Basset Hounds have very powerful barks and howls.Thisis a trait that they have inherited intendedto help them sound the alarm when hunting. This is usually one or two barks with most dogs then after barking the alarm and you acknowledging it they will usually calm down. When dogs lived in packs in the wild they would use their verbal skills such as barking and whining to communicate to their pack what was going on. You dont need to say anything or scare him. If your dog stops barking and is only growling continuously and looks as if they are frozen in place you need to be very careful as this is a warning that he may be about to attack. Extra treats while you are gone. Sometimes your Basset Hound will give you obvious hints to what he wants by bringing you a ball, toy, or his leash. Your Basset hound may bark or vocalize for a number of reasons such as an invite to play, discipline young, warn of danger, threaten intruders, or it may bark because its curious. Basset hounds are intelligent and switched on. They are not great watch dogs. There will usually be other indications if this is the case. This is fear-based behavior and may need to be managed. Understanding why your Basset Hound is barking or howling will go a long way in knowing how to handle it and how to curb the behavior. For how to stop a Basset Hound whining see here.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'barkhow_com-box-3','ezslot_4',105,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-barkhow_com-box-3-0')}; The range of sounds a Basset Hound makes can be very amusing. Your Basset hound is everything you hoped he would be. Does it happen at the same time every day, does he do it after he wakes up from a nap, does he do it if hes had plenty of exercise. Another trick is to have them lay down. Without the opportunity to release pent up energy and to challenge their minds they can develop behavior problems. You need a way to communicate with him so I suggest teaching the Quiet command from the Quiet method in the article I have linked below - don't expect this alone to work but it will be part of the puzzle for what I will suggest next. If your Basset Hound has a nuisance barking and howling issue, you need to find the reason and triggers for the behavior. It can sound higher in pitch at the beginningand may include a yelp and then will move to a deeper more protective sounding bark. Dont terrify him but make sure he knows you mean business. Basset Hounds can be quite a vocal dog. Repeat the correction each time they whine again until you get a brief pause in the whining. Something likethis treat tossing wifi pet camera(affiliate link)found on Amazon could help. We only recommend high-quality products that are used and recommended by real owners. I would pay attention to why pup is whining. Here are some quick tips, but be sure to continue reading to get a complete understanding of how to get the barking under control. Now practice this each day for a few days. You can also shower him in verbal praise. Whenever he starts barking, give him a quick spray of water from the bottle near his face. Basset Hound Teeth Complete Guide (Cleaning, Problems, and More). When youre preparing his meals he barks constantly in anticipation. If you are dealing with an extreme barking issue or nothing has worked you may want to consider working with an experienced and qualified dog trainer or behaviorist.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'barkhow_com-leader-4','ezslot_17',116,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-barkhow_com-leader-4-0')}; These are some possible approaches to take to fix a nuisance barking issue with your Basset Hound. There are a few reasons why he may be trying to get your attention and its important to try and figure out what it is. If he becomes scared of you then controlling his behavior will be even harder. Usually, the dog will have their body a bit lower to the ground. Its important to have some way to assess how your dog is doing having a camera or some way to monitor them while you are gone is important. Even though Basset Hounds were originally bred for hunting they are mostly bred for companion animals today, but they still have a strong instinct to do a job. When a dog barks, whines, howls, or vocalizes in some way they are communicating. When your Basset Hound wants to get your attention, they will bark at you. If not you will have to try and notice if there is a pattern to their barking. Its important he gets the treat within 3 seconds of him barking otherwise he wont associate the action with the instruction. The key is to catch the state of mind early and calm them. One thing you didnt realize hed be though, is noisy. Your email address will not be published. When someone approaches the front door, hell start barking. A less confident dog will have itstail between its legsand maybe slowly backing up. Your email address will not be published. Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. The higher the level of excitement, the more difficult it becomes to settle them.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'barkhow_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_10',114,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-barkhow_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')}; Many dog owners get complaints that their dog is barking all day while they are not home. I put it on him when he goes outside. A Pet Convincer is one example of an interrupter a water bottle another. He barks mostly outside so instead of having freedom we are going out on a leash and correcting excessive barking. This type of issue normally has other behaviors associated with it including destructive behavior, pacing, whining, escaping and toileting in the house. With some Basset Hound however it may be something that sets them off on a barking tirade and then they just keep going until they are redirected. The initial Quiet and interrupter sets pup up to be quiet to give you opening to desensitize enough to progress, while helping pup be open to replacing that whining with something else instead - your rewards and feedback when pup is doing what you want them to do will tell pup what behavior and attitude to choose as the new normal for them. Keep increasing his time out period by 30 seconds