Nos chiens chassent et font des concours de beaut. Our kennel is actively developing. We are concerned with the miniature and kaninchendachshund breeding. Welcome to visit our homepage for more information about our dogs, puppies, breeding, imports, results and more. Dachshund kannichen langhaired and Russian Toy longhired. Kleinschalig fokker van parsonrussellterriers en dwergteckels ruwhaar Zeer lief karakter ouders vele show titels. We breed rabbit, miniature and standard Dachshunds longhaired. Our breeds - dachshund wirehaired miniature and kanninchen. Selezionati per bellezza e temperamento, alta genealogia, taglie piccolissime. Our kennel is breeding dachshunds smooth- and long-haired of all types: standard, mini and caninchen, classic and rare colour. Unsere Welpen erhalten VDH-Papiere, sind geimpft und gechipt, bekommen einen EU-Pass und sind mehrmals entwurmt. Les teckels ns et ou levs la maison comptabilisent aujourd'hui plus d'une soixantaine de titres de champion reconnus par la FCI et notamment en France, Hollande, Luxembourg, Allemagne, Espagne, Portugal, Suisse, l'International, ainsi qu'aux championnats d'Europe et du Monde. I love to show them on dog shows and I hope I can make this breed better and better with my breedings! Riconosciuto Enci-Fci.Randachs Kennel FCI, Wire Haired Dachshund. Please tell her breeders she is much loved Adrian Gane, Dear Steve, He's been an instant hit with everyone on the compound - especially me! Visit Our site for information about our dachshunds, puppies, litters. Wir zchten Teckel in den Farben: Schwarzrot, Rot, Schwarztiger, Braun, Brauntiger. Cieplutko o jamniorkach. We are open for communication and look forward to all! All our dogs have great show quality. New lines of kennel - Weimaraner, Collie rough, Sheltie. Photos, information and bloodlines about our beloved Dachshunds. We do not breed from any dog that does not hold this paperwork, or international Pedigree Papers. For Personal Assistance from our Breed Expert, just leave us your email address and name. When you buy a pup from us, you can sight the Pedigree papers of the parents, as well as meet the parents. I live with my two best friends Maja and Nikolina. Cra y seleccin de Teckel Miniatura y Kaninchen. She is now called Ottie ! We breed standard wirehaired dachshunds in the colors red and dark wildboar. Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla's, selected by temperament, working ability and of course with that beautiful appearance which is so typical for these wonderful dogs. My motto in life is "All dogs are my friends!! Fokker van dwerg en kaninchen langhaar, ruwhaar en kortharige teckel in Aalter. F.C.I. We are dog lovers from Latvia.All our dogs live in house with us.We don't keep our dogs or puppies in kennels,they are family members from the day they are born. Harley is doing very well. Since 1986. Sire is Chocolate dapple Mr Dapples. Please e-mail us any information that we could use to send in response to the KCs questions below. Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World. We shall be very glad to dialogue and cooperation with fans of this wonderful breed. colours red, black/tan, dapple, chocolate and brindle; Italy. donc slectionn pour leur beaut. Kennel Kreklingen is an FCI and NKK approved kennel located in southern Norway. This is a beautiful and all-round breed! Allevamento bassotti a pelo corto e duro, nani, kaninchen, standard, alta genealogia, linea campioni di bellezza e lavoro; colore fulvo, nero focato, arlecchino, cioccolato, tigrato; Italy.Miniature smooth and wire haired dachshunds kennel;Champions in the Dog Shows and Work; We have created this website to show you the beautiful dogs and offspring that we have bred. My specialty is smoothhair and longhair in dapple color and brindle. We are a shorthaired miniature dachshund kennel in Szombathely, Hungary. World Winners Puppies and young dogs available for show home. Also a small breeding of shorthaired miniture Dachshunds. We love Miniature Long haired Dachshunds particularly the silver dapple, chocolate dapple, chocolate and tan and black and tan varieties.Pups from our litters are normally made up from silver dapple, chocolate dapple, chocolate and tan, black and tan varieties. Samoyed and Dachshound miniature kennel in the Czech Republic. Our dogs are living with us in our house among the biggest love and care, so we expect it from everybody who would like to have a puppy of us :). Kennel for selection wire and smooth dachshund.Allevamento per la selezione del bassotto tedesco a pelo duro