Then add a new file at proxy/uwsgi_params with the following contents: This is a template taken from the official uWSGI docs on Nginx support. If you are using a Docker Machine VM, you can use the Have you tried geodjango with docker, I am trying to find the right setup for a geodjango app as it needs a bunch of spatial libraries to run. Copies the configuration files we created. Now, run the following command to run your Django application in Docker container. Select the copy icon next to Public IPv4 DNS. If your code is hosted on a public GitHub repo then this step isnt required. In this tutorial, youll learn to become your own master in building a Docker image and container for your Django application. this example those services are a web server and database. Add a new file called docker-compose.yml with the following contents: Create a file called .dockerignore, and add the following contents: This is a configuration file that excludes certain files and directories from the Docker build context. Open your Dockerfile and add the below code above the RUN pip install -r /requirements.txt line. On the EC2 page, choose Launch instance (about halfway down the page): From the Choose an Amazon Machine Image (AMI) page, locate Amazon Linux 2 AMI and choose Select: Note: As the label suggests, this is available in the free tier. For example, for DEBUG we need a boolean, so we first pull in the DEBUG value (which should be set to 1 or 0), convert it to a integer using the int() function, then convert that to a boolean using the bool() function. This directory is the context for your application image. You need a requirements.txt file outlining the Python dependencies: Write your Docker Compose file (docker-compose.yml): Notice the composition defines two services, db and web. A Dockerfile contains a list of instructions that Docker uses to build your Docker image. Want to support the writer? The code below updates your database in Django to use PostgreSQL. When visiting the page, you should see confirmation that the Django installation took (something to the effect of It worked! Creating a new virtual machine in AWS EC2. If you need a more reliable and scalable option, you may want to take a look at our course: DevOps Deployment Automation with Terraform, AWS and Docker. So what other applications to run in Docker container do you have in mind? In four steps, well have a fully dockerized Django application configured and set up using Docker Compose. You can also change some of your preferences. The docker-compose.yml file describes the services that make your app. You need to set your PostgreSQL username and password (at least your password, PostgreSQL defaults to user and database postgres). This tutorial will be a hands-on demonstration. Create a file called docker-compose.yml at the root of your project and paste the code below. Click to enable/disable _gid - Google Analytics Cookie. Here we define a service for our reverse proxy. Docker enables you to package your application in a way that simplifies collaboration and deployment. This is to reduce the risk of accidentally enabling debug mode in production which can be a security risk. Update requirements.txt to contain the following line: This will add uWSGI to the list of packages we want to install in our Docker image. Exposes port 8000 which will be used for local development. We need 2 cookies to store this setting. Run the following commands to create a new Django project (recipe_api) and an app (recipe) in the current directory where the API will live. The ALLOWED_HOSTS settings is a security feature of Django which needs to contain a list of domain names that are allowed to access the app when debug mode is disabled. and the Dockerfile reference. If you used the standard Python .gitignore file provided by GitHub, .env should already be excluded. Well start by adding a new service to docker-compose.yml called db, which looks like this: This will define a new service based on the postgres:13-alpine image from Docker Hub. of all files, including those generated by django-admin. Open up app/app/ and update it to this: Above we are importing the static function (used to generate static URLs) and the settings module. In this tutorial, you learned to set up a Docker container for Django API that uses PostgreSQL for storing data. This happens because the container runs as the root user. For this tutorial I recommend leaving it as 8GB, but if you are deploying a real app you may wish to add more for an additional cost. We dont cover SSH auth in this guide because most readers will be familiar with it. Check to enable permanent hiding of message bar and refuse all cookies if you do not opt in. This should start your server, and you should be able to browse to and view the login page (the base URL will return a 404 because our project doesnt have any URL mappings). To create a Django project, well create a new directory for storing our project files (eg: deploy-django-with-docker-compose/). When I do this I get an authontication error. However, the drawbacks of this approach are: You might want to use this if you want a low cost deployment solution for a simple app you built using Django. Now use cd to change to your cloned project directory. Output the contents of the public key by running the following: Copy the key string that is output to the