Answer: That can be very normal. Question: My Bernese mountain dog is five years old. (Her urine contains hormones that signal to males that she is coming in heat. Be sure to call the owner of the male at that time so that she will be able to take your dog in. Question: Can my dog still get pregnant if the tie does not occur? The most accurate way of determining her best breeding date would be a progesterone assay (2). When should I breed her? If the new owner brings a puppy back, are you going to find him a new home or adopt him yourself? Do not separate your female from the male at this point. Question: I saw sperm dripping out of my female dog three days after her last crossing. Question: My dog is a year old, but doesnt have many puppy tendencies left in her. And she has a coupke times humped back. Never breed a dog until she is mature. Question: My dog (Lhasa) is five-years-old. Take good care of her for the next two months. If you breed her at 7 months she will never develop correctly. Is that normal or do we need to breed her again to be sure? You really have to decide. Question: My female dog sits down and wont let my male dog do his business. Wait until her next heat cycle, when she will physically more mature at eighteen-months-old. To avoid the development of pyometra (a uterine infection, which can cause her to die) and uterine and ovarian cancer, you should talk to your vet about having her spayed. To be sure, however, you can schedule an appointment with your vet for an ultrasound. Question: Should I put my female dog with the male dog in same cage to get them to breed? Some breeds produce puppies more easily but, after the genetic screening costs, x-rays for hip dysplasia, the medications for worms or any other illness, the vaccinations, and the increased food bills, you may end up losing money. When they came apart a lot of fluid came out of her. Answer: Do you mean a crate? Question: My Chihuahua normally bleeds for up to two weeks. He was so nervous after that incident that he would not breed. Answer: There are no problems if you want to start exercising your female dog after mating. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on February 07, 2019: monish, yes dogs do become pregnant after only one breeding. If my dog urinates after breeding does that mean all the sperm was washed out. The only problem would be if the female were old. My american bully's first day of Heat was last 18. Call first to set up an appointment on the appropriate day. My female dog was forced to be mated on day seven of her heat period.I thought of it and decided to breed her when she will allow the male dog to mount on her and that took place on the 9th day and 13th day which is yesterday. If she will not, try it again in two days. Also, it is not a good idea to breed your dog just because you want her to have a baby. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on August 30, 2018: Lyra, if you could not have your dog vaccinated at this time, what about now? Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on October 30, 2018: Kevin, if she stood to be mounted she is most likely bred. Some breeders want heavier females (small dog breeds) but use very tiny males. If this is not an option, and the female is standing and willing be be bred, the only option is to guide him into the right spot. my female pug has had 3 seasons on her 2nd one we tried breeding her on 10th and 12th day but both days she wouldnt let the male near her and the professional breeeder used artificial insemination but it didnt work , so this time she is in heat again and we tried on 10th day and 12th day but again she wouldnt let male near her and teh breeder used artificial insemination but why wont she let a male near her , were going back to the breeder for a scan in 5 weeks but if it dont work what could the problem be? That is when your dog will stand and allow a male to mount and breed her. They have been together for a week and haven't tied. and she is allowing the male to mate with her. My lhasa would not allow a male Eskimo mount her and she is currently on heat, the 13th day to be precise. Answer: It is possible. Answer: Many dogs come home from breeding covered in mud, dirt, or fluids, so they usually need a bath. A female dog will have her first heat cycle from 4 months of age up to the second year (tiny dogs come into heat early, so the first heat can depend on the size and the breed), but even though she can get pregnant that early, she should not be bred until her second or third estrus. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on March 05, 2018: Ganesh, if your Pug will stand to be bred you can allow her to mate. If your female dog will not stand to be bred, there are several possibilities. I have a rottweiler stud that's refuse to mate with female in heat. If the male is not a proven breeder he too may have problems. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on June 27, 2020: Jess, you really need an experienced breeder to help with this. If there is no one in your area that you are familiar with, call your local vet. There are already too many puppies and adult dogs being killed at animal shelters, so you should not breed your dog just because she is nice or you want to show the kids the miracle of birth. My shepherds, the male 1 year n 10 months old and my female is 1 year 9 months old and he has been trying to breed her for days and still nothing. