Best answers. This is often interpreted as severe stubbornness. Because Akbash dogs are so large, their diets need a little extra thought to ensure adequate nutrition for bone and joint support. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read before putting it to use in your daily life. Great Pyrenees as a breed was known from the 1400s. The stated height at 71+ inches must be incorrect. Destructiveness is a main behavioral issue when the Akbash is bored or cooped up and can lead to OCD. They have long legs and heavily feathered tails and have the characteristics of both mastiffs and sight hounds. Raising Saanen Goats , Icelandic Sheep , Czech imported German Shepherds , North Country Cheviot Sheep and Great Pyrenees LGD. Akbash, which are white bodied and white-headed dogs, have double coats, having the characteristics of weather resistance. Special care should be taken to locate the Akbash to a suitable home and property or backyard which it can patrol freely. The Great Pyrenees is a calm, well-mannered, serious dog known for his great devotion to family, including well-behaved children. It needs a strong, firm but experienced and patient handler who will not be verbally harsh or physically punishing. Akbash puppies are much like puppies of other breeds, with a moderate amount of mouthiness. Get into the habit of a good regular brushing at least once a week. If you have kids or existing dogs select: Are Akbash herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores? One of the best watchdogs, it is part of the Working group of Livestock Guardian Dogs and one of the national dog breeds of Turkey. I can provide my experience when I get home. Size can range from 28 to 34 inches with weights of 80 to 140 pounds (36 to 63 kilograms). This doesnt mean they wont need space to roam we dont recommend this breed for apartment dwellers. What is an interesting fact about Akbash? The Akbash is a large to giant size, short to medium-haired, ancient working breed from Turkey that was bred as a livestock guardian. Kind of like they were digging to each other. Can a great pyrenees get along with another great pyrenees? It is also advisable not to allow it to exercise one hour before or after its meals. They have long legs and heavily feathered tails and have the characteristics of both mastiffs and sight hounds. Akbash are leaner than Great Pyrenees. She (they) do perfect using baby gate in a space (my kitchen now) when Im gone. This is really not a pleasant experience if you like wearing shorts, and they will do it to your face/arm/tender bits if you let them on the bed with you. Akbash, which are white bodied and white-headed dogs, have double coats, having the characteristics of weather resistance. Advice on this forum is not a substitute for advice from a trained and credentialed professional. My other pup (male) was the one with a bit of a jealousy issue as whenever Keeper would try to play with her Oliver would go over and be pushy and force him away from her. While territorial and protective of his flock or family when necessary, his general demeanor is one of quiet composure, both patient and tolerant. Press J to jump to the feed. 3. If your akbash enjoys foods like cooked egg, fruits, cottage cheese and vegetables, make sure that these do not exceed more than 10% of its daily diet. He is bred to guard, and if he's not properly socialized he can become aggressive or fearful. They don't fully mature until two years old and are not 100% trustworthy until then. The Great Pyrenees Temperment: The Great Pyrenees is a calm, gentle, affectionate, and loyal dog. Maggie had this doe by the neck running with the frightend doe. My Neesa learned basic commands pretty quick and easy. He has a watchful, protective nature and is more serious than many dogs. These are not pet breeds. It is similar and often compared to the Great Pyrenees. The best way to determine the temperament of a mixed breed is to look up all breeds in the cross and know you can get any combination of any of the characteristics found in either breed. This breed acts on its own and is very independent, being able to survive on its own by digging for gophers and other small animals to eat. How much exercise should your dog require? With two giant breed parents, the Great Bernese will likely weigh between 85 and 190 pounds. They do grow quickly, and within the week, they should be up to 2 pounds. Puppy Great Pyrenees are also more prone to biting but with training and age, this behavior should reduce. Akbash puppies weigh 13lbs on average at 7 weeks of age and are typically fully grown between 24-36 months old. It inhibited the region of Pyrenees Mountains of Northern Spain and Southern France. It has been said that Akbash was developed about 3,000 years ago. answer to the question How big do great pyrenees akbash mix? often ask the following The dog will grow out of this phase, but you don't want something unexpected/bad to happen in the meantime. This put my mind at ease so thank u. When comparing the weight, there is not much difference between Great Pyrenees and Akbash. No time right now, (mobile) but any questions or concerns I can help the best I can. The Akbash, especially puppies, have different health considerations compared to other breeds and especially non-working dogs. S, Prabhat. They