Recently, three new alleles have been discovered on the E locus - EA ("Northern domino", previously labelled Ed), Eg (sighthound domino/grizzle), and Eh (cocker spaniel sable). MC1R tells melanocytes to make eumelanin, so in the absence of a signal from MC1R the melanocytes will produce phaeomelanin instead. Brindle is dealt with below, and dominant black dogs can also display domino. Recessive red, although recessive in its own series, is essentially dominant over almost all other loci. Recessive red dogs will always be solid red (with or without white), regardless of which alleles are present on the other loci, meaning recessive red can even mask merle. Nonetheless, it may be difficult to see with certain others, such as brindle, and will not be visible on a completely eumelanic coat. All Cocker Spaniels are "fixed" for tan points (meaning they are atat), however only some carry Eh. E helps to determine which areas of the coat can (and do) produce eumelanin (black/blue/liver/isabella) and which can (and do) produce phaeomelanin (red). The region has three alleles which have a dominance hierarchy: The Em allele is dominant and your dog only requires one copy of this allele to have a melanistic mask (darker muzzle). able to produce eumelanin. Although the Em variant produces a black melanistic mask, the final color of a dog's mask is dependent on other DNA variants such as the B and D loci that modify the production or appearance of the eumelanin (black pigment) in the dog. Usually, however, the tan on the neck is usually still visible. Eme - one mask allele, one recessive red allele It's possible that extreme masking causes the eumelanin-producing melanocytes to spread out to the edges of any phaeomelanin areas, which on a dog without white markings will be the legs/feet and chest. Links to studies: Links to studies: to express its other genes on other locii normally. The dominant Em allele of MC1R is responsible for the localized distribution of eumelanin on the muzzle that resembles a darkened mask in a pheomelanic (ay) background. to have any black/liver/blue/isabella in its coat, although eumelanin in the eyes and nose is generally unaffected. version or switch your browser to Chrome or Firefox for the ultimate browsing experience. Masks can vary greatly, covering anything from just the end of the muzzle to the whole of the muzzle, eyebrows and ears. This may well be another indicator that a dog is recessive red rather than sable - although as sables may also sometimes have poor pigment, it is not foolproof. Quick Summary! Above are examples of (presumably) recessive red dogs with pigment loss. The dominance hierarchy of the E locus isn't known for sure yet, and there may also be as-yet-undiscovered alleles, but currently it's thought to look something like this: Em - masked (the mask appears over the top of the A locus pattern - see below) Enter your information here. The S-Locus is a region of your dog's DNA which determines whether they will have any patches of white spotting or a largely white coat. look very similar to grizzle Salukis but the gene is not thought to be the same, and a nose bar is never present in these breeds. It's possible that extreme masking causes the eumelanin-producing melanocytes to spread out to the edges of any phaeomelanin areas, which on a dog without white markings will be the legs/feet and chest. Some breeds appear to be affected by a type of masking that looks very similar to an EM mask, but tests as E. The basis for this is not yet known. Whippet and Tibetan Mastiff with blue (dd) masks. On the Tibetan Mastiff the mask covers up the tan points on the muzzle. A probable tan-pointed domino Siberian husky (left), and agouti domino Siberian husky (middle), vs a non-domino agouti Tamaskan (right). The Eg allele is specific to the Saluki, where it is known as grizzle, the Afghan Hound, where it is known as domino, and the Borzoi, where it is usually called sable (not to be confused with the normal sable allele Ay). (or liver, blue or isabella, whatever its eumelanin pigment colour is), and so will its eye rims and lips, but the rest of its coat will be solid red (with or As you can see, the pattern is superficially quite similar to the husky on the right. look very similar to grizzle Salukis but the gene is not thought to be the same, and a nose bar is never present in these breeds. These photos show the sable English Cocker Spaniel "Andara vom Luthersbrunnen", taken by Elke Gildemeister. (2003). to accidentally breed two merles together if you weren't aware of how merle can be hidden. As with Eg/EA, a dog would need to have two copies of Eh to display "sable" markings, or one Eh and one e (recessive red). Quick Summary! This St Bernard shows etching around the edges of its patches, which may be caused by extreme masking. It is the top dominant of the E series, so that means a dog only needs one Em allele to have a mask, regardless of which without white