We only recommend high-quality products that are used and recommended by real owners. ), Shaving Your Husky- Is it Ever Ok? I'm not sure if it's because I adopt older dogs, but one way or another, they always got along ok. Keeper's favorite thing is to play bitey face with the teeny dogs. The border collie is known to be a one person border collie, does not this in itself warn the average pet owner against having more than one. Border Collie Rescue On Line is the official worldwide website of this UK based breed rescue organisation. Many Collie owners find great success in usingthis online programto train their dogs. If you use these links to buy something we earn a small commission. Even if you're set on a puppy, keep in mind that rescues do get puppies from time to time, and older puppies and adolescents offer all the fun without all the extreme attention puppies need, especially if the dogs will have to spend a lot of time on their own while you';re at work. Be sure to you have ironed out the bad habits before introducing a second border collie. Of course, I hope, as a rescue person myself, that you are going to go to a rescue to get your new dog in any case! Many Border Collies do not feel comfortable about very upright, flat-faced, staring dogs - think Boxers, Akitas, Briards, etc. Two border collies on the loose makes them harder to monitor. He is super playful and high energy so around 6 months old we decided to get another puppy because he needed a friend. If not a BC, should it be bigger/smaller. You will also learn about the best companion breed for your Border Collieand how to introduce them to each other successfully. You can only be on one place at once. It's hard to find a dog that's so energetic, work-oriented, loyal, quirky, and affectionate at the same time. Stick with the breed? I don't think he'd work well with breed that's known for being more snooty? Border Collies are high energy, need a job to do, anddemand a lot of time. We cannot claim ignorance of these problems and consider this policy to be acting in the best interests of the pups and potential owners. Watching two border collies interacting with each other is better than watching any television program. We do not sell dogs - we offer dogs for adoption, to remain in their new homes permanently, but with the assurance that if. I have a 6 month pup now. If you currently have a Border Collie and are planning to bring home a small breed dog, you will need to be very careful to always monitor the puppy around your Collie. Most of the owners I talked to say it takes a bit of time and planning to make things turn out successfully. If you havea relatively healthy older Border Collie, then having a puppy around could be great for keeping them playful and youthful, but if youre older Border Collie has health issues and doesnt have a lot of energy having a puppy around could cause a lot of added stress for them. For the love of god, please don't. Border Collie can be energetic, feisty, and playful. If you have another family member that can get involved and take care of the new dog, that could be another option for a backup plan. It's pretty cool actually. gcse.async = true; Bodhi and one of her dogs act the same way with each other when they meet and all of them enjoy each other much more than they do the other dogs in our therapy dog group, who are all friends and get along very well. This will cause a lot of extra care and work on your part to fix. Our dogs are separated by 10 years, elder is the BC, younger is Australian Cattle Dog (natural stumpy tail). Once they have had a good first meeting you canbring the new dog inside and take a chance to show them around. Unfortunately I lost him to kidney issues, and my second went blind at age 6. I have seen several 3-5 yr rescue, but I am uncertain how my pup will take it. Since ours is still young we are not sure if waiting and get a puppy in a couple of years. "https://secure.trust-provider.com/" : "http://www.trustlogo.com/"); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ You want your border collies to be dependant on you not on each other. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Somewhere outside the home, or even in your front yard (away from your front door), a neighbors yard, or a nearby park with no one around or limited distractions. That said a nice age to me is about 2-5 years apart. Our assessment process ensures that any dogs that wish to herd, or possess strong working instinct, are detected and re-homed to working homes where they can be trained, putting their House training can be harder as they're can be up to different activities in different places in your home. Aed will play with any dog that will run with him, and he doesn't have a preference between border collie/non border collie as much as he does between energy/less energy. Please excuse the novel - just wanted to give you a thorough answer! Having more than one Border Collie can be a lot of fun for you. We are happy and though he demands lots of activity and attention we work to give him those while we are also having fun. He rolls on his back and lets the dogs straddle and chew on him. Border collies love to run and chase each other. Especially if they'll chase and chase and chase and chase. One deliberately enhanced quality of the Border Collie breed is its desire to, Border Collies are designed to be sheepdogs. This gives them a great foundation! Paste as plain text instead, Puppies have a lot of energy and it takes several years to train them (up to 3 years for some stubborn dogs). I was just curious if people knew whether there was friction between two Border Collies or between them and other breeds. I kind of want to get something different, although I still love Border Collies and would get another in heartbeat. Ours tends to favor opposite sex dogs and she doesn't necessarily care of the age. Having a companion for your Border Collie can be wonderful, but if and when something happens to either dog and they pass away, it can be devastating and very difficult for your remaining dog to deal with. I