You might consider taking your pup to a professional groomer. It all comes down to your pups parentage. A great tip is to find their favorite type of food (chicken, red meat, turkey) and use it as motivation to get them to perform basic commands. Given this breeds suspicious streak and Velcro dog status, it wouldnt be a bad idea to develop a relationship with a dog sitter, even if you dont think youll need one. When a dog inherits two copies of the merle gene, they are at greater risk for hearing and vision impairments. You can choose a dog at any life stage and be better able to get a feel for your dogs personality before making a decision. Youll want to make sure that you can handle a stubborn dog that may like to show you that they think theyre the boss. This mix is food motivated. This is one reason why its crucial to thoroughly research Aussiedor breeders before getting a puppy. They also have an affinity for learning canine party tricks! In your day-to-day training sessions, focus on developing reliable recall, as well as the difference between appropriate and inappropriate herding. A first-generation hybrid dog is exactly half Australian Shepherd and half Labrador Retriever, right? Some owners opt to have their Aussies fur trimmed, especially the butt feathers, to keep their dog cleaner. The first is the fact that the Aussie Shepherd was bred as a herding dog. for professional safety or care advice. With that being said, your Aussiedor will need a job to do if you want to keep their very mellow temperament in place. Trim a little off to start, wait a couple of days, and then trim a bit more. After all, loved dogs are happy dogs, and happy dogs are healthy dogs. Some people leave their Australian Shepherds outside to live in a barn with other farm animals, but Labrador Retrievers are more attached to their people and prefer to live indoors. To discern between less-than-trustworthy kennels and reputable ones, employ a few best practices. Products and services reviewed are provided by third parties; we are not responsible in any way for them, nor do These include: Purebred Labs are also prone to obesity and bloat, and Australian Shepherds are known for multiple drug sensitivity. While these varieties arent officially recognized, Labrador enthusiasts can tell the difference between an American and English Lab from a mile away. Light trims and haircuts (especially around your dogs hindquarters) can help keep them cleaner and reduce the amount of time you spend on coat maintenance. A good breeder will ask you plenty of questions to make sure you are the right home for a puppy and will allow you to visit their dogs and puppies on their property. Finally, shower your pup with plenty of love and affection. What can we expect with Aussie lab mix physical characteristics? Many owners will find that these shepherd lab mix dogs are quick to learn, requiring few repetitions of commends and processes, and that they are pretty obedient once they know what to do. You can find rescues at reasonable costs, usually anywhere from the $100 to $500 range. They make excellent family companions as long as you can provide them with the exercise they need to keep their minds occupied so they don't pick up poor habits. To sweeten the pot, Australian Shepradors are heat- and cold-tolerant. This professional also comes about because they are bright and pretty easy to train. Whatever you do, dont shave them! Try to feed them at the same time every day. There are few owners that have a bad word to say about these dogs because they are generally such gentle, affectionate pups that fit into family life brilliantly. If it isnt brushed out, the undercoat can get tangled with the topcoat and cause painful mats in your dogs coat. I need to find a female aussiedore please, i had one for 15 and a half years, i need another black and female please, im hurting and missing a companion and its hunting time , Alone for first time ever. Australian Shepherds shed a little all year, but they blow their undercoat two to four times per year when the seasons change. Given the Aussiedors rarity, youre in an exciting position as a breeders potential customer. This separation anxiety can lead to destructive behavior, especially if they are bored. They are happy to snuggle with their owners. Given their hunting and herding background, Aussie Labradors are always up for a good game of chase. Show them that youre in charge when a stranger approaches. Belgian Malinois Colors: The Diffirent Colors & Markings of a Mal Dog, Whippet VS Greyhound: The Key Differences in Look and Temperament, 18 Best Dog Foods for Chihuahuas [Puppies, Adults, Seniors], Tibetan Mastiff Dog Breed: Pictures, Colors, Bark, Characteristics, and Diet, Bullmastiff VS English Mastiff: The Key Differences in Look and Temperament. Finding Australian shepherd lab mix puppies for sale. A broad, proportioned head and moderately deep chest round out the Australian Labrador Retrievers intelligent, athletic countenance. A dog from a puppy mill is likely to be sick and poorly socialized. Theres no way to know exactly how an Australian Shepherd Lab mix will turn out. Lab genes dont guarantee an automatic clean bill of health, though. One of the other great things about this Aussie Lab hybrid is its intelligence. English nobles visiting Canada in the early 1800s fell in love with the Labrador dogs (despite the fact that theyre actually from Newfoundland). Though their name suggests otherwise, Australian Shepherds, also