But often, documentation is written incomprehensibly., When starting to get certified, it can be hard to find the right path. This Visual Studio code extension provides language support for the Core Data Services (CDS) language as used in the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model (CAP). Before anything, add these to your settings.json. From extensions that make learning to program more accessible to functional extensions that make development processes more efficient, there is something for every type of developer. SAP BAS is my second choice as an IDE to use SAP-specific extensions not available in Visual Studio Code or a browser-based IDE. There are many settings to configure the depths you want to see and the colors of the different depths. If you installed it before setting the configs above, uninstall, delete the folder (c.f. File Utils allows you to create, duplicate, move, rename and delete files and directories with just a handful of commands. These extensions apply mainly to JavaScript developers, but some general-purpose extensions will benefit everyone else as well. This extension lets you review and manage GitHub pull requests and issues in Visual Studio Code. Since the advent of computers, the list of programming languages has diversified and evolved. CodeSnap is an extension that allows you to take nice screenshots of your code in VS Code. Then install the Language Support for Java extension. More keymaps can be found in the marketplace. You can then review PRs from VS Code with in-editor comments and validate PRs from VS Code with simple checkouts. Since were mainly using Git with GitHub, well look at VSCode extensions that work well with that combination. This paragraph contains JSON configuration files that are useful for Chromium development, in particular. When working with JavaScript or TypeScript in the backend, you quickly come across tons of reusable packages published by others. This dramatically increases the overview in the file. With choosing an editor, dont always go for the latest and greatest. Not only can you style your editor, but you can also style the file icons you use. In addition, service instances that are not available in the cloud target are highlighted with a warning. If you are used to other editors, you can also install your favorite keymap. According to the 2021 StackOverflow survey, 71.06% of all respondents use Visual Studio Code as the IDE of choice.. You can either install them in your user profile (path may vary depending on the platform): Automatically generated code is put into a subfolder of out/, which means that these files are ignored by VS Code (see files.exclude above) and cannot be opened e.g. Green indicators mean Quokka has executed all instructions in a line of code. Non-Googlers may follow may follow Microsoft's instructions for installing the OpenSSH server. VS Code remote tools requires sshd which isn't installed on Windows by default. Not only when working with SAP Business Technology Platform you will need to work with .yaml files. However, to use its full potential, you need to purchase a paid subscription and as you can see from the name, it is also heavily marketed. Nothing is as constant as change, and we too will need to adapt our recommendations. Those were our 52 Visual Studio Code Extension recommendations. Youll need to generate a placeholder .classpath file and locate it. The Time Travel Debugger speeds up your edit, compile, and debug loops by allowing you to jump to a specific line of code, view, edit, and continue runtime values, and move in, across, and out of your code. Extend your IDE with the real-time features remote development teams need to work together effectively. If you installed Code Insiders, the binary name is code-insiders instead. You can filter and sort your tests and check your overall code coverage. Same author as npm Intellisense with a slightly different use case. Right-click on the module, for example, in a require statement, and click View Node Module Readme. This is where Visual Studio Code Extensions come in. Like a spell checker, SonarLint highlights bugs and security vulnerabilities as you write code, with explicit instructions on how to fix them so you can fix them before you commit the code. Support includes authenticating and connecting VS Code to GitHub and listing and browsing PRs from within VS Code. If this is not the case, replace any references to ${workspaceFolder} with the path to your src/. otherwise, set cwd to ${workspaceRoot}. There are also tons of color schemes available for download on the marketplace. Otherwise, where do you get the confidence that your application can be transported directly to the production environment via continuous deployment? See VS Code documentation for an introduction to VS Code customization. It allows you to switch between showing and hiding your excluded files. SonarLint is an extension that lets you fix programming problems before they exist. Just choose what suits your taste. We recommend using the extension, because it is a waste of time to discuss the formatting of the code. Git Graph visualizes commits in a Git repository in a graph format that lets you quickly see which commits and branches are where relative to each other. The two are completely separate products. It is NOT a full-fledged IDE like Visual Studio. That leaves a lot of noise that wed like to avoid. A content assistant helps you with that. Follow the steps on Setting up Visual Studio Code. See what your teammates are working on and get notified of merge conflicts before you commit. If you have CLI installed and connected to a cloud target, the extension automatically displays values for specific manifest attributes. GitLens extends the Git capabilities built into Visual Studio Code. You can quickly save screenshots of your code and copy them to the clipboard, for example. You will have to add the following to your settings in order for the Git integration to work: Tip: you can jump to the settings JSON file by using Ctrl+Shift+P and using the Preferences: Open User Settings (JSON) verb (for whatever reason, setting