They bring happiness and excitement to their owners because they are full of energy which makes them want to play all the time. It also means that any spontaneous acts by an irritated owner, such as jerking the leash, yelling, or swatting at the dog, will not yield results. Border collies are highly active. Will your collie bark or growl each time he attempts to bite? A large percentage of Border Collies in shelters were given up either because their owners find their relentless energy too much to handle or they have bitten someone, almost inevitably a child. The following are the most common reasons that may trigger border collies to behave aggressively: Guarding objects of high value, such as food and toys, is a behavior our domesticated canines inherited from their wild ancestors. For the most part, aggression is uncharacteristic of border collies. If you look at the website you will see that I am a member of the Pet Professional Guild of force free trainers. These methods work better with puppies or very young animals. Please share my poll. 5. That really becomes an issue if there are kids or smaller pets running around and you may wonder if there are ways to train your dog to resist the urge to bite. Reward-based obedience training is most effective with puppies but older dogs do acquire a change in their mindsets too. This happened in our lounge, all of us there, Bob was playing with my child with a ball, when the ball was held away from Bob, teasing him, Bob growled quite menacingly at my son and flew at him, biting his head. When it comes to nipping, Border Collies are known for their notorious behavior. They tend to herd at anything moving around them, and when the person does not stop moving, they start nipping at them. Even though it is not possible to completely get rid of herding nature of Border Collie, but you can definitely train your dog to prevent nipping and with time you will notice decrease in their herding instinct as well. This man said hed sent his dog to her and that was 3 years earlier and the dog had never shown aggression since. However, you will only be successful if you accept your dog for who he truly is, rather than suppress his amazing talent. Years of selecting breeding have greatly ingrained the herding instincts into this canine. Use the same command every single time you want a behavior to stop, at least to start with. I was amazed they still had this dog. All of use were emotional but Debbie reminded us this was a start, not the end. Simply having him out of the house meant we could all relax a bit. A border collie is less tempted to chase and bite ankles if it is tired enough and regularly gets physical and mental stimulation. For that reason, these dogs can get easily overstimulated by the movement and boisterous nature of children. However, this misplaced behavior is also the main culprit in bites among children. It is important to remain constant with your training because it is extremely difficult to make them understand your words. We had decided that we needed help. The first time I remember, our youngest wanted to sit with him on the floor, but did it awkwardly and sort of fell on his back legs. link to Are Samoyeds Good Pets For Children? You only had to ask. The ultimate test of obedience is whether your pup is willing to give up its food to you without any arguments, but avoid testing that if your dog has anxiety or you are not certain how it might react. Before you know it, you have a 45-pound canine with 42 teeth stealing quick bites at your calves! She required less than 20 stitches. The dog was laying on my lap and lashed out at my nephew when he reached to pet him. Thankfully, most herders respond to training and love pleasing the owner. So by the time he was 6 months old his basic obedience was good, his recall off lead was becoming worse and although he wasnt nipping the kids, he was pushy with them. Nipping and chasing are vital aspects of herding, but a Border Collie would never do so with malicious intent. This seemed to be the start of an escalation of aggression. For a few weeks we blamed his behaviour on recovering from the op, and his bad hips, and were afraid to admit there really was a problem. While this scenario seems cute and hilarious, you dont want to engage in play biting with your Border Collie puppy. Chewing Bone They just love chewing bones. But if you have children, you need to educate them on how to deal with the peculiarities of this herding breed. It was their job to alert people of visitors at the gate or any predators near cattle. He said though he would recommend someone who could do it. I dont know exactly what submissive interactions regularly took place but often what is found is that submissive family members yield space to the dog, allow the dog to rest or place their head on a persons lap (as in the current instance) or generally are unable to control the dog in different contexts. Description of the incident from the owner. Teaching your dog to stop chasing and herding could be challenging because the behavior is instinctive, especially with herding breeds. One child had needed stitches to a rip on his arm. 2. Some dogs pay no attention to a toy one day but become fascinated by it a few weeks later. Puppies chew random things as a way of learning about the world around them, especially when they are teething around 6 to 8 months old. Change in motivation, the direction of the victims response, and the immediacy of a dogs response are criteria that may be used in selected instances to define provocation, at least from the dogs perspective. Our first family dog we got when our eldest child was three. When you bring your pup home, he will jump and gnaw at your foot as he would do to his littermates. We called the vet, as this was Saturday we couldnt get him in until Monday morning to be put down. Despite you efforts and training, if you dog still continue nipping then it is time for you to either look for a specialized Border Collie training guide or else consult a dog training expert. I believe it is highly significant that your daughter was petting your border collie for some time before he suddenly jumped up and started attacking her in the face. Animal Behavior Counseling Services, Inc. located in Los Angeles, CA. If your furry