until he gets the message. Different Types of Dachshunds with Pictures, Possible Causes of Excessive Shedding in Dogs, Helping with Mini Schnauzer Anxiety Problems, 5 Natural Ways to Help Rid your Dog of Fleas, Guide to Yorkie anxiety symptoms and solutions, 10 Beautiful Long-haired Dachshund Pictures. If its just territorial barking, then the body posture may include having the ears and head at attention and the tail straight. Bassets have incredible noses and are often used to locate someone or something by sniffing it out. If your dog has been injured recently or is getting older and has other ailments barking may be a way for him to communicate to you that he is in pain and wants your help. Caitlin Crittenden, How to Train Your Dog to Perform the Down Position, How to Train Your Dog to Ride a Bike with You, How to Train Your Dog to Fetch a Dumbbell, How to Train Your Dog to Use a Gentle Leader, How to Train Your Dog to Perform a Beg Trick, How to Train Your Dog to Search and Rescue, How to Train Your Australian Cattle Dog to Herd, How to Train Your Dog to Not Pee in the House, How to Train Your Dog to Lay Down from a Distance. Many dogs will bark at any person, other animals, or objects that startles them or they are not sure of. This type of barking tends to be a long string of single barks with pauses between them. If hes a puppy and the barking habit is new you could see results in just a week. The combination of communication, correction, and rewarding - with the "Ah Ah" and praise to mark their good and bad behavior with the right timing, is very important. This is right after their eyes and ears have opened up. If you are thinking about bringing a Basset Hound home to be part of your family, but youalready have a dogthat is very vocal and barks a lot, you may want to consider training your dog not to bark before adding another very vocal canine to the mix. Once hes back in the room you can continue to give him attention. Once your Basset Hound has calmed down you can remove your hand. There are many different suggested ways to fix a dog with a nuisance barking issue. You may find the barking comes from having too much built up energy. Once youve given one of the reactions above you can then ignore him. Basset HoundTail Complete Guide (Docking, Communication, Problems). Sometimes you will even hear a Basset Hound howl if they hear a police siren. Taking videos of your dog when they are acting this way can also arm you with more information to give your vet. Practice this for 10 minutes each day for a few days. Your dog should be getting at least 1 hour of exercise each day. It can result in behaviors such as lunging and barking at people or dogs and anxiety such as separation anxiety. In fact, a lot of energy can be directed into barking to alert you of anything and everything. Every dog is different and what works with one dog may not with another. A dog doesnt go from 0 to 100 in one step. Published: 12/14/2017, edited: 01/08/2021. Most Basset Hounds now are pets and not used as tracking dogs. Then when he does stop barking you can turn around and give him a treat. If you dont want your dog to keep barking for attention for certain things make sure all her needs are met, thenignore it the best you can. Their body language may be different for different types of dogs. Training him to stop barking will make taking him out for a walk relaxing. They work by emitting an unpleasant spray of citronella whenever he barks. You can use any word or phrase you like. Spend a couple of days monitoring him to see when he barks naturally. Want to know more about Basset Hound whining you can read this article that I wrote.7 Reasons Why Your Basset Hound Whines (What to Do). For more on how smart a Basset Hound is see here. However, it can get to the point of being a nuisance and a bad habit. As stated above, pent up energy and boredom are a common cause of a barking issue. We will go into more detail about the causes of nuisance barking below. They might be lower in tone and happen one at a time. When you return it may seem like they havent seen you in ages. The first step to take is to give a clear NO whenever he starts barking. Overexcitement is a state of mind. Here is our best recommendation!24/7 Online Vet Appointments Ask a Vet Vetster. But because theyre the breed with the second most sensitive nose, some truly smelly food is guaranteed to catch their attention. Along with barking, they make a wide range of strange noises. How to Train Your Basset Hound Dog to Stop Barking, How to Train Your Older Dog to Walk Calmly on Leash, How to Train Your Blind Dog to Walk Down Stairs. This type of barking whether you see it or not is almost alwaysprompted by someone or something that your Basset Hound feels is a threat. A lot of Basset Hound owners I talked to said that their Basset Hounds learned to bark from being around another dog that barks a lot. They will often bewagging their tail,alert and perked up ears, and possibly a happy grin. Pup needs a command they associate with getting quiet. Its important you react every time he barks. While we strive to give the most accurate and helpful information about your pets health that we can, this article is meant to be informational only and not medical advice. Basset Hounds are smarter than you may think and are a curious dog. Easy Sign UP! When they bark, it sprays water (saliva) in to the air and on to their faces. Basset hounds are capable of learning hundreds of different commands. Dont make eye contact with them and you dont even need to say anything. Lets be honest sometimeswe have no idea what our Basset Hound is barking at.It may seem like she just enjoys listening to herself make noise. 2022 Wag Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. If you know much about Basset Hounds then you knowthis breed tends to bark more than most.It makes complete sense when you think about the history of Basset Hounds and what they are bred for. Maybe you are getting the leash and your dog knows its time for a long-awaited walk. If your dog is barking to go outside to use the bathroom then yes you should reward that by letting her outside. Decide if the attention should be rewarded or not. As soon as he stops barking, hand over a tasty treat.

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