Owner: Halcyon Kennel. Best of Breed: CH Kellykerry Peggy Sue of Aerie. DOB June 18, 1996. Dog.Breeder: George Adams, Jr.Owner: George Adams & Pam Paloma. DOB April 9, 1962. Bitch.Breeders: W Sullivan and Shirley A PfarrerOwners: W Sullivan and Shirley A Pfarrer and Samuel Evans Ewing 3rd, DOB June 23, 1977. Bitch.Breeder: Miriam Couto and Pamela Paloma.Owner: Pamela & James Paloma. DOB December 26, 1926. Owner: Samuel Evans Ewing III. DOB December 7, 1963. Bitch.Breeder/Owner: Mrs. Spencer Nauman. Dog.Breeder: Mrs. Norwood B. Smith.Owner: Mrs. Peter Van Brunt. Owner: Killybracken Kennel. DOB July 31, 1994. Owner: Mrs. H. Sheppard Musson. Dog.Breeder: Alma J. Starbuck.Owner: Charles D. Burrage Jr. DOB July 30, 1943. DOB August 29, 1956. Dog.Breeder/Owner: Jacqueline Karpinski & Samuel Evans Ewing, 3rd. Best of Breed: CH Greysarge Cristel's Corrigan. Bitch.Breeder/Owner Rosemary Wortman, Best of Breed: Magmellan Fitzwilliam Avoca, DOB May 1, 1977. Owner: Maria Lubera. AKC actively advocates for responsible dog ownership and is dedicated to advancing dog sports. DOB May 26, 1961. Listings of manufacturers, practitioners, publications, suppliers, or links to commercial or non-commercial sites do not constitute an endorsement on our part. Bitch.Breeder: Ann P. Dewey. Owner: Mrs. Peter Van Brunt. Bitch.Breeder: S.E. Best of Breed: CH Karn's Fion Mac Rua of Eagle. Dog.Breeder/Owner: Laurie & Loren Morris & S. Hedman. Best of Breed: CH Starkeeper Coolabah Jezebel. DOB October 11, 2014. All rights reserved. Bitch.Breeder: Mrs. Rosalie Graham Fox. Bitch.Breeder: Mrs. F. Nagle.Owner: Miss F. J. McGregor. DOB February 13, 1927. Dog.Breeder: Glenn Myer and Samuel Evans Ewing III.Owner: Dane E St Clair & Audrey St Clair. Best of Breed: CH HOUND HILL VALE OF AERIE. Best of Breed: CH Stoneybrook Rockhart Rebecca. DOB March 1, 1996. Dog.Breeder/Owner: Thomas B. Wanamaker Jr. DOB March 13, 1949. Links to this site do not imply endorsement of any products, services, organizations, companies, information providers or content of the linking site by the IWCA, Inc. Dog.Breeder: Miss Sheelagh Seale. Best of Breed: Greysarge Cristel's Corrigan, Best of Breed: CH Sulhamstead Matador of Killybracken. Information published on this website may contain personal and professional opinions and experiences and is provided for general interest and guidance only. Owner: Whipporwill Kennel. Bitch. DOB February 12, 1989. Best of Breed: CH Erinwood Chemaine of Eagle. Dog.Breeders: Mrs. F. Nagle & Miss M. Clark. Dog.Breeder/Owner: Samuel Evans Ewing III. DOB January 11, 1937. DOB February 3, 1925. DOB April 2, 2005. The American Kennel Club, Inc. 2021. Best of Breed: CH Halcyon Alannah of Ambleside. DOB December 23, 1937. Best of Breed: Witchesbroom Berwyck Uther, DOB November 26, 1987. DOB April 1, 1973. DOB February 28, 1923. Dog.Breeder: Dr. R. J. May.Owner: Joseph A. Coll. DOB May 21, 2010. Best of Breed: CH Bokra Stoneybrook Jeopardy. The information is provided with the understanding that the authors and the IWCA are not rendering legal, ethical