The composite of the indoor allergen panel (IN) consisted of a mixture of 2 house dust mites, 3 storage mites, 3 molds, Malassezia, and flea antigens. In addition, Barili et al. Han C., Chan W.Y., Hill P.B. Comparison of Intradermal Testing and Serum Testing for Allergen-Specific IgE Using Monoclonal IgE Antibodies in 84 Atopic Dogs. The results of serological IgE tests may vary markedly due to the geographical differences in exposure to different allergens and the lack of a universal standardization of allergens extracts. EAU, ELISA Absorbance Units; IN, indoor allergen panel; IR, interquartile range. The ACVD Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis (XV): Fundamental Concepts in Clinical Diagnosis. Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Increased Serum Levels of Allergen-Specific IgE in a Population of Norwegian Dogs. Keeping the home clean and using air filters can help reduce your dogs symptoms while indoors, and if you know the source of your dogs allergic reaction, then you should do your best to remove the allergen from your dogs environment. Here are a few signs of atopic dermatitis in dogs that you should look out for: Although any breed of dog can develop atopic dermatitis, the main understood cause of the condition is genetics, and several breeds are predisposed. Chanthick C., Anaman S., Buathet K. The Prevalence of Positive Intradermal Allergy Tests in 114 Dogs with Atopic Dermatitis in the Bangkok Metropolis, Thailand. In fact, allergens, mainly pollens, are subject to a great geographic variability. Popiel J., Cekiera A. ); ti.etinu@inoccorf (F.R. Dogs normally show signs of atopic dermatitis between three months and six years of age. Its sometimes called atopy.. In a retrospective study, Prelaud and Cochet-Faivre have obtained a CAD-like incidence percentage of 25.6%. ; dataset organization, A.L. The real incidence of CAD-like is unknown [45]. Various breeds were represented, such as Labrador Retriever (n = 11), French Bulldog (n = 10), German Shepherd dog (n = 8), American Staffordshire Terrier (n = 6), Mixed breed (n = 6), English Bulldog (n = 5), Rottweiler (n = 4), Bernese Mountain dog (n = 3), Shih Tzu (n = 2), Chihuahua (n = 2), and one subject for each of the following dog breeds: Yorkshire Terrier, Shar Pei, Weimaraner, Pug, Border Collie, Chow Chow, Dalmatian, Australian Shepherd dog, Akita Inu, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Pitt Bull Terrier, and Scottish Terrier. These subjects were aged between 2 and 10 years (median of 5 years). Canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is a genetically predisposed allergic skin disease associated to IgE-mediated hypersensitivity. Hensel P., Bauer C.L., Austel M., Keys D. Serological and intradermal test reactivity patterns among six species of house dust and storage mites. NAVDF 2009 Abstracts. The ACVD Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis (I): Incidence and Prevalence. Studies in dogs have revealed extensive cross-reactions between house dust and storage mites [46,52,53,54]. You may alsofind homemade allergy treatments effective without as many harsh side effects as certain medications. Indeed, the positivity rate ranges between 0% and 44.8% [12,15,21,26,32]. In Vitro Measurement of Canine and Feline IgE: A Review of FcR1-Based Assays for Detection of Allergen-Reactive IgE. No data are available on this aspect in veterinary medicine. It has shown a strong affinity for canine IgE other than a lack of cross-reactivity with the IgG [41,42]. Marsella R., Saridomichelakis M.N. However, it is interesting to note that in a recent study conducted in Norway, a plant belonging to the genus Rumex (Rumex acetosella) was included in an allergy test and was the major positive allergen, with an incidence of 40% [6]. Treatments for atopic dermatitis in dogs can vary based on what causes their reactions. Allergens Causing Atopic Diseases in Canine. In relation to positivity to outdoor allergens, it is difficult to make a comparison with other Italian and European studies, since, as previously stated, the distribution of pollen varies according to the geographical area and has varied over the years due to climate change. Climate, vegetation, lifestyle, population density, and pollution levels are all factors that might contribute to the varying occurrence of CAD [6]. Diagnosis of CAD was made on the basis of history, the presence of characteristic clinical signs, i.e., at least 5 of 8 clinical features of CAD as described by Favrot et al. Part I. If your dog suffers from atopic dermatitis, then you must reduce their exposure to allergens and consult your veterinarian so they can help form a treatment plan. The ACVD Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis (XIX): General Principles of Therapy. Saevik B.K., Ulstein T.L., Larsen H.J.S. Polysensitization also commonly occurs. Tognetti R., Corazza M., Buonaccorsi A. Considerazioni sui risultati dellintradermoreazione in 230 cani atopici provenienti dalla regione Toscana. It is interesting to note that in a recent study that evaluated both IDT and SAT, IDT showed a positivity for Malassezia of 24%, whereas no positivity was found to SAT [21]. Pucheu-Haston C.M., Bizikova P., Eisenschenk M.N.C., Santoro D., Nuttall T., Marsella R. Review: The Role of Antibodies, Autoantigens and Food Allergens in Canine Atopic Dermatitis. DeBoer D.J., Hillier A. A serologic test is also required for large-scale investigations of CAD [15]. Interestingly, this was found both among the allergens present within the same panel, and particularly, mostly between