known as Aussies, actually have roots in the Pyrenees Mountains. This is not good if the dog has to be left alone for long periods. Stocky and thick-necked, English, or British Labs are generally bred to be show dogs. While their hair is short to medium in length, those double coats sheda lot. Shaving a double-coated dog can do more harm than good, as their fur helps protect their skin and regulate their body temperature. Today, Labs fulfill their lifes purpose as hunters, retrievers, and goofy family pets. Its harder to see the quick in darker doggie toenails. Although many people prefer pure breeds, others similarly find Are Shiba Inus Good With Other Dogs? Some Australian Shepherd Lab mixes shed more than others, but you can expect moderate to heavy shedding no matter what. Take a minute to watch Luna the Aussiedor show off her repertoire in this video, and maybe get a few ideas for your future pup. We can, however, learn about the history of each parent breed. Could an Australian Shepherd Lab mix be the right dog for your family? As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Aussiedors could be predisposed to the same medical ailments common in their parent breeds. Those that find that their pup is struggling with certain training issues or has behavioral problems can turn to an online resource like Doggy Dan the online dog trainer. Their ears are often floppy, drooping down into triangular points. Expect to take your Australian Shepherd for at least an hour-long walk every day to keep them exercised. A quick word of caution about merle-coated dogs: the genes that cause merle patterns can also cause serious health issues. Think about it this way: would you eat the exact same foods every day? Well, not exactly. Further Reading:What Is The Best Brush For Shedding Dogs? We also recommend looking at shelters or rescue organizations rather than supporting a puppy mill. These dogs are biologically built to stay busy. Trust us, and itll be worth it when you find your perfect dog. Take a ride to a farm out west or visit a rodeo, and you just might see an Aussie hard at work. But think carefully about how your stamina stacks up with theirs. How much attention and energy do you have left at the end of a workday? When you find one or two good candidates, set up playdates with them and your pup once a month or so. When Europeans colonized Australia, they brought their invaluable herding dogs with them. If you have small kids who leave toys out, the toys may become dog food. Typically speaking these pups can live up to 12 years depending on their size. Looking for a constant companion? Both English and American Labradors can be used to breed Aussiedors. Generally speaking, the Aussiedor is not prone to any of these behaviors in their breed. Keep their companionship needs in mind before you buy one of these pups. The result is the Australian shepherd lab mix dog or Aussiedor which is an interesting hybrid for anyone looking for a friendly, family pet. Failing to give an Australian Shepherd Lab mix enough exercise can result in a dog that turns to destruction or other bad behaviors, especially when theyre left home alone. They need adequate exercise every day, and if they dont get it, they will let you know that they need it. Whichever coat type your Australian Shepherd Lab mix inherits, you can be sure that they will shed A LOT. Sorry, allergy sufferers. This can vary, depending on the lifespan of the parents of each puppy. diagnose or treat a health problem or disease; it is not intended to offer any legal opinion or advice or a substitute Im incredibly excited to share my experiences on how best to care for your beloved pet. Be proactive, and use positive reinforcement training to channel your dogs natural proclivities into fun and productive pastimes. Just like humans need a bit of novelty in our lives, so do Aussiedors. When their hair dries, give them a good brushing to disperse natural oils throughout their coat. This type of behavior can also emerge if the dog hasnt had a chance to burn off all that energy. Learn their signs of discomfort or fear. Combined with a Labrador, they can get extremely excited and get into trouble if they dont have a proper exercise outlet. A good walk in the park is a must, but fetching games and frisbee are also great idea for these hybrids of working dogs. Additionally, participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. While the resulting puppy will technically get exactly half of its genes from each parent, you never know which genes will be more dominant. Yes, they can. This is a red flag that they probably dont have the best breeding practices and maybe a puppy mill. Weekly brushing with a rubber curry brush and monthly brushing with a deshedding tool (like a FURminator) will help reduce your Aussiedors shedding if they have short fur like a Lab. Bathe only when needed with a mild shampoo. They love to be around their people and have enough energy to join you on all of your adventures. But with a system in place and a good dose of dedication, your pooch will thrive. Theyre often quite social, if not a little precocious. General care needs of the lab and Australian shepherd mix. Some will continue to use them in agricultural, herding situations or as retrievers. The Australian Shepherd isnt actually an Australian breed. It is also a good idea to have plenty of toys and games indoors to keep their brains working. Aussiedors can be found in shelters across the US. A slicker brush and