We serve the builders. This blog post takesa straightforward approach to show developers what theyshould know when packaging their Java applications inside Linux containers. Because of that, you can't let the JVM ergonomics take the decision by itself regarding the maximum heap size. The idea was to delegate all Kafka-related actions (e.g. Now, no matter what the container memory limit is, our Java application will always adjust the heap size according to the container and not according to the daemon. Twitter | LinkedIn | rafabene.com. How do I attach VisualVM to a simple Java process running in a Docker container, VisualVM unable to connect remote tomcat in docker with RMI. Theoretically, in case of a java application. Check the following line: Now we can usethe JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable to inform the size of the JVM Heap. cAdvisor mentioned above will not help with monitoring Tomcat running inside the container. Note that thismemory ratio of 50% can be overwritten. To enable it on, you must explicit set the parameters -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions and -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap on the JVM. In outlier cases either the app will require more pods, or the max buffer configuration will have to be altered. The limit in this case is basically the entirety hosts 2GiB of RAM. Let's suppose that we change our daemon from 1GB to 8GB (created with "docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory '8192' docker8192"), and our container from 150M to 600M: Note that the command "curl http://`docker-machine ip docker8192`:8080/api/memory" doesn't even complete this time because the calculated MaxHeapSize for the JVM in an 8GB environment is 2092957696 bytes (~ 2GB). Well define the environment variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS with the desired parameters for the JVM: You can monitor this process using a tool like JConsole and connecting to the port 5000. 300MB seems to be enough for this application. So, we can just avoid this metric and use ps info about RSS and think that our application uses 367M, not 504M (since files cache can be easily flushed in case of memory starvation). Our Greyhound (Kafka) Consumer has an internal message buffer that can get as high as 200 messages. How can I measure the actual memory usage of an application or process? Here are the changes that contributed to the lower footprint: More improvements (and a second blog post) are sure to come. Lets try a much simpler Docker invocation now: You can monitor this container using the default JVM dashboard included in Sysdig Monitor: Theres no need to configure network connectivity or instrument the application, Sysdig detects the JVM running inside the container right out of the box. As for the issue of container isolation blindness, this has been mostly fixed by improved container-Docker integration in versions 9 and 10 of the JVM. But if Xmx is the same as Xms, you can have much more control over the overall memory usage, as the heap will not gradually increase over time (see comparison below). If you work for a Java shop thats interested in transitioning to containers like Docker or Kubernetes, we want to hear your questions and concerns. If I arrive late to a shabbos meal, do I need Lechem Mishneh, or can I rely on the others? More like San Francis-go (Ep. Here you can find an information about what each point means, if thats not obvious. Here we should make a small digression and take a look at Linux Memory Model. What is a wind chill formula that will work from -10 C to +50 C and uses wind speed in km/h? or to watch a specific metric segmented by container.name: Thanks to the latest improvements in Java 9 and (especially) 10, you wont have to face these major limitations to deploying and monitoring Java in Docker containers anymore. Does sitecore child item in draft state gets published when deep=1 is set on Parent. In fact, there are several ways in which Java 10 specifically has been improved to integrate better with Docker overall: As we previously mentioned, the amount of CPU cycles a container can consume from the host is unlimited by default. Execute the application using the JDK 10 image: Note that the command "curl http://`docker-machine ip docker8192`:8080/api/memory" doesn't fail anymore and you see the following message "Allocated more than 80% (145.0 MiB) of the max allowed JVM memory size (145.0 MiB)%". As you can see from the table above, the memory footprint for the sidecar (running openjdk 8) alone is 45 times bigger than the node-app container when it used to include the kafka library. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. It shouldn't be much different without boot2docker. These memory measurements come via the Linux cgroup facility, which is the kernels built-in resource accounting and enforcement mechanism. For docker, you can specify the environment variable using the "-e" switch. Here we can extract at least twoquestions: First, we need to recall whatthe JVM 9 ergonomic page says about "maximum heap size". Just want to know is there any remote way to achieve this. This images default program to run on startup (entrypoint) can be overwritten to with heap configuration options like so: The -Xmx option configures the maximum size of the heap and the -Xmx option configures the minimum size. At the end I could connect using a SSH tunnel. We will approach this problem from two directions, first well configure the JVM to use a deterministic amount of memory and then size a container reasonably for that limit. The optimizations ive made reduced the container memory usage from 1000M to around 550600M. As far as I can see from JMX, it doesnt consume a lot of resources - only 98K: The last step is mapped libs and jars. Over the past 18 years Ive tuned JVMs with heaps from 256MiB to 40GiB. Whether you are new to Containers or have experience, this cheat sheet can assist you when encountering tasks you havent done lately. Configuring the maximum and minimum heap sizes to be identical is a best practice for optimizing garbage collector performance and also helps make the JVMs footprint in RAM more deterministic. Security and visibility for cloud applications, we want to hear your questions and concerns. Unfortunately, the local JVM autodetection feature in tools such as JConsole and VisualVM will not be available anymore. As a result, the process