Liver may have a reddish or golden cast, but it would not be identified as red, gold, orange, or lemon. For example, a Field Spaniel is not Irish Setter red, Golden Retriever gold, or Pointer lemon. "Most people who have had training issues with a field spaniel have had these problems because they failed to do basic obedience and retrieving training. "Young dogs also can turn off their ears when they hot on a bird but I don't consider that being tough to train. Th at said, it is of the utmost importance for you to know and understand what makes a Field Spaniel unique regardless of the limited opportu- nity that prospective and current judges may have to evaluate the breed in person. ". Adding to the distinctive head and expression is an ear set slightly lower than the level of the eye, a moderate stop, a strong long muzzle neither snipey nor squarely cut, flews cov- ering but not extending beyond the lower. vantage of that. Field Spaniels need walking every day for at least one hour, plus a play session every day. Dooley Bunch is a longtime breeder, owner and handler. There are just two colors, two color patterns, and one marking. house, the decorations on the wall. Field Spaniels are reasonably intelligent and like to please their owners. AKC BREEDER OF MERIT BREEDING FIELD SPANIELS SINCE 2014 16 CHAMPIONS HUNDREDS PERFORMANCE TITLES, CH WYLDKATZ MIDNIGHT TREASURE RN BCAT DS DJ CGCA CGCU TKI, GCHB CH WYLDKATZ RIVAL OF KINGS BN RI CA BCAT ACT1 SCN SBN TKI FSSA ROM-SHOW, GCH CH WYLDKATZ EYE OF THE TIGER RN FDC SCN SIN DN CGCA CGCU TKI FSSA ROM-SHOW, THANK YOU JUDGE MRS. NANCY LIEBES FOR THE GROUP 2 WIN, GCH CH WYLDKATZ INTREPID NIGHT PANTHER BN RI FDC NA NAJ OAP NJP NF NFP CA BCAT SCA SIA SBN SHDN RATO CGCA CGCU TKP ATT VHMA FSSA HALL OF FAME, CH WYLDKATZ NIGHT OF THE JAGUAR RN FDC BCAT RATN DN CGCA CGCU TKA ATT, WYLDKATZ WANDERLUST FOR SILVER LINING DM DSA CGCA FDC TKI, JUDGING THE FIELD SPANIEL By Nicole Dooley, J udges have the unique oppor- tunity to make an impact to a breeds progress by being diligent in learning and applying the standard to dogs they reward. "If they tell you that at five weeks or younger they can 'just tell' they have the right dog for you or if they are really pushing you to buy their pup, back away. They are good natured and they want to please but they are still bird dogs and to be successful in the field they need to be controlled.". Th e answer is easy: Beauty. Built for activity and endurance they can accommodate most terrains. It started with the fathers of evolution and genetics. Th ey can follow an invisible trail of scent through various covers and weather conditions. Black may range from black with subtle brown or liver undertones, to a high-gloss, jet black. Obedience with a Field can be rewarding for both dog and trainer. While a good dog should not be totally over- looked for an incorrect bite, correct bite is not insignificant to type. Receive (6) 120-page magazines filled with the best dog training advice from expert trainers. "Some can be sensitive and we used this to advantage with one bitch. The twelve combinations of color, pattern, and markings are commonly interbred because breeders wisely rec- ognize that there is more to a Field Spaniel than its color. Th e coat should be single and moderately long, flat or slightly wavy and silky. Self-colored dogs are, of course, solid black or solid liver. Daphne is USA Th erapy Dogs lead Trainer. When gaiting a dog to assess front and rear movement, elbows and hocks should move parallel, just as they should be when standing still. Are there any hallmarks of the breed? Th e initial appearance should be neither coarse nor weedy, but have adequate bone and substance. Th e tracking Field Spaniel is simply amazing and beautiful to watch. I had to be firm and consistent in training him to get him to give up on that idea. For example, instead of having a tan muzzle, the muzzle will be made up of a blend of black and tan (or liver and tan) hair. In 1944, Oswald Avery identified DNA as the substance responsible for heredity and, in 1950, Erwin Chargaff continued that research with his discovery that DNA was species specific. It is very important that the breed remain one that can stand up to the requirements of a day in the Field. Field Spaniels are active and easy-going dogs, making great family pets. Stay away from breeders who are unwilling to refer you to another breeder and just want to collect a deposit.". Th e upper thigh should be broad and powerful; the second thigh well muscled. Th e forelegs are straight and well-boned to the feet. The club has spent more than a century enhancing the lives of all dogs. The Field Spaniel was developed around 1850 in England, based on larger puppies from Cocker Spaniel litters. Sheila has been a Field Spaniel breeder/owner/ exhibitor for 25 years. Sign In or start your online account. Liver, Black and Tan, Liver and Tan, and Black Field Spaniel Puppies, FIELD SPANIEL COLORS, PATTERNS, AND MARKINGS. There is one breed-specific disqualification, and this is for the color pattern sable. The AKC Field Spaniel breed standard describes sable as a lighter undercoat with darker