Here are some of her most pressing concerns and the accommodations to best support and care for a senior Shih Tzu. Depending on the cause, treatment may be able to save a dog's sight and in some cases only quick intervention will do so. The actual name Shih Tzu translates to little lion which most likely derives from the fact that they have manes around their face. She tries multiple times per day for extra treats. Keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea which can eventually result in an ulcer. If not, blow-dry on the lowest heat setting. We know it can be hard to resist feeding them their favorite maple bacon dog biscuits, but be sure to practice moderation when giving your Shih Tzu any treats. 5 Important Health Tips for Shih Tzus. Animal Planet, 2 Mar. Our nutritional products are available for purchase worldwide. But your dog can also be allergic to certain products like shampoo or flea powders. are food-based, and the problem is solved by playing a game of elimination with your dogs diet. In most cases, PRA will eventually lead to complete blindness. Once you allow a senior dog to become sedentary, it can be difficult to get back to. While theres no treatment available for this condition, veterinarians can diagnose it years before blindness ensues, which allots a reasonable amount of time for the dog to. This should involve extra blood, urine and stool tests, extra biochemistry profiles, and ultrasound tests to check if the major organs are functioning as they should. Exercise will also help maintain the immune system as sound as possible and help keep stiff, arthritic joints lubricated and moving. How To Bathe A Shih Tzu Dog For Healthy Skin And Coat. nd then pat the coat dry (do not rub). The trachea (also known as the windpipe) is composed of cartilage. If so, this has nothing to do with housebreaking. Information contained or made available through the Canna-Pet website is not intended to constitute or substitute for legal advice or veterinary advice. A senior Shih tzu goes through many changes and will need special care. I hope that you and your shih tzu(s) go on to have many more happy times together. The best supplements to maintain joint lubrication and flexibility include ingredients such as glucosamine, chondroitin, and MSM. By grooming your dog consistently, you keep them cleaner and less prone to infection, and you remain aware of their physical state, meaning you can catch something early if it comes. 2015, Accessed 4 Aug. 2017. When you do notice this happening, first have your vet rule out anything more serious, such as kidney disease, or bladder or urinary tract infections. bladder infection, UTI, kidney disease and more. Intervertebral Disk Disease often occurs in dogs with shorter legs but a large back, as this build can be structurally volatile for the spine. With these three conditions in mind, be sure to always be keen on the way your Shih Tzus eyes develop. So, always approach him from where he can see you, that is in front of him or from the side. Think of places that you would place a baby gate if you had an infant toddling around the house, such as a staircase, and do the same for your senior shih tzu. As a dog ages, nails can get brittle, causing them to break off or split, which can be very painful. Doggie Dailies Advanced Hip & Joint Supplement for Dogs, Learn more about this super-helpful Shih Tzu book, Decreased (or loss of) bladder and/or bowel control, Dental issues (including tooth loss, which often leads to trouble eating), Having trouble negotiating around the house, Not responding to his name and or things that are happening around him, Trouble following simple commands that were once understood. document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. There are treatments and antibiotics available for this condition and it is best to bring your dog to the vet. Allergies in the dog world are quite similar to allergies that affect the human anatomy. While less common, some Shih Tzus are allergic to airborne allergens like pollen or dust. The actual name Shih Tzu translates to little lion which most likely derives from the fact that they have manes around their face. The initial symptom is of course difficulty breathing, and this is often noticed immediately by the owner. A Shih Tzu needs their exercise to regulate their body and to stay in shape. This should be done with zero expectations. The skin becomes less supple, dry and itchy. There are several changes that can happen to a shih tzu when reaching senior status. Taking your Shih Tzu to the vet regularly is the one most important things you can do to keep your dog healthy. This means. Keep the nails trimmed back while being careful not to trim so far back as to cause bleeding. Glucosamine Chews Glucosamine can take a few days to build up in your Shih Tzus system, so follow the dosing instructions on the package. You may have heard the saying, 'Use it or lose it', and this applies not just to people, but to senior dogs as well. . This wart on Leias leg is clearly visible when her coat is trimmed. Make sure you pay attention to the areas in between the paw pads, in between the toes, and where the nails bed in to the toes. But your dog can also be allergic to certain products like shampoo or flea powders. Theyre regal, confident little home bodies, but that doesnt mean they should never get off the couch. Shih Tzus are known to be a healthy breed with a strong bloodline. However, the immune system of a senior is weaker, meaning that the affects of any health problems can be more severe. Once a Shih Tzu becomes a senior, this should