can allocate the 300M and it explains why our process didn't receive any kill from the Kernel. Below we will try to understand the reasons of such a strange behavior and find out how much memory the app consumed in fact. All the information about your JVM processs memory is on your screen! Once we deployed the sidecar in production, we noticed that it consumes quite a lot of memory. This dependency is linear, but the k coefficient (y = kx + b) is much less then 1. Sysdig can come in really handy if you dont want to manage metric scrapings over the network. Ive again used Grafana for monitoring GC, but you can also use visualgc or gceasy.io. How is being used in ""? It falls back to sorting by highest score if no posts are trending. First of all, lets take a look at the docker container arguments which I used to launch my application: The problems begin when you start trying to explain the results of docker stats my-app command: We know that a Docker container is designed to run only one process inside. You may want to take a look at SPM Client docker container, which does exactly that! In short, there are a lot of ways to measure how much memory the process consumes. That way you have a general solution to monitor docker containers. However, take a look at a modern version of Java thats running on a container with a simple application on top. Nor did extracting out the greyhound producer from the sidecar app (It can reside on DaemonSet so it will run on each K8s Node). In your script recursively to find the java process you want to monitor (with some Regular Expression filtering, of course). The motivation behind this is that a lot of our own infrastructure for Kafka clients is written in Scala (Its called greyhound the open source version can be found here).With a sidecar, the Scala code doesnt need to get duplicated in other languages. Hence, we still have to explain 164M - (30M + 20M) = 114M :(, All the manipulations above hint us that JMX is not the instrument that we want here :). In his current role, he helps developers worldwide to be more effective in software development, and he also tests tools and practices that help them to be more productive. Please temporarily disable ad blocking or whitelist this site, use less restrictive tracking protection, or enable JavaScript to load this form. The measurements include memory usage by all the processes in the container. What is "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern" in _The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel_ season 3 episode 5? If you have any questions, feel free to hit reply or take a look at Chapter 6 of Docker in Action, 2ed! How is Docker different from a virtual machine? To understand why thishappen,I suggest that you read the blog post "Memory inside Linux containers - Or why dont free and top work in a Linux container?" The command "docker inspect mywildfly -f '{{json .State}}'"showsthat this container has been killed because of an OOM (Out of Memory) situation. This greatly simplifies the task of finding hosts with sufficient resources and running those hosts at high utilization, all while achieving other operational goals such as always running applications fully in RAM, avoiding swap memory. One way to solve this problem is using the Fabric8 Base image that is capable of understanding that it is running inside a restricted container and it will automatically adjust the maximum heap size if you haven't done it yourself. Reply to Stephen and the QualiMente team when you want to dig deeper into a topic. How to activate JMX on my JVM for access with jconsole? Lets run the app again with the memory limited to 384MiB: after running a few thousand requests through each of these services, docker stats shows: The limit-heap-and-container container is using 308MiB of its 384MiB limit (80%). How to get a Docker container's IP address from the host, How to enter in a Docker container already running with a new TTY. by Stephen Kuenzli | Oct 3, 2019 | DevOps, Docker | 0 comments. Why does docker stats info differ from the ps data? What is the nature of a demiplane's walls? To illustrate, lets create a Java container that will publish the ports to connect with the JVM (port 5000) and the web application (port 8080). The Java Virtual Machine supports many command line options, including those that configure the size of the heap and the garbage collector. If you are running tomcat directly in the container, then it should be: If you are using something like Phusion's baseimage, then your java process will be a child of that process. Now, this isnt meant to be a tutorial on JVM tuning, but Ill let you in on a secret. The JVMs footprint in RAM is significantly more than the heap size, especially under heavy workloads and non-transient state. Because of these improvements, the flags-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions and -XX:+UseCGroupMemoryLimitForHeap aren't needed anymore. In this case, each container only runs a java process. Dont rely on this guessing game for a real deployment. I don't understand Dyson's argument for divergence of perturbative QED. The Java JVM can be shared between any number of Java processes in the same OS. I would recommend to read this article before you proceed with the current one. On the docker daemon running on a machine with 1GB of RAM (previously created with "docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-memory '1024' docker1024") but having the container memory restricted to 150 megabytes, which seems to be enough for this Spring Boot application,a java applicationhas been started with the parameter -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal defined in the Dockerfile. This lack of deterministic resource usage could be a big problem for other applications on the host or container orchestrators trying to pick an appropriate host for the container to run on. and youll notice it takes about a second to launch and the memory usage is around ~40MB: Sure, its not going to be your lightest or fastest image, but even a node with just modest hardware will be able to handle a large number of these images without suffering much load. Because of that, the Dockerfile for JDK10 doesn't need any extra flags, and/or even any manual and special ergonomics configuration. What does the Ariane 5 rocket use to turn? Just run your app, whatever that is, in a docker container, and check things like cpu and memory usage. Where do you end up when you cast Dimension Door from an extradimensional space? Seems we have more questions than answers :(. Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, To get the overall memory usage you should be able to monitor the docker container process, right? A flips a fair coin 11 times, B 10 times: what is the probability A gets more heads than B? Disclaimer: I'm the author of this open source tool. Remember: The Docker container create and run commands support a --memory option that limits the amount of memory a container may use. That will continue to be the case for a Java 8 container, even if we set a smaller memory limit: In this example, we set ~200MB of memory for the container yet Java continues to claim around 4GB for MaxHeapSize. Answer for the first question is very simple - Docker has a bug (or a feature - depends on your mood): it includes file caches into the total memory usage info. That means we have to explain where the jvm process spent 504m - 256m = 248m. This post explores how the latest versions of Java address the most common of these limitations, and includes examples of how to make the most of monitoring Java in Docker. Given thatwe added the flag-XX:+PrintFlagsFinal during the initialization of the container, we can check this value: Second, we need to understand that when we use the parameter "-m 150M" in the docker command line, the docker daemon will limit 150M in the RAM and 150M in the Swap. In order to mitigate this Ive doubled the level of parallelism for greyhound consumer handlers per pod. The app contained all the consumers from the production app for the same production topics. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The Xmx parameter was set to 256m, but the Docker monitoring tool displayed almost two times more used memory. Using #Java 10 and #Sysdig for container visibility, Java inside #Docker containers is a breeze! Then finally you can use this to get your java application's memory usage in kilobytes: I don't know if this can be used with jconsole, but it is a way of monitoring the memory usage. Is there anything a dual bevel mitre saw can do that a table saw can not? To simulate the process being killed after exceeding the specified memory limit, we can executethe WildFly Application Server in a container with 50MB of memory limit through the command "docker run -it --name mywildfly -m=50m jboss/wildfly". If you want to keep your system running securely and smoothly, its time to adapt your logging, troubleshooting, and monitoring tools to a dynamic, auto-scaling environment. Download the CDK and give these options a try yourself. The application will try to allocate more than 1.2GB of memory, which is more than the limit of this container (600MB in RAM + 600MB in Swap) and the process will be killed. Learn how this powerful open-source tool helps you manage components across containers in any environment. The problem solvers who create careers with code. However, as you can see, passing the Java metric configuration parameters can be convoluted and difficult to scale using this process in the container world where new instances are being spawned and destroyed asynchronously. Before the release of Java 9 and 10, there were several limitations to deploying and monitoring Java in Docker. The imagefabric8/java-jboss-openjdk8-jdk uses a script that calculates the container restriction and uses 50% of the available memory as an upper boundary. But when you adopt Sysdig for monitoring Java, youll no longer need to configure the jmxremote network stack. In this case, thats 384MiB. Resident Set Size is the amount of physical memory currently allocated and used by a process (without swapped out pages). By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Let's invoke it once: This endpoint will reply with something like "Allocated more than 80% (219.8 MiB) of the max allowed JVM memory size (241.7 MiB)". If you run docker stats on that host, you should see something like: This output shows the no-limits container is using 224.2MiB of memory against a limit of 1.945GiB. First, I tried to understand the impact of each consumer and producer, and of the gRPC client (that calls the node app) and I came to the conclusion that having one more consumer (or one less) does not affect memory footprint in a meaningful way. I run the java web application on tomcat in the Docker container. Most container clusters are memory bound, so this is the best place to start. Lets try to find it out. Recently, I managed to dramatically reduce the memory usage of a widely-used JVM app container on Kubernetes and save a lot of money. If this container restricts the memory to 150MB, why does it allow Java to allocate almost 220MB. We need to understand that the docker switches (-m, --memory and --memory-swap) and the Kubernetes switch (--limits) instruct the Linux kernel to killthe process if it tries to exceed the specified limit, but the JVM is completely unaware of the limits and when it exceeds the limits, bad things happen! ", https://developers.redhat.com/blog/2017/04/04/openjdk-and-containers/#more-433899, Containerize .NET applications without writing Dockerfiles, How to configure Helm charts using JKube, part 2, Red Hat Developer roundup: Best of July 2022, SaaS security in Kubernetes environments: A layered approach. We tend to think that containers are just like Virtual Machines where we can completely define a number of virtual CPUs and virtual memory. I figured out which JVM flags are more important, how to set them correctly and how to easily measure the impact of my actions on various parts of the apps memory usage. Updates happen all the time. What is the music theory related to a bass progression of descending augmented 4th from ^7 to ^4? DevOps involves the combination of cultural change, process automation, and tools to improve your time-to-market. Memory to 150MB, why does it allow Java to allocate almost.... Season 3 episode 5 we should make a small digression and take a look at Linux memory Model their... Case is basically the entirety hosts 2GiB of RAM in a Docker container, and check things cpu... Get as high as 200 messages below we will try to understand the reasons such. Is basically the entirety hosts 2GiB of RAM to read this article before you with! Release of Java processes in the Docker container create and run commands support a memory. 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