pal feels threatened by strangers, it will let them know by baring its teeth. Luckily it was more of a mark, he hadnt quite broken the skin. The state of alertness is very typical for border collies and it also stems from their past as herding dogs. Or else, your pooch will grow up thinking it is okay to do the things he does. We got talking and I told him we were putting Bob down because of what had happened. Create a free website or blog at He listened to the kids, played nicely, gave up chews and even a bone, something wed never risked him having. If you want the nipping and biting to stop right away, your best bet is to prevent your pup from being in situations where it may be tempted to nip. Herders also have very strong instincts, so they pass down their skills and habits from generation to generation. Did you know that fear motivates the majority of dog bites rather than aggression? His head was laying on her lap. We love sharing everything we learn about cats, dogs and other animals. Is it an aversive based training? I was thrilled to get an email from this lovely family. I couldnt believe it. Gradually cases fade away, as they stop needing support and go on with their lives. You might notice that your dog is hyper-vigilant. He was bad if they went near his bed or if he was eating or had a chew. We were apprehensive at first, as time has gone on we realise we had done lots wrong, but to watch him now, playing with the kids, its hard to believe we nearly had him put down. She was to the point, sympathetic, but firm with me, asked lots of questions, although she seemed to know what the answers would be! By achieving that we can enjoy their unconditional love and build a great relationship with them. Whether this particular border collie, regarded by many experts as one of the most intelligent breeds of dog, is best described as a dominant dog is controversial. How To Stop Your Border Collie Nipping Ankles and at Children. She gave us a few tips about teaching Bob to give up chews to us, to use a baby gate to keep him separate when we couldnt watch him but that was about it. More accurately, your daughter simply and consistently may have acted submissively to the dog. And next, the aggressive response from the dog was immediate. For instance you can keep your dog occupied by playing throw and fetch game. She was on one end and I on the other. Bob started medication and is still on it. Bob was also a loving, affectionate and nice dog, who we adored. The dog should know that being confined is not a punishment, so offer your pup a toy to chew on. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. I really wanted her to take Bob, but she said we needed to do some initial work to show there was hope. What started to worry us was his growling at the kids, which started at about 8 months old. If your Border collie also has serious nipping issues, you can learn tricks and tips provided in our training guide to easily overcome their problematic behaviors. Sturdy chew toys and puzzles for bright dogs could be nice replacement objects to focus your pets attention on. The dog was between us. They bite, the victim wines and withdraws, and the fun game stops. Border Collies would circle kids or resort to barking and nipping to control the wayward sheep. While this behavior makes a Border collie appear dominant, he actually thinks he is doing an excellent job of looking after the errant stock.. Today border collies are usually companions and family dogs but decades ago they were more commonly employed as farm dogs. It was a small bite really, but not acceptable. I have thanked the man in the park so many times I think he is avoiding us. He was always an inside dog with us a very smart, well behaved mannerly dog. However, a concern in using these criteria has to do with the temperament of the dog. My father had said never to buy like this, he did warn us that they needed hip scores and eye tests and we ignored him. And other posts about provocation in dog bite cases can be found elsewhere on this website. The capacity to learn commands, as well as new skills, is a strength of border collies, so use it to your and the dogs advantage! The sooner you put a lid on your dogs nipping, the better. It is in Border Collies nature to herd, but they dont understand that they cannot cross the line and bite someone, which they do in excitement. One criterion here was the change in motivation. If you live in a cold climate, it is important to consider if your prospective pet will tolerate harsh weather conditions on a regular basis. Young children and any dog should never be left alone unsupervised. Fun Games and Activities for German Shepherds, Springtime Activities for You and Your Border Collie, not to approach a dog who is eating or playing with his chew toys, not to touch a dog when he is barking at someone or got into a fight with another dog, not to approach a dog who is wanting some privacy. We also thought we were experienced, I am embarrassed now that we even said it. These behaviors were useful skills at work. It is important to understand the origin of these dogs urges and habits in order to sympathize with your border collie and its behavior. I did hit Bob, Im not proud of it and threw him in the garden. I was sitting right there. In October, he bit my 4-year-old nephew in the face. Despite huge pressure from family friends, the vet and a behaviourist, this lovely family realised they might need to take some blame and got our help. After seeing an ad in the paper, we went to a house and saw a collie female that was running round a bit scared and some 6 week old pups. I was unable to locate the owner. She agreed to come and assess us all. Be patient and let your collie open up at his own pace. When Bob was small we did a few classes, he was a dream, clever and learned fast and we were delighted. Your border collie should see you as the leader for everyones safety, including the dog itself Most dogs learn that the owner is in charge from puppyhood because the human is in charge of food, treats, and all good things. Both of these behaviors are desirable. Wow jumping to conclusions? No warning of any kind. He was castrated the next week. Providing opportunities to run and exercise and allowing your pet to socialize with other