house dust and storage mites, and between those present in the two different panels. This high co-positivity rate could be due to cross-reactions related to the SAT method used [35] or to a greater predisposition towards storage mite allergens in the geographical area analyzed in the present study. Positive Reactions to Common Allergens in 42 Atopic Dogs in Japan. The ACVD Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis (III): The Role of Antibodies in Canine Atopic Dermatitis. Received 2020 Dec 31; Accepted 2021 Jan 27. Among the positive screening tests, 91.8% were positive for IN (includes both only IN and IN plus OUT) and 61.2% were positive for OUT (includes both only OUT and OUT plus IN). In accordance with the result of this study, specific panels for geographical areas should be considered and re-evaluated at time intervals since numerous factors affect the prevalence of IgE positivity in atopic dogs. How do you treat it? Farver K., Morris D.O., Shofer F., Esch B. Humoral Measurement of Type-1 Hypersensitivity Reactions to a Commercial Malassezia Allergen. In dogs, the differentiation between CAD and CAD-like is usually made on the basis of the results of IDT or SAT [46]. Regarding pollen, various factors such as geographical distributions and characteristics of plants, specific weather conditions, and season of the year must be considered. and P.R. Marteles D., Odriozola L., Verde M.T., Conde T., Fernndez A. Comparison of Demographic Data, Disease Severity and Response to Treatment, between Dogs with Atopic Dermatitis and Atopic-like Dermatitis: A Retrospective Study. Careers. Assessment of Cross-Reactivity among Five Species of House Dust and Storage Mites. IgE is detected using Serum Allergen-Specific IgE test (SAT) in order to identify allergens. Bensignor E., Carlotti D.N. Serum IgE concentrations (EAU) of various allergens in OUT positive subjects (n = 30) with canine atopic dermatitis. It seems that the IgE levels in this category are likely to be low, therefore if a lower cut off is used the number of positive tests would consequently increase. As previously mentioned, sensitivity and specificity of IDT and SAT for pollens are controversial. In temperate climates, CAD is predominantly associated with Dermatophagoides species [35,51]. Lee K.W., Blankenship K.D., McCurry Z.M., Esch R.E., DeBoer D.J., Marsella R. Performance Characteristics of a Monoclonal Antibody Cocktail-Based ELISA for Detection of Allergen-Specific IgE in Dogs and Comparison with a High Affinity IgE Receptor-Based ELISA. Current Understanding of the Pathophysiologic Mechanisms of Canine Atopic Dermatitis. Randall A., Hillier A., Cole L.K., Kwochka K.W., Needham G., Wassom D.L. ; writingoriginal draft preparation, M.D.T., F.R., M.B., and A.M.; writingreview and editing, M.D.T., F.R., A.M., A.L., and P.E.C. They do not have a good ability to discriminate between atopic and non-atopic patients [3]. Comparison of Intradermal and Serum Testing for Allergen-Specific IgE Using a Fcepsilon RIalpha-Based Assay in Atopic Dogs in the UK. Good results have been demonstrated with the veterinary assay using a unique recombinant fragment of the extracellular portion of the human high affinity IgE receptor alpha-subunit (FcRI). Comparison with international studies is not possible due to testing different plants. In our results, Malassezia and molds antigens have shown a percentage of positivity of 24,4% and 26,7%, respectively. ; supervision, M.D.T., F.R., and A.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Wassom D.L., Grieve R.B. Saridomichelakis M.N., Koutinas A.F., Gioulekas D., Leontidis L. Canine Atopic Dermatitis in Greece: Clinical Observations and the Prevalence of Positive Intradermal Test Reactions in 91 Spontaneous Cases. Griffin C.E., Hillier A. Until recent years, IDT was the most commonly used method by dermatologists, however it is not of practical use for dogs and cats as patients need sedation and single inoculations of individual allergen extracts. The total number of allergens tested in each animal was 25 (10 indoor and 15 outdoor allergens), as is commonly used in European laboratories. Antihistamines and corticosteroids can also be effective in reducing allergy symptoms. Among the 49 positive sSAT, 53% were positive for both indoor and outdoor, 38.8% only for indoor, and 8.2% only for outdoor allergens. Probably, the climate changes occurred over the last decade has allowed the spread of this pollen worldwide. [29] (Table 1), and by excluding other skin condition with similar clinical signs and/or pruritic skin diseases that can resemble or overlap with CAD [3,7,29]. This research received no external funding. It is well established that Malassezia pachydermatis is part of the normal cutaneous microbiota of dogs, although differing numbers of yeast occur at different anatomic sites. government site. Ethical review and approval were not required for this study as all the animals admitted to the Veterinary Clinic, with consent from the owners, routinely undergo blood withdrawal and all the data were collected as part of the clinical investigations. Importance of House Dust and Storage Mites in Canine Atopic Dermatitis in the Geographic Region of Galicia, Spain. Set 1 (use for clinical studies). Evaluation of a Commercially Available Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for the Detection of Allergen-Specific IgE Antibodies in Dogs. All data were evaluated using a standard descriptive statistic. The and F.R. Most of tested subjects in the present study are positive for more than one allergen and a high frequency (53%) for both indoor and outdoor allergens. Serum IgE concentrations and distribution of various allergens in IN positive subjects is reported in Table 2 and Figure 1, respectively. ); moc.liamg@isor.ttodairaniretevacinilc (P.R.). Information about relevant allergens can be obtained by consulting National Allergy Bureau ( [11]. 