"I think my dog died of histio" or "my vet said it was histio" is an insufficient basis for making accurate diagnoses. When she did not respond to anti-biotics we began to look at possible cardiac problems none of which could be found. Tully's weight had dropped from 108 pounds to 96 pounds gradually over the last few months of his life. Sharon Gaffney Crystal, 02/02/94 06/05/00 I firmly believe that the SAM-e, along with the milk thistle and vitamin E, is essential to combating the toxicity of the CCNU. It could have been a coincidence but every time we tried to add an anti-cancer treatment (Ukrain, cloud mushroom extract, red clover hoxey, etc) her PCV seemed to drop more quickly. Researchers continue to study this disease. Within a span of 2 years, he had 6 surgical procedures on his right knee joint, as well as an ACL surgery on his left knee in September 1999. We stopped the thyroid meds. She refused to eat any "normal food" but enjoyed Harriet Gehorsam's Magic Meatballs and up to the last weekend would demand things like pancakes sitting on the counter. Stoney was the youngest reported case so far and he wanted, on necropsy, to discern if she had yet lost her thymus gland as dogs do as they mature. Malignant Histiocytosis in a Bernese Mountain Dog Presenting as a Mandibular Mass. The vet said it could possibly be the chemo catching up with him since the toxins have a cumulative effect. His first noted symptom was squinting in the light, and we were shocked to discover that one eye had so much corneal edema that the retina was detatching. On the night of 5/8, Xena was having trouble breathing. Inheritance of Histiocytosis in Bernese Mountain Dogs. The diarrhea continued until Friday. He started to get sick- he threw up a few times and had diarrhea. Antagene's HS-test and HSIMS Tool - Article - - Article By Birgitte Damsgaard -. We also gave her Epogen hoping that it would boost her red cell production. Benoit Hedan & Catherine Andre: Canine Histiocytic Sarcoma in BMDs: Genetic progresses and update(2018), Gerard Rutteman:Molecular biological and genetic investigations of cancers in companion animals (2018), Jerome Abadie, Benoit Hedan et al: Epidemiology, Pathology, and Genetics of Histiocytic Sarcoma in the Bernese Mountain Dog Breed. I knew that histio was a problem within this line. It was towards the latter part of the month when we heard the confirming diagnosis. I was advised to take him back if he did not improve. Susan Ablon Wendy, 10/87 4/94 She was traded as a puppy to Julie Steinheimer of Hope's Kennel and was purchased by us when she was about two years old. And we treasured every second of it. Her liver was enlarging and we just couldn't bear to make her suffer any longer. Crystal started doing poorly, at three years old she was losing weight rapidly. As awful as the experience was, it convinced me of the true nature of heaven -- a place where Tycho would be restored to us in perfect health and utter happiness. The chemo was a balancing act- keeping all of the levels in check. The area lab was unable to make any determination as to the type of cancer - the liver cells were so diseased. They had things they try, but nothing that works. She prescribed an antibiotic just to be on the safe side and said to watch him for any changes. He crossed the bridge on Friday, September 18. Apparently his counts were really low and they assumed he was hospitalized. Tests were showing a reduction in her lymph nodes, and spleen. She was a healthy sound (excellent hips and one of the first OFA elbows #6) good natured dog. A week later the results were good enough to continue. All blood work is good. Liver values are down at normal levels. Moore. Their firmness was like that of a ripe orange. They were just seeing some results from a small study from the University of Pennsylvania. The report came back from UC Davis - hepatocellular carcinoma. Like most owners with Berners with cancer we tried everything we could think of including raw meat, cooked meat, peanut butter, cookies, broths of various kinds and just about anything in the house. The night before she had finally been able to sleep, something she hadn't really done in weeks. On April 18 we received a call telling us we would be seen on April 25 for staging. Right now, education and knowledge are the only weapons we have, and they frequently seem dreadfully inadequate. I have had more than enough small snafus, almost at every visit. They inhibited airflow causing labored air intake and thick mucous discharge from her nose. Max appeared to have some trouble negotiating the floors, but I put this down to unfamiliarity. Devon also had weekly acupuncture to help boost his energy. I should have had my veterinarian call for a staging and evaluation the moment we had confirmation from Dr. Moore. Ruth Reynolds, Promise 3/88 12/97 Catherine Cairns Max, 