She continues to go with me daily and bank customers love her. The studbook gives us plain facts. We are very proud of him, especially since he is not even a year old yet. Shehas retrieved ducks inicy ocean waters, butprefershunting grouse and ptarmigan in the woods and mountains. Job well done Flaments!! From the pictures you can see Champ did well with his training. and video many times and kept getting the same feeling every time; I had to She loves to hunt for birds and will chase even a feather for miles. Doug was good enough to deliver Tucker to the airport for his long journey home with George. she sometimes appears to have springs on her feet. me. Saturday Night Goldtop Baileys Comet (Bailey) is a loving, people crazy pup. } Bill told me a long long There is no explanation of the Ladykirk Breed in the studbook itself, but closely connected with it is a loose sheet of Guisachan writing paper, which Lady Pentland has also sent me, with jottings in Sir Dudleys own handwriting, dating from after 1884. Tana is now 3 years old and The Natural History Museum has no record, but Dr. Parker, Keeper of Zoology, has most sent me a quotation from Ash, 1927, Dogs, Their History and Development. experience with one of your dogs, please never hesitate to share my contact She really works Helena & Miles City, MT. He Uncle Ed would be proud of Sadie!! I attached a few pictures of her for you. 21 June 2013 side hunting ducks on a nearly frozen river in Pennsylvania. At 13 Beau plays again and Gracie knows to be gentle. He is such a great dog in every way, such a part of the and go to work. She is If ever anybody would like to speak to me regarding my One story is that Sir Dudley purchased at Brighton about the year 1868, from a dog trainer in a traveling circus, three yellow dogs. We brought Jack home in early August and by mid-November he Since we drove home with her in the car for 11 hours she has been a lot of fun and not too much trouble. Cody came into rescue from a breeder/puppy millwhen he was 7 weeks old with "Puppy Strangles". Stella is our language. This is my Maci report. December 2015 - Update from Steve Tedford, Fargo, ND about Saturday Night Montana Sparkle (Tana). you and Doug. Just thought you might like to know Bailey got her first two legs for her Junior Hunter this weekend. If this is your first time visiting our site, every state page on LPB (thats shorthand for Local Puppy Breeders) has a complete list of every single local breeder that we have identified in that state. My girlfriends son kept asking me to get a Jill was great and kept us updated with pictures and videos of Tucker until it was time to take him home. Jill and Doug have definitely done their research and have spent the time and money to establish excellent breeding lines, ensuring the longevity of the breed. I would not hesitate to purchase another dog from them, or to recommend them as potential breeders. Coming from a guy who has seen it all and who makes his living off of for 2019, and $20 for 2021. their new families. Jill & Doug, She really is very close to being able to complete the Master tests I keep in touch with Maunty Karp from Ringneck Kennels who helped train Stella and it sounds like he trained another couple Saturday Night pups this year and continues to really appreciate your breedings. We opened bird season on September 1, when Teal was 5 1/2 months old (younger than I would normally start a dog to gun - but he was ready). Thanks for a great dog. Saving a Pets Life.One Paw at a Time! and laugh all of thetime and I am so grateful to have been given a Thank you! to their new homes and Kate has a litter coming up. He is She ended up getting her CKC Sr. Hunter Title and her NARHA Working Dog correct one if it tell him to FIND it (I think find is his favorite word!). She is extremely attentive and learns any new command with great ease, usually with just 3 or 4 repetitions. We all looked at each other like did that just happen? Kai is a little tracking machine. Thought I would give you another quick update on Stella She had a very Because we wanted to find a field trial dog and possibly start our own kennel , we were really careful about our choice. We hunted one or two hunters, all wild birds, all public-accessible lands. him to come out and warm up. just a short trip to the store for milk. on my lap to audition, I knew he was going to make a great companion. a nice pattern and doesn't stray too far away. is a strong hunter. She is able to adjust her personality, even as a puppy, to meet the needs of her company. the better. Sarah and I had a blast going Plans are to pheasant hunt him for the next 60 me. Cloud, MN He loves his chew toys to this day but he never chewed anything that he Since that day Ruckus has completed a field training program He has a strong nose, As we tell him, we hit Thanks for breeding such great dogs! We drove to Miles City to pick them all up in minus 10 degree temps. It's widely available, so pick up a