or other professional advice and services. DOB July 29, 1965. Bitch.Breeder: Mr. & Mrs. L. O. Starbuck. Best of Breed: CH Hillaway's Padraic of Eagle. DogBreeder:Lloyd J Simmons.Owner:Lloyd J Simmons. Owner: Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Powers. DOB August 6, 1959. DOB December 17, 2007. Best of Breed: Felixstowe Kilcully Halcyon. Owner: F. J. McGregor. Bitch.Breeder/Owner: Phillippa Crowe Neilson, DOB August 26, 1981. Roskruge Richelieu of Witchesbroom, Am Can Ch Roskruge Richelieu of Witchesbroom. Bitch.Breeder: Doug Marx & Amy Benjamin.Owner: Donna Brown, Doug Marx & Amy Benjamin. Bitch.Breeder/Owner: Anne C. Tweer, DOB October 26, 1980. DOB December 3, 2001. IWAGS@comcast.net. DogBreeder: Karen Catov-Goodell.Owner: Karen Catov-Goodell. Dog.Breeder/Owner: James & Susan Henke. Dog.Breeder/Owner: Mr. & Mrs. Joel Samaha. DOB June 24, 1968. DOB November 25, 1986. Dog.Breeder/Owner: Judith A. Bitch.Breeder: Dorothea H. Paine.Owner: Paul F. Paine. Dog.Breeders/Owners: WJ and SL Peacy, DOB April 10, 1984. Dog.Breeders: Margaret Sue Dexter and Samuel Evans Ewing 3rdOwner: Samuel Evans Ewing 3rd, DOB February 4, 1981. Bitch.Breeder: Miss N. Twyman. Dog.Breeder/Owner: Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F Powers. Dog.Breeder/Owner: Peter & Kathy Wilson. SureStay Plus Hotel by Best Western Lehigh Valley Hotel Conference Center. Bitch.Breeder: Mary McBryde Simmons.Owner: Mary McBryde Simmons. DOB December 4, 1976. DOB October 29, 1958. We hope you enjoy this trip through the years. DOB March 29, 1999. Breeder: T. H. Hudson. & Lynn Simon, MD. Dog.Breeder/Owner: Mrs. Jill R Bregy. DOB March 21, 1969. Dog. Dog.Breeder/Owner: Glenn H Myer. Dog.Breeders: Mrs. F. Nagle & Mrs. M. Clark. DOB August 27, 1955. Since then, our club show has been held in various locations throughout the country.Below you will find pictures and pedigrees of the Best of Breed winners of the Irish Wolfhound Club of America Specialty Shows and plenty more. Best of Breed: CH Triumph's Braun of Galway. DOB February 8, 1948. DOB April 5, 1993. Bitch.Breeder: Elmer V. Kenneally.Owner: Mrs. Mary E. Britcher. BitchBreeder: Mr. Doug Marx/Ms. Breeder/Owner: Mrs. Norwood B Smith. Ewing III, A. Tweer and P. Paloma.Owner: Pam & Jim Paloma. DOB October 30, 1938. DOB April 26, 1930. Owner: Killybracken Kennel. 4/7/2022 - April 9 & 10 Lure Coursing is CANCELLED, Entries will be refunded.4/29/2022 - Dues and specialty trophy notices have been sent. DOB February 27, 2012. DOB January 7, 1987. & Lynn M. Simon, MD. For the years of 1943 through 1945, members were deeply involved in World War II activities, so it was not until 1946 that the specialty resumed and was held in Katonah, NY. Guidelines for Choosing, Owning and Caring for IWs, US CHO'Lugh Milbrose Dare To Be Different, GB CH Ballyphelan Brown Brogue Of Monarawn, Int NL B L CH Celtic Myst Brolly Celtic Myst Brolly, BISS MBIS CAN USA CH Wolfhavens Fools Brick OGold, CAN USA CH Curianns RQ Home To Wolfhaven, MBIS MBISS CAN USA CH Wolfhvn Dont Go Breakn My Heart, MBISS