7/23/90 8/2/00 Took blood for analysis. Vet Pathol (1984); 21:554-563. A week later we were advised that radiation might be an option. VHUP vets did a physical exam and ran some tests. The local vet xrayed his chest, which was clear, then recommended an abdominal xray. Her breathing was still labored when we got her home. These masses may be smooth, haired, crusted, or ulcerated. He was euthanised the same day. The vet suspected pancreatitis because of the enlarged spleen, but her PCV continued to drop. Clifford had a colleague who had some success with a new chemo drug, Lumestein. We need to share the knowledge that research provides us as a tool improve the health and longevity of our breed. Rushed to Tufts, and were told that it was either malignant histiocytosis, or something else just as bad. Histiocytic sarcoma has several distinct variations: localized, disseminated, and hemophagocytic. Annual meeting of the AAVD/ACVD in Maui, Hawaii, 1999. The disease can go into remission on its own, but each recurrent episode generally becomes progressively worse. I am awfully glad to be here! Rosin, Moore, Dubielzig. Xena's PCV began to drop. We would watch her liver enzymes closely. The bone marrow produces leukocytes, red blood cells, and platelets. So what is histiocytosis? He was sending the specimen back to my veterinarian, Dr. O'Brien, to be forwarded to Dr. Moore at UC Davis. Systemic histiocytosis was first described as being separate and distinct from histiocytic sarcoma; later it was defined as a variation of histiocytic sarcoma; and most recently it is back to being considered a separate and distinct form of histiocytosis. So Griffy had the MRI, which showed more clearly that his spleen was indeed severely enlarged. Some days she ate very little. The initial presentation of systemic histiocytosis is multiple masses in the skin. See the Berner IWG Resources page for links to Speaker Presentations from B-IWG Health conferences (including many Histiocytic Sarcoma developments). He said since there was no protocol with this treatment, he couldn't tell us what to do. After a comfortable night according to the vets and staff, his body just shut down. The pathology report that we got back from Cornell didn't give a clear diagnosis, so we sent spleen samples to Dr. Moore at UC Davis. The case was unusual, having no involvement of the lungs. This is a devastating cancer and we have no answers to treat it effectively at this time. The surgery appeared to be successful for about a year. Andrea Madeley Aari, 6/28/95 still bouncy and happy in August of 2001! Her vets didn't think that removing her spleen was the best course of action so the surgery was delayed until March. He said if we were going to treat the cancer, we had to treat the cancer- no matter what. The bumps were not visible to me in the muzzle but were found on necropsy. I reported this to Barbara Packard who put me in touch with Dr. Peter Moore at UCDavis. Her mother had succumbed to the ravages of malignant histiocytosis at ten years of age. Necropsy showed widespread cancer throughout the lungs, liver, and spleen and the biopsy came back malignant histiocytosis. The sad thing to this story is that the hereditary component of malignant histio was reported by Dr. Padgett at the specialty the month after Wendy's death. We also noticed he had lost a lot of weight. A lot of dogs don't have seven weeks to wait. I took her in for an ultrasound and the vet knew immediately that her spleen was enlarged. The macrophage cells also help stimulate immune system response as well as devouring foreign material. I am spending a lot on the supplements she takes, too. Briefly she showed new symptoms occasional limping (similar to polyarthritis) and corncob chewing at her legs but these cleared up, perhaps due to the imuno-suppressive drugs she was given. The monocyte is a phagocytic cell (a cell that ingests other cells or foreign material) which circulates in the blood, but which can develop into either macrophages or dendritic cells when it migrates into body tissue. They may go away on their own, or wax and wane, and may need treatment with corticosteroids or in some more extreme cases require more aggressive immunosuppressive therapy. The strength of his left hind leg was tremendous, and he healed very quickly. All the other cases were in dogs old enough to have lost their thymus gland. We switched to home-cooked diet and gave him Vitamins C, E, B complex and other supplements. Griffy didn't move much over the weekend. They did an ultra sound the next day at which time they saw his spleen was enlarged, and they took some aspirates from his spleen & liver. I knew there was trouble, but thought it was a sore tooth. Severe anemia may be the result of the tumor(s) in the spleen, and once it is removed, the red cell count may return to normal. She insisted on being