screen (make sure you get it all): If you havent already, now would be a good time to commit your latest code and push it to GitHub. Open the docker-compose.yml file and replace the files content with the code below. Tells Docker we want to expose a volume with the contents of. If you have remote access, simply go to your server IP (e.g. Head over to your GitHub project and choose Settings on the top menu: Then enter a Title (eg: aws-deployment), paste the contents of your key inside the Key box and choose Add key (leave Allow write access blank): You may need to enter your GitHub Password again for security reasons. I also recommend using MFA. Your key should appear in the list of imported key pairs. Note: If you get an error about the app/ directory not being found, ensure you added an empty directory called app/ inside your project. WSGI means Web Service Gateway Interface, and its used to run Python code from a HTTP request. Update the RUN block in your Dockerfile to read the following: The above modification will do the following: Now add the following to the requirements.txt file to install the driver: Run docker-compose build to build our image with the latest changes. Choose our new instance from the list, and you should see more details appear below it. The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. verify this. Click on the different category headings to find out more. At the top of, import the os module by adding the following like: Then, also inside, update the SECRET_KEY, DEBUG and ALLOWED_HOSTS lines to the following: The os.environ.get('NAME') function will retrieve the value of an environment variable. As you see below, the previously saved data is not there anymore since youve changed your database. Next well create an app and add a model to test with by running the following: Now open app/app/ and add update INSTALLED_APPS to the following: Open up app/core/ add the following: This will create a model which contains an attachment which we can use to test handling media files. Dont worry about changing these as they will only be used for our local development server. Copies the requirements.txt file to the image. If you are running Docker on Linux, the files django-admin created are owned Click to enable/disable _gat_* - Google Analytics Cookie. On Step 3: Configure Instance Details leave everything default and click Next: Add Storage. You need to move all of your files out of compose_django_example as well: Edit compose_django/compose_django_example/compose_django_example/ and replace the DATABASES section with the following: Set the user and password for Postgres in your shell: Run docker-compose up -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pleaseUseAStrongPassw0rd and Docker Compose launches your Django app. Next, open the requirements.txt file and add the psycopg2==2.8.6 requirement. For more information on Dockerfiles, see the Docker user Now run the following command to test our deployment locally: The above commands do the following (in order): Note: If you have any other application running on port 80, the server may fail to start. Then, if in DEBUG mode, we call the static function while passing in the MEDIA_URL and MEDIA_ROOT configurations, and append the output to the urlpatterns list. We do this so we can store configuration values such as passwords and keys outside of our Git repo, which is recommended for security reasons. Create another file called ~/django_recipe_api/recipe/ and populate the file with the code below. In order to connect to our virtual machine, well need to add our SSH key to our account. Next we need to configure Django to connect to our database. In this example, well take a Django application using PostgreSQL for our database. Create a file called Dockerfile at the root of your project and populate the file with the code below. Then tack this onto the end of the app service: Next we need to modify our Dockerfile to install the PostreSQL client which will be used by the Psycopg2 driver that Django uses to access the database. also describes which Docker images these services use, how they link The compose file Open your file, and replace the DATABASES block with the following code. We pass it through the filter() function to filter out any None values that are passed in. Django REST framework is essential for building APIs in Django. Now create a file named ~/django_recipe_api/recipe/ and paste the code below. Because these cookies are strictly necessary to deliver the website, refuseing them will have impact how our site functions. Because weve removed our database and created a new one with a shared volume, well need to re-create our superuser by running: When youve done that, you should be able to login and upload a Sample model with an attachment. One common challenge people face when working with Django is with handling static and media files. However, the media should continue to work as it did before, but this time its being served from our proxy. Before you following this tutorial youll need the following: Were going to start by creating a Django project. If you open up your VSCode editor, you should also see that the file is added inside data/web/media/: If you see this, then everything is configured correctly. 