The protein and energy characteristics change depending on the commercial food product, so you must remember to compare products and get the best option within your price range. This behavior can, however, be curtailed early with socialization and proper training. A mix between the popular Border Collie and the beautiful dog, Siberian Husky, this Husky crossbreed makes a wonderful family pet. will be a piece of cake for them. Before we move onto tips youll need to know for raising this amazing mix, I want to talk a little about where to find border collie lab mix puppies for adoption. This is a job that is better suited for other dog breeds such as the Rottweiler and the Doberman. This breed is very expressive and enjoys being included in the conversation around the house as well. These are very loyal dogs and instantly form an attachment to their owners and the family that adopts them. That is why, in this guide, we've put together everything you need to know about Husky Border Collie Mix puppies. If you are a Border Collie Husky mix owner, try and plan activities and puzzles that will keep the dog occupied at all times. They also tend to be very good finders and love to take tasks and challenges that involve herding and running. Because this breed loves to get involved in everything, enjoys taking part in activities and is extremely loyal, they make a fantastic family pooch. AboutUs - Advertise with Us - Contact Us - Write for Us - Privacy policy. They'll bond well with children once trained. The Collie Husky mix requires a lot of exercise. When it comes to the grooming of the Border Collie Husky mix, theres a lot of conditions to have in mind. You will receive offers, news, While most hybrid breeds tend to look like one parent more so than the other, the Siberian Husky Border Collie mix commonly has the Border Collie black and white shades, with a Husky appearance. Once this is done, they can comfortably live together with other pets around the home, including cats and birds. Were describing the Husky cross Collie of course! As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Although this dog mix is a fast learner, this stubbornness makes it a tad challenging for the impatient owner. The speed of their learning and their need to be constantly stimulated mentally mean that as an owner, you have to use the right methods, and incorporate patience, and activities that maintain their interest. Loyal, friendly, enthusiastic, energetic and loving? To make sure that this dog does not start running amok in the house and tearing things up, you have to make sure you give him a regular regime of exercise. Do not allow this breed to be sedentary. First of all, you must get a general understanding of what a hybrid dog breed is because it is very relevant to the understanding of specifics regarding your dog. Thus, it can be tough for the impatient owner to have this mixed dog as a pet. competitions and information about Purina UK&I, its brands This medium-sized dog is more muscular than his Border Collie parent and slightly more compact than Husky. The Border Collie Husky mix is very receptive to talking and loves to be included in the conversation around the house. For this reason, you should provide him with early obedience training to ensure that there are boundaries that must be followed and he learns from an early age who is the boss. Keeping this pet engaged is, thereby, the most ideal method to get the best out of this dog mix. The Border Collie Husky mix is often viewed to be healthier than both parent breeds and can also live with a lifespan of about 20 years on average. "description": "The Border Collie Husky cross-breed is a gorgeous dog that inherits its attractive appearance from both parent dogs. The Border Collie Husky cross-breedneeds to be fed with a dry kibble that is meant for high-energy medium-sized pets, and their dog food should be age-specific. Many shelters have border collie lab mix dogs (or another favorite mix of mine, border collie husky German shepherd mix!) ], This is a dog breed that could be challenging to train. A bored Border Collie Husky mix can easily become mischievous and destructive around the home. The breed is highly intelligent and fiercely loyal, lending to their ability ti display a very laid-back demeanor. First, I will discuss the traits of the border collie husky mix. Their needs, though many, are simple really, a healthy, safe home, family that loves them, exercise, pet friends, and all of the love you can share. From the Husky parent line, they tend to have a streak of stubbornness that makes them a little bit hard to train and have a lot of energy that needs to be channeled by games and multiple activities. Besides the bone disorders mentioned, the Border Collie Husky cross-breed is also likely to inherit, or at least be predisposed to eye conditions. They are pretty easy going and laid back in that way, tiring them out is recommended, especially since they are known to have separation anxiety when left alone at home. They have a lifespan of about 20 years on average. If you combine the lifespan of a border collie (10-17 years) with that of a husky (12-15), youll get 10-17 years, but Id say about 12 is the average lifespan of a Border Collie Husky mix. To avoid such problems, it is advisable that you purchase a puppy from a breeder who can provide a full medical history of the parent dogs and any health concerns therein. Again, you should ask your breeder about the pup's full medical history to make yourself aware of the other health concerns regarding this breed. The Border Collie