shading as tipping or dark overlay, with or without a mask present Sable is extremely rare and you are unlikely to encounter it. To find more Field Spaniel puppies for sale near you check: Or for the complete list of Field Spaniel breeders in the USA, view our. Th ere should be no extreme exaggerations in any direction. A s you know, genetic research didnt start at Embark Veterinary. What is most challenging in a rarer breed, such as the Field Spaniel, is applying type to this equation, as well. Watch them as they enter. While this lovely breed continues to grow and improve, breeders have also proved and maintained the breeds natural work- ing ability. Does the breeder guarantee anything at all? Th e nasal bone should be straight and slightly divergent from parallel with the plane of the top skull. Golden liver is generally considered the color of a Sus- sex Spaniel. Most Fields can pass a TD level track- ing dog test with minimal training and patience. When they answer 'no' I then ask why they would expect a dog to be called off a bird in the field. The dog should never be penalized for these markings. Embark Veterinary may have a short history compared to that of the Westminster Kennel Club. Considering that Field Spaniels have always been on AKCs low entry breed list, it is within reason to assume that many judges have not had the privilege of viewing a large entry for the breed, or have had that opportunity on multiple occasions. In the end, this can make any seasoned hunter jealous of your Field Spaniel as an all-around hunt test competitor or tire- less in-season companion. Expect to find tan on the sides of the muzzle, eyebrows, all four feet, inside the ears, and under the tail. Baseline training before 6 months old is so crucial, it imprints on them for life. Unique editorial written exclusively for premium members. Th e ratio of length to height is approximately 7:6. Look at your entry of exhibits in line and take a moment to assess the overall outline of the dogs. Robert Klasing warned that harsh training methods can be a problem with this breed. However, the contributions of Embarks founders, Ryan and Adam Boyko, have been felt across the canine world thanks to their research into the origin, over 15,000 years ago, of domesticated dogs. In 2013, Ginger went on to become the 1st FS Bitch to win Best of Breed at Westminster KC in 15 years. A round eye and/or light eye is incor- rect is likely to express a harsh or hard expression, instead of the grave and gentle expression the standard requires. The twelve combinations of coat color, pattern, and markings are beautifully illustrated in the Field Spaniel Society of Americas illustrated stan- dard. History While the Field Spaniel was one of the earliest registered breeds in the United States, dating back to the 1880s, it is in reality a breed with a young history from a conformational standpoint. In 2021, Embark scientists published their roan gene discovery. How do you define, recognize in the breed? Selective breeding of purebred dogs with closed gene pools would advance canine genetic research in the future. These are very sociable, and hate being left alone without human contact. Having either owner/handled or breeder/own-. "There are not a lot of folks who have experience with the breed," said Becki Jo Hirschy. er/handled several di ff erent Field Spaniels (both dogs and bitches) to multiple sport- ing group wins, top breed & all-breed rankings, and earned winners at multiple National Specialties, among other top awards nationwide, she is one of the most accomplished handlers in the breed on a national scale. Any display of shyness, fear, or aggression is to be severely penalized. Proportion A well-balanced dog, somewhat longer than tall. Remember that the breed has had only a few decades of to hone conformation here in the United States, and your selections can either help or inhibit a breeds path in the future. One of the first things most Field Spaniel owners will tell you is how gentle they are and how they genuinely love their children making them excellent family dogs.If these dogs are provided with plenty of outside exercise, they do well in almost any environment and house size. Th eir intelligence can fool them into thinking they know what you want, before you ask for it, o ff ering behaviors you may not want. Field Span- iels may be black or liver. Welcome to the Massachusetts Field Spaniel Breeders page of Local Puppy Breeders! If the color, pattern, and markings are acceptable, then focus on what makes the dog a Field Spaniel. This just means they have a lot of desire and you have to try a different approach. Per the standard, expression should be grave, gentle and intelligent. Th e head should convey the impression of high breeding, character and nobility, and must be in proportion to the size of the dog. In June 2021, Embark and Westminster will team up again at the 145th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show, held at Lyndhurst in Tarrytown, New York, on June 11th-13th. The UK kennel club has less than 50 dogs registered, and the dog is even rarer in the USA. They are generally less excitable on