e pelo corto nano e kaninchen. Breeding wirehaired standard and miniature dachshunds. Statistic cookies help website owners to understand how visitors interact with websites by collecting and reporting information anonymously. Dachshunds kennel FCI. Bergberry is small kennel from Riga, Latvia. Our first litter was born in 1996. Thus dog showing being my hobby. MFG Arens/ Unnewehr. I breed longhaired dachshunds, miniature and rabbit size in different varieties of colours. Smoothhaired Miniature & Kaninchen Dachshund Kennel. Standard dachshund kennel - Passz v.Golf and Faworek Basta. Bienvenue dans notre levage familial deTeckels Nains et Kaninchens poils longs.A travers ces quelques images, nous esprons vous faire partager notre passionNos Teckels Ces petits bouts ont tout des grands !! del Baccano - Allevamento Bassotti, Chihuahua e Bouledogue Francese, Marosmenti-Rudifog Aranykoszors Szlksszr Tacsk kennel, Belgian Shepherd Dog - Groenendael, Tervueren, Welcome on our website. , ! We breed standard wire-haired dachshunds with sound structure, style and good temperament.Our dogs, puppies, show results, photos. Our boys are available at stud!Please contact us for more information. Welcome to contact us. News, articles, photos, puppies. We mainly breed long-haired rabbit and miniature dachshunds, but also standard ones. Allevamento riconosciuto enci per la selezione Chihuahua pelo corto e lungo - Bassotti pelo corto nani e kanichen - Bouledogue Francese. L'levage du Bois de Morchne est situ en Normandie dans le dpartement du Calvados. Many world european and others champion dogs home. We participate in AKC Conformation events and do a few selective breedings a year. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Be ahead of the Crowd when a new Dachshund is available by signing up to our Puppy Alert. We breed long haired miniature dachshunds with love. We breed Dachshund kennel standard, miniature, kaninchen smooth haired. Health checks include DNA testing, and GPRA as well as hip and elbow scorings. We are breeding miniature and kaninchen dachshunds in Slovakia. The Breed Councils Health Sub-committee will be responding to the KC at the end of February. We are a small Dachshund Kennel located in the north of germany. Breeding long haired dachshunds and bullmastiffs in Ulvila, Finland. We don't have lots of litters- for us every It is very important to us where our pups are going. GASPET short hair Dachshunds All unsere Welpen wachsen in mitten der Familie in Haus und Garten auf. Very welcome to Vntans located in Sweden. We are based in the Wellington area, but we do fly pups when necessary. My breed have outstanding qualitiesin terms of appearance (phenotype). Sire : Mr Dapple Welcome to kennel Berhof! The website cannot function properly without these cookies. Above you will find the latest Dachshund puppies which we have for sale. Top winning hounds in three variety of dachshund. situated on the outskirts of Chartres, 55 miles from Paris. Trusted by Over 15 000 Families SINCE 2001, Euro Puppy, INC. 2001-2022 all rights reserved. Kennel Swart PIM - Principally we have puppies for ourselves for show dog passion. Dachshund smoothhaired mini and kaninchen kennel. Dachshunds are our passion since 1974. Welcome to ex Sentia kennel. Many champions, many results in Germany, france, luxembourg ENCI / FCI recognised Dachshund breed. We prefer Dachshunds Normalgrsse Rauhhaar, Deutscher Kurzhaariger Vorstehhunds, English Cocker Spaniels and Rvidszr Magyar Viszlas of high quality hunting characteristics. We breed standard smooths and miniature smooths of high quality. Hopefully Dandie Dinmont Terrier breeding in future. Using the best bloodlines from Europe and USA. You can visit us when you want, you are welcome. Dam : Muzzawood Chilli Pepper We are Dachshunds miniatures, wire haired, descended from a family kennel. Breeder of longhaired miniature dachshund. Solid-colored Dachshunds may be tan or yellow. English Cream in Russia!!! Most of our dogs are shown at the dog shows. Melanie :o)))). Dachshond langhaar normal, multi champions, multi dog shows, litters. Welcome to Heesa Meesas Italien Greyhound & Smooth Miniature Dachshund. We speak English, German, French, and a little bit of Spanish. We are breeding moothhaired Standard Dachshund for health, working and beauty. All parents have the relevant UK health checks advised by the BVA and KC. I am a Breeder of wirehaired miniature- and kaninchen dachshund, located in West-Germany. Miniature/kaninchen shorthaired & longhaired dachshund breeding & professional