a grooming rake are perfect for removing loose hair from thick, medium-length hair like you find on an Australian Shepherd. Both Labrador Retrievers and Australian Shepherds were bred to work all day and have plenty of energy. If you think an Australian Shepherd Lab mix is right for you, be sure to do your research and get them from a reputable breeder. If you are buying an Aussiedor Puppy from an Actual breeder, you can expect to pay in the $1,000 and up range for this particular breed of designer dog. Aussiedors can get bored very quickly and get destructive if they are left alone for long periods. Copyright 2020 All Rights Reserved. The Aussiedor is an extremely well-mannered family dog, and in most cases, they are not aggressive. Your Aussiedor could be any of these colors, as well as brindle or cream. Generally, they will be smaller than full-grown Labradors but may grow as large as a purebred Labrador depending on their genes. But veteran dog owners will tell you that the most capable dogs require the most competent handlers. Keep in mind that this amount is for the typical adult Aussiedor. Labrador Retrievers are friendly with people and animals alike. Doggy Dan is great for problem lab Aussie mix pups because he provides trusted information on a range of subjects in a step-by-step guide. The result of this is that there is a very strong chance of Aussiedor puppies inheriting the same traits. That being said, there can be more about your Aussiedor. There is more of a gamble on parentage, and the potential for behavioral issues. Eager to please and always ready to work or play, this designer breed fits well in most active homes. Fashioned from top-tier hunting and herding genes, the Australian Shepherd Lab mix is essentially a working dog prodigy. (How to Make it Work). Because of their bold personality, first-time dog owners may struggle to keep up with the Australian Shepherd Lab mix. The Australian shepherd lab mix size is fair, with many considering this to be a strong, mid-sized dog that is ideal for family homes with enough space. Our content is for educational purposes only. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. To get a better idea of how your Australian Shepherd Retriever may look like an adult, talk to your breeder and meet your pups mom and dad. How often can you realistically be home with your dog? They definitely arent cheap, and as with most hybrid mixes, you are paying for the pedigree. Likewise, your pup may come from a miniature Australian Shepherd, resulting in a tinier version of the standard Aussie Sheprador. As for food, a healthy diet of meet and vegetable with 3-4 cups of dry food a day should be fine. Study your pups body language in different situations. We Count 52! Australian Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers have very different coat colors and types, so its impossible to predict what the coat of an Aussiedor will look like. Positive reinforcement will go a long way toward teaching your Aussiedor anything from basic commands to fun tricks to running an agility course. They need at least an hour of moderate to vigorous exercise every day. Purebred Australian Shepherds, however, can be combinations of black, red, blue merle, or red merle. Take your time and go slowly. Descended from the Pyrenean Shepherd, Australian Shepherds were bred to herd sheep and cattle along Basque hillsides. Many of these Aussiedor dogs will also make great service dogs. Lets learn more about the Australian Shepherd Lab mix so you can decide whether it might be the perfect addition to your family. Potential health problems your Aussiedor may experience include Hip dysplasia, Elbo dysplasia, eye conditions, hereditary myopathy, heart disorders, bloat, epilepsy, cataracts, and cancer. Puppy costs can vary widely depending on if you are getting your Aussiedor from a breeder or a rescue. Every Aussiedor is different, but usually, a mixed breed will live longer than a purebred. They are no more aggressive than their parent breeds. Nicknamed Labs, these canines originated in Newfoundland, Canada, as waterfowl retrievers. This dependency comes at a price, however. Store your dogs medical records in one place, and set a reminder on your phone for their monthly heartworm and flea/tick treatment. (Top 15). Because Aussie Shepradors combines two distinct breed lines, they dont carry the same genetic risks as purebred dogs (a concept called hybrid vigor). Along those lines, you may see your Australian Sheprador nipping at your kiddos heels. Still, if temperatures dip or soar to extreme proportions, take steps to keep Fido comfortable and safe. Some hybrid pups can inherit this instinct and develop the desire to herd their flock. Continual physical and mental activity is critical to the Aussie Labs well-being. Similarly, you should be careful around smaller animals or in unfenced areas. As Aussiedors are good-sized canines with above-average stamina, they need a diet rich in protein. or product manual for professional advice. An Aussiedor will love joining you on hikes, jogs, bike rides, or endless games of fetch. Social circumstances can make even the most laid-back dogs become aggressive and fearful. When fully grown, Australian Shepradors often measure 22-25 inches (56-64 cm) and can weigh anywhere from 40-80 pounds (18-36 kg). Prepare for adorable anecdotes of your pup wedging their way onto the couch for snuggles and following you around the house nonstop. But while hereditary conditions and