git.path as a folder setting does not appear to work). Open the file //tools/vscode/settings.json, and check out the default settings there. As you might have guessed, there are Visual Studio Code addons for that as well, which make your life with Node, or rather NPM, easier. If you have intellisense enabled but do not have include paths set up correctly, jumping through problems will also try to navigate through all the include files it cannot locate and add a lot of noise. Quokka.js is a JavaScript and TypeScript playground in your editor. "ms-vscode.cpptools llvm-vs-code-extensions.vscode-clangd ms-python.python bbenoist.togglehs peterj.proto Google.vscode-mojom msedge-dev.gnls stkb.rewrap ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh eamodio.gitlens", "wmaurer.change-case shd101wyy.markdown-preview-enhanced Gruntfuggly.todo-tree alefragnani.Bookmarks spmeesseman.vscode-taskexplorer streetsidesoftware.code-spell-checker tht13.html-preview-vscode anseki.vscode-color", Unable to open $File resource is not available when debugging Chromium on Linux, color schemes available for download on the marketplace, For more information on debugging Python code, see. Wouldnt it be nice if there were some VSCode extensions to help you do that? You can use these snippets to speed up test creation. This doc is checked into the Chromium git repo, so if you make changes, read the documentation guidelines and submit a change list. From my point of view, it is worth the money, but you may not want to spend that much. Programming is already so hard to learn, and leaving small, repetitive tasks to these helpers is pretty convenient. All right, your code is written, tested and refactored. Aesthetics? By this, I dont mean that you should jump from one language to another or from one framework to another that would be crazy. These include, for example, heatmaps that show the areas of recent changes to your file. Make your life easier and more productive with these. You have a choice. Then it's sufficient to press Ctrl+R and enter . You can bind any command to a key, even commands specified by extensions like CodeSearchOpen. The rich extension model allows extension authors to plug directly into the VS Code user interface and contribute functionality through the same APIs used by VS Code. VS Code is still in active development and subject to changes. Lets look at them. The essential purpose of code refactoring is to make the code more efficient and maintainable. You might have to adjust the commands to your situation and needs. in a terminal. Speaking of visualizing things. Its usefulness depends on your programming style, but if you use classes or variables before declaring them, it will help you. But are there extensions in VSCode that help you collaborate in a team? It enforces a consistent style by parsing your code and reprinting it with its own rules that consider the maximum line length, wrapping the code when necessary. But what was the exact meaning of each attribute again? As you may already recognize from the extensions name, Tabnine provides autocompletion for many languages such as JavaScript, Python, Java and TypeScript. Please keep this doc up-to-date. Since it has its own menu that you can include in the Explorer view of the sidebar, for example, it is a quick and convenient way to navigate your projects. We may want to look at the source code of a library were using, experiment with new tools, or have a desire to learn something new. Many programmers prefer VS Code because it offers many extensions for additional functionality, productivity, debugging and speed. Dont worry, there are other valuable extensions out there. When you need to go beyond your code, you can use Excalidraw to sketch. As developers, we often clone Git repos locally to browse them or make small edits. With over 30,000 extensions in circulation, the options feel almost limitless and overwhelming at the same time. These extensions listed here are not only for productivity, but they help many developers become better programmers. If you work with frameworks like the SAP Cloud Application Programming Model, you may frequently deal with CSV files. Remember to replace ! This is a pretty pleasant way to navigate with the keyboard. For Googlers, here are Google-specific instructions for setting up remote development on chromebooks without using Crostini. However, not every available theme is listed there. An excellent text editor is essential for your development efficiency. We have chosen a minimal, dark blue theme for VS Code called Hash Dark, inspired by Hashnode syntax highlighting. As the saying goes, if you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together. Excalidraw is a virtual collaborative whiteboard tool that lets you quickly create diagrams that feel drawn by hand. To edit this, go to Settings -> Select the Workspace tab, and choose to open as JSON (button in the top right), and configure folders like this (change paths to match your local setup and usage): Chromium recently changed the file path to be relative to the output dir. But there are extensions to help you with that, too. This part is still in beta. We dont know about your projects, but ours are usually crammed with files that we dont need to access that often. Ive made many mistakes, wasted much time, and learned only by doing. You can do this by typing Ctrl+Shift+P > Preferences: Open Folder Settings (JSON) and adding something like: Now you can run tasks by using Ctrl+P and typing "task " and then a number of your choice. Do you swear by extensions we havent mentioned here? But it wouldnt be Visual Studio Code if there werent extensions to help you do that, too. No configuration is required, a simple click and you will see the CPU profile. File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts and add { "key": "ctrl+r", "command": "workbench.action.tasks.runTask", "when": "!inDebugMode" }. To use these settings wholesale, enter the following commands into your terminal while at the src directory: Note: these settings assume that the workspace folder (the root folder displayed in the