The answer, again: breeders and judges. Andrei Stavil - Scribd To make things worse, the officialdom (breeders, judges, the Kennel Club) are simply denying what is happening, in spite of protests from dog owners, dog press representatives and veterinarian and animal welfare organizations. While I agree that the breeder is accountable, I would ask: What did you do to inform yourself about the health issues in the breed? The Chow Chows shoulders are well muscled and moderately angulated. Also it is advisable to have a member of the family at home when the puppy is young, as they require extra feeding and care until they are of age. Teeth strong and level, jaws strong, with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. Now there are only about 3-4 breeders that do not. The original and the actual Chow: two different breeds? A lion-like appearance and proud bearing of an animal one respects. check out the BBC video "Pedigree Dogs Exposed". When the Chow is hot and pants, if well pigmented, the tongue still stays blue. 2) I am aware of the changes in a number of breeds over the past century, British/English Bulldogs being but one. The BBC, the RSPCA (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), Dog Trust, Hills Pet Nutrition and Pedigree Petfoods (a major sponsor for the last 44 years) have since pulled out of Crufts (the biggest Kennel Clubs show) (source1; source2). insa vezi, chow-ul nu este un produs, este o rasa speciala, din categoria celor antice (primitive, in limbaj chinologic), ne-create de om iata de ce tragedia e un pic mai mare, moi ,jai un chowchow primitive et sais une race de chiens mais jai vu le vrais flim en noir et blanc , et je peut vous que la fin du flim , cest deux chowchow de couleur fauve qui vis ,alors arreter de dire ca. Andrei Stavil - Researcher ID Unique in its stilted gait and bluish-black tongue. 5) I am strongly of the opinion that we are fortunate to live in a time where modern veterinary medicine continues to provide us with more and more information regarding canine health. Of sufficient length to carry the head proudly above the topline. I am sure your Chow will be a healthy one! And I know a couple who have given up totally because of what we have done. Completeaz mai jos detaliile tale sau d clic pe un icon pentru a te autentifica: Comentezi folosind contul tu However, some dilution may be evident in the gums of blues and fawns and this dilution may be more pronounced in creams and whites. We can still reverse the trend and convince people to support us. Of course, I do believe that there are passionate persons that are doing everything they can to breed a healthy Chow (and if you are one of them, then I am happy and really congratulate you) but they must do their job under a specific standard. After his flight from Vienna because of fear of the Nazis he went to London and there his chow was quarantined for six months. have done to a beautiful breed. Sadly I still know old-fashioned breeders of many breeds who believe they can tell if there is something wrong with one of their dogs hips or elbows simply by looking at them. Made me miss your sweet pups, poor Olga and that cute little bear, Helga hope shes doing alright. Any departure from the following should be considered a fault, and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dogs ability to perform its traditional work. We bought an AKC chow chow from a professional breeder who is now six months old. If you go and read the first standard written circa 1903 and based on Chow VIII and compare it to the American Standard or the Australian or New Zealand standard, you will see that the differences are slight. I love the open face with the almond eyes, they surely have less chance of entropian and breathing problems. Whole coloured black, red, blue, fawn, cream or white, frequently shaded but not in patches or parti-coloured (underpart of tail and back of thighs frequently of a lighter colour). Finally and this is an issue too many Chow owners are confronted with, myself included skin problems can be extremely annoying. by rmb Tue Sep 27, 2016 6:12 am, Post You are indeed blessed. Andrei Stavil - Twitter Size The Kennel Club breed standard is a guide and description of the ideal for the breed; the size as described does not imply that a dog will match the measurements given (height or weight). They are the same people who want to put an end to companion animals in toto. he has terrible hips, sebaceous adenitis, partial tear of ccl, after 3 years with us still very skittish. What have those great Breeders to them. The undercoat is soft, fine, and dense. Unfortunately the development of the breed since Astom did not bring any improvement, quite the contrary. My Helga is already 12 and has never had a medical problem in her life although she is far from being able to become a champion. His coat is more luxurious and longer like maybe a Newfoundland. The neck is well muscled, slightly arched, and with sufficient length and power to carry the head proudly erect when standing at attention. The tongue is bluish black with flews and roof of mouth black. Nevertheless dog shows in themselves involve certain dangers, since competition between pedigree dogs at shows must automatically lead to an exaggeration of all those points which characterize a breed. My intention when I purchased her was to breed her and start a kennel but after I discovered all her health problems I decided to spay her. @Rene Bouchard: Nobody says the original style chow may not have specific problems. But dont think it is that easy to get to the other part of the globe However there are some European breeders that I am closely follow maybe one day, Im going to jump around a bit here in response to your last post. Moreover, it seems to me in this picture probably the dog was in a car, and according to the look on her/his face she is a pretty active dog. Who are responsible for this, if not their breeders and judges? Hi again, The rear legs are approximately as heavy in bone as the forelegs. The old pictures depict a very active and alert dog, while present-day Chows are rather lazy should I say lethargic? Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (ET) by sit_by_the_beach Mon Aug 15, 2016 4:40 pm, Post Any artificial shortening of the coat which alters the natural outline or expression should be penalised, with the exception of feet which may be tidied. Would Judith Ann say it is normal, the chow needs help during mating from humans? create an advertisement Or you keep looking back to the standard and the dogs (chow VIII) were based on- yes interpretations or words can change over time, and breed to try and achieve this and try your hardest to maintain what is being lost for the breeds sake and your passion for trying to have dogs around like the standards were written on for the future of the breed you are passionate about. But this shouldnt be a problem, the breed can be saved in other ways, take a look here for example: A dog might be larger or smaller than the size measurements stated in the breed standard. I also am of the opinion that his work to create/recreate the Eurasier was misguided my opinion. He has a slight elongated snout but still runs into problems during summer heat and cold winter days. Disqualification: Top surface or edges of the tongue red, pink, or spotted with red or pink. The correct size, shape and placement of the eyes create an Oriental expression. These are the countries with Chows that I am directly aware of. Ribs well sprung but not barrelled. Bitches: 46-51 cms (18-20 ins) at shoulder. But niether does it call for an over padded muzzle that would obscure vision. Andrei Stavil - Google site Im not a big fan of the AKC breed standards as they appear to aesthetically manage the genetics of a breed rather than leave them as originally intended. I have been trying to find it for someone else but appeared to have hidden it is a safe place (along with airline tickets to the US!). Ar fi fost de ajuns sa ma intrebati. My theoretical and practical experience is rather limited and it is strictly related to the dogs I love, the shows I attended to and the books I read. Some breeders are changing the look for more dramatic outcomes.I like the more moderate look.I find they have less trouble cooling down and breathing.Look at these chows in USA ,when they were first imported. Forelegs perfectly straight, of moderate length and with good bone. by sit_by_the_beach Tue Sep 27, 2016 7:10 am, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited, Home About Forum Blog Shop Links Follow on: Facebook Twitter Flickr Copyright 1995-2022 You have deliberately picked on some of the worst examples of the modern Chow and proceeded to argue that this is representative of the Chow today, which is not the case. The Chow Chow was recognized by the United Kennel Club in 1934. Thank you for your reply. The distance from withers to elbow is equal to the distance from elbow to ground. The outer coat is hard, dense, and smooth with no obvious ruff or feathering on the legs or tail. Finally, and most importantly, I dedicate this article to the memory of Olga. We decided to do a wisdom panel through a blood test at his last vet visit. If one looks at old pictures which, in the case of English dog-breeds, can be found dating back to the middle ages, and compares them with pictures of present-day representatives of the same breeds, the latter look like evil caricatures of the original strain. The breeders who dont make the hard choice to say that dog should be in a pet home and is unsuitable for any breeding program and the judge who doesnt have sufficient knowledge of the breed to non-award the dog and the public who pays money out of ignorance because they think that is the dog of their dreams. Both action and pigment are important factors in a Chows make-up and unique to this breed.1. And she cant deny breeders dont do it. But at the same time, nobody could claim it is not a healthier type than the actual one. Well, Hershey is actually (at this age) very athletic, limber, fast, and loves to jump around. The first standard of the breed was based on Chow VIII (first picture below), which was born in 1895. Form follows function the dog on the table in the picture you provided is not suited to a harsh life in the Mongolian/Northern China steppes. However, although she won some good titles in dog shows from international judges, she is not a dog fit for the champion title if we take into account the actual standard. And please do excuse the multiple spelling errors in my post above, Your response to the lack of excellent breeding practices could be a bit like applying games theory to the practice breeding pure bred dogs, particularly Chows, in Eastern Europe. Schimb). I am so glad for you! Am vazut pe un forum postul tau (era de prin 2006) si m-a facut sa zambesc. Schimb), Comentezi folosind contul tu Facebook. I need a walking buddy and not a show piece to sit by the fireplace. Should we worry that a Spitz might have jumped the fence at some point in her lineage and changed the chow chow' typical short snout block head feature? The loin is short, well-muscled, broad, and deep. Buna ziua tuturor. Originally, I was told that there were differences between the USA version of the Chow versus the Chinese version, but after reading your article and checking the background, I realize that your article explains quite a bit. Clean eye, free from entropion, never being penalised for sake of mere size. This is what gives show breeders a bad name. Andrei Stavil - Flickr We are fortunate to live in a time where through the miracle of modern medicine we know more now about canine health than any other time in the history of dogs and mankind. E adevarat ca l-am luat de la un crescator si nu de la o canisa, ceea ce rezulta ca nu e din parinti campioni. Is this a dog what the people like? [first picture above: Chow VIII (born 1895; photo from 1903; source); second picture above: Champion Blue Blood (born 1893; source)]. Some hereditary issues are the result of recessive genes and the DNA testing that is currently available cant pinpoint many of these polygenetic recessive problems. If you are a registered DOGS NSW breeder and wish to advertise here please Who is responsible we all are. You say they are the worst Chows. 