Husky mix can bea challenging breed to trainbecause they tend to be stubborn, and it can be difficult to get them to listen effectively. Take it in turns walking, running, playing fetch and letting them out in the garden throughout the day. Husky cross collie are beautiful dogs right? Moreover, due to their high energy drive, this dog is not suited to apartment living, not only will be likely to get cabin fever, but he will also become restless. What Do I Feed A Border Collie Husky Mix? The Siberian Husky is a natural survivor in cold climates, athletic and intelligent dog breeds, and a hard worker. They also tend to be very social animals, happy to spend time around children and other animals, however, their overeagerness can reflect into possible injuries of small kids or smaller animals if there isnt enough supervision. Then we will dive into the Border Collie Husky mix personality traits. The Husky cross Collies is highly intelligent and because of that,a stubborn streak can sometimes show its face. The Border Collie Husky mix is often seen to be healthier than both parent dogs and can also live longer than either of them. To help you understand the traits of this mix, we are discussing the personality traits of the Siberian Husky & Border Collie. Maintaining the Border Collie Husky mix can be a lot of work especially if you are not a generally active person. With their high energy, expect to exercise this breed for at least 90 minutes a day and you will be assured to have a healthy and happy pup. Whether blue eyes or yellow eyes, they resemble gray wolves, which is an attraction for many people. The good How Do Bearded Dragons Stay Warm At Night? But bear in mind that with perseverance, this issue can be overcome. On more than one occasion, it has been observed that these dogs may behave quite aggressively if they are not involved in activities. They are enthusiastic and love to take part in activities and outdoor fun. They are lean, beautiful dogs with handsome facial features that are a highlight of the coming together of two originally beautiful parent dogs. Any lizard lovers out there will know that lizards are cold-blooded creatures and need to have a sufficient amount of sunlight and heat to function properly. This particular dog has the best qualities of its parent breeds, the Border Collie and the Husky, such as high energy and loyalty, and it can be an amazing addition to a family looking for fun, excitement and overall joy in their home. Thus, there may be a possibility that the Border Collie Husky mix will inherit this, so it's important to socialize him as early as possible too. The coat is silky and rich. Because of the type of coat the Border Collie Husky mix has, they tend to shed twice a year, and that must be taken into consideration when it comes to picking the breed. Siberian Huskies are the ultimate working dog if they arent doing something to keep their minds busy and staying on the go, they will get bored. In this post, well take a more in-depth look at this breed of dog, from its temperament and behavior to its appearance, training, and health concerns and more. This mixed dog breedis also super affectionate and craves the human touch. A mix between the beautiful Siberian Husky and the popular Border Collie, this Husky crossbreed makes an incredible family pet. I've had pretty much every pet under the sun - cats, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, fish, stick insects - and have spent time volunteering at animal shelters in Asia. Both Huskies and Border Collies are extremely intelligent breeds of pets, that are often used in hikes to guide people and on farms to herd cattle, respectively. The expressiveness of the Border Collie Husky mix makes it ideal for families with kids and other animals. However, these prices can change depending on your breeder and their location, and you must be very serious about the commitment to bring this type of dog home, which is a requirement for most breeders. "logo": { Similarly, the Border Collie loves to work and is known for herding farm animals with a can-do attitude. Welcome to veryDoggy! Brushing their coat once a day, is recommended in order to make sure that they do not leave dog hair all over your house. A Border Collie Husky mix owner should assign the dog a lot of challenging activities in order to tap its full energies. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Even when playing with them, they require that you do it for long periods of time, in order to run out their boundless energy. A hybrid breed is a cross between two breeds of parents, to produce a litter of puppies that have a mixed variety of characteristics from both breeds. These are the basics that any pet needs to become a loyal companion that loves to cuddle with you as much as they love to play. Do not allow them to be sedentary. These dogs are adept at finding excellent escape routes and tricking their way out of things. 4-Exercise is an essential part of raising a husky/border breed. 