Explorer tab) is Chromium's src/ directory. Next, we will install some useful extensions. Instead of showing a preview of the results against a test set, it shows the logic behind the regular expression. Todays popular JavaScript frameworks are perfect for VSCode it has everything you need. This allows you to quickly execute tasks by pressing their number: Press Ctrl+P and enter task , where is the number of the task. These rules can be configured within your team. Compared to SonarLint, ESLint offers a higher customizability and a large ecosystem of rules that you can include in your project. If not, youre missing something. With Git Blame Annotations and Code Lens, you can see code authorship at a glance, seamlessly navigate and explore Git repositories, gain valuable insights with powerful compare commands, and more. Opt for a light theme, opt for a dark theme, opt for something blue, opt for something red. Its a theme that we find visually appealing. And thats exactly why routine code refactoring is necessary. When a key is specified, Code Ace Jumper searches for the first letter of each word in the document. This will open a new VS Code window in Remote mode. It is a powerful autocomplete tool that can detect and recommend more situations than Visual Studio IntelliCode. It would help if you had an editor that is flexible enough to adapt to your changing needs. Type intellisense engine in the settings search box. Hover over any attribute and read its detailed documentation. Following the same concept of openness, you can find thousands of extensions for VSCode on the Marketplace. In this section, we will show extensions for autocompletion and for navigation in your code. Check gn args out/$dir --list if strip_absolute_paths_from_debug_symbols is true (which is the default), set cwd to the output dir. Jest Snippets provides code snippets for the Jest JavaScript / TypeScript testing framework. VSCode has a vast open source community. Developers that join your sessions receive all of their editor context from your environment (e.g. The discussion about formatting code is probably as old as team programming itself. Now you can install extensions specifically for your remote connection, like vscode-clangd, etc. Lets look at them. Which extensions are the best for productivity? So its an entry point for working with a repository from which you can proceed, for example, with the GitHub Pull Request and Issues extension to clone the repository and work with it locally. Code refactoring is the process of editing and cleaning up previously written software code without changing the function of the code itself. VS Code does not require project or solution files. Its fairly self-explanatory. In addition, Visual Studio Code accounted for 46% of the total time tracked across all the editors used by developers. Quokka.js comes with a CPU profiler that allows you to quickly and easily retrieve the CPU profile of your code to analyze its runtime performance. This includes things like creating functions, variables, classes, and switch cases. Edit csv offers an excellent form-based csv editor that can help you work with csv files. As more innovative companies compete to produce, Visual Studio Code clocked in over 18 million hours in 2020 of dev work, How to Select Vim Code Completion for Any Language. I can only recommend trying it out. In this post, well go over our picks for the best VSCode extensions developers should use in 2021. Blockman highlights nested blocks of code, giving you information about the block to which the code belongs. What Im saying is that you should stay up to date, you should know the latest and compare it to what youve been using, see the difference, the pros and cons, and you should watch the support and the growth of the community because stability is also essential. We think theyll be valuable on your path to becoming an SAP BTP developer. It also supports some additional features like comparing between commits and helps facilitate code reviews (as well as automatically replacing emoji shortcodes with the emoji (or Gitmoji) in commit messages). You dont have to download all the plugins to have a productive workspace. VSCode aims to provide all the tools you need while eliminating complex workflows. It inserts a button above your regular expression. Hocus Pocus creates useful things for you in JavaScript and TypeScript that make you more productive by creating boilerplate code faster. Lets go. To use VS Code as merge tool, add [merge] tool = code. It has the same code gutters and CPU profiling as Quokka and can take your testing or TDD experience to the next level. To use these settings wholesale, enter the following command into your terminal: To edit key bindings, press Ctrl+K, Ctrl+S. theme, keybindings), as well as having their own cursor. Please update this page accordingly. This guide introduces you to the 52 VS Code extensions that every SAP Business Technology Platform fullstack developer should know about in 2021. For example, these extensions will help you with the SAPUI5 and SAP Cloud Application Programming Model frameworks. Lets start with the most obvious the visuals. We want to change that. The bottom line is that these decisions dont matter, but there should be a consistency of style in your code. But thats not all. If you frequently work in multiple Git repositories that are part of the Chromium repository, you might find that the built-in tooling does not work as expected for files that exist below folders that are part of a .gitignore file checked in to Chromium. language services, debugging), which ensures they can start productively collaborating immediately, without needing to clone any repos or install any SDKs. One area that is insufficient in VS Code is the ability to perform file operations with commands. It includes the line numbers and has many configuration options to customize the output to your liking. You have to get the actual command name from the package.json file of the extension. With Wallaby.js Test Story Viewer, you have a unique and highly efficient way to debug your code and inspect what code your