1) I still believe that regarding the Chow-Chow we have a bad story in the last century. Further, ligament problems are caused by the fact that puppies are very heavy at a very young age. To expect them to be able to do a full health assessment with 90-120 seconds on any breed is an unrealistic expectation, particularly those judges who dont even put their hands on the dog (many an FCI judge has been observed not even touching the dogs they are judging). But this doesnt mean that I am not aware about the risks risks which are simply bigger than the risk with other breeds. The person we got him from said he was pure chow chow but he did not look like it to me. Finally, the temperament of the Chow became in time quite disturbing. Incalcati legea copy-right-ului. In 2001 I bought my first Chow, Helga (pedigree name: Arizonai Almodozok Faviola), a black female, from a rather obscure Hungarian breeder (I didnt know at that time anything about the world of breeders, dog shows or puppy mills). Great personalities owed and even bred Chow-Chows, and thanks to them we have good testimonies about the physical and psychical characteristics of this breed. Post Breeders and judges have the responsibility to avoid any conditions or exaggerations that are detrimental to the health, welfare, essence and soundness of this breed, and must take the responsibility to see that these are not perpetuated. Dogs should always be able to move freely and soundly without any sign of distress. Small, round, cat-like, standing well up on toes. The more we know, the more we learn about the causes of problems and again responsible breeders seek to ameliorate those problems. Forelegs and hindlegs moving parallel to each other and straight forward. And while you may not agree with what he thinks is an excellent Chow (based on his interpretation of the standard), he is consistent and extremely health conscious. Black nose is preferable in all cases. It looks like a Spitz-type, so could it be a Giant German Spitz, a Wolfspitz, a Keeshond, an Eurasier or maybe an ancestor of the Volpino Italiano? And even if the incidence of wrinkles has decreased in the last years, health problems did not disappear only those responsible for them seem to have changed: to quote again Sheila Jakeman, Humid airless days can still cause a problem if owners [?! The only difference is one hundred years between the two: the first was shot in 1911; the second represents an actual Chow. The body is compact, broad, deep and well muscled. Everything else is different. Ear breaking at any point from the base to the tip. Pres.Coolidge had a open faced chow, so did Sigmund Freud. But what so many people in the general public seem to not understand is that it takes generations of a concerted breeding program to make a change for the better it cannot and does not happen overnight. Eu il iubesc oricum, e al meu si e cel mai frumos, orice ar zice lumea. It is advisable to start with a puppy and raise the puppy in a family atmosphere. Celebrating the dog/human bond through family-friendly events and programs for dogs that do more. This post is meant to answer this question and to warn that if nothing is done, we will lose this wonderful breed. Top surface or edges of the tongue red, pink, or spotted with red or pink. In blues and fawns, self-colored nose is permissible. Thanks for your comment. FWIW I have Lorenzs book and while I dont disagree with the sentiment that it is up to breeders to take care of the breed / any breed, that does not mean by implication that there are no breeders seeking to do so. Ca atare, va ROG sa stergeti IMEDIAT de pe blogul dumneavoastra postul meu. We use cookies to capture information such as IP addresses and tailor the website to our clients' needs. Nose, large and wide in all cases, black with exception of cream and near white in which case a lighter coloured nose permissible, and in blues and fawns a self-coloured nose (but black preferable in all cases). He was 3.5 then and had just been surrendered to the ASPCA by his owners who said they were moving as the reason for his surrender. Quiet dog, good guard, bluish-black tongue; its distinctive short-striding gait allows it to move freely, never lumbering and with excellent endurance. Viewed from the front, the Chow Chows characteristic scowl is achieved by a marked brow with a padded button of skin just above the inner corner of the eye; by sufficient loose skin to form frowning brows and a distinct furrow between the eyes beginning at the base of the muzzle and extending up the forehead; by correct eye shape and placement; and by correct ear shape, carriage, placement. So what happened? (By the way, just watch the BBCs Pedigree Dogs Exposed you can still find it on youtube do you really think they are not saying the truth???? Whole coloured black, red, blue, fawn, cream or white, frequently shaded but not patches or parti-coloured (the underpart of tail and back of thighs frequently of a light colour). The Chow Chow is a medium-sized, sturdily built, Spitz-type dog of leonine appearance, with a square body; large, broad head with a short, broad and deep muzzle; prick ears with rounded tips; and a short-coupled body. The Chow Chow is on this list. 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