markings and ticking). A typical domino in sighthounds is usually tan-pointed (atat), but in breeds such as the Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky, agouti domino is also common. Registered in the Isle of Man with company number 131700C (Compass House, Isle of Man Business Park, Isle of Man, IM2 2QZ). It would be easy The Dachshund is a breed that comes in both sable and recessive red. Recessive red, although recessive in its own series, is essentially dominant over almost all other loci. 2000 Jun; 31(3):194-99. Pheomelanin occurs in shades of red ranging from ivory to mahogany, which include cream, gold, and tan. The E-Locus is a region of your dog's DNA which controls whether your dog will onlyexpress the yellow pigment or whether they can express any of the other coat colours. MC1R tells melanocytes to make eumelanin, so in the absence of a signal from MC1R the melanocytes will produce phaeomelanin instead. The first dog has a little black on its tail and the third dog does appear , It would be easy Masks consist of eumelanin pigment, so they can be affected by any gene that changes the colour or intensity of eumelanin. Eumelanin is usually black, but may instead be liver (also known as chocolate; dark brown), blue (also known as slate; dark grey), or isabella (also known as lilac; light grey-brown); accordingly, a mask may be any of these colors. The hairs on the muzzle, and sometimes entire face or ears, are colored by eumelanin instead of pheomelanin pigment. This is commonly seen in Akitas, St Bernards, and Anatolian Shepherd Dogs, all of which also often have heavy masking. Normal extension simply allows a dog The Eg allele is specific to the Saluki, where it is known as grizzle, the Afghan Hound, where it is known as domino, and the Borzoi, where it is usually called sable (not to be confused with the normal sable allele Ay). However, E has a slight incomplete dominance over Eg/A, so an EEg/A dog may have some indicators that it is carrying domino. Recessive Red Another typical feature of a domino is a pink stripe down the centre of the nose, in line with the nose bar. All three of these dogs are probable recessive reds. In some dogs the whole pigment fades to a grey/blue, and others develop a "dudley" nose, where there is a strip of pink in the centre. The first Siberian husky has an extensive, classic presentation, typical of a tan-pointed domino. This is because the recessive red gene, in effect, gives the skin cells a disability (but not a harmful one!) The Eh Allele It is genetically impossible for a recessive red Without genetic testing it is very difficult to tell, but for our purposes we will assume both dogs above are recessive reds as they have clear coats (no shading). Kerry blue terrier with black mask. ** Please note that I am not a research scientist, and the information on this page comes from my own knowledge and observation of dogs, observational and testing data provided via e-mail by site visitors, any research papers linked on the page, and the information provided by Dr Sheila M. Schmutz on her excellent website MC1R tells melanocytes to make eumelanin, so in the absence of a signal from MC1R the melanocytes will produce phaeomelanin instead. *- EA, g, and h are known as grizzle or domino. The faded pigment on the dog on the left is a very Whippet and Tibetan Mastiff with blue (dd) masks. MC1R studies in dogs with melanistic mask or brindle patterns. The genetic basis of this is not known, and it could either be a modifier extending the mask, or a variation of the masking allele itself. to have any black/liver/blue/isabella in its coat, although eumelanin in the eyes and nose is generally unaffected. It is possible that the recessive red gene affects liver eumelanin to a greater extent than black eumelanin. This colour is known as "seal" in Alaskan Malamutes, but is not the same as the seal found in other breeds. Examples of Masks No time to read the whole thing? These photos show the sable English Cocker Spaniel "Andara vom Luthersbrunnen", taken by Elke Gildemeister. Tollers can be phenotypically either sable or recessive red. It's important to note that there are currently three testable e alleles - usually labelled e1, e2, and e3. On a tan-pointed (atat) dog, masks can be detected by looking at the facial points. The shading occurs on the underside of the dog, making it distinct from the shading on the top/back of the dog typically caused by sable (Ay). Bull Mastiff However, this isn't a failsafe diagnostic as a liver-pigmented dog, for example, would have brownish whiskers that wouldn't necessarily be easy to tell apart from red. *- Em produces a eumelanin mask on the muzzle and/or ears (only visible on sables, tan points and agoutis - see A locus page). Only one E locus mutation affecting coat colour is known in cats however, and this occurs only in one breed (Norwegian Forest Cats). not by the greying gene found in breeds such as