copy if you see one, here is the link to grab one on Amazon, or you can download the audiobook version here. His swimming progressed until the pond iced And weknow this because she had us trained within a couple of months! We made the feathers fly hunting over our Maci pup this season. Coming from a guy who has seen it all and who makes his living off of birthday (Babe & Lucky 21 June 2013) and I just had to write to tell you From the pictures you can see Champ did well with his training. their new families. Thanks again. Uncle Ed would be proud of Sadie! On New Years Day we had a spay/neuter clinic and the pups went to their foster homes. We are so thankful to Doug and Jill for their assistance in picking out a puppy for us that matched our personalities and lifestyle. days, then switch him to duck hunting for Dec and Jan. We're going to keep training through August and count down the days I found myself reflecting about this other day as he and I sat side by We drove from Minnesota to Montana to see the well-managed, clean, impressive kennels and dog. She is so driven to please at such an early that I did my homework and found Saturday Night Golden Retrievers and you! Never before had Bill and I seen The first entry runs: Topsey, out of Cowslip, by Tweed Tweed water spaniels Zoe, out of Topsey, by Sambo. I have attached a few photos of her from the field this year. A Golden two paws up! you know how happy we are with Remi. wanders around enjoying every moment. She also earned a "ribbon of merit" (essentially 5th place) in another trial. margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;} You can't help but laugh and unwind. begins splashing, playing, looking at me like, hey, throw my toys to She has been easy to train, and we have started entering her in field trials. We continued with a few more hunt tests again this summer and she did great. Maci, 9 months with grouse - Sept. 2010 9 months with family and grouse 10 months and pheasants-10/10 Goldenstock 2019 and 2021T-shirts make an excellent Christmas present. Come and join us on your dog training journey. But they were shy breeders, produced few puppies, and the strain died out. We just dont see this kind of Tana. This is a very smart dog, good at problem solving. She ended up getting her CKC Sr. Hunter Title and her NARHA Working Dog Im sure you have been on the weather roller coaster much like we have been in Colorado. get around very well. you so much for the opportunity of having him in our lives. But the belief that a Russian dog originated the strain is not borne out by dates, for Nous is to be found in the studbook as early as 1865, where he is described as Lord Chichesters breed. But, he quickly began to teach Gracie puppy manners and we firmly She loves the water and loves jumping in the water to retrieve her We have another child on the way in March so Stella will have to adjust again but we know she'll be fine. to Bozeman elk hunting and she had a blast at camp, we also were up The trainer was very impressed with her bird drive mentioning impressive run of hunt tests this summer. Black, wavy-coated retrievers, and in certain circles in the south of Scotland, black Labradors, were in great vogue. I learned of them through research, as my 7-year-old golden was sick and I knew I'd be losing him. near Harlowton deer hunting. son Jake is as impressed with Ruby as I am, and that's why he contacted you about a puppy. These awesome 100 % cotton T-shirts come in all sizes from Medium to XX Large . His nose is startling; She is fearless in the field and any to my bird hunting and recharged my enthusiasm for the sport. I have hunted this dog in every say that Gracie has to be the happiest dog we have ever known. and wants to do well in everything we ask of her. Sign up to hear from us about events and upcoming announcements.Dont get caught snoozing! She's had a couple of live birds and she handled them well. {margin:0in; Sancho, however, was clearly a failure; so much so that Sir Dudley never troubled even to make a note about his origin. Gracie out shejumps out the SUV and runsto the pool, jumps in and Jill and Doug were very open with me, answered all of my questions, and are very personable people committed to their dogs. partridge in the woods along the road. Report a broken link or other error here. so aggressively that he is typically airborne on the birds tail. Gracie is a lover and great companion; she is very content and happy. Honestly, I She adjusts to every situation we put her into with grace and confidence. Master's and there's no need to rush it. Congratulations to all of you, and we wish you well as you move to Senior! Had planned to be over there last weekend, but snowstorm changed my plans went to Loma for quick goose hunt instead. Saturday Night Judith River's Red Son - Annie/Finn Litter, October 2011Matt Upperman - Ashburn, VA RuckusJanuary 8, 2013 imaginable condition so far. Cody came into rescue from a breeder/puppy millwhen he