increase to being seen by the vet twice per year, at 6-month intervals. Not only their ears should be examined, but their entire body too. Sometimes the growth will have to be removed because its in an unavoidable area. With osteoarthritis (OA) being so common with senior dogs, certain dietary supplements for joint health should, ideally, be started around the 6-year mark as a preventative method. An examination every 6 months will help ensure that any problems are caught early, for the best possible prognosis. However, with proper care, a Shih Tzu can have a relatively good life span,living into his or her mid-teens. Whatever the cause, it may be a good idea to make his food easier to eat. With added patience and special care, Leia is living a full and happy life. Even dogs that sleep in their human's bed at night should have a supportive surface for daytime naps. The senior Shih Tzu may need a new way to access the master bed, help going up or down stairs, or restricted single level living as they age. The groomer will need to go around certain spots with extra care. Unfortunately, as IVD progresses, it is possible that the canine experiences complete paralysis. Shih Tzu Dog Breed Information. Vetstreet, Accessed 4 Aug. 2017. Then, pat your shih tzu with a towel to rid his coat of excess water and allow him to completely dry in air, if possible. The Shih Tzu is a fantastic dog that sits in the top 20 of the AKCs most popular list of dog breeds. The change is gradual. It might be time for a new hairstyle. If this is the case, there are two things that you can do to help him be more comfortable with his condition. He will probably not want to exercise as much or walk as far as he used to and he will be sleeping more. The Story So Far. Some older dogs seem to simply forget their routine. Though unsightly, lumps and bumps like these that dont bother the Shih Tzu and have been cleared by your veterinarian are not a problem. Often they overestimate their capabilities and land too hard, causing an injury that develops into Hip Dysplasia years later. The structure of the Shih Tzus ears makes them prone to ear infections. , weakness in the limb(s), difficulty walking, and extreme sensitivity to touch. It may just be that his appetite is not as big as it once was. Hip Dysplasia is one of the most common conditions that affect dogs in general. Its sad to hear of Lexis dementia and walking problems with her back legs. To enable him to consistently find his toys, keep them all together in a box that is always kept in the same place, a place where he can access them. While you should get this checked by a vet to confirm that it isnt anything malignant, dont worry too much as any such lumps are probably just tissue building up due to old age. How Your Dog Saves You Money This condition is more often found in little dogs, due to the structure of their faces. When your vet has officially declared that your dog has become a senior, these check-ups should be made more frequently, which is every six months for an otherwise healthy dog. Around your dogs ninth or tenth birthday, keep an eye out for the following additional age-related problems: Difficulty Hearing Just like humans, hearing sensitivity can decrease with age in dogs. Maintain the frequency (typically 2 walks per day) and adjust the pace and the duration, as needed. Senior Shih Tzu dogs typically start having some age-related hearing issues around the age of 13 years old. Leia especially enjoys a rubdown after a long walk. Do not rearrange furniture, puppy-proof the house on a daily basis, gate off any dangerous areas such as staircases, stick with familiar walking routes, and when approaching your Shih Tzu do this from the side and at their level. Still, there are some reports of Shih Tzus suffering from this. It should also be soap-free with plant-based cleansers and paraben-free so that it rinses out easily. Leia has always been unhappy in the cold, but a new development of the senior years is her intolerance to heat. The floppy ears give way to a warm long canal, which can sometimes be the stomping grounds for bacteria. with a picture of your pet, your pets name, your location, and your Canna-Pet success story. Remember the long-term benefits of maintaining a healthy weight and find ways other than food to show your affection. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Canna-Pet produces the only legal, veterinarian-recommended, non-prescription CBD products for animals. Its important to monitor your Shih Tzu as they navigate their environment. If a certain wart interferes with your Shih Tzus hairstyle, it may have to be removed. However, this will mean that you have a messy dog that will need bathing more often. is quite the dynamic toy dog. Your Shih Tzu will have a hard time navigating in the dark, and often seem clumsy. This could be affecting one or both of his eyes. There are some behavioral changes that can indicate that your shih tzu has reached his senior years. Some of these links are affiliate links where we may earn commissions on purchases. There are. TIP: If your shih tzu used to be allowed to jump up on the sofa or your bed and can no longer manage this, you might like to install a doggy ramp or doggy steps so that he can continue to do so without your help. You may start to find little presents of pools of pee or feces in inappropriate places around the house. Tip #5 Be aware of age-related hearing loss. Usually its seen in bigger dogs that grow too quickly into their bodies, but it can also occur in smaller canines like the Shih Tzu. There are treatments, medicine, and surgery available to help correct (or at least mitigate) the symptoms of IVD. Shih Tzu Dogs Health Problems | Cuteness. Cuteness, 9 Feb. 2017, Accessed 4 Aug. 2017. If the cartilage weakens, the structure will flatten, and breathing becomes a difficult and painful process for your little dog. