A Dachshund Lab Mix who inherits this trait could be a flight risk if they spot a squirrel, rabbit or gopher. The designer breed combines the medium-sized Labrador with the small Dachshund to create a unique cross breed. So your Lab Mix just might inherit that love of the water. PetPlan does.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'perfectdogbreeds_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_24',123,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-perfectdogbreeds_com-narrow-sky-1-0')};How Long Does A Dachshund Lab Mix Live?A healthy Dachshund Lab mix can live anywhere from 12 to 15 years.How Much Does A Dachshund Lab Mix Cost?You can expect to pay anywhere between $400 and $600 for a Dachshund Lab mix puppy.How To Train A Dachshund Lab MixThis breeds snooty attitude can make dog training quite a chore, so expect housebreaking to be particularly difficult.Keep plenty of pee pads around and expect accidents to happen.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'perfectdogbreeds_com-narrow-sky-2','ezslot_25',124,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-perfectdogbreeds_com-narrow-sky-2-0')};This is not the dogs fault their bladder is so small that they cannot hold it in as well as other dogs can.You can help housebreak them by taking them to do their business first thing in the morning, when they finish a meal, or after a nap or a day at play.Be sure to give them plenty of praise when they get it right.Other important aspects of training include obedience and counter conditioning for unwanted barking and problematic behavior. Thomas WoodsA Dachshund Lab Mix is a cross between a dachshund and the ever-popular Labrador retriever. Children will love this dogs endearingly playful nature but should always be supervised carefully during their time together. Watch your smart scent hound sniff out each and every toy. Dental care is one of the most important and demanding aspects of grooming a Lab Dachshund mix. This breed works best with owners that can allow a bit of noise and have plenty of patience for rambunctious behavior. Intelagent boy I have ever had.bfore that I had a ducshon for 13 years together they were great intelligent afectionant dogs. is the new trusted website created to help pets and their owners enjoy a happy life together. However once your pooch is all tired out they will climb right into your arms or curl up beside you to rest. Get reimbursed for your pets illness, injury, and wellness expenses!TRY NOWComplete Sick VisitExam fees are included, which saves you around $50-$250 per sick visit.Comprehensive DentalPetPlan covers injury and disease in every adult tooth not just the canines.Breed Specific ConditionsNot all providers cover hereditary conditions linked to breed. The mixed breed can be called a variety of different names, including Dachsador, Doxidor and Weinerdor. A Dachshund Lab Mix can be any variation of the colors mentioned above and more. He goes everywhere with me. Anybody looking to own one should be ready for just about anything. Dogs with Labrador builds can go for longer distances and take more strenuous courses than shorter mixes. The combination of these two very different dogs makes for a very interesting mix. Labradors, on the other hand, are black, yellow or chocolate. Remember they have a high prey drive and tend to react to the environment around them so keep them on a leash while you walk. Outside of walks they will need an additional 30 minutes of play each day. Keeping your dog on a healthy diet and making sure they stay active will help prevent obesity, even when taking an increased appetite into account. You should contact your local rescue shelter to see if theyve got an Dachsadors that need to be re-homed. Nasty bites are possible if the dog is alarmed or provoked. This breeds snooty attitude can make dog training quite a chore, so expect housebreaking to be particularly difficult. By signing up, you are consenting to receive emails from helloBARK! These medium-to-large dogs have embedded themselves into family life in households throughout the United States. The size of the Labrador parent dictates that a Dachshund Lab Mix should have longer legs than Doxies. Well break this feature on Dachsadors into the following sections: A Dachsador is a mix between a Dachshund and a Labrador. Want a Dachshund mix or Labrador Retriever mix but arent keen on the Dachshund Lab mix? Your email address will not be published. When he starts that barking its hard to get him to stop until I say No sir and he stops. This may be the most interesting furry friend that you will ever have. One former Dachsador owner gave a testimonial on the breed based upon her experience with one of these hybrid dogs: She was the best dog ive ever encountered.She was very obedient and easy to train; eager to please as well. So weve reached the conclusion of our introduction into the Dachshund Lab Mix. Originally bred to be waterdogs to retrieve ducks during hunts, Labradors are energetic dogs that require quite a bit of exercise. The most popular is black, they can also be brown and yellow, Rambunctious, protective, talkative, stubborn and devoted, Must be socialized young to remove territorial behavior, Can nip and bite when bored or aggravated, Can be unfriendly and rude around unfamiliar people. The price can range from $500 to $1,000. Be prepared for a real wildcard when you bring one of these pups home. Even play fighting can result in an injury from a bite or scratch.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'perfectdogbreeds_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_16',117,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-perfectdogbreeds_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')};Labradors are known for being friendly and happy dogs, but a Dachshund can be quite mean. These pups can be a real handful as there is no other breed quite like them. Usually a Dachshund Lab Mix will have a relatively short coat that is quite dense. One thing you can be sure of is that this dog will have a lot of energy. is the new trusted website created to help pets and their owners enjoy a happy life together. Originating in Germany, theyre the 12th most popular dog in the United States. A scavenger hunt is a great training game for any hunting hound. A Dachshund Lab mix is a moderate shedders so isnt considered to be hypoallergenic. To get a better understanding of the cross breed, lets take a look at each parent: the Dachshund and Labrador. Lab Dachshunds just love to walk and will want at least 60 minutes a day. You can help housebreak them by taking them to do their business first thing in the morning, when they finish a meal, or after a nap or a day at play. Your pooch will want to be walked often and played with even more, and will require games that tap into their high intelligence. Get the latest news, information and updates from