dilemma of male verses female, hopefully this will give you some helpful info to think about. Does well with other animals. wiki. I miss mine terribly, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Judith Smith, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Eileen Weaver, Was extremely smart and the most loyal dog I ever owned, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Barbara Hamilton. Then happy to resume going out when I shoveled a 12" wide x 35 ft long walk to tree line. My schnoodles are typically 6-12 lbs. You can look for signs of infection on the skin and in the nose, mouth, and eyes. Bathe and groom them once or twice a week, or as needed. Although we will not be emotionally ready to adopt another until Spring of 2021, we can attest to the fact that Schnoodles are fabulous dogs. Males weigh 45 to 70 pounds, and females weigh 45 to 60 pounds. Its not the same when you introduce a five-year-old dog to your child as it is when you introduce a puppy. They are active and loyal dogs that will bring much joy to your house. Its almost impossible to do this with mixed-breed puppies, though. Would recommend this breed to anyone but take time to train and socialize and youll have a winner! Bedtime comes as soon as the sun goes down-but she has been the best dog anyone could wish for. Use only dog shampoo and conditioner to make their fur soft, silky, and smell good. He was already part of the family when I was born. But, we need to tell you right away. They often fold their ears close to their head. Had a Schnoodle absolutely wonderful. Great companion, loyal & devoted. But, allergies are actually caused by the dander thats found on a dogs skin or coat. Some are in high-kill shelters. Super cuddly, sweet as can be! Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Schnoodle, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by blanca aucapina, I love this puppy my house is ready for her this puppy is a gift for my kids :) contact me 774-289-3354 thankyuo, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Carol Olsen. According to the hypothesis of hybrid vigor, dogs of mixed ancestry will be healthier than purebred dogs. The beard will also be more noticeable (poodles also have a beard but it is usually shaved off.) puppies Crossing such a dog with another breed will most certainly result in dogs without these reproductive issues, but most experts on dog populations oppose procreation among crossbreeds and mixed breeds since there are currently so many purebreds and mixed breeds available for adoption. Their nose is always dark, too. Because they look so elegant, they are great for just being a fashion dog. A lot of people think that females are more passive and friendly and that they dont take part in fighting over dominance, which could NOT be farther from the truth. All my dogs are family members first before anything else. Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by carol burch. The males are very attached to their owners, tending to be more dedicated, reliable and less temperamental. Intelligent, playful little stubborn as young puppy but Kara has been fabulous. The Schnoodle is sometimes also called a Teddy bear dog, because of its uncanny resemblance to a Teddy bear! Is it a poodle and a Schnauzer.Do you have any Cockapoos? Hes turning 16 now. Its hard to predict how a mixed-breed puppy will look when it grows up. Maybe their humans didn't have time for them. In the same way, you should teach kids how to touch and approach dogs, you should also supervise any interactions between dogs and young kids to make sure there isnt any biting or ear or tail pulling on either side. and are 10-12 inches in height. purebred dogs So, if dander is the cause of dog hair allergies, then we can conclude that the following types of dogs cause no issues to humans: Dogs that dont shed Those dogs have a non-shedding coat that produces less dander. I do not sell to breeders. Dog food Of course, this list can only serve as an inspiration: Fluffy Corgi Puppies: What To Know Before You Buy One? Likes to "tell" on other animals when they are doing something wrong or dangerous (including the owner). I have a 10yr old miniature schnauzer and had rescued a Miniature schnoodle and had her only 4 1/2 years and she passed away. They are more sociable, more accepting of other pets, playful for years, and take quicker to children. This designer breed has a very high energy level and its a playful dog! The boys are more likely to act silly and more puppy-like, always wanting to play games, no matter what their age. The table turned I got very sickb and this baby is now my emotional support dog and a huge blessing. The dog doesnt understand why he isn't loved; why hes in a strange place. The good news is that socialization from puppyhood makes a big difference in how a dog thinks about other dogs and cats, and generally animals. When it comes to the color of their coat, it can be black, gray, silver, brown, white, apricot, sable, black and white, black and tan, and even parti-color. They require deposits dependent on the species of Schnoodle puppy chosen. Schnoodle colors include black, white, brown, grey, and apricot and red. Died age 161/2! Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Frances Maples, Yes we have a 3 year old male schnoodle, Teddy and we are thinking about getting a playmate. Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Carline, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Janella, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Mary Spiegel, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Cecilia Lawrence, Love schnoodles had anF1 schnoodle for almost 16 years. I got my mini schnoodle when he was a few months old when I was 11! Videos There are many different types of mixed-breed dogs. So smart and sweet. Some purebred dog breeds have issues due to the breeds excessive physical characteristics. Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Ann Alexander. Its not uncommon for people to believe that a female dog will make a better pet. One of many great characteristics of Schnoodles is that they shed minimally and their coat is very soft and quite wavy. Use the options below to find your perfect canine companion! Crossbreeds Mine only grew to 8 pounds and we love him and his chill attitude! The standard cut for schnauzers is to keep the fur short on their bodies and heads, but longer on their feet, belly, and snouts. Smart and easy to train, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Kayla griggs. Another good reason to bring in a lot of variety into exercise sessions is that youre exercising your dogs mind as well. Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by michael wong, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Julia Staples. Depending on the mom, some puppies may be in the 6-10 lb. food for dogs In short, because this is a mixed breed, there is less consistency among the dogs and their appearance. I have her picture and ashes on my hutch. She can be little temperamental when she is down for the night! document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2022Greenfield Puppies. I love them! We do not condone any puppy mills and strive to bring you only the best, well-loved puppies. Because miniature schnauzers have wiry hair that grows quickly, their coats will naturally become shaggy. And in certain situations, this may be accurate, since inbreeding among purebreds has rendered some breeds susceptible to a variety of hereditary health issues. Utica, Ohio 43080, United States, Address: Summerfield, North Carolina, USA. The mini Schnoodle is a mix between a Schnauzer and a Poodle. Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Janet Jones, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Maria Claricel. They are very cheerful, intelligent, and loyal. Which makes them great for people allergic to dog hair. One tip we can give you is to have a lot of variety when exercising your Schnoodle puppies, the same activities can get a bit boring over time. Best dog ever! We get a lot of calls for people wanting that special little girl. Blue Heeler Pitbull Mix: Working Family dog, A Comprehensive List of People Food You Can And Cant Feed Your Dog, Seven houseplants that can be dangerous to dogs, Everything You Need to Know About Dog Bites, Fish Oil For Dogs: Complete Supplementary Guide. All rights reserved. dog's diet We would be interested come the Spring of 2021 of adopting a mini Schnoodle from an East Coast Breeder like yourself. This breed was simply bred to be a companion dog. food Best Schnoodle Breeders in the United States! No dog, no matter how friendly, should be left alone with a child. Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by bibian koehler, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Katie, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Markis n Bernitta Rouse, Excellent family dogs playful loving and likes to go with family thinks they are the leader and protector of the family and home. NOTE: Visits are by appointment only! And by doing this youre making sure your dog wont have any behavioral problems. What is the average lifespan of a Schnoodle? Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by isabella miha, Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Bonnie J. Hammond. Dog behavior How is their personality, are they high maintenance, and most importantly how are they health-wise? In height, the Toy Poodle can be up to 10 inches tall. Canines that dont have hair With these dogs, its less likely that dander clings to them. Thats why we curated the best mini, Therefore, any interest would require a $300 deposit. Human food Theres nothing they would rather do than play with their family, cuddle and just spend time with their favorite people! Helping qualified owners find the perfect puppy. That way we can get a better picture of all the possible traits the puppies can inherit. Hair cuts every 6 weeks depending on the coat type. Advice Solid white is not allowed by the American Kennel Club. The Schnoodle is a very loyal, affectionate, and loving dog. Overall, Schnoodles are happy and healthy dogs, but they still might experience different health issues in their life. They are loyal like the Schnauzer (nothing like Schnauzer love) and fun-loving like the Poodle. Or didn't know what they were getting into before they got a dog. Schnauzers, in general, are some of the most well-known breeds on the planet. Great personality, size, and intelligent. I may be keeping a few 1st generation Schnoodle puppies to breed 2nd generation puppies like I did years ago. I have a 5 year old right now that is wonderful and I had a schnoodle before her that lived for 16 years. dog breed Generally speaking, they can have a coat that is black, white, brown, gray, or sable. These dogs are not there by choice; it isnt because they were bad dogs. She was so loveable. Neutered males rarely exhibit secondary sexual behavior such as marking and lifting their legs or humping. Their coats may require weekly brushing and combing evey week.. to ensure matting does not become an issue. For whatever reason they dont think that females will exhibit alpha behaviors like humping and/or marking. There is no guarantee that any dog will have no genetic disorderssince not all harmful genes are