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Here are some tips to do so. How Long Is a Dog in Heat? Bear in mind that excessive bathing can exacerbate another shih tzu age-related problem, that is dry skin. She prefers to stretch out on her large breed size orthopedic bed. In the case of a corneal ulcer, your Shih Tzu will often need to undergo surgery. If its bad enough, this issue can require surgery. As with hearing issues, dont sneak up on your shih tzu from behind where he cant see you as this could startle him and stress him out. She stopped limping and her enthusiasm for hiking with the family was renewed. These changes may appear to happen all of a sudden but will have actually been establishing themselves over some months. . This can, in turn, lead to skin infections, especially if the skin becomes cracked or peeled, or the dog tries to scratch it a lot. One of the telltale signs of an ear infection is odor, or if your Shih Tzu is abnormally jumpy or frantic in the wake of loud noises. Your senior shih tzus vision may be on the decrease. Theyre an adorable breed filled with spunk and energy, and think extremely highly of themselves. Even though they are traditionally a pretty. They have one of the oldest lineages of all dog breeds in existence (and a history which is deeply rooted in Chinese royalty) and yet still remains similar to even their earliest depictions. The conditions listed above are simply the health issues which affect this breed most, and it doesnt necessarily mean your dog will experience any of these conditions. Buy Our Products at Local Retailers & Veterinarians. When out for walks, use familiar routes that youve both been on together many times before. The symptoms include. However, there is no exact age that canines become seniors. , this occurs when the eyeball actually dislodges from the socket and the eyelid shuts behind it. , redness, rashes, parasites, infections, and anything that seems at all abnormal. Check their coats, nose, ears, eyes, mouths, and paws for anything suspicious. A big mistake in caring for a senior Shih Tzu is assuming that the symptoms of arthritis: a general 'slowing down', lethargy, difficulty rising from a down position, morning discomfort, and trouble sleeping, should just be accepted as a normal part of a dog aging. I treasure the good days when he remembers me and where he is. Starting at the 1-year mark and throughout a Shih Tzu's adult life to the 9-year mark, wellness visits should be scheduled on a yearly basis. Due to their abnormally small size, Shih Tzus have difficulty obtaining the proper amount of oxygen they needs to regulate their body. Its a fact that around 80% of dogs over the age of 8 suffer from some degree of osteoarthritis, usually to the hips, knees, or both. It will help keep the heartbeat regular and keep the circulation healthy. In some cases, this is can be attributed to side effects of medication or decreased appetite linked to illness. A. x-rays and/or ultrasounds since many diseases and issues involvingthe major organs cannot be detected via blood work. However, with a little extra effort and care from us we can make sure that the little fellas and little ladies carry on to live as long a happy and active life as possible as comfortably as possible. Shih Tzus are known for their longevity as they live on average anywhere from 10-16 years. Thankfully, there are surgeries available for this condition. If this is the case, consider taking some steps to. If not, try placing a puppy pad in perhaps your bathroom or other appropriate place for him to use. Keep the skin around the paws supple by massaging in some good quality moisturizing paw wax. Osteoarthritis (OA) is the single most common issue seen with senior dogs. At home you can do much to improve your dogs golden years by being attentive and offering extra support to overcome the challenges that come with age. This can be due to issues with nutrient absorption, which is common to a certain extent with seniors and in particular may be linked to vitamin B 12. Side bolsters are also excellent for providing good neck support which can cut down on snoring and other breathing disturbances that can interfere with sleep. Supplements may also have an extract from the yucca schidigera plant, and hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring acid that lubricates the cartilage. How Much to Neuter a Dog. This said, some older dogs simply do not have a robust appetite. Senior dogs know the rules, they may just be unable to follow them. We recommend. Shih Tzu Dog Breed Information. American Kennel Club, 6 Nov. 2017, Accessed 4 Aug. 2017. As a Shih Tzu ages into their senior years, there may be some weight changes that should be addressed; and, this can go in either direction. Avoid moving furniture around as he is less likely to bump into anything that is sited in its usual place where he is expecting it to be. For an old shih tzu this can cause difficulty with eating properly. Whereas in his adult years he may have been able to go the whole day between his morning walk and evening walk without needing a toilet break, his older and weaker bladder and bowel muscles mean that he may need to go one or more times in between walks. This is the best bed that I can find that satisfies ALL of these requirements. Shih