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. At 1:30 on the same day the male and female bred naturally. Is this common? Answer: If the male did not tie with your dog, that indicates that semen was not released. They may be able to help, but of course, you will have to pay for their time. Do not overdo it, but a normal walk is fine. On her 4th heat, I crossed her with a different male from her 9th, 10th, 12th, 14th and even 17th day but still she didnt get pregnant. Were there no other abnormalities besides the UTI? Question: The male we have chosen to mate our lab is slightly taller, and not finding the right spot. My Dog In A Heat Time Haved a Metung just one 1time Seh isp pregnancy or not. Shes not up to a year! I want her to get pregnant and have a baby. She is going to be just fine without it. Should you take the female to the male to be bred? Question: My American bully showed all the signs of heat, and we did AIs on her; now four weeks after her last AI, she allowed the male to mount her. Question: Does a male dog also need to be in heat? If you are using frozen sperm (artificial insemination), knowing the time of ovulation is important, but if a male is available this is not really necessary. It does happen, even with very tough dogs. I do not know what country you are in but in the US the AKC will only register puppies from a young female. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on April 10, 2019: Chantelle, I do not understand your dates here, but as far as your question: no, there are no guaratees, even if your dog mates normally. It is possible that there is something wrong with your Pug, behaviorally, and it is also possible that the AI was not done correctly. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on August 11, 2018: Ellie, since this is the first time for both dogs things might not work out.Is the female standing to be bred? You can just take a chair, sit down, and even if the female hangs around your legs she is going to become curious about the male and go on over there to check him out. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on August 21, 2019: Ekaterina, if your Pit will still stand to be bred and accept the male, continue to breed her for better chance of success. Question: My 4-year-old German Shepherd has been bleeding for 11 days. Is there a way to help him penetrate her so that they tie? (Even if she is not aggressive now, he does not know that. Yes, you can, but the sperm needs to be collected correctly and you need to put it into your female correctly. Stay with your dogs during breeding. Answer: If her abdomen has not increased in size then she is probably not pregnant, but it is possible and I cannot tell you for sure. What should I do? After mateing my female dog and she got pregnant at a time I discover that her Belle was graduerly desolveing it was letter I was told she leap a hypo or jike, can this remove her pregnancy. But this is not always the case. The best thing for her would be to take her to your vet immediately before the pregnancy is too advanced and have her spayed. Question: Is it normal for a female dog to let out a lot of the male's sperm after unlocking? Your dog will have her blood sample taken every one or two days and when the level of progesterone peaks she will be ovulating and should be bred. My female duchund didnt want to breed and i have a male duchund too.can i put his sperm into injection and i inject it into her. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on August 11, 2019: Joy, 20 months may seem like a lot but it would be a lot better for her long term health than 10. Is that bad? Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on November 16, 2019: Jade,your dog can be pregnant and still show signs. No. The male dog was tied to the female two times within three days and I think it was closer to the beginning of her cycle. My Siberian Huskies always knew what to do and never required any interference. He also seems interested but just won't perform. 18 months is fine. Question: My female lab is one-year-old now. You need to support her at the waist so that the male can mount and she is not able to sit down. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on May 02, 2018: Marion, if she will stand to be bred today, (allow him to mount), go ahead and put her with the male. It is much less expensive, does not need to be monitored as closely. 2008 Aug 19;50(Suppl 1):S6. When dealing with some breeds, though, you will need to support the female (so that she does not collapse under the weight of the male) or even lift the male up into place. It depends on the day of ovulation, which I do not know. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on June 05, 2017: Every other day, or every third day, for a week or so. Question: I have a 2-year-old female lab. Question: My Cane Corsos have tied four mornings in a row, however, my female is still bleeding and willing to stand. But what about waiting two years between litters? I am disturbed thinking pls reply me. Yesterday, a dog tied with her. Is this normal? He showed all the interest in the world when she wouldn't stand and was quite aggressive. Well its been going on for a bout 4 days now. If you do not feel like you can do this, then you need an experienced breeder to help you. If she has never had a litter, be sure to have her examined by your regular vet. You do not need to breed every female dog. Answer: It sounds like you are doing everything correctly. 2018 Apr;234:130-135. You really need to contact an experienced breeder in your area to help you with the dogs. I have seen some breeders hold the female up (like a wheelbarrow), but there is so much sperm, a lot more semen cells than are even needed, that this is not necessary. This varies from dog to dog so the best thing you can do is take her to the male, let him try to breed, and if she is not interested, take her back in two days. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on August 15, 2018: Arvin, you can possibly breed her at the next heat cycle but it would be even better to wait for her 3rd cycle to mate, so about a year from now. Answer: There is no way to know how much, if any, went into your female dog. Dear, I have Rottweiler female she is 2 and half year old but still not pregnant problem is her heat cycle is not coming until what should I do or there is any injection plz. Some dogs will not like being forced and will try to bite. Not sure if that really happens, but that is the explanation that is used. You need to consider getting her spayed immediately. She will usually stand to be bred in a few days to a week, and often when the bleeding has stopped. If you really want to breed this dog, you may need to try another male. Do not lock them together and walk away. My female is called Nala she's a lab and she's 18 months is it the right time to get her bred or shall I need to wait until her next heat??? I meann will it have an effect on the male beagles sperm? If you have a breed like the English Bulldog and think you will make money breeding her since her purchase price was so high, you may end up paying for a C-section and may even end up losing your dog when she dies in labor. I need to know where I can get a male to breed with my female, does my female dog need to go to the male or does he come here, will I need to separate my other male dog away from my female wile she is pregnant and where do you find males to breed with. Question: I am a dog breeder, and I have a female to breed with my male. Answer: Yes. Unfortunately, I have another male dog (mixed breed). Dr. Mark is a veterinarian. It is probably just seepage from the uterine walls but you really should have her examined by your local veterinarian. She will be fully grown but still young enough to be flexible (to pass the pups). . Labrador or husky? We had a Pomeranian years ago that could not mate alone, and I have also seen Maltese like this. Any suggestion? She will be a mom and will be more likely to defend her territory. Is there a problem mating him at this point, or is age only a problem when talking about the female?? Is she really pregnant? Answer: If your female will no longer stand for the male, it is usually because she is no longer in heat. Question: After my female Rottweiler gave birth, she was still dripping some bloodlike substance. This article is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge. Got tied once and still showed interest but it seemed as the male was no longer interested. Do not forget that youll be buying a lot of food if the breeding is successful. If your female is attacking the male, she is already out of heat or does not want to accept that male. You have to have an ultrasound or blood testing done to be sure that your dog is pregnant. Answer: There is nothing wrong with dogs breeding multiple times. Answer: It is never normal for a dog to come back into heat after only four weeks. This is a fairly common problem in some purebred dogs. Question: My female dog is 8. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on September 26, 2018: Yes, it is possible. If you are not willing to lose your dog (it is rare but dogs do die during pregnancy and birth) then do not get into this. You have to ask yourself if you can keep the puppies you cannot sell, and if you even have homes for all of them. If you want more information on what to expect every week here is a short article that will help. Or will the sperm from the second breed be ineffective? After that first cycle, she will come into heat about every six months, but it can vary from 4 to 12 months. However, if they both have a recessive gene for a genetic problem (like hip dysplasia) the puppies will have the problem even if the parents appear okay. Is it okay to breed her now? Your first step should be trying her with another male. Contact the owner of the male dog so that he or she knows the approximate date you will be bringing your female dog. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on August 08, 2018: John, not usually, but if she stood to be bred she might be and the cytology was wrong. HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on August 11, 2020: JP--I usually try to get them together more to increase chances but if the male will not mount she is probably no longer able to mate. Usually, it is 3 or 4 times. When i check on them, she is humping him. Breeding her now is not a good idea. Is he too large to breed with her? If you want to breed, why not look for a higher quality male, and not a pet? Please what should I do? Question: How well are Doberman Pinchers in labor? If it continues, however, you need to get her to your local vet since it may indicate internal hemorrhaging or a retained placeta and a secondary infection. Answer: If your Doberman mates with your Pitbull, you might end up with a litter of mixed pups; some will have one father, some another. Question: I noticed my Doberman trying to mate my female pitbull, but she has been bred, and I thought she was no longer in heat. If it is the right time, and she still will not stand, you can hold her in position, but you usually need help. This is going to cost you money. If her bleeding continues for more than about ten days, try putting her with the male each day and start breeding her as soon as she stands. If this dog is very good quality, she needs an ultrasound and may need to be treated for a uterine infection. Answer: A female dog that is not in heat will not allow a male to mount and ejaculate inside of her. Your dog cannot wash them out with urinating. Question: Is it okay if I walk my female dog three days after mating her? Though neutered about 6 months ago, I caught him mounted and locked with my female beagle on her 12th day. After the dogs have bred successfully, it is a good idea to walk the female around but do not allow her to crouch to urinate for at least 20 minutes. If she were my dog, I would prefer not to risk her life. Question: My female dog lets my male dog mount her, but then she runs away and yelps. A little later she will start dripping blood. Answer: It depends on how long ago the dog gave birth. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on April 24, 2020: Omotola,, How can i confirm 5weeks pregnancy in my dog. It is nothing breeding that takes place with humans. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on October 27, 2018: My female started bleeding yesterday when are her fertile days? How to Get a Dog to Produce More Milk for Her Puppies,,,, Do you know how to breed your female dog? The fluids that he put into the female will not affect the sperm of the beagle. If she fails to get pregnant again, you can keep trying the same thing (because sometimes these things do happen), get her spayed so that you no longer have to monitor her when she comes in heat, or take her to your closest veterinary college for a full work up. If you are planning on selling the puppies, it is unlikely that the registering organization (like the AKC) is even going to allow the litter to be registered. Question: Does the male dog's weight have to be the same as the female? Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on November 10, 2019: Tina, that is normal. The only way to know for sure is to have her pregnancy tested. I have mated my female spitz dog in the 7th day from her menstrual period. Is this normal during her heat? Question: Is it normal for the male dog to be mean and cross with the female before trying to breed? Well today he tied with her. When you are not with the female, she should not be with the male. If it only happened right after and then stopped, this is a normal part of birth. Your dog will have an infection and will not become pregnant, or your dog will have an infection and can give birth to dead or sick puppies. If your female is not pregnant, it is possible that she is not fertile. If you are a hobby breeder then you may just be looking for one of her puppies, in which case the costs are not the main issue. Answer: Not always. He is still trying to mount her over and over but now she hips and sits down. Should I expect her to become pregnant? There are many possible side effects. Answer: There have been rare instances of a male not tying and still inseminating a female, but in general if the male does not tie the female will not be pregnant. Have her hips or other potential problem joints x-rayed and certified. Answer: The weight difference should not be a problem. If you do not want to do that, you need to get the assistance of an experienced breeder that will know how to restrain the female so that the male will be able to mount no matter what she wishes; There is not necessarily anything wrong with the male. Hello i havent been watching my female pup to see if she is in heat because i disnt thi k she was old enough but my male dog has been like non stop humping her. My dog has been swollen for about 5 days and bleeding for 2 is 5 days from now a good tine to take her to see a stud? She wants to urinate as often as possible, in as many spots as possible, to alert all local male dogs.). When is the best time to mate her? If the Doberman gets to the female, can he breed with her even if she has already been bred? My female went in heat in October but she never bled. On this day, 4th day after the first mating, he would mount up but would just stand there then drop off. Is there any problem?? Vet J. What should I do? He will usually swing a back leg over and will stand, tied with the female in a tail-to-tail position. Question: My dog is just 9 months old. Hi Dr Mark, that you for the reply. Good luck with your new puppies. It can vary, as you have seen. If the male was not willing to mate, and she did not want to stand to be mated, that would indicate that her hormone levels had fallen. Now, its the 50th day but no pregnancy signs have appeared. Stay close and keep the female from rolling around and damaging the male, but do not try to separate them. The male will mount the female and the bulbis glandis will swell so that he is tied to the female for about twenty minutes (it may be as short as two minutes or as long as half an hour). I have seen this in both dogs and horses. Dr Mark (author) from The Atlantic Rain Forest, Brazil on March 28, 2019: Fable, male dogs usually want to mate, and if he has done so before and no longer is mating that indicates a physical problem. She got tied by my male on the 16th day. She is also much more likely to be crouching down and urinating a lot more frequently. Answer: Dogs usually are swollen about a week, bleed about a week, and then are ready to breed in the final week. Question: Will the female still get pregnant if the male slips and they dont tie? Painfully. Answer: A middle-aged dog can still be bred if she has had puppies before. Some vets will also help you with this, but you need to call around and find out if the vet is willing and able to help before making an appointment. 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