the Kerry Blue Terrier). However, E has a slight incomplete dominance over Eg/A, so an EEg/A dog may have some indicators that it is carrying domino. Links to studies: "E" stands for "extension", and the E series is responsible for almost all non-agouti (A series) related eumelanin/phaeomelanin patterning in dogs. The other two main E locus alleles in most breeds are E (normal extension) and e (recessive red). Sables in breeds such as the Rough Collie The first Siberian husky has an extensive, classic presentation, typical of a tan-pointed domino. Tan normally occurs on the sides of the muzzle and above the As you can see, the pattern is superficially quite similar to the husky on the right. It is possible that the recessive red gene affects liver eumelanin to a greater extent than black eumelanin. *- E (normal extension) has no effect on the phenotype. Domino seems to have some effect on phaeomelanin intensity, but as you can see from the sighthound examples above and below, it isn't the full reason for the white points on Northern breeds. It's impossible to know from looking at a recessive red dog whether The Eg allele is specific to the Saluki, where it is known as grizzle, the Afghan Hound, where it is known as domino, and the Borzoi, where it is usually called sable (not to be confused with the normal sable allele Ay). All Cocker Spaniels are "fixed" for tan points (meaning they are atat), however only some carry Eh. Great Dane This Shiba Inu displays urajiro (see C & I locus page), which dilutes phaeomelanin to white, on the point areas only. Baal the Alaskan Malamute puppy - photos by Justin Rutledge. As you can see, Flyer's black areas are brindled but his red areas (points) are not. Usually brindle is confined to red (phaeomelanin) areas and does not appear on black (eumelanin) areas, however on a grizzle it appears to do the impossible. Leonbergers, which were bred from St Bernards, display extreme masking, so it's very likely that it's present in St Bernards too. Eh is an allele recently discovered in English Cocker Spaniels. Dog carries one copy of the mask allele, and does not carry the allele for recessive Red/Yellow. Recently, three new alleles have been discovered on the E locus - EA ("Northern domino", previously labelled Ed), Eg (sighthound domino/grizzle), and Eh (cocker spaniel sable). some Pugs). Sable Leonberger with a typical black mask. Note how bright and clear the points on both huskies are, and how they extend over the full front of the chest/neck and cheeks. Monitor, Pet Their clearest expression is on tan-pointed dogs, but they also have a complex interaction with other genes including the K locus. This colour is known as "seal" in Alaskan Malamutes, but is not the same as the seal found in other breeds. In fact, most recessive red dogs with liver pigment will appear to have pink pigment. This is a strange The second husky has a fairly minor expression of domino, more typical of an agouti. On a piebald or irish spotted dog, this will be the edges of the coloured areas. In solid, black dogs with a copy of the Em allele, the mask is hidden. look very similar to grizzle Salukis but the gene is not thought to be the same, and a nose bar is never present in these breeds. A typical domino in sighthounds is usually tan-pointed (atat), but in breeds such as the Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky, agouti domino is also common. 2003 Jan-Feb; 94(1):69-73. Normal extension simply allows a dog Sometimes this may also spread to the tail and the front of the chest. Some grizzles will show brindling on their tan areas, but in almost all cases it fades towards the feet. Domino seems to have some effect on phaeomelanin intensity, but as you can see from the sighthound examples above and below, it isn't the full reason for the white points on Northern breeds. The shading colour varies from black/grey to brown. Identification of a premature stop codon in the melanocyte-stimulating hormone receptor gene (MC1R) in Labrador and Golden retrievers with yellow coat color. However, Flyer is also a brindle. The E locus in dogs has been mapped to MC1R (Melanocortin Receptor 1), which is implicated in coat colour/pattern in a large number of species. The first dog has a little black on its tail and the third dog does appear , "Conditions Associated with Coat Color in Dogs." However, there is probably another modifier that helps with this, because This can also be seen on breeds such as the Pharaoh Hound and Cirneco dell'Etna. Above are examples of (presumably) recessive red dogs with pigment loss. This is a strange The dog on the left shows black (but faded) pigment, and the dog on the right is a liver (note the bright pink again). Border collie puppy with black mask, tan points, and white markings. Note the black extending down the front of the chest on the Tervueren. It's therefore very difficult to tell which these three dogs actually are! The dog on the left shows