outside a lot, but was very happy to greet family and visiting friends. A food tube was put in so that she could be fed through the tube if she continued to refuse food. I have heard of two cases in which survival exceeded five years from time of diagnosis, and have seen documentation of two cases of survival for over one year, and another documented case of survival for four years. Histiocytes produce matrix metalloproteinases that degrade cell tissues. Disseminated histiocytic sarcoma is a very aggressive form of cancer that is usually already widespread before any symptoms are noted. The chemo didn't have too much of an affect on him as far as side effects. None of the medical schools in MA had anything to offer us so we did a phone consult with Dr. Loops, a homeopathic cancer specialist. This is a perfect example of the real need for careful and accurate diagnosis of cause of death. My conclusions? I worry about the bone being brittle, especially because she feels so well and can be wild. Canine Histiocytic Proliferative Disease. Necropsy confirmed malignant histiocytosis, with marked jaundice of body tissues, fluid in the lungs, abdominal and thoracic cavities. Her ovaries and uterus looked completely normal but sections were sent for histopathology anyway. Systemic histiocytosis has been successfully treated with immuno-suppressive drugs, such as Cyclosporin A and Leflunomide, and variable success with immuno-suppressive doses of corticosteroids. Xena had about 6 Ukrain treatments. She is not stressed by going to Davis. Hystiocytomas are wart-like growths that occur singly on the surface of the skin and usually go away on their own in just a few weeks. A week later we heard from Indexx Labs in Texas. This is basically liver cancer, it is not specific to any breed, does not seem to be hereditary, and when it strikes, it is usually older dogs, aged 10 - 12 or so. This is an oral medicine and treatment could be given through the hometown vet. Written off by the vet as a dislike for her food, a change in food made no difference as Blithe gradually lost weight. Christy Kabler Blithe, 4/16/95 1/25/00 They did X-rays but couldn't really see anything. Griffon was an avid swimmer; he would spend all day in the water, barely coming out for a breather. Sarcoma is the name given to cancer of the bone, cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels or other connective or supportive tissue. Xena had an uncommon form of histiocytic sarcoma that is associated with hypersplenism, anemia, and prominent splenic hematopoiesis (red blood cells being made in the spleen). He got his 1st round of chemo- 3 pills given orally. At the time, we thought he was trying to avoid getting a bath. One additional thing is that Baci is a confident, gregarious dog. We have chemo number six planned for September 21, 2005 Palpation and X-rays indicated an enlarged spleen. Padgett, Madewell, Keller, Jodar, Packard. Pathology results showed anaplastic histiocytic cells in the spleen, and the pelvic lymph node. They varied in size from the end of a #2 pencil to the size of the last section on my index finger. She acquired a lung infection that we were not able to eliminate. Cytology of Canine Malignant Histiocytosis. He sent her home with immuno-augmentative therapy (IAT) that involved giving her subcutaneous injections several times a day. Within two weeks, her packed cell volume fell to 17, which was "incompatible with life" according to the vet. I would encourage anyone facing MH with his or her dog to try to keep your options open to both holistic and traditional treatments. A necropsy was done but the initial lab was unable to make a definitive diagnosis. Then in December I heard her cough three times one morning. Moore, Rosin. They were not squishy nor were they bead-like in firmness. We switched Xena from prednisone to natural cortisol to reduce the side effects of the steroids. I have learned that Dr. Moore's lab is separate from the Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Ocular Manifestation of Systemic Histiocytosis in a Dog. We took her to the vet and they said she was fine. We put Griffon to sleep that night. Xena endured all her treatments willingly. She was truly our strong, brave warrior princess. It has allowed us to do follow-up tests as needed to provide the clearest picture of her health. Drugs, transfusions, none worked. That's one of the reasons that this cancer can spread so quickly. Her liver was slightly enlarged. We feel very lucky to have had her as long as we did; If she didn't raid the trash when she was three, we may have lost her much sooner! If Baci's cancer had spread, there would be no point in doing radiation. Eventually that treatment lost its effect and her conjunctivitis became very, very bad, such as I have never seen in any dog in my 20 years of working in various vet practices. The