haven't been willing to try again. But yeah, dogs have preferences and can definitely ave really strong ones. INTERCEPTION OF PAGE TRANSMISSIONS FOR ANY PAGE ON THIS WEBSITE. We welcome all border collies and mixes too! I love your picture rushdoggie they are so cute! Or getting a senior dog, has anybody done that. All this is to say, in my experience, adult and young BCs have all been very adaptable and although different training techniques have been utilized with each dog, they have all got along well, have entertained each other, and have made our lives more full. All I love hearing all of your inputs! March 27, 2015 in General Border Collie Discussion. Either way, you will want to have space where your older dog can go to escape and be alone when they want a break. If you are looking for a companion dog, it is dogs of this type that we would offer. Perhaps you want to get another Border Collie, or maybe you are wondering what other dog breed he might get along with. The BC ALWAYS wants to play. Collie mixes are popular among Aussie owners. You already have one Border Collie dog but now you want another Border Collie. It all depends on the temperaments of the two border collies as well, so do your research, talk to breeders and go to border collie obedience classes to find out what breed and type of border collie will fit into the dynamics of your household. This article covers the cost of grooming a Border Collie:Cost to Groom a Border Collie (Owners Surveyed). The Weimeraner is probably too laid back for the BC, 'cause she doesn't like to play much. Unfortunately some dogs we are asked to take and many that come for behavioural advice had been re-homed by other rescues. In my experience, border collies, while they can be great friends with any other breed of dog, tend to like their own kind the best. I think border collies and English Shepherds would be a good fit, though many people wouldn't recognize the difference between the breeds. She was never aggressive with the pup, but just didn't pay her much mind. It might be worth mentioning I got them both as pups because my nan works them and they had some unexpected litters. Chances are with the right environment and loving care, your new addition will get along fabulously with your Border Collie, and they will be on their way to a long-lasting and wonderful friendship! knocked over or accidentally injured a child when play got out of hand. Like most dogs, they love nothing more than to play with and be part of a pack! I'd definitely get another one! Also, if you get a rescue, you have the opportunity for the two to meet on "neutral ground" and see if they do tend to hit it off (even though there are going to probably be some adjustments to be made in your everyday life with them once the new one is settling into your home). She was not, and got along well with the middle-aged male BC that I adopted 4 years later. I'll be around most of the day and am read to get a new pup. I'm just someone who likes variety: never bought the same car, shoes, guitars, etc. Piece of cake! when taking a Border Collie as a family dog, even if told it is good with children. I have had Border Collies for 25+ years with a variety of other breeds including Siberians, Dalmatians, a Golden, and several Papillons. We had a rat terrier with them, too, and it worked well. The terrier was about 5 years younger, and she had a pretty high energy level. Female sibling borderjacks. When two border collies are together they can pack up in instinctual situations, like chasing a rabbit and go in for the kill. The antics and they way they communicate with each other is a never ending source of wonder, learning and understanding. Charity No 1128983 Charity No SC040796 (Scotland). Pasted as rich text. If youre not able to give them several hours (not necessarily in a row) of your time each day to walk them, play with them, teach them, etc.. then you are probably not ready to get another dog that will also demand more of your time and attention. Separating them is a good start for you and both of the border collies. I had 2 and they were both great dogsI was really into agility when I had my 1st one and he was a great athlete. I think these are all good points about border collies in general, but it really comes down to your individual dog. enable_page_level_ads: true The only thing I would caution you on is making sure you have the time to spend on/ with them. The best balance for two border collies seems to be the male and female balance in a two border collie household. My current BC boy loves his Papillon brother..seriously, they are besties in a way I have never had 2 dogs be besties before. Having one dog is expensive, but having multiple dogs can get even more expensive. Are you looking for a canine companion to share your life with? The ones they get along with the best are other herding breeds and the very best are other BCs. Please do not write to us or email us about adoption - we want to speak to you before we start the process. Best pals. I don't know and I"m not going to test it out any time soon. I have just about always had a mix of Border Collies and Border Collie mixes, and it adds some variety while keeping things rather similar. But I suspect Keeper's going to remain very, very social. (I can't remember if they were sisters or cousins.) This is a tricky one. The information gleaned enables us to target our re-homing. Too many dogs get bounced from home to home in the name of rescue! It also takes some patience and understanding that your new dog and Collie will most likely not instantly become best friends. I've got a family friend who volunteers at a shelter that may let me bring Eli in to see if he bonds with any of the shelter dogs there. She's reactive in general but she reserves her really insane behavior for other herding breeds and especially other BC. Your link has been automatically embedded. Edit :Size comparison and cuteness http://m.imgur.com/a/bjvYF. The BC is definitely "stronger longer", because the ACD has a nerve avulsion injury in his right foreleg, so he has a pronounced limp, and he uses a lot more energy to do simple things than the BC. breed and the working sheepdog. Talking with many Collie owners who have multiple Collies I havent had a single one tell me they regret it! Rescue 3037504. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); (function() { Let me know if you have questions I'm totally down to talk! You are sure that your dog would thrive with a friend around to keep him company. I would not recommend any kind of lap dog and I would definitely say get something similar in size and age because our BC likes to play rough and for long periods of time. Only possible choice.*. The first one, came with specific instructions that she was to be an 'only dog' because she was aggressive. I've had my eye on Brittanies, Huskies, Shetlands and of course Border Collies. Two high energy puppies. When my female died (sob) we were one dog owners for a while. A family with young children should be aware of these risks Just looking for opinions on whether BC's are better together, or proud to be the only one in the house lol! I've seen this over and over with my dogs over the years! He's the defensive big brother and she's the annoying little sister who will jump and grab his ear. I have also noticed this at the agility club, the border collies play all sorts of games with each other which the other dogs do not seem to play, with a couple of exception and both those dogs live with border collies. Animals are so fun to watch and their horseplay is always entertaining. they were full-on farm dogs; they rounded up cows for us every day. Plus now I have a hard time seeing myself with any breeds other than my Papillons and Border Collies. It can provide them with a friend and a playmate that will take some pressure off of you for entertainment and attention. Also look at your resources as two border collies are twice as expensive with food, medical needs, and anything else you need to buy for both border collies. I've had 4 BC's or BC crosses altogether for the last 15 or so years. We just got a new BC pup a couple weeks ago. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-1293410998927460", I am sure there are many stories that put the lie to that statement, but that is what I have observed. He has been with us for more than 3 months and I cannot stop annoying my friends about how great this jerk is. To add to the questions Liz asked, what is it that you don't like about your border collie that has you thinking of another breed? The reason for this is it gives time for your first border collie to establish itself in your family and for you to give it a good level of training before your second border collie comes along. Getting him has been the best decision of the year so far. Keeper will see one from a quarter mile away and just light up. If they are the opposite sex you do not want any inbreeding. She pepped my now older male up quite a bit and assisted him in his later years. If your Border Collie is getting into a lot of trouble you may need to think abouthow much time you are able to devote to your dog. Ill explain why that might just add to your problems instead of helping. Well. That way if you find a perfect dog that doesn't happen to be of the specific breed, or a dog of the right breed that doesn't have those specific qualities, you have something sitting in front of you you can use to help make the emotional decision. That or she wants to play with them a lot and her frustration level with them is higher. That said, there are a number of people here with dogs of other breeds but, in large part, I think sticking with something at least somewhat similar is a best bet. Your Collie will need to be very patient and gentle with this new little dog. My little guy, Eli, is a very sociable dog and enjoys being around the other dogs at their house and I can tell he'll probably want a new friend so that he doesn't get lonely. The size and temperament of both dogs are big factors. Many people do feed their border collies without separating them but they do it under supervision to begin with until they know both border collies understand the rules.Pack Mentality. Supervise their play in the beginning because they can get too rough if you are not careful. What others have said is good advice, and I'd particularly listen to Gideon's Girl as what she mentions are very common experiences. Why not get three, four, five or six? // You need to understand how this works so you can prevent pack mentality getting out of control. Our male collie is about a year and a half old and the female collie we got was 8 weeks. If you are able to have the new dog or puppy on a trial basis to make sure things work out that would be the best option. What traits can you not live with in a dog? Edit: would it help to draw up a list of qualities you like, which would lead you to choose a particular breed? People take on a Border Collie as a companion for many reasons - they may like cycling, walking or running and want a dog that will enjoy the exercise - they may want a dog as a faithful household guardian and be attracted to the qualities of loyalty the breed displays - they may find the breeds intelligence fascinating - they may want a dog to grow up with their children and enhance the childhood experience. She has so much energy that we had a problem with her running off for a while. Border Collies are not the best breed with young children - in fact many of the dogs we are asked to take in have proved to be a problem with We have over 100 acres, so no leash, but the BC does stay penned up when we're not home. As pack leader you need to be very clear on what is unacceptable behavior and what will not be tolerated. I have a bitch who's coming up to 10 years old and a dog who's just turned 3. Upload or insert images from URL. Generally speaking, dogs of the opposite sex are best with each other. This is a tough one as both puppies will be learning the same things at the same time, another words this can compound the problems. Dog parks, going to the pet store, walking in busy areas are all good things to