animals and people is helpful in curbing the herding instinct. The reproductive status of the dog is not known. Say No Training your Border Collie puppy is the best possible option to stop his nipping habit. After agonising all night, we awoke and cancelled the vet. We rang the vet to book Bob in to be put down the next day. Taking the fun out of biting is also the goal. Very thankful, my sister and I were right there. Providing them with an opportunity to exercise will help them release some of their above-average energy. Border Collies who nip and bite are usually just playing. To make your border collie stop nipping and biting, use targeted training and provide opportunities for your dog to stay active and busy in general. lady in South Carolina. It caused him to stop. The James family now have a third child, a girl they have adopted who Bob adores. Provocation for facial dog bites must be considered as a possible explanation in most dog bite injuries inflicted to the face of the child. We took him to the vet who recommended castration and also said he had bad hips. These dogs are active, loyal, and bright and, with proper training, they become excellent pets for households with children. It is a sensitive situation if your border collie is reactive to children at home or outside. You have to constantly teach him with obedience training tricks because they can get confused and forget whatever they have learnt. Have a look at these points that can help your Border Collie to stop nipping . It is important to pick the right time for training, too. Read More, Animal Behavior Counseling Services, Inc. 2288 Manning Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90064, Watch vicious pit bull attack inside San Francisco public library, Watch video of vicious police K9 attack in Maine, Standard of care in a California dog bite lawsuit, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Dog bites & Children, Fatal dog bite by Boxers on 52 y.o. Border collies often get a little hyperactive and even overstimulated, which is not conducive to learning. Oftentimes, it is a collies way of saying, Hey! These dogs have all the desirable traits of an innate herder. So we did and to be honest, saw improvements then. We will always wonder what caused this or triggered this behavior.. Regardless, there will be occasions when a Border Collie may growl at humans and other dogs. He was so good. They were always on the lookout for predators or lost sheep. Even a very well-behaved and patient dog can snap in self-defense. Border Collie is a breed full of energy and enthusiasm, and because of that when there is no activity to occupy their mind they are full of energy, hence the herding and nipping. He then told me his dog had also bitten his kids when young and that hed had two trainers and two vets tell him to put the dog down. If your border collie bites playfully or just randomly when at home, there are several methods to teach it not to do so. Posted by Safepets UK on April 20, 2014 in Client's Stories and tagged aggressive dog, border collie, dog, dog bites, dog biting kids. These messages are bittersweet. Many variables must be assessed to conclude that any given act directed to a dog was provocative. We had to go for 2 days of handing him back. Eventually, the offending puppy catches on that playing is more fun when no one bites. If your border collie detests crates, avoid crating, unless necessary. You can try to nip this habit in the bud by giving your border collie a tasty treat whenever you try to touch the food bowl. Some border collies will nip your ankles when you are simply walking around the house. Dont remove your hand or foot when your pet bites. This is particularly true in dogs with a history of biting attacks on people. Offer a variety of chew toys. Border collies are very intelligent, so you will probably not need professional trainers to discourage dominant behaviors. Out of nowhere jumped up and started attacking her in the face. If your dog wants to chase bikers, exposing it to people and bikes will help to desensitize to those triggers. ABCS provides behavior counseling for pet owners and expert services for attorneys. Again, we know now we bought from a bad breeder. Not being willing to move off the couch or growling at family members when they pass by to protect you from them are also examples of dominant behaviors. Young kids may remain active and overstimulating in general but they can learn to refrain from chasing the dog. The dogs reaction was elicited through your daughter petting to the dogs head. As he did it, Bob awoke and bit his hand. That is why it should be your priority to stop you Border collies nipping habit as early as possible to control their aggressive behavior and to avoid unnecessary trouble. Playing with your dog in a park or open field also helps. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); SafePets UK, Dog Trainers, Cat & dog behaviourist, Housing Problems, Noise and TenancyDisputes, CPD for those involved with dogs seized byPolice, Reporting puppy farmers and bad breeders, some advice, My dog has bitten, the Police seized my dog, Border Collie dog biting children, now a training success. Dogs could perceive that to be a game. I was delighted to get their email, they have since had a third child too! They are amazingly intelligent, caring, adorable and loyal pets. Be it other dog breeds, animals, children or even a moving car can make them nip. Misbehavior is not the main reason why Border Collies end up in shelters. This behavior is particularly problematic and consequential when your pooch tries to herd young children. Comes to nipping, the offending puppy catches on that playing is more fun when no one bites we to! Learned fast and we were putting Bob down because of what had.! Tend to herd at anything moving around them, and bright and, with training. To training and love pleasing the owner to sympathize with your border collie puppy, the better was elicited your... Truly is, rather than aggression that can help your border collie puppy dominant behaviors play all time. Do to his littermates castration and also said he had bad hips more fun when no bites. Really, but a border collie would never do so to start with he do! 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