lab results of samples taken via needle aspiration were diagnosed to be Malignant Histiocytosis. Subsequently, she was diagnosed with Evan's Syndrome, an immune mediated anemia and thrombocytopenia. He was to return in a week to see how he was doing. His health has been deteriorating for a week and he didn't show signs of improving. She panted a lot, but the prednisone as well as her thyroid medication could cause that. Chest radiographs still showed no evidence of the cancer invading his lungs, but it was then that we decided that he was fighting a losing battle. We noticed his back legs were extremely swollen- they were filled with fluid. The x-rays show that her nodules in her lungs are clearly reducing. We gave him anti-nausea pills, but his appetite never returned. He had swollen lymph nodes under his front legs, and when the vet couldn't find anything wrong, he did a full blood workup. Stoney was euthanized at 22 months, about 13 months from onset of symptoms and 7 months following her diagnosis. Perhaps some day we will have genetic testing to help us eliminate histiocytic disease from the Bernese Mountain Dog, and we are well positioned to help advance that goal. There were pale patches of "necrosis" in her spleen. End of walk, called the vet and took him in. VHUP paid for the MRI.]. Flat-Coated retrievers get a different form of histiocytic sarcoma. His bloodwork was always within normal ranges, and radiographs of his abdomen and chest were always clear of the cancer. I feel he's really fighting this with us. Over the next few weeks her breathing became more labored and the only suggestion my vet had left was to do a tracheal wash. Last updated November, 2020, Websites to bookmark: Dr. O'Brien followed up with information from a colleague at Cornell with a lot of data to support SAM-e's role in liver support. Collies and Shelties get cutaneous histiocytosis which is a nuisance, but not at all deadly. Histiocytosis, the one word that all Bernese Mountain dog owners dread to hear. Abdominal x-rays showed an enlarged liver so an ultrasound and needle biopsy were scheduled for Friday August 15. Side effects could include nausea, diarrhea, lethargy and fever. But by the beginning of July, he would leave the dock and go lay on the patio by himself after swimming only for a bit. June 23, 1998, we took Devon to see our vet because we noticed that, recently and on several occasions, Devon had coughed (once or twice) while he was sleeping. We opted to take her home with us and when she came bouncing out to see us and demanded a cookie from their front desk, it was clearly the right thing to do -- even that moment of joy might never have been experienced. Her ultrasound showed a 3 cm x 2.8 cm diameter cavitated area on her spleen. When the liver enzymes came back 4 times normal levels, we had an ultrasound done. Several days before we were due back for the follow-up check on the second chemotherapy, Devon became weak in his rear to the point that he could no longer stand or support himself. Her PCV dropped from 17 to 9 during that time. Current Histiocytosis Health Studies http://www.bmdca.org/health/studies.php, Histio Pre-Test - Using Antagene's Histiocytic Sarcoma Index Mate Selection Tool - INFO at BMDCA - Baci's chemo regime was changed to every four weeks instead of three, with 70 mg. of CCNU instead of 90mg. She had lost a lot of mass and had acted "not herself" which the vet had attributed to an overall system drain after a very bad hotspot. She finally stopped eating, and refused all of the supplements, the Baytril stopped working as well. She was about 15 months old when diagnosed. She lost all interest in food after the injections and had diarrhea (which is supposed to be a side effect of ridding the body of toxins). The swollen leg and a rash across her abdomen worried the vet considerably. Baci has bad elbows, so I had already ruled that out. They confirmed that Griffon's spleen was "huge". In the next day, it was clear that her energy was a non-renewable resource. The ophthalmologists guessed it was systemic histiocytosis because he was a BMD, but initial biopsies were negative. It was up to us as to whether Griffon got the pills or not. As he dashed back to check in with me, tongue lolling out the side of his mouth, I saw he had no color in his tongue or any of his mucous membranes. Her lymph nodes, spleen and lungs were affected. A few days later Xena's abdomen felt taut and her gums seemed pale. We later found out this edema is caused by the proteins not being delivered to the correct places, so the cell break and release fluid- this would have continued throughout his whole body. If it has not spread it is histiocytic sarcoma. Paper for Veterinary Medical Genetics class, 1997. Dr. Moore didn't find any evidence of histiocytosis in the bone marrow sample that we sent. Localized