try. If you want to get a second border collie, ask yourself why.. Whatever the reason, two border collies are harder to live with than one as they have different needs and need individual attention. I have yet get Lily playing with a non-border collie. The only problem was that they would dig a lot of holes. Maybe consider crate training in separate areas, as with all training its better if it's a one on one session out of sight of the other border collie. Or tug. No. cklug2, They seem very similar. Should it be older/younger/same age. Well, you are in the right place this article can be your guide and answer all your questions about getting another dog to be a companion for your furry companion. Puppies will be more adaptable to be sure. I had two border collies growing up, but they were from the same place and we're both puppies when we got them. By If you are thinking of getting a friend for your Border Collie becauseyour Collie is bored and getting into a lotof trouble, think again! If they start showing signs of nervousness or aggression, its best to back off and try again later when they are calmer and in a quieter place with less distraction. Do you have any experiences with the others and your BC? herding instincts and drive to positive use. Having a playmate can help keep your Border Collie from getting bored, and can take some of the pressure off of you to constantly entertain. You can learn a lot from the knowledgeable folks here. }); (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); When we have house guests of another breed despite the best efforts of the visitor he will not play, but bring in another playful border collie, guest or foster and he will wrestle and play border collie games. He enjoys being super active, herding and goofy. Share your pictures, videos, stories, training tips, etc. Two border collies are great company for each other when you cannot be with them. (The Truth Revealed), Bathing Your Siberian Husky (Tips & Tricks), Siberian Husky Teeth Complete Guide (Cleaning, Problems, and More), separate feeding bowls in different areas. rushdoggie, how did the dalmatian work out? Take it to a dog park to see how it reacts to some of the dogs. I know that Aed will play with any dog that will run with him, and he doesn't have a preference between border collie/non border collie as much as he does between energy/less energy. I have this feeling that Aed and Keeper would get along really well together. into our care and look after it, at any time, if the new home is unable to keep it - for any reason. Eventually, we adopted a BC cross who is a happy go lucky girl. They loved each other! Your previous content has been restored. Make sure your Border Collie is well trained and socialized first! Obviously his favorites are BC's and other herders, but anything that gives him the silly eye and play bows is fair game to play with. But for those who have or have had 2 or more canine companions at home, it will be great if you can share your experiences. I think having the higher energy level dog and each other helped keep the BCs occupied. BCs, Gideon and Micah and a token JRT just to keep me humble. When the male died (far too soon) I rescued another BC, who was a 5 month old female. If your Border Collie is very well socialized and has had a lot of practice around other dogs its likely that they will do well with another breed. Clear consistent and persistent training is essential.Overall this is a tough situation as it is very time consuming to bet the basic's right. But in my personal experience, I like having two BCs, as it has seemed to work out well. even if your Border Collie is really well behaved, it doesnt necessarily mean that its going to be smooth sailing. This can be the good habits and the bad habits as well. Some dogs will get along right away, others will take a little longer. It could also be a good idea to invite some friends and family members to bring their dog to your house to get an idea of how your Collie will react to another dog being in their territory. They probably will, ours play all day, but it's seriously just as much of a demand from you. In my experience, border collies can get along with other breeds that they live with better than they do with some other breeds when they're out and about. var gcse = document.createElement('script'); But man, there's something weird about how they just instantly "get" other BC's. Do not laugh. The pup wanted to play, but the older BC didn't want any of it. You can make introducing your new canine friend into your household relatively stress free if you put some thought into what you are doing: Depending on the age of the border collies, it is best to feed them separately so no issues or fights arise over food. What are your favorite traits of your Border Collie? I know a lot of people here don't like them, but if you have any dog parks around where you live, I would suggest taking him there and checking it out. Here are some clues that might indicate your Border Collie is lonely. A good way to test how your Collie does with other dogs is carefully and safely putting them in situations where they can practice being around other dogs. I found him as a stray and he was amazing and such a love. It's a body language but it's *their* language, and they are more at ease around those that *speak* the same way. If they play to rough then your new dog could be hurt or become fearful around your larger dog. I suspect it has to do with the direct staring. My current dog is a singleton now and when we go out he does not play with other dogs, but if their is another border collie who is friendly, the games start. I will be getting a rescue, that I can guarantee. So heres what you can do to help foster a healthy friendship! I wouldn't trade my pups for the world. Getting another dog for your Collie to play with and grow up with can be a great idea for many reasons but your Collie will need to be well socialized and trained before you bring home another pet. 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best second dog for border collie