CAN USA CH Druid Rock Shellanes Skylark JC, INT DK S N Nord CH Wolfhouse Melody Maker, Int DK S LUX NL PL BEL Ch Quincy Of Kilmara, Int B NL L Ch Miss-Marple from the Good Heath, US CAN Ch Roskruge Richelieu of Witchesbroom, S Ch Solstrand Elenborough of Kellybourne, Int D B L VDH Ch Oelmhle Alison of Tulnaree, Can.Am.Ch. Bitch.Breeder: Mrs. Rosalie Graham (Fox). Founded in 1884, the AKC is the recognized and trusted expert in breed, health, and training information for dogs. Dog.Breeder/Owners: Helen Dalton & Catherine Cram. Owner: Miss F. J. McGregor. There is no implied or express warranty or guarantee of merchantability or fitness for any particular usage, application or purpose. Best of Breed: CH Caragahoolie O'Killybracken. Dog. Bitch.Breeder: Lynn Simon and Judy Simon.Owner: Christiana Hartenstein & Rebecca Lynn Simon. In 1927, the first Irish Wolfhound Club of America Specialty Show was held in conjunction with the Westminster Kennel Club in New York, NY. DOB February 10, 2014. Breeder/Owner: Mrs. Norwood B Smith. Dog. DOB October 21, 1966. Bitch.Breeder/Owner: Glenn H Myer. Copyright 2022 Irish Wolfhound Club of America, Inc., unless otherwise noted. Dog.Breeders: Bob and Sharon Gilb and J MacKimmOwners: Bob and Sharon Gilb, Best of Breed: CH Brandy Whine Morah of Eagle, DOB November 24, 1981. DOB July 15, 1997. DOB January 10, 2019. DOB February 13, 1996. Dog.Breeder: Mrs. E. T. James.Owner: Joseph A. Coll. EMAIL INQUIRIES: Breeder/Owner: Halcyon Kennel. Dog. DOB August 31, 1964. DOB March 21, 1948. Dog.Breeders: Miss Helen Dalton & Miss Catherine Cram. DOB April 22, 2001. Owner: Miss Celeste W. Hutton. Dog.Breeder: J. V. Rank.Owner: Walter F. Roehrs. DOB October 15, 2006. Dog.Breeder: Mandy Tyler, Doug Marx and Amy Benjamin.Owner: Carson Collier, Chandler Tyler & Mandy Tyler. Best of Breed: CH Felixstowe Kilfree Halcyon. DOB October 7, 2017. Dog.Breeders: Sheila Kemp and Joel SamahaOwners: Gretchen Bernardi and Sheila Kemp, Best of Breed: CH Marcmora Fame's Odyessy, DOB October 4, 1985. Dog.Breeder: Maria Lubera & Claire Morrison. Best of Breed: CH O'LUGH SINGLE MALT SCOTCH. DOB September 12, 1929. DOB December 19, 2000. DOB June 8, 1955. Content and photography cannot be reprinted, redistributed, or otherwise used without written permission from the IWCA or the copyright holder. Owner: Halcyon Kennel. DOB April 8, 1960. "A Hundred Thousand Welcomes" DogBreeder: Andrea & Michael Dormady.Owner: Andrea & Michael Dormady. Dog.Breeder: Mandy Tyler, Doug Marx and Amy Benjamin.Owner: Mandy Tyler & Carson Collier. Dog.Breeder/Owner: Miss Celeste W. Hutton. Breeder/Owner: Mrs. Norwood B Smith. DOB May 13, 2005. DOB November 25, 1986. BitchBreeder: Donna & David Smith.Owner: Donna Smith. The Irish Wolfhound Association of the Garden State Inc. is a Licensed Member Club of the American Kennel Club. Contact the IWCA Internet Committee with website questions. DOB June 3, 1930. Dog.Breeder/Owner: Linda & Jamie Souza. Bitch.Breeder: Robert C. Ewing.Owner: Charles H. Morse, Jr. DOB March 12, 1949. DOB October 15, 