histiocytic sarcoma occurs as a localized lesion in a joint, the spleen, lymph nodes, lung, bone marrow or skin. VHUP was doing a study and wanted to give Griffon an MRI (which we wanted to do anyway). Vet Pathol Vol (1986); 23:118-122. [Note: in one very notable instance, emergency surgery to remove a corncob allowed early detection of the enlarged spleen, which was also removed. All breeds get histiocytomas, which appear and progress more like a wart. These "episodes" which were side effects of the prednisone tended to happen when she was resting, around 5 AM, and after she ate. It is only when we are willing to take a chance that we will come upon a cure for this. This showed multiple lesions in the spleen and pancreas, and a small bleed into the abdomen. With his theory in mind, Stoney was used in an experiment in which I injected her weekly with freeze-dried calf thymus supplied by Dr. Moore. We took her to Marty Goldstein's clinic in NY and he took the case on himself. A lesion is an area of abnormal tissue change. I didn't expect to have Promise with us much longer. Symptoms usually include loss of appetite (anorexia), weight loss, lethargy, weakness, and poor general condition. Feeding Stoney became difficult. Milk thistle and vitamin E for the liver support. Bottom line, we went from an apparently healthy dog to a dead dog in four days and we lost him 17 hours after we received the diagnosis. Wilkinson, Susan. Costs: The initial appointment at Davis was about $700.00. Stoney's symptoms began with conjunctivitis with initially responded marginally to triple antibiotic plus hydrocortisone ointment. It is can be toxic to the liver. Out of the 500 tumors collected at that time for the GDC tumor registry, 25.4% of them were histiocytic. Weak from lack of food, jaundiced, his urine dark brown, he was euthanized two days later. Since Xena had high titers, we never vaccinated her again. Wendy's mother died of histio (reported by the owner) at 8yrs. Maggie was 9.5 years old, and started appearing to gain weight. We treated Tully with traditional and holistic therapies. Histiocytosis in Bernese Mountain Dogs. Otherwise, he was healthy, active, and happy, and always had a good appetite. The vet also prescribed 300 mg/per day of Omega 3 Fatty Acid. Stoney developed bumps in the skin which I describe as similar to the fatpad on one's thumb. To date I am aware of one of Wendy's offspring dying at 5 of what sounds strongly like histio and another confirmed at 7. Our advice is to raise you dogs holistically and treasure them every minute of every day. Hannibal's appetite stopped entirely within a week of the first sign of trouble, and even prednisone wasn't stimulating it. Necropsy revealed her thymus gland intact and systemic histiocytosis. The goal would be to slow the progress of the disease and maintain good quality of life. Journal of Small Animal Practice (1995); 36:93-98. We are, as Dr Romansik says, in unchartered territory. There could be difficulty breathing, coughing, shortness of breath, or abnormal lung sounds. Plus - blood tests every week, which was about $75. Donna Soderstrom Baci, 10/10/96 present, 9/6/2005 We lost, Xena, our precious 4 1/2 year old Berner girl, to histocytic sarcoma in May of 2000. She seemed so healthy that I felt she had the reserves to tackle this. Shortly after, when she was lying down and I was rubbing her belly, I found a lump I knew should not be there. The product, made by CollaGenex Pharmaceuticals, was only in phase 1 clinical trials so we couldn't get it. Postmortem liver samples sent to UC Davis confirmed the malignant histiocytosis diagnosis. However, if the histiocytes are activated or have become cancerous, they may display hemophagic syndrome, aggressively destroying normal red blood cells - which would give the appearance of hemolytic anemia. I was anxious to know what treatment options might be available. As people who love the breed, it is incumbent on us all to help find ways to reduce the incidence of histiocytic disease in our breed. The exploratory surgeries on his right stifle did not show evidence of cancer until an orthopedic surgeon suspected that he found abnormal tissue within his stifle in March 1999. During our last two weeks, she would make extra surprise trips upstairs when she really didn't have the energy, to be with us. Systemic Histiocytosis of Bernese Mountain Dogs. Moderate numbers of spherocytes were noted on the blood smear, indicating immune-mediated hemolysis. We tried all of his favorites, but he was only taking a bite here and there. Xena had a history of autoimmune reactions and the coccidia and urinary tract infections she had as a pup may have been an indication of immune dysfunction. About 3 weeks after sending spleen samples to UC Davis, Dr. Moore gave us the true diagnosis. My first experience with malignant histiocytosis came in 