If your dog is not a good representation ofits breed, do not let it reproduce. It is much easier to improve a fewfaults than to try and get excellent pups with a mediocre dog. The system isbasically simple but the breeder must identify faults and virtues and it requires breed knowledge. There are dogs that come down with PRA that have a certain ancestorin common. * Patellar Luxation is a problem affecting the kneecaps. Otherregistries have used similar programs with good results. Smallerdogs are more prone to this problem than larger ones are. If you havesuch a dog, you will need to get your dog well known. Such a dog must have good points tocontribute, whether that is in good conformation, good performance orwhatever. If you breedtwo cockapoos together (not generally done), you get an even widervariation of dogs -- some look like Miniature Poodles, others like Cocker Spaniels. These dogs may or may Or, you could contact your local shelter and see if there is apregnant bitch about to whelp or a litter of puppies that need to be Best yet, go back to the same breeder of your dog,if possible, and pick another puppy out of similar lines. This is referred to as reaching homozygous litters (more genes of the same kind apparent in the puppies). Copyright of pommania poms this article my not be reproduced anywhere. It only shifts them around like arubix cube. Thiscondition also causes eventual blindness and is inherited. There are variations on outcrossing. come along for the ride! If you have a purebred litter, you must record the date of birth andall of the pups (including the dead ones) in your record book. You still have to pay a studfee (or give a puppy back), you have potential extra expenses duringpregnancy, you have the time and expense of whelping (either you taketime off from work or something goes wrong and you have to take her into the vets). What if thebitch dies? You should be socializing now too And are you going to do any puppytesting for temperaments? A "true" outcross could be adog that has totally unrelated dogs bred together throughout the Are you prepared to deal with cases where you are certain your dog isnot the sire of the puppies but the bitch's owner insists that he is? Thenyou will need to fill out and send in your litter registration form. problem, but no dog with patellar luxation should be bred as thisis also an hereditary condition. But the preliminary xrays_must_ be examined by OFA, not by a local veterinarian. AKC has a Canine Good Citizentest (open to all dogs) that gives some indication of the dog'stemperament (and, yes, training). You are better off consultingwith a financial wizard about investing the money you would otherwisespend and lose on breeding! excellent hips. _________________________________________________________________ The resulting pups should not be bredthough, since they'd have a good chance of having the recessivesfrom BOTH breeds, so the grandpups would be inclined to be worseoff than the purebred offspring of their grandparents. This is a homozygous breeding. The effect of inbreeding on major polygenic traits is greater. * Allergies. Any later will not heal as nicely orquickly! protective cartilage and the dog may experience severe pain if thecondition is bad enough. Such a dog must have some evidence of external evaluation.That is, others besides the breeder or the owner must also think thatthe dog is a good representative of its breed. Placing the puppies * Cataracts. In Disputes of thissort can become very ugly very quickly. Also, if you stop and think about it, many mixed breeds are simplynot tested for most problems. There are manydysplastic dogs out there that had vets look at their xrays andpronounce them "wonderful." In terms of health alone the first answer would be that in breedingtwo healthy dogs it shouldn't matter if they're the same of different breeds, you're apt to get healthy pups. They areso curious, they want to explore everywhere, and they are at the primeage for socialization and exposure to many things that you, as aresponsible breeder, want to give them a head start on. Eyes They needtop-quality feeding and care if they are going to be bred often. At week five you will probably want to introduce the pups to weaningfood. _________________________________________________________________ * Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA). Thegeneral strategy is that there is a common ancestor that is being Checkthe breed standard for your dog and ask a knowledgeable person fortheir evaluation of your dog. There are far too manydogs in the country to breed without good reason. Do not allow your bitch tobe bred to an unsuitable dog, and conversely, be picky about thebitches you allow your dog to breed. carriers. In the US, you would mail the xrays to the OrthopedicFoundation of Animals and wait several weeks for their evaluation. It appearsto be a simple autosomal recessive, but the late onsetcomplicates breeding programs. around and pick out the best male they can find. Like to like mating implies the best to the best and the worst tothe worst where the worst is not used at all. This phase alone requiresconsiderable research to find a suitable candidate, and you shoulddefinitely work closely with a knowledgeable person, ideally thebreeder of your dog. Time and time again, people breed a litter becausefriends and family want one of their dog's puppies -- and then none ofthem will take one. These are all very real risks that you are undertaking. You want to do this as soon as possible, since many registries cantake up to 6 weeks to return the forms for individual registration toyou (which you will want to give to your puppy buyers later). If youranimal is untrustworthy around people, overly aggressive to people,excitable, or is a fear-biter, do not breed it. Knowledge of genetics and the breedis required for success. Remember that you are going to need a vet that is familiar withwhelping dogs. At six weeks is when even seasoned breeders wonder why they do this. Medical Checks before Breeding For dogs, they should definitely have all their certificationsnecessary. It isvery rare for outcrossed puppies to be uniform in appearance. You must be prepared to board the bitch. Dogs need to be cleared yearly as there are some typesof eye problems that show up later in life. Diagnosis is fairly straightforward and surgery can correct the In breeds with Hip Dysplasia, many people wait until after two yearin xrays to OFA for preliminary evaluation and they came back as fine, many breeders consider it safe enough to then breed on the season closest to the second year, which can wind up being before the bitchis actually old enough to be certified. It MUST include a "pig rail" around the edge to prevent thebitch from laying on or smashing her pups. Your bitch may not be able to care for a very You need to be able to evaluate the bitch's pedigree for compatibilitywith your dog's. Breeders frequently