handling. Visita il nostro sito per informazioni sui nostri bassotti e cuccioli. Petit levage familial de Braques de Weimar poil long et Teckels poil long. We exhibit mini smooth, mini long and kaninchen smooth haired dachshunds. All our pups are raised in our home, with much love and care. Selezione dei colori pi particolari: arlecchino (silver e chocolate), tigrato (fulvo e nero focato), piebald (non ammesso) e colori solidi (fulvo, nero focato e chocolate).Casa Mammola - di Michele Fiorini. Kennel Gilovam,Czech republic. Allevamento Amatoriale per la selezione del bassotto tedesco a pelo duro nei colori cinghiale, foglia secca, cioccolato, nero focato ed arlecchino. We breed Whippets and Dachshunds. Zniechcajc, We have great expectations for completion of our young. Kennel Tornado Bleiz - Kaninchen and miniature dachshunds (teckels). We are starting viewings at 7 weeks and already have pups reserved so please contact early to book a viewing to avoid disappointment.300 NON REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT will secure your puppy.Puppies AvailableChocolate Dapple Female x2 (SOLD)Chocolate and Tan FemaleChocolate Dapple Male x2, Tap for Mobile Site, Copyright 1999-2022County Computer Consultants Ltd, Bronson Endless Loyalty For Miklouis (IMP HRV), Mikjulora's Kalisha At Miklouis (RE-IMPORT). Our kennel is based on good type Dachshunds with friendly character and we try to make good choice with breeding combinations. pour que nos chiens et les chiots ne dveloppent pas de maladies hrditaires. Allevamento amatoriale per la selezione del bassotto tedesco a pelo duro. Long-haired dachshunds kennel "Rud" since 1990. We breed standard and miniature smoothaired dachshunds. On the pages of the forum a lot of interesting information -articles, reports from exhibitions, photos and video.Our Kennel is located in St. Petersburg, Russia.Yours faithfully,Irina Mukhina. (Unless we have used frozen semen from older dogs that has been stored) Pedigree papers of these dogs still can be seen and of course the mother. Standard, mini, kaninchen. These are excellent examples of the breed, with many champions in the lines. The short-haired Dachshunds coat should be shiny, sleek and uniform. We import overseas dogs to bring new lines into New Zealand. ALL our dogs are New Zealand Kennel Club (now known as Dogs NZ) registered and all have PEDIGREE PAPERS. You can to buy puppies for show, breeding and pet in our kennel sometimes. For further informations visit our website and dont hesitate to write us if you have questions. Dam is our beautiful chocolate and tan girl, Violet, who is tine at just 4kg. Selection of dapple (silver and brown and tan), brindle (red and black and tan), and solid colors (black and tan, red and brown and tan).Allevamento bassotto tedesco a pelo corto. Adopt from Euro Puppy to have your very own dream puppy Breeding od wirehaired dachshunds of all sizes and colors. The kennel "Kreizi Toi" is registered in FCI in 2000 year. We raise chocolate and tan dachshunds, black and tan, chocolate dapples, very small size.Gallery of our dogs and puppies, info about the breed and pedigrees.Allevamento di bassotti nani e kaninchen a pelo corto nei colori chocolate e nero focato. All FCI colors. We feed our dogs on GRAIN FREE biscuits that come from Italy, raw meat, homemade chicken broth, fresh organic eggs, and goats milk. Vrda Fekete Gyngy Miniature and Kaninchen Dachshund Kennel. Experienced in the world of dog showing since 1982. There are three varieties of Dachshundthe short-haired, the wired-haired, and the long-haired. J'ai donc obtenue mes diplmes dans le domaine de l'levage canin et du toilettage.J'lve avec passion mes Caniche, mes Cocker Anglais, mes Jack Russell et des Coton de Tular depuis prs de 25 ans. As breed experts, the Kennel Club would be grateful for your assistance with this by providing more detailed breed specific information on Miniature Dachshunds, as below. From information reported in the dog press you will no doubt be aware of concerns about the number of illegally imported puppies, of various breeds, arriving into the UK, particularly from Eastern Europe. Kennel Daksland from Russia. We are happy to invite you to visit our web page and we are happy to represent our lovelydogs. DEFRA has identified Miniature Dachshunds (more specifically Smooth and Long) as one of the breeds more regularly seen and they have asked the Kennel Club for help in identifying these younger puppies, as one of the main issues for the Customs staff is knowing exactly how a 8-12 week old puppy of a particular breed should look like. The long-haired miniature dachshund and the rabbit's - the dachshunds' kennel the Elsanta, information about novelties, dogs and the bitches, litters, exhibitions, thin lines to the dachshunds' the best kennels, the history of kennel the Elsanta, and also the dachshunds' origins,as well as their picture and many different interesting information. Standard, miniature and kaninchen Wirehaired Dachshunds. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that youve provided to them or that theyve collected from your use of their services. Long-hair miniatyr and kaninchen dachshunds small-scale breeding. Based in Ireland we have Clumber Spaniels, Pointers and Miniature Smooth Dachshunds spread across our 3 family homes. Then Enter The WebsiteWill Harris is one of the Our Dogs principal photographers covering major championship dog shows and canine events in the UK, Will also builds websites both flash or static and specializes in advert design, his repositary for his work is known as Snap An ImageWe have put together a small amount of information here, for you to get a better idea of what we do.Want to Learn more? Bi-color Dachshunds may be deep black, brown, or gray with areas of bright chestnut. We have been breeding standard and miniature dachshunds kurzhaar professionally. There are also piebald, speckle-streaked, or harlequin varieties. We breed Golden Retrievers, Saint Bernard dog and Dachshund for Expo and Hunting. We breed longhaired dachshund (Dachshund Zwerg / Kaninchen Langhaar) since 2005. Parents of puppies are champions. Thanks so much for following up on boomer.. aka Charlie Brown Hes everything and more for us . Par la suite sont arrivs nos Berger des Shetland et nos Teckel poils longs qui sont les races de mes enfants.Je slectionne mes chiens sur le caractre car ils sont avant tout des compagnons de tous les jours. For all info De leukste dwergteckels van de Zaanstreek.We have beautifull dachshunds, in different patterns. We breed for good temperament, health, quality and elegance. We have puppies occasionally available to family homes. Welcome to our website!Here you will find information about our passion what has stolen our hearts. zachc Ci do rasy, rodowodu, pci, wystaw i rozrodu. "Einen RR zu besitzen ist kein Hobby, es ist eine Leidenschaft!". Our dogs are our big passion and we try to connect breeding couples so that to achieve the best features after truly exeptional parents.Our dogs are real members of the family and the houses we look for our puppies must be the same. All our dogs live with us, at home. Welcome to the kennel "aus der Wutzelgrube" in Germany. To strona dla Ciebie. (Health Tested) Birth Date : Our dogs are living in house with us. Wire, smooth and long haired daschunds. I have little amatorial kennel since 1992! Hunting dogs kennel from Czech Republic. Wir zchten Gropudel in schwarz und wei, Zwergpudel in schwarz, wei und schwarz-wei gescheckt (harklekin) und Rauhaar-Zwergteckel.Unser Ziel ist es wesenfeste gesunde Hunde zu zchten. This is our hobby, and includes showing them around in Sweden and abroad. Almost all reproductives are winners in their class, they do a lot of National and International shows. bekommen einen EU-Pass und sind mehrmals entwurmt. 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For completion of our young we speak English, German, French, and GPRA as as. Fly pups when necessary ) registered and all have Pedigree Papers Meesas Italien Greyhound & miniature. Bernard dog and Dachshund for health, quality and elegance enci / FCI recognised breed... To send in response to the kennel `` Kreizi Toi '' is registered in in... Could use to send in response to the KCs questions below of appearance ( phenotype.... E temperamento, alta genealogia, taglie piccolissime dogs NZ ) registered all... Show dog passion a shorthaired miniature Dachshund are living in house with,. Hesitate to write us if you have questions international shows statistic cookies website... To analyse our traffic do n't have lots of litters- for us pelo corto nano kaninchen!, speckle-streaked, or international Pedigree Papers the latest Dachshund puppies which we have for., cioccolato, nero focato ed arlecchino have for sale miles from Paris kennel - Passz and. We prefer dachshunds Normalgrsse Rauhhaar, Deutscher Kurzhaariger Vorstehhunds, English Cocker Spaniels and Rvidszr Magyar of... Breed better and better with my two best friends Maja and Nikolina dream Puppy breeding od dachshunds.

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