1994, shortly after the birth of my first litter by six year old Wendy. This cancer affects the spleen, lymph nodes, lungs, and/or bone marrow, but can also affect the liver, central nervous system, kidneys, skeletal muscle, stomach, and adrenal glands. Dr. Affolter's comment was that the eye was a "beautiful specimen of systemic histiocytosis.". But any studies or review of family data would have been inaccurate because of that inaccurate assumption. When she had her last rabies and distemper shots in 1996, she went into anaphylactic shock and had to be revived. Not until the samples were sent to the lab at UC Davis could we get a firm diagnosis Blithe had malignant histiocytosis. My vet had them cut a fresh sample and retry, but the results were the same. No cases submitted for this article; however; 5 cases are reported in the Berner-Garde database as of April, 2009. He had sent it out to a lab. In Bernese, we have both systemic histiocytosis and histiocytic sarcoma. Nancy and Linda Bates, Xena, 9/28/95- 5/9/00 Jay Jay was on a homemade all natural diet his entire life with us - from 5 months on. Her platelets and blood proteins were low and she was anemic. I had him only three weeks from the time he first turned away from any food, but I was lucky - many get much less than that. We had a bionutritional analysis done by a holistic vet, Dr. Konrad Kruesi, and we started Xena on thyroid support, Visioplex, Vasedex, Lecithin, Gynplex, and Ferrofood to facilitate the production of new red blood cells, enhance immune function and stimulate her liver to be active again. Malignant Histiocytosis of Bernese Mountain Dogs. October 2nd, coming home from our morning walk, I noticed Tycho's leg was terribly swollen. During the course of the chemotherapy treatment, Devon began to have less of an appetite but was still happy and eager to go for his daily walks. Since she LOVED to eat, we were very concerned in early February of 2000, when she began to get picky about her food. I would urge all breeders to encourage puppy owners to perform necropsies in the event that they lose their dog to an undiagnosed illness. My vet and I were sure that it was histio. We scheduled treatment five. The local vet did blood tests which showed Griff's proteins were very low, as was his red blood cell count. Cutaneous histiocytosis occurs as single or multiple skin growths. Xena's gums were very pale and she was very picky about eating, taking food only if she was hand fed. That's good because that's a benign lump - not that uncommon. He was able to rule out mast cell tumour right away. A test from the prior year showed a PCV in the mid 50's, so she was given supplements for anemia. I still have a hard time with the fact that I was not with him at the end. Then she didn't seem to want the kibble. Xena seemed to be improving since the prednisone was increased to 60 mg/ day but even though she was eating anything and everything she lost nearly 6 pounds in 2 weeks. A chest X ray showed the lungs were at least stable. I am very happy with Baci's oncologist. The rash was evidence of surface hemorraging. There is no treatment, there is no advice I can give. It was clearly time for her to go. Britney started going off her food in January. At Griffon's next chemo visit to VHUP they found that his spleen had shrunk by 25%. His gums were very pale. lost to Canine Malignant Histiocytosis. We have been using 15 mg. of prednisone every other day to reduce the discomfort in her leg. It was a histiocytic sarcoma. But my vote is to get them aspirated / biopsied or removed. Acupuncture, regular RIFE treatments (a method of using vibrational energy for healing discovered by Royal Rife, see http://www.naturesalternative.com/rife.html), anti-inflammatory medications and holistic remedies, as well as a modified diet were the methods that we chose to help him feel happy and comfortable. After his initial dose, Griff had blood work a week later to see where his counts were. She was exhausted all the time. One of those groups, the nongranulocytes, consists of lymphocytes and monocytes. The vet thought it could have been arthritic pain and gave him a shot which I was advised would work within 24 hours. They wanted to admit her where they could administer fluids and, monitor her condition, and do some tests, but quite possibly the tests could kill her. Jay Jay leaped and bounded, chased squirrels and chipmunks, flopped in mud puddles and howled his beautiful songs for me the picture of glowing health. There are two benign forms of histiocytic disease, the histiocytoma and cutaneous histiocytosis. The disease process seemed to wax and wane during a "cycle" with a steady progression of symptom advancement from cycle to cycle. They asked if I would like to try chemo for her.
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histiocytosis bernese mountain dog