was 7 weeks old with "Puppy Strangles". This certainly suggests a spaniel-like conformation; and some of the earlier yellow dogs had curly coats. I Jill was great, and answered all our questions. Gus and I were invited on an eastern Oregon pheasant hunt in mid December. a shock collar on her, and I think that will be the case with her. a member of our family and we wouldn't trade her for anything! he gave Crocus to his son, Edward Marjoribanks, and Ada to my father. An out-cross bitch, probably about 1895, was given to my father, I think by Lady Breadalbane. years of experience in breeding are a great asset to a new puppy owner, as We were looking for a pet as well as a hunting companion. Sadie at 5 months Sadie at 3 months daughter of Nous and Belle and own-sister to Cowslip and to Edward Marjoribankss Crocus. The last named was the first of the Ilchester line, which will be dealt with separately later in the article. Gracie is doing great and we are enjoying our Their kennel is immaculate, and their care of their dogs is self-evident. He and our other two goldens are the best of friends. To meet other Golden parents that are as enthusiastic about Goldens. & Finn Fall 2011) home to Virginia. I home, he was wading in the water and picking up twigs. also have some pictures of her from last year at 5 months old and hunting that side hunting ducks on a nearly frozen river in Pennsylvania. He and I usually hunt together although last long. I went through every comment, photo, testimonial sometimes overwhelming. Up to the end of the last century they were a rarity, and I am probably the only person alive who can remember even the second generation of the yellow breed which belonged to Sir Dudley Courts Marjoribanks, of Guisachan, Inverness-shire. We plan to train her in obedience, possibly rally and wed like to use her as a therapy dog. Spokane, WA greatly as I saw the awesome dogs they produced the first time around! Not only will she be a great hunter, she will also, be trained as a therapy dog. stole my heart and began to amaze me from the get go. It is while we walk our road that I see what Kalispell's BEST source for high-quality, wholistic pet foods, supplements & awesome gear for the conscientious pet owner. Local Puppy Breeders is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to partridge in the woods along the road. Thank you Doug and Jill for our precious Miss Sarah!! We both feel so lucky to have found youand your beautiful Right now, I am thinking that an excellent symbolic first day of retirement is September 1, the beginning of a new season, so that is the mark on the calendar. His good genes and Sir Dudley, who was brother to my grandmother, the Hon. say that Gracie has to be the happiest dog we have ever known. body.hmmessage Goldens that you raise. be quite special when he hits his prime. second opportunity to own a special golden. hislife. the field, she transforms into a hunting machine! Dear Jill and Doug, Tana and I have She has been a wonderful addition to our home. We always Bruce and AmandaJackman The Flaments were wonderful to She won't eat There is not one word to describe Gracie. Gracie out shejumps out the SUV and runsto the pool, jumps in and He readily adapted to crate training and house training. When I found myself in the search for a puppy after I lost I've taken her to the university where I work, to a local outdoor mall, to dog parks and outdoor markets. We receive comments frequently about her elegant appearance and her great behavior. She is also a great fishing companion. She kind of owns the bank and We also found these characteristics most strongly marked in the Ilchester breed. days, then switch him to duck hunting for Dec and Jan.Bill and Glenda SmithTacoma, WA Kai was not a participant but an observer. thought it was about time for a Gracie update. listens extremely well, and has an amazing understanding of the English the only dog that passed. season We are hoping that someday she might find "gold." 58 pheasants, 22 sharp-tailed grouse, and 3 huns, and she only losta single crippled bird. Bonneville County Sherifs Search and Rescue me as nervous as running a hunt test. { it became clear to me that I had to have one. Hope you and Doug have a Merry Christmas! He and Grady are best buddies and love to play together.I could go on and on about how wonderful a dog Dawson is. After much research on the internet, we contacted Saturday Night Golden Retrievers. Services are at no cost to the veteran. time together. Proud Update Fall 2014 - Stella is now a Master Hunter! Our thanks go out to Jill and Doug (and Babe and Finn) for making it a great experience and for producing a wonderful pet and best friend. So far, he is doing great- he has the drive of a good retriever, and we are very proud of his progress. a member of our family and we wouldn't trade her for anything! She goldens. Stella is our a talented field dog he is. tests with no fails. Also, Gracie about all for this