These pugs can be included among show dogs. Most show dog or pedigree level pugs will have this trait, and it is the result of having two pugs with double curly tails mated together. This blockage causes serious infections. Its worth noting, however, as a Pug could be affected by this. Some breeders try aggressive methods to achieve a double curl. And careful breeding with selected double curly tailed dogs can result in double curl pups. Surgery is often required to deal with this. Sometimes it can even take a month or two before your pug gains this trait. It is worth noting if your Pug has been swimming or in the cold. The anatomy of a pugs tail can make them prone to flea infestations. Your email address will not be published. Enlarged anal glands must be expressed, as its very uncomfortable if left untreated. Your Pugs tail does have pain receptors. However, there is also a risk that the infection can worse if treated incorrectly. Watch your Pug and notice if he is exhibiting other signs of discomfort. Pug puppies may uncurl their tail more frequently than adult Pugs. They have a long history of being a favorite. Just because the parent pugs have curly tails does not always mean that the puppy will also have a curly tail. Doing so can cause damage to their spine and lead to numerous issues. In this section, we are going to have a look at some details about the Pug tail, including: The reason behind the Pugs curly tail is its spinal deviation. But, a limp Pug tail can also be a sign of a health issue, like inflammation, an injury, or even limber tail. They start wagging their tails by the time they are about 7 weeks old. Only about a quarter of registered pugs with the AKC, KC, and CKC have the double swirled tail. It shouldnt be too difficult to get your Pug to rest! It is best to contact a trustworthy vet if the uncurl state stays longer. He was from a Champion Bloodline. Your puppy might straighten his Pug tail between his legs if he has done something naughty. They lose their muscle tenacity to keep their tails curled. Because an uncurled tail can also signal that the pug is in a very relaxed state. However, some Pugs do have a loose tail. There are other signs that their straight tail is due to, However, if the tail easily drops down, it may be a symptom of extreme. It remains curled even when the puppy is sleeping. When your Pug is a puppy, you should work with them to show that its not a bad thing if you touch their tail. An eye on your Pugs tail and a proper diet can reduce all health issues. Commonly Pugs have a tail curled towards their body. Funnily enough, when the puppies are born, they rarely have curly tails. You should never let children pull a Pug tail because it could cause them damage. The Pug tail curls usually begin to vanish at old age. No matter what you think or do, your Pug puppy will have a straight tail when it is born. But if his tail hangs down then your old pooch might be in distress and you should call your vet immediately. Associate tail touching with rewards so it becomes a fun, positive experience. Fleas can rapidly grow in a Pugs tail portion. The limp tail can be diagnosed by an x-ray. The firmness of their muscles may loosen for senior pugs, and it is natural to see an uncurled tail or even a straight tail most of the time. These are some of my experiences and this is the site where I share everything that I have learned. If the condition keep recurring, vet bills can pile up. Ideally, these curls will each form a full circle, curled tightly around one another. This is caused by strain or overworking the tail due to swimming, excessive exercise, or exposure to cold weather. Have you ever cared for a Pug experiencing screw tail? But, their tails are curly, and can be quite complicated to care for. Feel free to share if you find it valuable to others. The folded part of the tale easily gets moisture, which is like an invitation to the fleas. Both left and right side curls are fine. So if your pug is holding his/ her tail straight, they might be feeling a little dissatisfied with things around her. Hemivertebrae refers to a spinal disorder whereby the spinal cord becomes compressed (Schlensker & Distl, 2013). The usual reason for single curled tail offspring is having mated two pugs with the same single tail curl. Your dogs tail can tell you a lot of things. Over time, this trait was seen as appealing. Lap dogs need to meet a certain criteria to be classified as one, and this is not breed specific. This is a common thought and question asked by Pug owners. The breed standards state that the tail should ideally curl over the hip, but dont specify which hip. This condition is also referred to as corkscrew tail, ingrown tail, tail fold intertrigo, and tail fold dermatitis. Why It Needs To Be Avoided. But, dont worry, your little pup will get there! Old age comes with many health issues. Generally, these dogs are working dogs, which are Pugs are not! The treatment depends on the seriousness of the issue. According to statistics, only 25% of Pug dogs have a double curled Pug tail. You will see them with twisted tails during the daytime. You will notice this with your pug, especially when they are in a deep and comfortable sleep. Let us share some reasons why your Pugs tail would go straight. Bichon Frise Lifespan How Long Does This Small Breed Live? You dont want it to stay moist and open up the possibility for infection. These dont line up correctly and cause the curl or the corkscrew. But the Pug faces tons of problems due to this lovely tail. Improper care and cleaning can promote continuous moisture in the area, thus repeating the cycle. It is because the Pugs body enters a state of relaxation while its sleep. The Pug tail adds to the cuteness of your puppy. So guess what? Why It Needs To Be Avoided! Dermatological Diseases in Pugs with Special Reference