8600 Rockville Pike On the other hand, SAT is today widely used in clinical practice [10,11] due to the lack of risk and discomfort for the patient, the detection of multiple antigens by using a single serum sample, the quantitative nature of the results, the fact that the test can be performed on patients in the presence of a widespread cutaneous inflammation, and because it is less affected by of current drug therapies [12,13,14]. Number and (%) of co-positives in the category of mites in IN positive subjects (n = 45) with CAD. Previous reports demonstrate that sensitivity of the SAT to mold is lower than that of IDT, and SAT results are less reliable for detecting mold hypersensitivities [32,57]. As expressed above, it is not possible to compare SAT and IDT methodologies. This detected an extended panel of allergens in the dogs: Data analysis was performed using statistical software packages (MedCalc 17.9.2, MedCalc Software, Mariakerke, Belgium). Marsella R., Sousa C.A., Gonzales A.J., Fadok V.A. Sorrel is a weed that belongs to the family of the Polygonaceae and grows spontaneously. In the present study, a high co-positivity was observed among these three mites (> 73.0%). This was higher than those identified in other Italian studies where grasses showed a percentage of positive reactions < 30% by using IDT [27,28]. Masuda K., Sakaguchi M., Fujiwara S., Kurata K., Yamashita K., Odagiri T., Nakao Y., Matsuki N., Ono K., Watari T., et al. Publishers Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies The site is secure. Recently, the performance characteristics of a monoclonal antibody cocktail-based ELISA test as screening test for detection of allergen specific IgE in dogs (macELISA) has been thoroughly studied. Serum IgE concentrations (ELISA Absorbance Units (EAU)) of various allergens in IN positive subjects (n = 45) with canine atopic dermatitis. Comparison of IgE Test Results with Intradermal Skin Tests for Dust Mites and Storage Mites in Atopic Dogs. Among the outdoor allergens, an important role was played by Rumex acetosa. Carlotti D.N., Costargent F. Analysis of positive skin tests in 449 dogs with allergic dermatitis. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted There are no data on this allergen in other studies conducted in Italy. Polysensitization also commonly occurs. Santoro D. Therapies in Canine Atopic Dermatitis: An Update. The actual prevalence of elevated IgE levels in dogs is not known [10,38]. The ACVD Task Force on Canine Atopic Dermatitis (XVII): Intradermal Testing. It is present in all regions of Italy, and blooms between May and August. Among the 49 positive screening tests, 26 were positive for both IN and OUT (53%), 19 were positive only for IN (38.8%), and 4 were positive only for OUT (8.2%). In a more recent study, a percentage of 14,6% was found [36,37]. Particularly, pollen from grass showed a positivity of over 60% (Cynodon dactylon was the most represented). In a recent Spanish study using SAT in horses with recurrent airway obstruction or atopic dermatitis, the most represented pollen allergens belonged to the genus Rumex [58]. The data are not publicly available due to privacy protection. Park S., Ohya F., Yamashita K., Nishifuji K., Iwasaki T. Comparison of Response to Immunotherapy by Intradermal Skin Test and Antigen-Specific IgE in Canine Atopy. In humans, cross-reactions between tree pollens are generally only significant between species of the same genera [21]. Hillier A., DeBoer D.J. The high proportion of positive results found in some studies is explained by the fact that the serum samples were submitted for IgE analysis only after clinical diagnosis of CAD was determined. Normality was checked using the DAgostino-Pearson test. This is the first study showing data on frequency of allergens involved in CAD in Northern Italy by using a well-established monoclonal antibody-based ELISA test for detection of allergen-specific IgE in dogs. For the macELISA, a cut-off of 150 EAU has demonstrated to establish 99% confidence for positive responses, whereas the variability of this test is most prominent and of clinical relevance with low values that are around the cut-off point [31]. IgE hypersensitivity in atopic dogs of Northern Italy is usually associated with indoor allergens, primarily house dust mites. Only a few studies using IDT are reported in Italy [27,28], whereas there are various international studies from different geographical areas [6,12,15,32,33,34,35] that have investigated SAT in CAD. Likewise, other Italian and European studies have a medium-low incidence for this allergen [6,27,28,49]. The data relating to sensitization to this pollen obtained in the present study highlight the need to include this allergen in the outdoor panel also in Italy. The screening SAT (sSAT), using a monoclonal antibody cocktail-based ELISA to identify indoor and outdoor allergens, was performed. and transmitted securely. A strict elimination diet trial with commercial hydrolyzed protein was administered for at least 8 weeks prior to testing and an antiparasitic trial treatment was applied to rule out food allergy dermatitis and ectoparasite skin disease, respectively [7].

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