time. The look of adoration and love is Jack is truly an intelligent, calm, athletic thrown pigeon (first ever bird) to hand. We train as often as possible, usually 3 -5 days a week and he hates when a session ends. From When Jack was a young pup, he just sort of crashed through the woods and laugh all of thetime and I am so grateful to have been given a We put a red ribbon around her and named her Fenway. a shock collar on her, and I think that will be the case with her. I want to close with this. Teal is a very social dog - curious about everything, very alert, and very friendly. goldens. So far I havent even had to use or think about using me forever. We researched different lines of hunting golden retrievers but were most impressed with Saturday Night Golden Retrievers. see Kate having another litter - she produces exceptional pups!! We spent 2 weeks in June at Tracking/Cadaver seminars and this weekend he will be learning how to search for drowning victims from a boat. Saturday Night Amazing Grace II, what a girl! Her paintings come from her heart. Gus is fitting in the same mold nicely and from the time we brought him home weve been picking up his retrieves. Thank you saw during those tests between the double marks and blinds, we were just so has so many positive attributes; smart, funny, caring, driven, loving. to learn something new. Saturday Night Lucky Jack - Babe/Lucky Litter, June 2012, Saturday Night Judith River's Red Son - Annie/Finn Litter, October 2011, Saturday Night Montana Sky - Lily/Finn Litter - October 26, 2010, Saturday Night Montana Sparkle - Annie/Finn Litter - June 22, 2010, 10-8-11 - Tana on Opening Day 11/2013 - Tana hunting in NE Montana - a good day's hunt for pheasants. We strive to provide cutting edge endodontic care in a safe, friendly, and comforting environment. Its I was out there for work and there just happened to be a hunt test so I put her on the plane with me. From the moment he came into our home, he became a loved member of our family. She had an incredible 3rd place finish in the qualifying against a field of 21 other dogs. Saturday Night Golden Retreiver kennel has great hunting dogs!! until he could find the other. Maci works the cover well, back and forth, and does it naturally without being taught to do so. Saturday Night Amazing Grace II, what a girl! He has an incredible nose and unbelievable drive to hunt all day. and Deziray OlsonMinot, Training has been easy and he is always ready my banker gear pulling up to the house. She retrieves the bird well, grabs it and brings it to me and doesn't mess around. send pictures once in awhile. font-size: 10pt; Gus is the third golden Ive had over the last 40 years. Tana is sure turning out to be an George, UtahSaturday Night Montana Sparkle - Annie/Finn Litter - June 22, 2010 10-8-11 - Tana on Opening Day 11/2013 - Tana hunting in NE Montana - a good day's hunt for pheasants15 1/2 months old Tana is 3.5 years old in this photoNovember 25, 2013 handlers in the States and Canada, possibly in the world living close to Today we are celebrating Saturday Night Lucky Jacks first Kenai, Alaska Are you a breeder who isnt listed? phone and email as I shared my feelings,mystory and pictures of our She is so smart and eager to please. season. family and my best buddy for sure. With myself, Just over a year has gone by since I brought Ruckus (Annie She is a beautiful girl - as her glamour shots will reveal, but more importantly she has a fabulous temperament and personality. Training Dawson is so much fun because he has a strong work ethic and catches on very quickly. On the second day he got up his first rooster and went for the retrieve. know?! On to Irish spaniels are mentioned in 1843; and deerhounds supersede greyhounds for the first time in 1848. and loving dog. He has been Annie and Finn were the most current litter of pups that Her consistency was amazing!! It is always our goal to ensure our customers and their pets leave happy. Her And might not Sir Dudley, having already a magnificent dog, Nous (i.e., wisdom), in his kennels have decided to try a dog of similar colour from the circus? Hope you and your family enjoy excellent Christmas holidays, and Ill look forward to visiting with you as soon as I can get over to Lewistown. December 2015 - Update from Nick Hawkins, AB, CAN about Saturday Night Stella Marie MH. He She She retrieves the bird well, grabs it and brings it to me and doesn't mess around. Houston, Bill and I had found the right breeder, when I was ready. Anyways just because Gracie is very much a lap dog. He is When Tucker was ready to come home, George flew from our home in Stuyvesant, New York, to Billings, Montana. I'm happy to Just thought I would drop you a quick note. You should see her when I come home. up, but it was ice out in mid April and Jack has been swimming every day Sincerely, She makes me smile flushing anything he could find. know?! Teal is a very social dog - curious about everything, very alert, and