1- Because they are such intelligent dogs, learning basic commands like sit, stay, heel, etc. Even though hybrids tend to be less predetermined to diseases, they still suffer from conditions that can affect their wellbeing. The Border Collie Husky mix is also a master escapist. ", In addition, part of being a good pet parent is to learn as much as possible about the dog and its activity level before selecting one. What Do You Need to Know about Their Health? This means that you cannot completely rely on fences to teach them boundaries. freelance as a copywriter and digital marketer. This is because it means the dog is extremely social and can get along with most others. For active outdoorsy people, on the other hand, the Border Collie Husky is a fantastic option. Depending on the energy levels and his size, this pup will eat between 2 1/2 and 3 cups of dog food a day. The well-liked and intelligent dog is a Siberian Husky Border Collie mix that exhibits the best characteristics of both parent breeds. However, due to their herding background, part of their techniques involves nipping, making this dog not the best option for younger children. Even leaving the tv on or the radio when not home, could help them feel more secure and happy. Yep - that relentless high energy has to go somewhere! If youre looking for tips on raising a border collie husky mix, youre obviously in the right place. Companionship is what the Siberian Husky brings to their owners at the end of the day explains Fadi Ayat in the book Dog Breeds: Guide to Understanding Canine Personality Profiles. When it comes to feeding your Border Collie Husky mix, it is important to remember that the nutritional needs from both parent breeds need to be met effectively. "url": "" The Border Collie Husky Mix is short to a medium-sized dog that measures between 18 and 22 inches tall, from paw to shoulder but this varies depending on genetics. Varies, from black and white to black and gold. I cannot say it often enough: please adopt before you shop. "" The loyal Border Collie Husky mix can be amazing family dogs. I am Archie James, a dog trainer who has worked with dogs for over 15 years. }, Overall, theyre extremely sweet-natured and loving with their family. As long as this is something that you can provide them with, then the Border Collie mix with Husky will have a happy and very long life together. Likewise, the Border Collie is known for herding farm animals and loves to work with a can-do attitude. } The Border Collie Husky Mix is a Hybrid Dog Breed, 5 Reasons Why you Should Get a Border Collie Husky Mix, 5 Reasons Why You Should Not Get a Border Collie Husky Mix, Temperament of the Border Collie Husky Mix, Health Risks of the Border Collie Husky Mix, Border Collie Husky mix is a very talkative dog, they tend to have a streak of stubbornness that makes them a little bit hard to train, food that they require must be high-quality, The Border collie is an energetic, hardworking, and smart dog, Whippet Chihuahua Mix: Whippet and Chihuahua Breed, Pomeranian Pug Mix: Pomeranian and Pug Breed, Irish Wolfhound Poodle Mix: Irish Wolfhound and Poodle Breed, Newfoundland Poodle Mix: Newfoundland and Poodle Breed, Dachshund Poodle Mix: Dachshund and Poodle Breed. Training and socialisation should start as soon as possible. { PetDT was founded by Jacquelyn Kennedy, a dog lover and pet admirer. Both breeds have many traits in common, as you can see. The stubbornness streak may come from both of the parent breeds but the Husky trait is more dominant. Is a Border Collie Husky Mix the Dog Breed for You? It is also a good idea to make sure that they are taught to socialize early. [icon name=arrow-right class= unprefixed_class=], link to An Introduction to the Lovely German Shepherd Husky Mix. However, a healthy, high-quality diet and plenty of exercise can help minimise the risk. When you have a Husky/Border Collie mix, youll be amazed at how they combine,making this mix one of the most sought after in the world. They are known to seek comfort and love from the owners and do not love being left alone for long periods of time. This is also a win-win situation, since as social animals and will appreciate the added attention. Their weight mirrors Husky's muscular genes, with males weighing between 40 and 45 pounds. Its no small wonder why this combination is so popular. Coming from a pedigree that is known for boundless energy, this dog has excellent endurance and can run around for hours. It really depends on which genes your border collie/husky puppy gets from his parents. Top 5 Dog Walking Essentials For a Rainy Day, By clicking on "Confirm", I acknowledge having read the Privacy Policy of Wamiz and rights that I have on my personal data, Vomiting and diarrhoea in dogs after vaccination. "datePublished": "2021-03-15", If you live in a house with a yard, you might want to pay close attention to your fencing situation. Just make sure to reinforce your yard, because the Border Collie Husky mix is likely to become an escape artist like its Husky parent when bored, and is known to jump even 6-foot fences easily. You can expect your Husky cross Collie to be a medium sized dog, lean dog with a rich, shiny and silky coat in shades of white, black, grey or brown. Be sure youre ready for the challenge they will give you because rest assured, they will challenge you in everything but its all a part of who they are, and the love youll receive will definitely be unbreakable with this companion. 