do shed quite heavily, especially in hot climates. I finally had to resort to a correction collar, as once she starts barking, she wont stop and runs around the yard with her head held high barking barking barking. Then it makes sense. Size can range from 28 to 34 inches with weights of 80 to 140 pounds (36 to 63 kilograms). She loves it outside and when I try to call her in if she is laying down out there, she will often just look up at me and decide nope, not right now. Akbash, which are white bodied and white-headed dogs, have double coats, having the characteristics of weather resistance. adding: I do agree with c0568 somewhat that you have to be careful at dog parks, because my dog would get pretty angry if there was a trouble-maker acting bossy or picking on other dogs. and updated on 2010, October 8, Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, Difference Between Akbash and Great Pyrenees, Difference Between Distilled Water and Boiled Water, Difference Between McDonalds and Burger King, Difference Between Akita inu and Shiba inu, Difference Between Siberian and Bengal Tigers, Difference Between Badlands and Black Hills, Difference Between Dispersal and Migration, Difference Between Carbon Reduction and Carbon Offset. With a calm, independent, and alert temperament, excellent sight, and lean, muscular body, Akbash are powerful against predators and makes an excellent guardian dog, which it still is in Turkey. 7. High-quality economic dog food is fine, but red meat is ideal. I have left her intact so far, I plan to spay her in the next couple of months. Avoid exercising your dog for one hour before or after meals. Cite S, P. (2010, October 8). The result of mixing the Bernese Mountain Dog and a Great Pyrenees. I have never noticed her going through "heat" as of yet. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. Come join the discussion about breeding, health, behavior, housing, adopting, care, classifieds, and more! Im surprised it hasnt been corrected. Great Pyrenees can swim but they're not naturally good at it and as a breed overall, they don't generally like swimming If you start getting your puppy used to the water when they're young, you have a better chance of them liking the water when they're older, making them more agreeable to swimming. Like any dog, they may bite if provoked, if threatened, or feel they need a last resort. Regarding other dogs, I took her to the dog park plenty as a pup, she loved it and tried to play with every dog which sometimes got her in trouble if the other dog wasnt so outgoing. The Amur leopard may be the rarest big cat on Earth! Akbash is a native of Western Turkey, belonging to the Akbas region. I'm sure you've seen this if you've read up on the breed, but expect a huge paw landing on you anytime your dog is around. If the behaviour repeats, remove again. "Difference Between Akbash and Great Pyrenees." Loves treats and is very food motivated, especially healthy treats like carrots and fruit. It is very common for breeders to breed multi-generation crosses. I'm trying to think whether there is even one dog I see at our dog park besides my bouvier and poodles that are more obedient than my pyr was, and I can't think of any. In sum, the most common health issues with the Akbash are: See all of our entertaining and insightful animal articles. Funny things they do - if she acts like a Pyr, then you will be pawed constantly. "bribing with treats MOST often works, otherwise its me actually going out to get her". The Great Pyrenees looks similar to the Akbash but with a heavier head, less lean body, shorter legs, and longer, heavier-shedding coat. I missed the part when researching the breed about how vocal they will become. Good luck- puppy's first year determines everything, so some diligent work over the next few months will result in a good dog for a lifetime. 1. Doesn't affect their ability to guard one little bit. Young Great Pyrenees (up to about three years old) romp and jump with great vigor, and things can go flying, including people. I lived with a large male Pyr for 11 years, and he was a wonderful pet and hardly ever a problem in any way. Its personality is adaptable. Teaching her to "speak" when wanting to go outside was easy as she is super vocal. Pyrs are accustom to working on their own, as they were bred to be left alone with the sheep up in the mountain valleys. an I got a second puppy (different breed) when she was under 4 months old and they have been growing up together. All Rights Reserved. Put the pup in with the mean ones who will not take the pups crap . Nothing was hurt. You can decrease the chances of encountering this condition by buying from Orthodpedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) hip certified stock. As far as other dogs. But even then they differ in many ways, including their appearance and characteristics. Some words that describe its traits are: Gentle, calm, patient, adaptable, stoic, protective, affectionate, alert, maternal, loyal, independent, and brave. All but 3 have dogs. Great Pyrenees come in white with tan patches, solid white, wolf grey and pale yellow coats. Gastric torsion (bloat) is another possible condition and it is seen in large breeds. Akbash are Omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other animals. Both Great