recessive. Besides these, your Schnoodle might experience the following health problems: To keep your dog healthy and happy you need to pay a lot of attention to the food youre feeding them. Chihuahua I owned a Mini Schnoodle for 9 years and enjoyed him so much. I am a first time dog owner or caretaker but this breed is a match for one like me. I am a little fussy I like nice markings. dog training Dogs But when kids are exposed to Schnoodles early, they get along great. The Poodle is a well-built dog with a square and well-proportioned body. You can also look at the feet. Look for a name that suits your dogs personality and something simple enough for them to remember. Cancer of the liver. Most fighting will usually break out between two females. NOTE: Within the breed, Toy schnoodles typically weigh 6-10 lbs. They are just such loving dogs, after having one for 16 years, we would never consider any other breed. Their eyes are oval-shaped and come in a dark color. Theyre just different sizes of the same dog. Dog health She was my best friend. www.WeLoveDoodles.com, The mini Schnoodle is a mix between a Schnauzer and a Poodle. Each of their mini, Address: 12182 Bruce Rd. This will most likely be Schnoodle to poodle. Dogs from both parent breeds are good with children and will probably become best friends with all kids. Once a week check your Schnoodles ears for dirt, redness, or a bad odor. Schnoodle-Miniature Breed Review by Linda Fabiani. Can you tell me your prices and if you have one. Golden retriever Schnoodles can have brown or hazel eyes and black or brown noses, but not both. These dogs are great for families because they love to play with kids and be the center of attention. Perfect with children. Keep an eye out for sores or rashes while youre grooming them. Puppies even from purebred breeds dont look much like the adult dogs they will become. Love They can be any size, weight, or color. But also know that all puppies need to get used to kids to be comfortable with them, too. vegetables Schnoodle puppy and how to find a reputable breeder. The Schnoodle is a dog to wish for! Because this is a mixed breed there are no set sizes for how big your Schnoodle will become, but, a general rule is: If a Schnoodle takes on more traits from their Poodle or their Schnauzer parent, they will look a little different. breeds when full-grown (a small miniature schnoodle). We have already said that this is a combination of a Schnauzer and Poodle. Your Schnoodle puppy wont have the same dietary needs as an adult Schnoodle dog. Additionally, they possess a mostly hypoallergenic and non-shedding coat inherited from their Poodle parent, making them perfect for pet owners who dislike dog hair. Thank you. It wont take a lot of time until the Schnoodle becomes the main attraction of the whole family. The Goldens Club is a web magazine about all dog breeds where we will try to collect all the subjects about our favorite breeds and try to answer all the questions together with our community, all of you. Miniature schnauzers dont disappoint when it comes to their body shape and wire-haired coat. You cant predict that. I do not ship puppies. In order to keep dogs from getting an ear infection, make sure that their ears are clean. while you are waiting for your puppy. A schnoodle puppy can take on the coat characteristics of either breed, such as developing the rough, coarse, wiry hair of the Schnauzer, the softer hair of the Poodle, or any intermediary coat. Because most genetic problems are widespread in many different breeds, it is difficult to ensure that mating any two dogs will not result in defects unless you know the health history of those two dogs ancestors and/or have had genetic testing performed on the dogs. mini schnoodle breeders in the united states. This is why its super important to buy from a reliable breeder, someone who will show you health clearances for both parents of the puppy, and not puppy mills or an irresponsible breeder. puppy If you already bought or adopted a Schnoodle dog, you might need some help in finding the right name for your pooch. Try to get high-quality food that is high in protein, as protein is important for all dogs no matter their breed. They love a long walk now and then, hikes and they make great jogging companions! This type of dog is a lot of work, and they need to be groomed often. These arent different breeds of dogs. Schnoodles make really good pets, and if you want to bring this dog home, you definitely wont regret it. So, there are three different sizes of the Schnoodle: Toy Schnoodles, Miniature Schnoodles, and Standard Schnoodles. He died on my 16th birthday. Hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia, hypothyroidism, and von Willebrands disease are only some of the health issues that are common among dogs, including Schnoodles. Most boys are easily motivated by treats/food, words of praise and are so eager to please that training actually becomes easier. Thats why we need to look at both parent breeds separately. miniature bull terrier breeders in washington state, , because of its uncanny resemblance to a Teddy bear dog, no what! Would never consider any other breeder called a Teddy bear dog, because of uncanny... Of its uncanny resemblance to a Teddy bear dog, you might need help. A mini Schnoodle is a combination of a Schnauzer and a huge blessing even... Out when I was 11 tell me your prices and if you already bought adopted. Breeds dont look much like the adult dogs they will become they shed minimally and their is! Evey week.. to ensure matting Does not become an issue need to be center of attention had. 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