very friendly. My passion for horses, and my love for the animals and wildlife that make Montana and the West their home, are truly my inspirations, and what I feel compelled to paint. Elli is our second Golden and is a far superior dog than our first. There he was told that the dogs were with the sheep on the high ground at that season of the year. mile-long dirt road pretty much paradise for a dog and his companion. the proud Dam, Sire and pups in May. I want to close with this. {font-family:Calibri; Considering how many different variables that we I think this pup can be a really good bird dog. As we tell him, we hit He was born March 17th, 2009,and I picked him up the third week of May. too and we didn't know how it would go over bringing a rambunctious They are a contemporary expression of her subject matter, both through her choices of vibrant color, and even the use of very little color, yet more gestural lines, and the textures and marks that she makes. After a lot of hours researching bloodlines and looking for the right golden for us, we decided on Saturday Night Golden Retrievers. Earl is from Lily and Finn. She has more drive to hunt and has not had any of the health issues that plague our other dog. May 16, 2015 - Update - Bailey is now a Master Hunter! also knows the names of five of his different toys and will retrieve the do check your website out now and again, it is fun to see the new litters etc. They talked of the arrival of Nous in 1868; but as he was already there, perhaps Sancho was the dog of which they spoke. Bonneville County Sheriffs Search and Rescue Home of the most amazing staff ever ! {mso-style-priority:99; I checked my log book and my log shows that Teal hunted with me 31 days, and retrieved 46 birds, in his first season - no birds lost, and several birds retrieved that were still very much alive. A mysterious dog, Sancho, April, 1868, appears at the bottom of the list for that year. I have started training him in agility and tracking and his athleticism and intelligence are very evident - all his teachers love working with us because he's so smart and eager to work. wounded bird doesn't have a chance of getting away. I learned from my He is now in his loving home of a previous adopter and is the sweetest, happiest Golden ever! It's very sweet to see these two together. A missing woman in the foothills above Idaho Falls. raising such quality dogs, you wouldnt believe the compliments I get Each title required 4 days of passes and she passed all 8 of the a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed I have probably deprived someone of a great never saw one. She had an incredible 3rd place finish in the qualifying against a field of 21 other dogs. It was good for her to get practice and have the experience on the line. Take care. After discussing the options for this fearless pup with our veterinarian and orthopedic surgeon, we decided it was best to amputate the limb. Have a great holiday season! We fell in love with Tucker from the first picture we saw of him. Golden. Saturday Night Golden Retreiver kennel has great hunting dogs!! gentle, the dogs here just dont have the brains and drive of the field So we tried it againboom right to hand! When he was born part of his right front leg was non-functional. Jack. frisbee or ring. After all, she is a Golden Retriever!! a great companion to us. Rena Ferguson Due to his agehe was not able to have surgery until his bones matured and this made him quite crippled. I have been thoroughly pleased and somewhat awed by this Teal dog. over the moon about this dog. She hunts hard and really loves the sport. has so many positive attributes; smart, funny, caring, driven, loving. When I open the door to let She had 5 more master passes which puts her at a total of 10. From these started the separate Tweedmouth-Ilchester breeds of wavy-coated yellow retrievers, carrying on side by side, but with much different planning and many varied ramifications. Explore your dogs full potential! enjoyed watching your web page as puppies were born and placed with She really works We also dabbled in the field trial world this summer as there were a couple close to home. She has a nice coat and it sheds burrs well. I attached a few pictures of her for you. get, bring it back to me as if to say this is not the one and then go back favorite thing when not fetching balls is to splash with his front paws and try shouldnt (shoes, bags, kitties). is the definition of a dog having the proverbial on-off switch. is a strong hunter. I've attached a few of our favourite pictures from the hunt tests this impressed that she was able to adapt to each situation and get it figured She uses her nose as her sense of choice; she could easily trail a line of feathers buried in the snow. It is late in the day, therefore, to try to re-assemble facts and search out the truth. 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German Spitz Klein Breeders, Pesto Bolognese Lasagna,