count themselves _lucky_ if they break even. What assurances do you have that the puppies will not windup filling animal shelters, facing death because their parents were thoughtlessly bred? However, once revealed, then the breeder can do something aboutthem in the next generations of breeding. To get the whelping box ready for your bitch, get a sheet of plastic,such as you would use for painting a ceiling to protect the floor. It'slike a xerox machine. _________________________________________________________________ When they get older and start to go blind, it could be PRA, but the By this time, she is better prepared mentally for havingpuppies than she would have been with her first few seasons. This is a simplistic picture,obviously, since it's possible for an unaffected non-carrier of PRAto come from an unaffected carrier that came from an affected dog (therefore the affected dog is in the unaffected dog's pedigree). Theinbreeding coefficient measures the resulting increase inhomozygosity. An increase in harmful recessives is undesirable but it is not amajor drawback if they are identified early. Are you prepared to do some legwork to find GOOD homes for them, notjust hand them off to the first person who comes by? This is a long hard road to eventuallydeveloping a line. You need to keep the puppies for a minimum of 8 weeksbefore sending them to their homes; you need to advertise and findgood homes for the puppies, you need to make sure they have had their shots before going. That usually translatesinto titles, whether for conformation, obedience, field, herding, orwhatever is appropriate for that breed. And then becausesome breeders are more interested in winning, they do not place theaffected puppies on spay/neuter contracts. The KC has just started an "ENDORSED registration" program wherebypuppies out of such dogs are ineligible for registration. After all, they will look This is very rare. What if the whelping goes wrong and dead puppies are born? Brucellosis causes eventual The actual rate varies by how strongly you linebreed. At seven weeks you should be calling upthose people with deposits on your pups and getting your paper workall sorted out. Toy breedscan have joint problems too; just because your breed is smallerdoesn't mean you can figure you are free of hip dysplasia and be donewith it. What if your whole litter gets parvo or distemper? Breeding, and doing it right, is an expensive undertaking. You will have to keep the whelping box clean. It's important, however, to keep the frequency of breeding low. This is both a blessingand a curse for the breed. No matter how special your dog is toyou, a puppy out of it is not guaranteed to be just like or evensimilar to your dog -- half its genes will be from another dog! Finally, remember that not only the potential dam _but also the sire_must be checked for all the things appropriate for their breed andparticular bloodlines. For many breeds this means that they should be over two grandparents and will be close genetically to each other. * Malabsorptive syndromes, digestive problems. "Water puppies" are another typeof problem in which the dead puppy appears to have never properlydeveloped a skeleton and appears to be full of gelatin. If a puppybecomes chilled it will cry continually and it will tuck its tailbetween its little legs. This is flat out wrong. Genetics At eight weeks, you may begin placing those pups that are ready to goto their new homes. While the bitch is nursing the puppies, she will require about threetimes the amount of food she normally eats! _________________________________________________________________ Evenwhen the anomalies are present, inbreeding might not reveal them. It remainsto be seen what the overall impact on KC dog breeds will be. sterility in both sexes (sometimes non-obviously) and can cause alitter of puppies to be aborted or die shortly after birth. Itis much easier, often less expensive, and certainly less timeconsuming to pick out an existing dog that you like from the shelteror another breeder. * Entropion, Ectropion: These are conditions in which the eyelidsturn in or out, causing various problems and often pain for the Through outcrossing, many health problems canquickly be eliminated (or just as quickly added into yourbreeding), but usually you do sacrifice some show quality and producibility. approximately the same size, but very different physical appearanceAND behavior. It is quite likely that the dam will come down with aninfected uterus after such a puppy. Usually the puppies are rather close in general If the litterclumps together and cries, they are too cold; if they separate and tryto hide under shade, they are too hot. He should be certified clear ofjoint problems (and in many cases that means he has to be at least twoyears old). But this is all very vague and complicated!_ The resulting puppies will have alot of genetic material that is the same as their parents and Although many people are disgusted with the idea of this familyincest, it is an extremely useful tool for diagnosing what genes Difficulties during whelping are entirely possible, and the rule forsome breeds. Simply because two dogs "look good" or even *are*good does not mean that they necessarily complement each other:suppose they are both carriers for the same disease? She should be under the care of a vet for any related problems. This will be your best resource, as well as any long-time breeders that you know. For good results it must be well-plannedand breeders must be ready for whatever problems it presents. They were dogs of At week six you should vaccination and worm the pups, and have themchecked for heart murmurs, hernias, males for testicles (yes you shouldbe able to feel them at 6 weeks! Histemperament should be good, and appropriate for his breed. Noreputable breeder will use inbreeding exclusively, and manybreeders simply never use it. But there are drawbacks. just considered old age, although it could well be hip dysplasia. This technique often results in only one or two pups with the combination desired. appearance, some looking like the sire's line and some looking like the dam's line and some looking like mixtures of both lines. _________________________________________________________________ So the desired dog appears several timesin the pedigree. Such a dog must be tested asit matures for any problems that tend to appear in its breed, whetherthat is hip dysplasia, patellar luxation, von Willebrand's, cataracts,PRA, fanconi syndrome, subaortic stenosis, etc.. _________________________________________________________________ This isactually a visual example of why "hybrid vigor" doesn't hold. My kids should see the wonders of birth and life! This is believed tobe hereditary. If it is shy orsubmissive, don't breed it. It shows you what recessivesyou have lurking in the dogs' backgrounds -- _both_ good and bad.
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