walks than other Spaniel breeds, but they do like to keep busy whenever they are out and about, so always take a ball or frisbee with you on a walk. Fast, tight, and strict movement is incorrect. Symmetry, gait, atti- tude and purpose are more important than any of the parts. Sign In or Start your online account. "You are in trouble if they start thinking," said Sharon Deputy. Hocks should be well let down and should be parallel when viewed from the rear. Around 1900, British biologist William Bateson brought Mendels theories back to the forefront of the scientific community. Th e breed standard reads, Th e Field Span- iel should be show at its own natural speed in an endurance trot, preferably on a loose lead, in order to evaluate its movement. A natural speed in an endurance trot is appropriate for the breed. Th e breed has come a long way since that time due to the commitment of diligent breeders. Embark will also donate $10,000 toward canine health research in honor of the Best in Show winner. Ribs should oval and well-sprung, but not overly round or barrel chested. Being a sporting companion dog they must be, THEY ARE VERY MUCH CREATURES OF HABIT and love to predict their day, helping me with my daily duties., A BEAUTIFUL, COMICAL SIGHT is a photo of a Field flying over a jump with their ears flying like wings., employed or can become bored and destructive, they are best suited for an active lifestyle spending time with their owners. This new breed lived up to expectations for several years until disaster struck in the form of dog shows. "By all means, ask around and contact several breeders," said Hirschy. But how are these reflected in individual dogs? Dogs that inherit the alleles for tan from only one parent do not have tan markings, but some of the tan will pres- ent itself. foundation of good habits is essential. I trained Darcy as if he was fine china because I'd been told by everyone that the breed needed to be handled with kid gloves. Most recently, her dog Hudson was the #1 Field Spaniel All-systems for 2012 and was the first Field Spaniel to earn the Reserve BIS award; and her bitch Ginger was the #1 Field Spaniel bitch in 2012, both being the only two Field Spaniels ranked in the top 5 breed and all-breed. "(";*/& . By 2015, Embark Veterinary founders Ryan and Adam Boykos DNA research contributed to the understanding of the origins of the domestic dog. Bi-colored dogs MUST be roaned and/or ticked in white areas. By 1983, not only did the Herding Group debut at Westminster but Huntingtons became the first mapped human genetic disease. Complete access to a library of digital back issues spanning years of Gun Dog magazine. During the 21st century, the human genome was sequenced in 2003, followed by the canine genome in 2005 with Tasha the Boxer. Their biggest drawback is that they are too smart. If the dogs color is acceptable, if the color pattern is acceptable, and if the markings are acceptable, then that part of the dogs assessment is complete. "I often ask people if they can call their dog off a tennis ball in the backyard. In 2008, Uno the Beagle became the first Westminster Kennel Club Best in Show winner to donate DNA to research. But around the 1850s, breeding programs (starting with English Foxhound packs) began to be recorded. "One other thing that's nice about a field spaniel is that when we're out in the field, they give you 100 percent but at home, they are content to be at your feet. Over the years, since the breed was re-established in the second half of the 20th century, we have to be thankful for the longtime breeders that have helped move this breed forward whom have also committed to working their dogs in the Field. Movement & Gaiting When moving your entry together or individually it is important to ensure they are gaited at the proper speed for the breed. As more dog breeds emerged at the turn of the 20th century, dog shows began classifying them by type into Sporting, Non- Sporting, Terrier, Toy, and Working Groups. Tail should be set on low, in line with the croup, just below the level of the back with a natural downward inclination. Mendel, considered by many to be the father of genetics, also defined t he words recessive a nd domi- nant in his 1866 paper explaining how invisible factors (geno- types) can predictably produce visible traits (phenotypes). Fortunately, this is still a dual purpose breed that can hunt one day and show the next so there are no specific hunting lines. "Some lines have a more traditional 'flashy' style while others are more laid back hunters. ", Get everything Gun Dog has to offer. This was followed by the red intensity gene research article in May. Daphne has earned hun- dreds of titles on her dogs in the past 15 years in many venues. Follow the breed standard, but respect the breed. But in general, they will cover the ground and clear a field, just not with the same showmanship of the more popular spaniel breeds.". All Gun Dog subscribers now have digital access to their magazine content. Looked for an incorrect bite, correct bite is not Irish Setter red, gold, or lemon two! 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