test is executing in a single logical view. Long lists of text of the same color. In order to generate it, right click on any Java source folder in the left panel and choose Add folder to java source path. This will provide tasks to do basic things. Abracadabra equips your editor with more refactorings and shortcuts to trigger the most useful ones on the fly and suggest refactorings when needed. Besides calling HTTP endpoints, you can use GUI-based tests to select a few dropdowns to run most standard tests quickly and without scripting knowledge. Extensions for your IDE are invaluable for speeding up your work without compromising the quality of your output. Below are some of the refactorings this extension can perform: The same author provides this extension as Abracadabra, but with a slightly different use case. Launch commands can be run from the debug view (Ctrl+Shift+D). By now you have written your tests and your code. Linters check your code for syntax errors and highlight errors so you can quickly find and fix them. ESLint is another linter that you can integrate into your Visual Studio code setup to ensure code integrity. To work around this, you can add the directories you edit as separate folders entries in your workspace configuration, and ensure that the directories that are ignored in Chromium are listed before the Chromium src path. The team features are helpful to share requests with the team by storing data in the Git project. Before the profile is displayed, you can choose where to display it: in Quokka Chrome Dev Tools or directly in VS Code. If you dont feel like digging through the myriad of themes on the VSCode extension marketplace, we recommend visiting vscodethemes. I want to stick with the keyboard for these actions. You can easily rearrange the order, add new rows or columns and much more. When you encounter a regular expression, it can help you visually understand what it does. In practice, this ability to work togetherandindependently provides a collaboration experience that is potentially more natural for manycommon use cases. And while it doesnt fix bugs, it can help avoid them in the future. Given the activity of the VS Code community, it wont be long before there are powerful new enhancements. It works time for code refactoring. For Googlers, sshd should already be installed on your workstation, and VS Code should work remotely if you followed the setup instructions at go/building-chrome-win. To get this to run, install the Remote pack extension, and then make sure your ssh config file has your remote connection: VS Code will then list this connection in the Remote Explorer section on the left. It visualizes GitHub Actions workflows and runs for your current repository in VS Code. Out of the box, VS Code is made for developers by developers. Hover over an error marker to see an explanation. Feel free to commit added or removed settings to enable better team development, or change settings locally to suit personal preference. Node-readme is a vscode extension for viewing node module documentation in the editor. If it finds them, it uses the API to retrieve workflows and their runs. As you type, the manifest is parsed and checked for fundamental syntactic and structural correctness. To help you choose the right extensions that add more value than the resources they drain from your system, weve compiled this comprehensive list of the best extensions currently available. Ace Jump is a quick cursor movement without touching either the mouse or the cursor keys. If you want to display it in VS Code, you can use vscode-js-profile-flame to get a flame diagram. next section) and reinstall. It marks each initial letter with a unique character: pressing the key immediately moves the cursor to the corresponding location. Launch commands are the equivalent of F5 in Visual Studio: They launch some program or a debugger. All you need is a few of the above in each category to get started and cut your coding time down by reducing the amount of code you manually type. This allows you to seamlessly transition betweenfollowing one another, and being able to explore ideas/tasks on your own. Excalidraw Schema Editor is an unofficial extension that integrates Excalidraw with VS Code. Here are 40+ VS Code extensions curated, sorted, and categorized to help you increase your productivity and make you more effective as a developer. Top 40+ VSCode Extensions for Developers in 2022 How to Convert a Java Object into a JSON String Top 9 Flutter Apps: The Most Popular Apps Built in Flutter, What autocomplete can do for your productivity, What is Jenkins Pipeline & How to Create Pipelines with Blue Ocean. Ctrl -> Cmd). Runtime values are updated and displayed in your IDE alongside your code as you type. For instance, to install eclipse keymaps, install the vscode-eclipse-keybindings extension. Some key bindings that are likely to be useful for you are available at //tools/vscode/keybindings.json. Optionally, they can run some task defined in tasks.json. Note that the editor starts up significantly slower than nano or vim. There is not much to say about this extension. Thats why in the following, we show 52 Visual Studio Code Extensions that will make every full stack developers work easier. Lets look at them. It also supports the bracket extension, which autogenerates arbitrary strings to set up your document structure. As you climb the learning curve, youll realize the benefits to your time management. The argument to code is the base directory of the workspace. You can fix your include path or simply set intellisense to tag parser mode by doing the following: Note: on a Chromebook, use +<8th button in the top row that's not ESC>. To launch VS Code with this connection, click on the +window icon next to the listed hostname. You can also create a keyboard shortcut for running a task. Windows and Mac might require a slightly different setup (e.g. Code without changing the function of the box, VS Code across tons of reusable packages published by.... 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you don't have an extension for debugging markdown