Tzus are known to be a. with a strong bloodline. Often the first symptoms begin with an inflammation of the eye, and overtime youll be able to notice the your dogs eye begin to move forward. often occurs in dogs with shorter legs but a large back, as this build can be structurally volatile for the spine. Very rarely are allergies life threatening, but they often make your dog quite uncomfortable. Its a great way to bond and a calorie free way to show affection. Regular exercise, albeit not as intense as previously, will help reduce the rate of muscle degeneration and that includes the heart muscle. To help a senior that's having trouble, you can start to incorporate hand signals along with commands and turn lights on and off before entering rooms. Read on to find out what these changes are and what you can do to keep your senior shih tzu healthy beyond the average shih tzu life span of 13-years and perhaps up to 16-years and more. Sometimes he may want to be close to you more often than usual and other times he may disappear into a quiet corner for long periods of time. His eyes may become cloudier. By the age of 8, this spikes to a whopping 85%. Bruno, now 14, has exactly the same problems. Tip #6 Know about age-related vision issues. There are ways that you can help your shih tzu cope with his less sharp vision. Take care that your Shih Tzus harness isnt rubbing any skin growths. As your shih tzu moves into his senior years his metabolism slows down. I always think of her as our little baby but sadly realized shes already 9 years old and needs the extra care. While no one wants to think too much about their Shih Tzu growing old, this is really something that cannot be ignored. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your name and email to get exclusive offers and updates from Canna-Pet! There are a number of supplements that work to counteract (but not cure) the decrease in lubrication in the joints and the wearing down of cartilage that is assocaied with OA . As a Shih Tzu transitions from adult to senior, it's important for owners to know what to expect, the type of changes in care that are needed, and which common age-related health issues and ailments that affect senior dogs to keep an eye out for. include an abnormal gait, pain in the limbs, difficulty walking, lameness in the limb(s), and at worse immobility. Grooming is a sure way to make sure youre keeping tabs on the health of your canine. A recommend one is, Be sure that your senior Shih Tzu is hydrated enough (you may need to encourage water intake) and consider using humidifiers. Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by Decreased vision is often part of growing older, however it is important to have any vision issues diagnosed. Make sure your dog gets his yearly examinations and has all the shots he needs to live a long healthy life. Which Dog Has The Strongest Dog Bite? It also is the upkeep of their hygiene. We respect your privacy. How to Take Care of a 6 Week Old Puppy What to Feed and More A failure to respond to his name, familiar commands or events occurring close to him. If he is on medication, it may cause him to lose his appetite. Check their coats, nose, ears, eyes, mouths, and paws for anything suspicious. This can be corrected via surgery if severe enough, but at times your dog will adjust to the collapsed trachea (so long that is not impairing airflow). Dry skin problems can be at their worst around the paws as they bear all of your shih tzus weight when walking and running on sometimes abrasive surfaces. Check with your groomer if you Shih Tzu seems too hot even in a cool room. *. As it progresses, it begins to affect their daytime vision as well. Orthopedic Bed Often small dogs have small pet beds, but your senior Shih tzu may prefer to stretch out. There could be changes to what he likes to eat, how much he wants to eat, and how often he wants to eat. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. TIP: If your shih tzu will only eat kibble, try softening it first by pouring some warm water over it. That said, anytime you can get your Shih Tzu on a daily regimen, even well into the senior years, it is going to help to some degree. Tip #7 Give the skin and coat extra attention. Hip Dysplasia can occur in Shih Tzus because they love to jump around, particularly in their youth. Shih Tzu Dog Breed Information, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts. Dogtime, Accessed 4 Aug. 2017. Why Is My Dog Aggressive Towards Other Dogs? He may start to struggle with steep hills, so a flatter route may need to be planned. Your senior shih tzu may start losing weight. Make sure your senior dog has access to their favorite high places even when they can no longer make the jump on their own. The best thing to do is work on keeping the skin healthy and address any issues right away. Be consistent and use the same gesture each time for a particular command and a different gesture for each individual command. Leia loves to get on top of the highest stack of pillows possible. In order to stay on top of any illness or condition that may arise, its important to take your canine in for routine checkups. Dry skin will cause the hair of the coat to become thin and brittle, some of it may even fall out. This is more of a side effect of reduced mobility. Grooming doesnt just include taking care of their coats. Always approach him from the front or the side and give him time and a chance to see you coming. Thank you for your feedback and very kind comments. Switching the lights on when you enter the room that your shih tzu is in and switching them