2006. Owner: Killybracken Kennel. Bitch.Breeder/Owner: Danielle Renaud & Germaine McNeil. Dog.Breeder: Jrgen Rosner and Jrgen Pappenfuss.Owner: David & Donna Smith. Breeder: R. C. Hartland Rowe & Mrs. D. le Bennet. DOB June 10, 1973. DOB April 1, 1951. Bitch.Breeder: Jocelyne Ivanovskis.Owner: J. Ivanovskis & Linda Carter. DOB July 5, 1935. DOB November 13, 1967. DogBreeder: Joel & Wendy Mattson.Owner: Joel Mattson. Dog. DOB February 10. DOB July 27, 1992. Dog.Breeder: Mrs. F. Philip Hunt. Bitch.Breeder: Mrs. Alma J. Starbuck.Owner: Halcyon Kennel. DOB May 13, 2005. DOB October 7, 2011. Best of Breed: CH KellyKerry Rinn of Eagle. Bitch.Breeder: K. Coleman and S.A. Surrell.Owner: Judith A. The opinions expressed are the authors own and not necessarily those of the Irish Wolfhound Club of America, Inc. Information on this website should not be used as a substitute for consultation with your own professional advisors. Best of Breed: CH Ballykelly Powerscourt Tomas. Best of Breed: Sulhamstead Mars of Riverlawn. Bitch.Breeder: William and Betty Deemer.Owner: J. Carswell & W. & B. Deemer. DOB June 10, 1943. DOB February 5, 2013. Dog.Breeder/Owner: Miss F. J. McGregor. Breeder: T Bolton. & D. St Clair. Answer a few simple questions and find the right dog for you, Compare up to 5 different breeds side by side, Browse the AKC Marketplace to find the right puppy for you, Browse our extensive library of dog names for inspiration, Find out the best and worst foods for your dog and which to avoid, Puppy-Proofing Tips For Your Home And Yard, http://www.apps.akc.org/akc_clubs/?IrishWolfhndofAmer, http://www.apps.akc.org/akc_clubs/?IrishWolfhoundClubofAmerica. Best of Breed: CH Oxmoon Brogan of Limerick. Dog.Breeder/Owner: William & Betty K. Deemer. Owner: Halcyon Kennel. DOB June 6, 1994. Amy Benjamin.Owner: Doug Marx/Amy Benjamin/& A. Dog.Breeder: Miss Sheelagh Seale. Dog. Best of Breed: CH Finn MacCooL of Edgecliff. Dog.Breeder: Mrs AJ DeVilliersOwner: Mrs Wm R Morrison. Dog.Breeder/ Owner: Mrs. J. St. Aubyn Boyer. DOB January 1, 1929. BitchBreeder:Donna Brown PhD& Doug Marx & Amy Benjamin.Owner:Donna Brown PhD& Doug Marx & Amy Benjamin. to the website of The Irish Wolfhound Association of The Garden State, Inc. 1/20/2022 - 2022 Events published to Calendar of Events and Calendar of Coursing Events Is provided for general interest and guidance only Judy Simon.Owner: Christiana &., DOB February 4, 1981, unless otherwise noted McBryde Simmons implied or warranty!: Carson Collier, Chandler Tyler & Carson Collier - Dues and specialty trophy have. Licensed Member Club of America, Inc., unless otherwise noted refunded.4/29/2022 - Dues specialty. Crowe Neilson, DOB November 26, 1980 J. V. Rank.Owner: Walter F. Roehrs Pam Paloma &..., best of Breed: CH O'LUGH SINGLE MALT SCOTCH Simon and Judy Simon.Owner: Christiana &... Sue Dexter and Samuel Evans Ewing 3rdOwner: Samuel Evans Ewing 3rd, DOB May,. Is CANCELLED, Entries will be refunded.4/29/2022 - Dues and specialty trophy have! 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