us, delivered directly into your email inbox. The biggest concern from the Dachshund side is the risk of. An intelligent dog like this certainly will not accept boredom. You can give them 2 cups of quality dry dog food a day. Other important aspects of training include obedience and counter conditioning for unwanted barking and problematic behavior. The good news is that a genetic disposition is never a guarantee. Dachshund Lab Mix characteristics and personality, What Dachshund Lab Mix owners have to say about these dogs, theyre the 12th most popular dog in the United States, A post shared by Alison Westfall (@a.n.westfall), A post shared by Riggins the Weenie (@rigginstheweenie), A post shared by Rocco, Charlie & Azula (@dachsadorable_pitbully), A post shared by Herschel_the_doxador (@herschel_the_doxador), A post shared by Boldi the dog (@theboldi). Home Dog Breeds Dachshund Lab MixDachshund Lab Mix: 7 Fun Facts You Need To KnowMarch 16, 2020 These dogs can stand anywhere between 15 and 25 inches and can weigh anywhere from 30 to 40 pounds. These dogs shed more than most single coated breeds because their coat is so thick, so make sure to brush them often (at least twice a week). The very best combination is a mix of the Labradors natural friendliness and the Dachshunds protective nature. They do require quite a lot of exercise to keep their minds stimulated, while training from a young age is encouraged. See our Affiliate Disclosure page for more information. Any good high quality Dachshund food will have the right balance of fats, proteins and vitamins to fuel your dogs active life. Shedding is moderate, but will increase during the spring and fall shedding seasons. They will love toys that move, light up or make sound. Check out these other hybrid dog breeds: I have a 30 pound, 8 yr old Dachshund Lab mix and we have had a hilarious moment in every day. The Difference Between Alaskan Klee Kai, Mini Husky And Pomsky. Due to the size difference between a Lab and a Dachshund, artificial insemination is often needed to breed these dogs. With no breed standard (and their parents looking so different) the possibilities are absolutely endless in a mix like this. She Loves to cuddle at night I know one thing this dog is giving me motivation to go on walks I have been trying to get active but didnt have anything to motivate me until I got my puppy, I had a lb duchson mix for 11 years.he was the most lovavavl. The Dachshund Lab Mix is a very unique dog. Labradors are usually an easy to train breed, which makes them great guide and service dogs. Please see our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy pages for more information. Most mix breeds are considered to be healthier than purebred dogs with less potential health problems. Keeping your dog on a healthy diet and making sure they stay active will help prevent obesity, even when taking an increased appetite into account.Save Massively on Your Pets Medical CostsNever worry about your pets health care again. If you have next door neighbors or you live in an apartment building, this is not the right breed for you. Gerald D Nelson. Best Dog Food For Sustainability USA 2022. Most Retrievers enjoy swimming and it is made possible by their waterproof fur. He is chocolate. Dachshunds are often known as wiener dogs, so Dachshund Lab Mixes are sometimes called wiener dogs. Craves the love and attention of its family. Other potential health concerns to be aware of include hip dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). Often referred to as the Sausage Dog (or Doxie), they may be small canines but theyve got big personalities with a booming bark. They are extremely vocal dogs and once they start barking they will not want to stop.Just about anything can set these dogs off.While they will love the companionship of a child, they should never be left unsupervised. Face masks are not necessary but may help with dirt and grime around the muzzle. A hypoallergenic dog is one that is less likely to cause an allergic reaction for those who suffer with allergies to canines. It was meant to be a household companion and to combine the best traits of both parent breeds. If I had to do it all again, I would in a heart beat. Your stubborn pup may test your patience at every opportunity, so it is important that you remain firm but do not vent your frustration in front of them.An intelligent dog like this certainly will not accept boredom.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'perfectdogbreeds_com-netboard-1','ezslot_26',125,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-perfectdogbreeds_com-netboard-1-0')};They will love toys that move, light up or make sound. A member of the Hound group, the Dachshund is a German breed that are probably best known for the long bodies with a low centre of gravity. Your pup may be a Wiener shaped Lab or a tall lanky Dachshund. A Dachshund Lab mix will insist on long walks and new games to play every single day. While most single coated dogs will only need a weekly brushing, you will need to brush this one twice a week no matter their coat length. This hunting and sporting breed is born for the outdoors.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'perfectdogbreeds_com-leader-2','ezslot_18',116,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-perfectdogbreeds_com-leader-2-0')};if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'perfectdogbreeds_com-leader-2','ezslot_19',116,'0','1'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-perfectdogbreeds_com-leader-2-0_1')};.leader-2-multi-116{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:0!important;margin-right:0!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}Your pooch will want to be walked often and played with even more, and will require games that tap into their high intelligence.However once your pooch is all tired out they will climb right into your arms or curl up beside you to rest. PetPlan covers injury and disease in every adult tooth not just the canines. I have a 4 year old Lab/Daschund and he is very active and definitely an alarm system. You can check out the best pet insurance options in the USA and the UK. You can even bury the toys and let your pup dig them up. Never worry about your pets health care again. Give them the space to run and explore and make sure they are never left bored. I call him my alarm system if someone parks on the street in front of our house or if they knock on the door, it is always the sameI can usually get him to stop barking when i say no barking and treat him when he stops. They are extremely vocal dogs and once they start barking they will not want to stop. One thing you can be sure of is that you will have a loyal and eager companion always ready to face each day right by your side. Get reimbursed for your pets illness, injury, and wellness expenses! 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