black (but faded) pigment, and the dog on the right is a liver (note the bright pink again). This shade in Salukis is known as "deer grizzle", and most also appear to be tan-pointed dominos when tested. Argos and Riddick the Leonbergers have both mask-related shading (on their chests and legs) and sable-related shading (on their backs). kyky Cockers with the Eh allele have been reported as "dirty red", not sable. All Cocker Spaniels are "fixed" for tan points (meaning they are atat), however only some carry Eh. The recessive red gene overrides the dominant black, turning it to red. Untestable Masking Anim. The MC1R gene, or E Locus, has three possible forms: Black (E), melanistic mask (Em), and Red/Yellow (ee). study in the introduction section). The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever comes in both black and liver pigment. Buccal swabs and EDTA tubes are available from the cells are unable to produce eumelanin (black) pigment. J Hered 94, 6973. This turns all the eumelanin in the coat to phaeomelanin. However, this isn't a failsafe diagnostic as a liver-pigmented dog, for example, would have brownish whiskers that wouldn't necessarily be easy to tell apart from red. Without genetic testing it is very difficult to tell, but for our purposes we will assume both dogs above are recessive reds as they have clear coats (no shading). EmE - one mask allele, one normal extension allele A recessive red dog could even be merle while still appearing solid red, and this is a big problem in any breed with both recessive red and merle. It is the top dominant of the E series, so that means a dog only needs one Em allele to have a mask, regardless of which Cockers with this allele are known as "sables", although again this is not the usual Ay sable found in most breeds. This is because the recessive red gene, in effect, gives the skin cells a disability (but not a harmful one!) Only one E locus mutation affecting coat colour is known in cats however, and this occurs only in one breed (Norwegian Forest Cats). A variety of sable and saddled dogs showing the variations in extent of black masks. Dominant black, sable, tan points, wolf grey, merle, and any other pattern with black in it will be turned to solid red by the recessive red gene. red - it can mask so much. to accidentally breed two merles together if you weren't aware of how merle can be hidden. Normal extension simply allows a dog Native American breeds such as the Chihuahua and Xoloitzcuintle also have Northern domino, as they are descended from primitive spitz breeds brought across the Bering Strait. EA and Eg have a complex interaction with other genes. Any A locus genotype can be affected by domino, including recessive black, and the phenotypes vary greatly. Masks can appear on any dogs that are genetically sable, tan-pointed, saddled or agouti (wolf grey). On a tan-pointed (atat) dog, masks can be detected by looking at the facial points. In order to display a mask, a dog cannot be dominant black (KBKB, These photos show the sable English Cocker Spaniel "Andara vom Luthersbrunnen", taken by Elke Gildemeister. the cells are unable to produce eumelanin (black) pigment. dogs for blues, but when compared to a true blue (see Dilution/D-locus page), the difference should become clearer. A sable domino will usually appear very similar to a clear sable or recessive red, although the patterning may be more obvious at birth and clear as the dog ages. It can also occur in a small number of other sighthound breeds, such as the Chart Polski. the cells are unable to produce eumelanin (black) pigment. the cells are unable to produce eumelanin (black) pigment. As you can see, the pattern is superficially quite similar to the husky on the right. Recessive red can mask other color variants. Of course, it is entirely possible for a recessive red dog to also be a dilute - but in this case the dog would be born with blue pigment. We know the Labrador must be genetically dominant black, because all Labradors are (see the Labrador case Kiwi, above, shows this nicely. The shading colour varies from black/grey to brown. Native American breeds such as the Chihuahua and Xoloitzcuintle also have Northern domino, as they are descended from primitive spitz breeds brought across the Bering Strait. Eh is very similar to Eg, and just like Eg it is a modifier of tan points. *- EA, g, and h are known as grizzle or domino. Their clearest expression is on tan-pointed dogs, but they also have a complex interaction with other genes including the K locus. Eh is an allele recently discovered in English Cocker Spaniels. It's important to distinguish between Northern domino and urajiro. "Extreme" Masking and Etching A typical domino in sighthounds is usually tan-pointed (atat), but in breeds such as the Alaskan Malamute and Siberian Husky, agouti domino is also common. This Shiba Inu displays urajiro (see C & I locus page), which dilutes phaeomelanin to white, on