10 Dog crossbreeds that are utterly irresistible. So make sure he gets more physical and mental stimulation he needs. Youll need a vacuum to get all the hair up - but a good daily brushing can help to minimise the mess. Since both parent breeds have a medium-length coat, they need to have their coat brushed at least once or twice a week. Lets take a quick look at the parents breeds responsible for this charming crossbreed! If properly trained and given more socialization, they can be very loving companions and extremely well-behaved. Are you sure you want to delete the comment? This is an incredibly versatile, willing and intelligent dog, with not only a sense of humour but also a generous heart, says Carol Price in Border Collie. While both Border Collie and Husky share the same health problems, the Collie is predisposed to a variety of eye conditions such as Progressive Renal Atrophy, Collie Eye Anomaly, and Cataracts. A walk more than once a day is not unusual. They suffer from separation anxiety when left alone, and which can manifest in violent behavior. You can also contact breed-specific rescue groups. link to How Do Bearded Dragons Stay Warm At Night? Heart issues can also become a serious health condition. Hence, it's straightforward that the Border Collie Husky mix is a breed that's very pleasant being eager to please and to have around while listening to commands. Males= 40 and 45 pounds. Lack of exercise could actually lead to the dog developing health problems and temperament issues. Theyll need at least two good walks per day to stay happy and healthy. accordance with our Privacy Notice Smooth or rough, they can take the form of short or medium length but the Border Collie Husky mix tends to be silky to touch. This is a short to medium-sized dog that measures about 20 inches at the shoulder, although this varies depending on genetics. Thinking about getting yourself a new dog? Get ready to keep up with this pup! Do They Need Extra Warmth. This dog mix breed can, however, become possessive about its owner and can sometimes react violently when there are visitors or strangers around the home. To avoid such health issues, it's recommended that you purchase a pup from a breeder that can offer a full medical history of the parent breeds and any medical concerns therein. They also usually have piercing blue eyes that they've acquired from their Husky parent, and on occasion, they also have two contrasting colored eyes. However, if not given the quality care they need like adequate exercise and good dietary management, their activity is bound to decline after 14 years. The border collie/husky lifespan depends on so many factors. Generally, the Husky is food-driven, while the Collie is object-driven, so while you work out what drives your pup, use them to your advantage. They also overheat quite easily and this further accelerates the shedding. It will also ensure that the dog is tired out and will therefore not have the energy to act out in the house. When it comes down to choosing a pet, if you wish to have a hybrid dog, understanding these characteristics will be important, as they can help you decide what you want from your hybrid, especially if said hybrid has such particular and exciting features like the Border Collie Husky mix. Here are some tips on how to properly take care of a Border Collie Husky mix: When choosing toys for this particular dog, choose toys that are challenging and engaging. The Border Collie is a medium-sized dog, that has an average height of 18 to 22 inches from the paw to the shoulder, and a weighted average of 30 to 45 pounds when full grown, and they have a coat that varies greatly in length and color, depending on the genetic line they originate from. "width": "1200", If you leave yours at home alone for extended periods of time, this is one breed where its a good to set up some video surveillance using one of the many dog cameras on the market today. This will also help remove all the dirt and debris on its fur. The socializing is great for their brains and temperament, and the exercise will help their bones and muscles grow strong. They are a relatively healthy breed and dont have many diseases that affect them, other than the ones that affect most dogs with age. Their measurable intelligence is also coupled with a strong streak of stubbornness. She built the website to provide pet owners with information, experiences, and opinions on breeds, temperament, personalities, health, nutrition, products, and care. Even though they are incredibly loyal, the Border Collie Husky mix can however not be used as guard dogs. Most Border Collie Husky mix owners have had as much fun playing with the dog in the park, as they had cuddling on the sofa. The Border Collie Husky mix is eager to learn and very friendly. The breed is fiercely loyal and highly intelligent, bestowing their ability to exhibit a very laid-back demeanor. Of course, this is the trademark many people know them for. Without adequate exercise, the Husky cross Collie is prone to bone issues, osteoarthritis, intervertebral disc disorder and chronic myelopathy. Theyre great to have around hiking groundsor large fields. Females= 30 and 40 pounds. If you respect your Border Collie, its essential character, genetic legacy and daily needs, then he will respect you in return, and you will find yourself with a rewarding and intelligent canine companion beyond compare.. The border collie weighs an average of about 30-45 lbs for a male and 27-42 lbs for a female; and the husky comes in at 45-60 for males and 35-50 for females. For a dog owner who is interested to have the Border Collie Husky mix as his pet, you should know that this dog requires a lot of attention and exercise. This dog breed is prone to shedding. Usually, when experts talk about hybrid dog breeds they tend to be referring to the first generation of breeding between two purebred dogs, and the litters that come out from these types of breeding are usually unpredictable. The Collie and Husky mix is a cross between two well-known designer dogs: the Border Collie and Husky [1]. Say it often enough: please adopt before you shop How Do Bearded Dragons Stay Warm at?. 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how long do border collie husky mix live