off again when you leave will help let him know whether you are there or not. It occurs when the thyroid doesnt function properly, which means they can regulate their metabolism. Id Never Used a Dog Boarding Service for My Dogs, But Now I Have and Heres How Eira Handled It There can also be issues with the nails. Another eye-related disorder, this occurs when the eyeball actually dislodges from the socket and the eyelid shuts behind it. In hot weather we walk early in the morning or late in the evening on shady paths. His appetite has changed, or his eating pattern has changed, or both. Any sudden changes should be reported to the vet to rule out issues including. The joints, particularly the hips and the knees, become stiffer, perhaps arthritic, leading to slower and shorter walks, less energetic play, and the inability to jump up onto raised surfaces such as sofas and beds. Unsubscribe at anytime. The top brand name of selegiline prepared for canine use is Anipryl, which is also used to treat Cushings Disease. This is the best combination for maintaining the lubricating gel between bones, in my opinion. Symptoms include itching, redness in the eyes, rashes, an. If so, this should be checked out by a vet. Do note that this breed can be a bit fickle about food choice, thus theres a bit of work to be done before youve ironed out a meal plan that sticks. However, the surgery available for this condition is nearly always successful. Grooming can cause bleeding or even lead to infection. An orthopedic bed with a memory foam base of at least 2-inches (50mm) thickness for total support and substantial side bolsters for neck support, will provide a warm, comfortable, pain-free place for him to sleep. It doesnt matter if you have a year-old shih tzu or a sixteen-year-old, its never too early or too late to take the precautions and the action to help your dog live a longer life and be more comfortable in his or her senior years. Its the vet who will declare if a dog has reached his senior years, though any shih tzu over 10 is considered a senior regardless of this. I have found it so informative. The vet mentioned that she might become unsure in dark rooms and sure enough, within a month Leia would wait for someone to switch on a light before entering a dark room. Another common cause is dental issues; either painful tooth infections or severe tooth loss that makes eating difficult. As time goes on, if the problem persists (or worsens), then the dogs body can begin to fail. While theres no treatment available for this condition, veterinarians can diagnose it years before blindness ensues, which allots a reasonable amount of time for the dog to adapt to the blindness. In most cases, PRA will eventually lead to complete blindness. Your email address will not be published. Fortunately, Leia hasnt succumbed to all of the age-related issues that are possible for a Shih Tzu of her age. As a senior, your shih tzu will require more sleep than when he was an adult. Weight loss should be reported to the veterinarian. Teeth can become chipped, broken, or fall out. 20 Questions to Ask When Adopting a Dog Grooming doesnt just include. Its probably because his sense of hearing is not as sharp as it was. Where relevant and helpful to the reader, we may link to products. The more frequent examinations will help detect any of these potential health issues at the first opportunity, allowing a course of treatment to be determined early to give the best chance of recovery. Make sure that not only are you feeding your Shih Tzu healthy and quality food, but that youre monitoring weight gain. It happens at such a slow pace that you probably will not notice its onset. All text and images are protected by copyright laws. Most seniors do best if they are taken outside much more often than their younger counterparts; some as often as every hour and allowed more time take care of business. Unfortunately, Keratitis does indeed cause blindness if the condition is severe enough. These supplements will never cure the condition, but they will help keep the joints lubricated, more supple, and less painful. Its incredibly painful, often time requires surgery, and can indeed cause blindness. If the weight gain becomes chronic you may need to use weight control formula kibble or wet food. The symptoms include muscle spasms, weakness in the limb(s), difficulty walking, and extreme sensitivity to touch. Many eye-related problems have to be caught early in order to be fully repaired. Leia is much more comfortable with a short puppy cut during the summer months. Old shih tzu are subject to the same health issues that can affect a younger dog. Make sure that not only are you feeding your Shih Tzu healthy and quality food, but that youre monitoring weight gain. Whether you have a new puppy or an adult, lets get started on a wonderful, fulfilling, fun, and healthy road for your Shih Tzu! Note that canine hearing aides do exist, but at the time of this writing, they are extraordinary expensive, unreliable, are not proven to improve hearing all that much, and are rarely tolerated. If there's been an injury, illness, or another reason for your older Shih Tzu's exercise taking a back seat, start things up again slowly, with vet approval. And, since shorter nails are less prone to breaking off, keep them trimmed down. They have one of the oldest lineages of all dog breeds in existence (and a history which is deeply rooted in Chinese royalty) and yet still remains similar to even their earliest depictions. The Shih Tzu is quite the dynamic toy dog. 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