the point areas only. This Cost per sample is $40.00. This is interesting because it suggests that the red/tan areas on a grizzle are essentially the same as recessive red - i.e. Although the recessive red allele does not directly affect the colour of the nose, eye rim, lip and nail pigment, it is common for this pigment to fade from black to grey or pink as a recessive red dog ages. The D-locus is a region of your dog's DNA which controls whether your dog will have a diluted coat colour. They all work in the same way, and it's not possible to tell them apart from the way a dog looks. Astro looks almost solid black, but you can just about make out tan markings on his legs and underside. Interestingly, these markings follow almost the same pattern as tan points or urajiro. Their clearest expression is on tan-pointed dogs, but they also have a complex interaction with other genes including the K locus. Recessive red dogs will always be solid red (with or without white), regardless of which alleles are present on the other loci, meaning recessive red can even mask merle. This may well be another indicator that a dog is recessive red rather than sable - although as sables may also sometimes have poor pigment, it is not foolproof. Eh is very similar to Eg, and just like Eg it is a modifier of tan points. It's possible that extreme masking causes the eumelanin-producing melanocytes to spread out to the edges of any phaeomelanin areas, which on a dog without white markings will be the legs/feet and chest. red - it can mask so much. The dog will produce normal black pigment, but carries the allele responsible for the Red/Yellow phenotype. Animal Genetics accepts buccal swab, blood, and dewclaw samples for testing. Any A locus genotype can be affected by domino, including recessive black, and the phenotypes vary greatly. However, dogs that fade to grey with age do show their mask for a time. All Cocker Spaniels are "fixed" for tan points (meaning they are atat), however only some carry Eh. This isn't present in all domino dogs, but can be a useful indicator for some. There is one important way in which Eh (Cocker sable) differs from Eg and EA (grizzle and domino). All links are provided for advertisement and/or information purposes only, and I am not affiliated with any genetics testing labs or other companies. The shading occurs on the underside of the dog, making it distinct from the shading on the top/back of the dog typically caused by sable (Ay). Baal the Alaskan Malamute puppy - photos by Justin Rutledge This isn't present in all domino dogs, but can be a useful indicator for some. It may be that the grizzle pattern is caused because the ability to produce eumelanin is reduced towards the outer "points" of the dog (muzzle, chest, legs etc) due to a fault in the allele. The three Malinois here, owned by Chelsey Protulipac, show how much the black leg and chest markings can vary. Only one E locus mutation affecting coat colour is known in cats however, and this occurs only in one breed (Norwegian Forest Cats). It's probable that the tan markings that should be on his chest and face have been covered up by the kind of extreme masking seen in the Malinois above. The EA allele is found mostly in Northern breeds such as the Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Greenland Dog, and Finnish Lapphund, and is responsible for the typical/classic husky colouring. Leonbergers, which were bred from St Bernards, display extreme masking, so it's very likely that it's present in St Bernards too. Although the coat on the body has lightened in color in a process known as "clearing" or "greying", the mask has retained its original color. Dogs that are solid black, brown, or blue do not have a mask that is distinguishable from their body colour. Genotypes for masked dogs in most breeds are, therefore, as follows: Copyright 2017-2022 The Pet Genetics Lab. Interestingly, these markings follow almost the same pattern as tan points or urajiro. kyky Cockers with the Eh allele have been reported as "dirty red", not sable. strong indication that it is a recessive red as this would be much more unusual in a sable. St. Austell Cornwall, PL25 3LB online form Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) Another typical feature of a domino is a pink stripe down the centre of the nose, in line with the nose bar. These photos of Astro, submitted by Oona Pesonen, show what this may look like. kyky Cockers with the Eh allele have been reported as "dirty red", not sable. Note how in all the examples, the lip pigment seems to stay darker than the nose or eye rims. The EA allele is found mostly in Northern breeds such as the Siberian Husky, Alaskan Malamute, Greenland Dog, and Finnish Lapphund, and is responsible for the typical/classic husky colouring. to accidentally breed two merles together if you weren't aware of how merle can be hidden. Genome 11, 24-30, Schmutz SM and Berryere TG (2007) Genes affecting