to Canine Atopic Dermatitis. While others will exude extreme excitement by vigorously wagging their tail. Pugs use their tail to express their feelings and emotions. As they grow, the Pug tail tightens up. The tail also supplies the pug with balance. The double curl tails are more famous and are also known as tightly curled tails. Their tails are also a good way to see when they are feeling nervous or scared! This site does not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical advice. Other symptoms include irritation and the presence of blood. Your pets tail can obstruct the anal passage, which can eventually lead to an anal gland infection. Touching or pulling the tail can make the puppy feel scared and uncomfortable. You will need some help from a reliable vet for the diagnosis and treatment. However, this is the last solution, and the vet will do everything they can to avoid such surgery. Additionally, your pug will likely hold their tail in a downward or odd position. However, as long as you love your puppy, the look doesnt matter. The limp tail may involve pain medications and anti-swelling medicine. Having an uncurled Pug tail while sleeping is also common. Screw Tail: Strange Name for a Bad Condition. Corticosteroid can also be prescribed as it helps reduce inflammation and itching. Thats because some kids have a tendency to pull on it to see if its detachable. Double curled tail: in this kind the tail comes with two swift curls. This is a remorseful reaction to your stern body language and the tone of your voice, and is common among all dog breeds. It is advised not to pull on the tail of a pug or attempt to straighten the curl. Watch out for signs, like difficulty sitting, discomfort, attempting to reach their behind, scooting their butts on the floor, traces of fluid on the floor, and snapping or growling when attempting to touch the tail. Some feel relaxed while getting their fill so will uncurl their tail during meals. They are creations of intelligent human breeding and each and every physical attribute is a defining factor of the breed. Pugs uncurl the tail while they are eating or chewing something. The above breed standards are the main reason that Pugs are still bred to have curly tails. The rest, 75%, have single curl tails. The cross between two loose tail Pugs also produces puppies that have little curling. Pugs are the most desired small dog breed of the 21st century. It can also give a signal about how your pooch is feeling. But exactly why do pugs have curly tails? They are still registered but they do not make for good show dogs. It is because the muscle around the tail relaxes in their sleep. Pugs are highly motivated by food and they definitely show it. Straight limp tails are common in older pugs. There are many different looks and variations to their tails. There is a possibility that the curl will tighten as the pup matures, but it will be unlikely to develop into a double curled tail. No doubt, this breed is unique in every aspect. There is also no specific direction for a pugs tail to curl it can lean towards the left, right, or in the middle. All in all, understanding these tiny pooches is a full-time job that requires love, observation and intelligence. If your Pug is suffering from a tail related issue, like corkscrew tail, or even a tail injury or infection, they may not like having their tail touched. Antibiotics will depend on the organism present. To avoid it being too costly, you can look at taking out a suitable pet insurance plan. What sort of tail does your Pug have? A pug puppy usually has a straight tail that assumes its natural curl(s) within the first few weeks. And even with a curly tail, pugs can do the same to express happiness and appreciation. In cases where other sections of the spine is impacted, it can lead to tail paralysis. It will cause the dog pain and the severity of it will depend on the depth of the tail fold. If you are particularly keen about dogs, you may be able to remember a pug or two you have noticed without a curly tail. Does a Pug ever wag a straight tail? They do this to concentrate on specific activities. They usually cling to your dogs fur in outdoor environments. Mostly, all pure breed Pugs have beautiful curly tails. Many people wish to have this tail shape for their Pug dog. Infections will lead to swellings, skin redness, and extreme itchiness. A non-curly tail is very common when breeders pay too much attention to create the double curl. These skin folds are painful, as well. The Q-shaped tail curl is a Pugs most impressive feature. They no longer have control over their tail. It is ok as long as the tail returns to its natural curl state. Tails should uncurl only when they are sleeping, ideally. That little curly Pug tail may be too tempting not to pull. PetMD, 2020. Aside from feelings of guilt, owners should see their dogs tail as a communication tool. Senior dogs are grown-up babies. One of the worst feelings is watching your pet getting aged. Some senior dogs also find it difficult to wag their tails. Usually, the vet will prescribe a shampoo for you to bathe your pug in. For me, he was a better lapdog than he would have been as a show dog. You may find your Pug is chewing its favorite toy with an uncurled tail for long hours. The limp tail is not very common in younger Pugs. When this happens, an X-ray can help determine the issue. They have been winning millions of hearts since the dawn of 400 century BCE. Your little pooch cannot communicate like humans. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Like most other dog breeds, pug tails help in communication. This tail type has one curl that swoops over their back in a single loop. Mostly bulldogs suffer from this disease. Not all Pugs will have the idealized double curl tail. A double curled tail is not possible from these dogs. Pug tails come in many different shapes. The only instance where it may seem like a Pug doesnt have a tail is when they are suffering from the disorder screw tail. So, whether youre hoping to show your dog, or are just worried their tail isnt quite right, it wont matter which way it curls. Since this tail type is the least desirable, its unlikely that a Pug with a weak set tail will become a show dog. It can mean a number of things if your Pugs tail is just hanging limp between their back legs. You may also need to treat the house and surrounding areas thoroughly with an anti-flea to fully get rid of them. There is a possibility that the vet will clean the area. The tail bone is usually wedge shaped and that brings about the natural curl in a pugs tail when held naturally. This type of tail rarely straightens. If theyve also stopped wagging their tail, then its crucial that you take your aged pug to the vet for a check-up. And, breed standards are keeping the double curl trend well in place. Its usually a tight area and results in ick! Many owners liken their double curled tail to a cinnamon roll because of how it is tightly wound up. Although pugs have a curled tail and often have it safely tucked behind them, tail trauma is not unusual. It may take a few days before the swelling and inflammation subsides. If youre ever concerned about the health of your Pug or about their tail, its always best to book an appointment with your vet. Some will have a more loosely curled tail, and some might not have much of a curl at all. KC (The Kennel Club of the UK), FCI (Fdration Cynologique Internationale) and ANKC (Australian National Kennel Council) tails should be high set and tightly curled over the hip. Expressions can differ depending on the situation as well. And, when certain traits are popular, breeders will continue producing puppies with those traits. This applies to Pugs of all tail types, whether they will grow up to have a weak set tail or the highly coveted double curl! Some dogs suffer from Limber tail. So, you should regularly check your Pugs tail for signs of inflammation and infection, including redness, buildup of any kind, and so on. Why do pugs tails go straight? Are there different types of Pug tail curls? This curl will be less well-formed, and will fall over your Pugs back. Let us know in the comments! Your Pug may develop turns off health problems. Fleas are hard to kill, yet fast to multiply. Your pug may be required to undergo a neurological exam to check the extent of the injury, and then MRI scans to pinpoint the problem. Its common amongst brachycephalic breeds like the Pug and English Bulldog. link to Are Pugs Tails Docked? The signature curl adds to this breeds beauty. Muscles around the Pug tail lose their ability to produce the curl in sickness. You may not know precisely what your Pug is feeling, but youll know that his mood is not his usual happy self. It is essential to clean the Pugs tail to avoid any health issues. Ideally, your Pug should have a happy curly tail. This growth can lead your Pug to tail injuries, skin allergy, and irritation. Other tail problems you can expect to see are: A limp tail or straight tail is common in senior Pugs. Mostly uncurled tails are not a big deal. So, make sure youre choosing reputable breeders that screen their Pugs for vertebral anomalies before breeding them. Worst case scenario, the vet will advise on surgery to remove the infect tail end area. Although you might just think that curly and not curly are the main ways to describe Pug talis, there are actually some specific types of curl that Pug enthusiasts will look for. Surgical Management of Screw-Tail in Dogs, Inherited Defects in Pedigree Dogs. Depending on the severity of the impaction, it may need to be flushed out to remove the foreign material. Tails are very good indicators of pug moods and a straight tail definitely tells you somethings amiss. Usually, Pugs and other dogs are born with a straight tail. A limp tail is less common in younger pugs and it is usually accompanied by a decrease in appetite. This is why Pugs have also developed increasingly flat faces throughout their history. Double curled tail This is a desirable trait among pug enthusiasts, as it is rarer and often labelled as perfection. Should I contact my vet if my Pugs uncurled tail? If your Pug doesnt appear to have a proper tail, they may be suffering from a serious health disorder known as screw tail, or ingrown tail. Just read and enjoy. However, it can also be due to them being in a relaxed state of mood. Your Pug may also require a surgeon to fix this problem. Maybe theyre dreaming about eating popcorn or French fries! The AKC Pug breed standard is a tightly curled tail, preferably a double curl. But, many Pugs are bred to have very curly tails with breed standards idealizing a double curl tail. If the tail continues to be straight for a few hours, you should probably call your vet or make an appointment. At times, it can help owners detect pain and unrest, usually indicating that there is a medical problem associated. This insurance will help you cover the cost. Have you ever thought that your Pugs tail should curl a specific way? But phenotype cannot always be determined externally. So in case your pug puppy does not have a curled tail even when he/she is more than 2 months old, you may need to take her to a vet to rule out health issues. Different factors can contribute to this, which we will discuss in more detail below. Each dog breed is unique. In some extreme cases, this issue can stop your Pug from moving around normally, and even going to the toilet normally. Times, it may seem like a Pug or attempt to do all pugs have curly tails the or! Not constitute pet medical advice, please consult a licensed veterinarian in your area for pet medical,! 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