Pyrenees and Akbash Dog are having almost same height. One neighbor (since moved) had a 4 month old male blue nose pit. Thanks, I know all this because i have done my research but I appreciate u taking the time to spell it out and make sure my dog turns out right, I was looking more for what they are generally like as adults not really how to train one. Therefore, even experienced dog owners should consider certain factors when choosing a food for their pet: Its diet requirements should provide nutrition to maintain eyesight, mental awareness, and bone health, as well as speed and agility when necessary. They include the Maremma Sheepdog, Polish Tatra, and Kuvasz. Let her plop down and rest whenever she wants. A Great Pyrenees / Akbash Dog mix breed dog. The Akbash has a temperament that is neither shy nor aggressive. What are the key differences between Akbash and Great Pyrenees? Typically, large breed dogs will gain weight quickly and you should not be surprised to see some seriously rapid growth right away. He would whimper at my dogs. The Akbash also needs fiber in its diet, which you can provide with vegetables or with dog food containing vegetables. Read our Complete Guide to Classification of Animals. She went to a new home the next day. When comparing the weight, there is not much difference between Great Pyrenees and Akbash. The mature LGD would not allow the pup to chase the stock, chew ears/tails, steal the babies. To keep your Great Pyrenees in, and to keep other animals out, fences should be high (five feet), with wire sunk into the ground along the fence line to thwart digging. I agree with Sandra - while a well-bred Pyrenees will probably find its' way, you still need to use common sense and set the dog up to succeed. While Akbash comes with a heaight of 71 to 81 inches, the Great Pyrenees comes with a height of about 69 to 81 inches The Great Pyrenees dogs are also very large and muscular. How can you tell the difference between an akbash and a great pyrenees. These dogs are generally trustworthy, affectionate and gentle, but if the need arises, they will not hesitate to try to protect their family and their territory. Akbash have a moderate tendency to bark and will bark to alert their owners or flock of danger or predators. They come in white with tan patches, solid white, wolf grey and pale yellow coats. Date created: Fri, May 14, 2021 7:00 AM. She is super affectionate, very loving and great with kids! She thought her spot was on the front porch, or with us, not the goats. Couldn't keep her in with the goats without electric fence, then one terrible day, she decided to 'play' with one of my does, luckily, I caught her, before she hurt my doe. Akbash and Great Pyrenees are both livestock guardian breeds. Early and frequent socialization would be of tremendous value, as would plenty of age appropriate exercise- no pounding on pavement until well after a year of age. Recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1933 as a At birth, on average, a Great Pyrenees puppy will weigh around a pound at birth. This habit needs to be trained out of them to avoid continuing the behavior as adults. You may have to separate for a week. Then put the dog back in. There is no need to resubmit your comment. As long as your neighbors don't live close enough to complain about barking, it is not a hard breed to live with. It is a cross between the Akbash Dog and the Great Pyrenees. If you've never had LGDs and don't know much about their training then you may want to go with a more experienced older dog. Loves winter weather and will spend hours in the snow. questions. This makes them a great deterrent for burglars. While Akbash comes with a heaight of 71 to 81 inches, the Great Pyrenees comes with a height of about 69 to 81 inches. One day, I looked over and next thing I see is Keeper wriggling his cute lil self under the fence and into my yard. Keep the puppy in the pen though. We made a mistake with our 1st dog. We started in LGDs about a year ago and the learning curve is steep. Nighttime is when most predators will be active, so the Great Pyrenees had to adapt to best protect its flock. Akbash are leaner than Great Pyrenees. Answered by Malcolm Quitzon on Sat, Jun 19, 2021 3:03 AM, Answered by Jayce Wolff on Sat, Jun 19, 2021 10:48 PM, Answered by Jessy Rowe on Mon, Jun 21, 2021 4:41 AM, Answered by Reyna Bruen on Mon, Jun 21, 2021 7:34 PM, Answered by Richmond Oberbrunner on Mon, Jun 21, 2021 10:39 PM, Answered by Audra Kerluke on Tue, Jun 22, 2021 12:43 PM, Answered by Carrie Murray on Thu, Jun 24, 2021 12:16 AM, Answered by Millie Hauck on Thu, Jun 24, 2021 3:45 AM, Answered by Katrina Morissette on Thu, Jun 24, 2021 6:21 AM, Answered by Alyson Thiel on Thu, Jun 24, 2021 9:46 PM, FAQ. I don't know how many times I have been punched in the face already, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. We bond with our dogs. They have very huge heads and powerful jaws. Whether its health issues like hip dysplasia or different care related to its hair and large size, the Akbash has unique factors that should be considered. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Akbash/Great Pyrenees-Neesa, Husky/Aust Shep/ACD-Oliver,,, The Great Pyrenees is nocturnal by nature so typically their barking will increase once the sun goes down. we feed ours 2x/day in the pen while we milk. People who keep Pyrs as pets shouldn't be surprised to find they often bark at night. Do Great Pyrenees Shed? That neighbor has moved away now. I live in a condo (townhouse). Video answer: Great pyrenees / akbash puppies. Approx weight, about 70+lbs, she hates getting on the scale at the vets so its kind of a guess from the last time I was able to weigh her a few months ago. Great Pyrenees as a breed was known from the 1400s. She would probably be content to sleep outside at night if I let her, but think it wouldnt last through the night because she loves to be near her humans and of course Oliver. They may also bark a lot if bored or cooped up. Once it realizes that it can guard your WHOLE property, it will do everything it can to get out in order to do so. Though, she has learned her threshold of how loud she can be until it beeps and now just does little quieter spurts now. Summary She is also very very stubborn. You need to get busy with training now- this could turn out to be a headstrong dog. However, despite their impressive size, they are a very mellow animal. You should exercise them regularly, as well as brush them every week. The Material contained herein may not be reproduced without the prior written approval of the author. What is the scientific name for the Akbash? Great Pyrenees Night Barking. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail, Written by : Prabhat S. Like other breeds, the Akbash needs early training and 3 months is the recommended starting point. She was so cute, we played and loved on her too much. 100% . Have yet to get her not to jump up on people, have been ignoring her for months when she does and she still does, which can hurt as her claws are super thick! Sighthounds and mastiffs or molossers are believed to be the Akbashs ancestors. I was concerned at first but had no worries. Pm me if you like. Great Pyrenees can swim but they're not naturally good at it and as a breed overall, they don't generally like swimming. On the other hand, Great Pyrenees is a native of France and Spain. Akbash comes with a heaight of 71 to 81 inches, the Great Pyrenees comes with a height of about 69 to 81 inches. Purchasing through these helps us further the A-Z Animals mission to educate about the world's species.. View all of our Akbash pictures in the gallery. Puppy kindergarten and then training classes would be a great bonding experience and would get you off to a good start. LOL) but Akbash are the closest in temperament to a Great Pyrenees, so you should feel pretty good about your puppy. It requires weekly brushing as well as carpet vacuuming, plus more frequent brushing during seasonal shedding periods when it changes its coat. Some links of Neesa:, Neesa and Keeper playing tug:, Anyhow, he is very yappy when he is outside. She was not a "crate" type of dog and would scream and cry for hours until I couldnt handle it anymore. I have tried many many many times to train her to shhh, but to no avail. 4. When you crossbreed a Great Pyreneese with a Labrador Retriever, you get a very friendly and playful pooch. I have an Akbash/Pyrenees. My pups both will dig if they get in that mind set and when my neighbors pup was out, they would be at the fence and dig, neighbors pup joining in. You are correct about not mixing genders. The Great Pyrenees dogs are also very large and muscular. The Akbash is a popular choice for farmers needing guardians for livestock or for families with children, since it displays the same behavior towards its flock as it does towards family members, especially when socialized early in life. Although the Akbash is one of the national dog breeds of Turkey and can be exported, it is rarely known outside of the country, where it remains popular as a livestock guardian dog. Whether dry kibble or wet canned food, the food you choose for your Akbash puppy should not only be large breed and age-appropriate but contain high amounts of meat, calcium, and other nutrients for its developing needs. The Akbash has a double coat which can be short, medium, or even longer. Akbash dog, Akba oban Kpei, Coban Kopegi Turkish Shepherd : Great Pyrenees, Patou, Chien Des Pyrnes, Chien De Montagne Des Pyrnes, Montas Del Pirineo, Gos De Muntanya Dels Pirineus : Breed Type : Purebred : Purebred : AKC Group : Not recognized by the American Kennel Club. Because of this, he is naturally nocturnal. I let Keeper come into my yard like that for about a week until I decided it was best to put up wire fencing/2x4 boards along my fenceline to keep cute Keeper out and deter them from digging. The Great Pyrenees is an intelligent breed and can become bored a bit too easily Socialization is a must for a Great Pyr. She can be short, medium, or omnivores for advice from a trained and credentialed professional to kilograms! Region of Pyrenees Mountains of Northern Spain and Southern France mind at ease so thank u heaight. Wolf grey and pale yellow coats down and rest whenever she wants on average at 7 weeks age... Of 71 to 81 inches, the Great Pyrenees come in white with tan patches, solid,... Using baby gate in a space ( my kitchen now ) when Im gone would. Old male blue nose pit not 100 % trustworthy until then the most common health issues with the ones. 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