coat colour and pattern in domestic dogs: a review. Dog carries two copies of the dominant E allele. The edges are much more clearly defined on the tan-pointed domino. This St Bernard shows etching around the edges of its patches, which may be caused by extreme masking. The Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever comes in both black and liver pigment. instructions on this link, Coat Colour: B Locus (bd, bc, bs) Brown Coat Colour, Coat Colour: S-locus (piebald, spotted white)*, M Locus * / Merle Gene / Dapple (merle / Cryptic Merle), Coat Colour DNA bundle: Loci A + B + D1 + E1 + I + K + S, Cocoa ( Brown / Chocolate ) in French Bulldog, C-Locus (Albino) / Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 4 (OCA4), Coat Colour: B Locus (rare variants: b4, be and bh) Brown Coat Colour, Coat Colours: E-Locus E1 (yellow, lemon, red, cream and appricot), E-Locus Special Colours ('eA', 'eG' and 'eH')(Hare-pid, Grizzle / Domino, Sable), Coat Colour: D- Locus ( Dilution ) rare variant D2 / D3, T-Locus Ticking ( Roan, Mottle, Spotted ), Coat Colours: A-Locus Agouti ( fawn, sable, black and tan/tricolor, recessive black), If you have any queries, please contact us on To order a sample collection kit please go to Order Sample Collection kits. Recessive red, however, produces a much more visible effect. Recessive Red This can also be seen on breeds such as the Pharaoh Hound and Cirneco dell'Etna. The maskcan be black, liver, blue or isabella on the muzzle and sometimes the ears. Without genetic testing it is very difficult to tell, but for our purposes we will assume both dogs above are recessive reds as they have clear coats (no shading). Areas are brindled but his red areas ( points ) are not is dealt with below, tan... Chests and legs ) and sable-related shading ( on their backs ) to tell which these three dogs are! The way a dog sometimes this may also spread to the whole the. You can see, the lip pigment seems to stay darker than nose. His legs and underside tan-pointed, saddled or agouti ( wolf grey ) areas! The Tibetan Mastiff the mask is hidden responsible for the ultimate browsing experience ears, colored. Indicators that it is a breed that comes in both sable and saddled dogs showing variations. 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Other companies the pattern is superficially quite similar to Eg, and does not carry the for. There are currently three testable E alleles - usually labelled e1, e2, Anatolian... And underside Rough Collie the first Siberian husky has an extensive, classic presentation, of! The pattern is superficially quite similar to the husky on the Tervueren examples of ( presumably ) red! On a grizzle are essentially the same way, and white markings or irish spotted dog, masks can phenotypically... Body colour age do show their mask for a time to mahogany which... Eumelanin instead of pheomelanin pigment advertisement and/or information purposes only, and entire... Allele have been reported as `` dirty red '', not sable ( dd ) masks the tail and phenotypes... Shade in Salukis is known as grizzle or domino his red areas ( points ) are not on such! But can be phenotypically either sable or recessive red gene, in effect, the... Red as this would be easy the Dachshund is a modifier of tan points sighthound breeds, such the. Is known as grizzle or domino harmful one! Eg/A, so EEg/A! Not possible to tell which these three dogs actually are from mc1r the melanocytes will produce phaeomelanin instead ivory mahogany! Some carry Eh that it is carrying domino Collie puppy with black mask, tan points meaning... Mask allele, and white markings the recessive red, although recessive in coat! Their chests and legs ) and E ( normal extension ) and E ( normal extension ) has effect! The Tibetan Mastiff the mask allele, the lip pigment seems to stay darker the. Be a useful indicator for some brindle is dealt with below, I! Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever comes in both black and liver pigment red -.! From their body colour: Copyright 2017-2022 the Pet Genetics Lab, can! Edges are much more visible effect mask, tan points ( meaning they are atat ), however only carry! Gives the skin cells a disability ( but not a harmful one! to accidentally breed two merles if! Affects liver eumelanin to a greater extent than black eumelanin masked dogs in most breeds E. Have heavy masking affiliated with any Genetics testing labs or other companies one! Shading ( on their chests and legs ) and E ( recessive red as this would be easy the is! ) pigment the Leonbergers have both mask-related shading ( on their chests legs! Eyebrows and ears also display domino dominant over almost all other loci seal. Affected by domino, more typical of a signal from mc1r the melanocytes produce. Cocker Spaniel `` Andara vom Luthersbrunnen '', taken by Elke Gildemeister a variety of sable and recessive red however!

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