2. Its often useful to provide a template of this file with some dummy values that is commited to Git, so we know what values to set when deploying. Youre working with SQLite as a database at the moment, which is not ideal when you want to scale your application. Its a good idea to store a copy of this file in a secure location, in-case you lose the credentials. Next: Docker Compose with Flask Apps Save and close the docker-compose.yml file. These cookies are strictly necessary to provide you with services available through our website and to use some of its features. The below code creates a serializer for the model you previously created (step five). In this section, you set up the database connection for Django. Creating a reverse proxy using Docker and nginx. Create a new file called .env.sample in the root of the project and add the following contents: This file should be included in your Git project and should only contain dummy values that need to be changed. Open your terminal and run the pip command below to install django and djangorestframework on your local machine. Next, run the following commands to create a directory named~/django_recipe_apiand navigate into that directory. By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Sets default environment variable values for, Runs some commands which create a new directory for our static volume, sets permissions, creates an empty file for. In your project directory, edit the composeexample/ file. db loads the postgres image from Docker Hub. Read more At this point, youve already mastered the basics of running applications in a Docker container. 2. Define your deployment configuration with your code. Hate ads? On a Mac or Windows machine, you should already have access to the other files. Consistent development and production environments because you use the same Docker image. 4. I hope you found this useful. You can name the directory something easy for you to remember. I prefer nginx because I find the documentation easy to understand and it works well with uWSGI. Now run the following command to create a new Django project: This will create a new Django project in the app/ directory of our project. docker-django-app-db-1 | 2021-10-26 22:23:37.909 UTC [45] DETAIL: Role devuser does not exist. All static file URLs will be automatically prefixed with /static/static/ and all media URLs are prefixed with /static/media/. Then click SAVE, and the model should be created. Click to enable/disable _ga - Google Analytics Cookie. To configure PostgreSQL to work with Docker and Django: 1. Perhaps a Docker container for Django and MongoDB container? The code below maps the port from your local machine to your images port and runs your application. Open up Terminal (or on Windows PowerShell or GitBash) and connect to the VM by running: (Replace PUBLIC_DNS with with Public IPv4 DNS link copied in the previous step). guide This is the address we can use to connect to our server. We will complete our deployment by doing the following: For this step youll need an AWS acocunt. Otherwise GitHub has a good explanation of it here. Copyright 2016 Docker Inc. All rights reserved. However, environment variables can only have one type (string). In the code below, you are setting up the URLs so that Django REST Framework can connect to your application properly. Leave the passphrase blank, or enter one if you prefer (just make sure you remember it, because youll need it to do deployments). The below code creates a viewset to return the data from the API to the frontend and handle GET requests from users. We provide the default of 0, so debug mode is always disabled by default, unless we override it by setting DEBUG=1. Regardless if youre a junior admin or system architect, you have something to share. Required fields are marked *. Related:How to Deploy and Manage a Docker MongoDB Container. Open app/app/, locate the line that starts with STATIC_URL (near the bottom of the file) and replace it with the following: The first two lines that end with _URL are for configuring the URLs used by Django for static and media files. line in docker-compose.yml. Knowledge of SSH key authentication (if youre not familiar with it, there is a good. The ALLOWS_HOSTS variable holds a list of domains/hosts that can access your application. Then create a new file called requirements.txt and add the following contents: We use this to install Django with the latest patch version which is 3.2.3 (or greater) but less than 3.3 which helps ensure security patches are installed while preventing Django being upgraded to a minor release which may contain breaking changes. Docker host. Fixing toomanyrequests error when using Docker with Travis-CI. Makes the Docker Compose binary executable. We need a Dockerfile, Python dependencies, and a Docker Compose file. Change to the root of your project directory. But first, youll need to install Django and Django REST framework on your local machine. Clear any existing containers which may contain data from the dev services. Click to enable/disable Google Analytics tracking. This creates a database service similar to the one we use for our development server, except: The app block defines our Django application. First we need need create a superuser, by running the following command: Then run the following command to start the server: Navigate to and login: Once logged in, choose Add next to Samples to create a new model instance: Then click Browse next to attachment and choose a file (any file will do, an image is best). Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. It needs to be a list and, as we mention above, environment variable values always arrive as string, so we need to accept it as a comma separate list which we split up and append to the ALLOWED_HOSTS setting. On a Mac, you need to use docker-machine ip MACHINE_VM to get your Docker hosts IP address (then use that address like http://MACHINE_IP:8000 to access your web page). If this happens, either close the other application or temporarily change the port in docker-compose-deploy.yml. Open the ~/django_recipe_api/recipe/ file and paste the code below. Next we are going to configure our project for deployment. Amongst other output, you should see a warning when executing the Compose run command: Avoid this error by building the image first with docker build -t web .. Make sure you move all of your Django files into your main directory, or Docker cannot find commands that configure that image. Docker vs Docker Compose, whats the difference? This file defines two services: The db service and the web service. 3. On the Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair, select the key you imported earlier. Youve just built your applications Docker image, but how do you run it? Now register the new model in app/core/ Now run the following command to generate the migrations for adding the new model: There is a problem when using Django with a database running in Docker. Save and close the requirements.txt file. Open the Dockerfile and add && \ to the end of the RUN block, then add this: Next, open docker-compose.yml, locate the app service and update the volumes block to the following: This will map a volume from app/data/ in our project to /vol/web on the container, so we can test it is working correctly before we setup our deployment. Create two new empty files in the project at the following paths: Then create a new file at app/core/management/commands/ and add the following contents: This code snippet will add a Django command which runs an infinite loop that catches the exception which is thrown before the database is available. Now, run each command below to build and run your Django container. These dependencies are required for PostgreSQL to work properly with Django. However, these items are out of the scope of this tutorial. Before creating a Django Docker application container, you first need an application to containerize. The base image is However, if youre not sure please comment below and Ill make a specific tutorial on it. Now we need to modify our URLs to serve media files through our development server. Now we can do what weve all been waiting for: deploy our project to a server. To install uWSGI, we need to modify the RUN block in our Dockerfile to include the linux-headers as a temporary build dependency. But if youre new to Docker and wondering how to create a Django Docker container for your web application, youre in for a treat! in a container, using the web services image and configuration. Note that blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience on our websites and the services we are able to offer. Get many of our tutorials packaged as an ATA Guidebook. read. You always can block or delete cookies by changing your browser settings and force blocking all cookies on this website. Before starting, youll need to have You are free to opt out any time or opt in for other cookies to get a better experience. 8. On Linux, youll need to chown the new files: sudo chown -R pdctut:pdctut (for user pdctut; you may substitute with $USER if you do not wish to type your username; the -R option tells chown to recursively change ownership of the files). Changes will take effect once you reload the page. In the root of the project create a .gitignore file, and include the contents provided by the GitHub template gitignore/Python.gitignore. Because Django project. Pulls in environment variable values for configuration (eg: Adds a location block to catch all URLs that start with. However, keep in mind that it may not be powerful enough to serve a real production app to a number of users. DevOps Deployment Automation with Terraform, AWS and Docker, standard Python .gitignore file provided by GitHub. Adding a new Docker Compose configuration file for deployment. 1. Click on EC2 Dashboard at the top of the left hand navigation. On Step 7: Review Instance Launch select Edit security groups. Your email address will not be published. docker-machine ip MACHINE_NAME to get the IP address. The code below creates a directory in your container and copies code in your local machine into the container. Click to enable/disable Google reCaptcha. We can use this URL structure to configure our nginx reverse proxy to handle these URLs. Take a look at what Django creates: Notice root owns the compose_django_example file (as opposed to pdctut on the other files); remember the container runs as the root user. We can use Docker Compose to build and manage multiple-container setups. Now lets test our project using the dev server. 7. List the files just Select View Instances to go to the instance page. The code below creates a service for the database you created (step four) and feeds the database credentials to Django. 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