their prevalence can be minimized, they cant disappear completely. If you are buying at a breeder, always ask to see the parents AKC registered papers if they are available. Restless Aussiedors can quickly become destructive and depressed, so make their exercise a top priority. Stick to your feeding schedule, and dole out treats sparingly. Once trimmed, it can quickly grow, so itll be longer than normal. This mixed breed pup is becoming extremely popular in the United States because of its friendly and fun-loving nature. Coming from two beloved parent breeds, Aussiedors are renowned for their family-oriented nature. An Australian Shepherd Lab mix is guaranteed to shed a lot. Labrador Retrievers dont carry the merle gene, but Australian Shepherds can. Sketchy breeders could take advantage of the untapped market. The lab Aussie mix shares many of the physical features of the parents, with a strong frame, cute floppy ears and a build that is somewhere in the middle of the two parent breeds. Because the hybrid isnt particularly well-known, Aussiedor buyers can have limited options, depending on their location. The Australian Shepherd Lab cross is prone to separation anxiety. Theyll learn basic obedience in no time, freeing you up to work on those breed-specific behaviors. Like many other designer breeds, we dont have much information about this hybrids origins. Australian Shepherds and Labrador Retrievers are both intelligent and eager to please, so they are relatively easy to train. Aussies and Labs are frequently compared to one another as family pets, so it only makes sense to see this mix pop up as a designer dog. Do your research ahead of time. Temperament: Are Australian Shepherd Lab mixes good dogs? They make great companions that are keen to help. They should not be left alone or crated for more than a couple of hours a day. Of course not! Theyll be good to go in no time! Give them the right training and health care provisions and you will have a dog that is close to being the perfect pup with that great nature, working dog linage and beautiful looks. We say almost because this pup will definitely have a lot more energy than a standard Labrador. Australian Shepherd Lab mixes are likely to be intelligent and happy to learn. Polish Lowland Sheepdog: Fall in love with the Polish Owczarek Nizinny Sheepdog, Siberian Husky Growth and Weight Chart (Male & Female) The Complete Guide, 21 of the Best Low-Maintenance Dog Breeds to Add to Your Family. The more we know, the happier we and our canine friends will be! A well-bred Aussiedor puppy is more likely to be healthy. These friendly and intelligent dogs were bred in Newfoundland to help fishermen retrieve fish that fell out of nets and hunters retrieve ducks. Aussiedors with longer or denser coats may need more frequent beauty sessions. The sooner you can pick up on Fidos apprehension, the quicker you can intervene. Shelters can be a great place to find an Australian Shepherd Lab mix. If you dont want a guard dog, perhaps a Husky Lab mix is a better option. They will typically weigh between 40 and 80 pounds. They further refined the dog into the lovable breed that tops popularity lists. Therefore, your Aussiedor would probably be better off living inside with you than banished to the yard. There are many Australian shepherd lab mix pictures of very cute pups that look similar in shape and size, but have very different coats and markings. Australian Shepherds have medium-length fur that sheds seasonally. Bordoodles are good dogs, but is it the right match for you? This means key facts on physical traits, general care and grooming as well as the Aussie lab mix temperament and training issues. Are your belongings and trash secure? In this guide, we will look at important Australian Shepherd lab mix information to get a better idea of what to expect with these dogs. The Australian shepherd lab mix is an adorable looking dog that comes about as the mix between the Labrador Retriever, one the most popular family dogs in the world, and the Australian Shepherd, which is beloved for its sweet nature and good looks. The Labrador Retriever has been the most popular dog in the United States for nearly three decades. we guarantee their functionality, utility, safety, or reliability. There is the potential for some behavioral issues due to their temperament and genetics, but the ease of training soon corrects them. Look for a breeder who does health testing on their breeding dogs and has a history of healthy puppies. Being a dog with a short coat, you might think that the Labrador Retriever wouldnt shed very much, but you would be wrong. Seasoned dog parents know the importance of regular maintenance. Australian Shepherds are livewires. Your Australian Shepherd Lab mix is likely to get along with people and pets alike, although they may tend to nip at the heels of small children if they have an Aussie personality. Height wise, expect your Aussiedor to grow anywhere from 18 to 22 inches in height. There is a strong sense of loyalty with these dogs that means that they will stick by owners and look after them. Frequent mental and physical exercise is key to helping the Aussiedor live up to its potential. Do you want a friendly dog who loves everybody? It is easy to follow wherever and whenever you require it. Know your stuff, and plan out what you want to ask. As mentioned, the Aussiedor has a very energetic demeanor and cares very much for their family members. Expect to pay around $400 to $800 if you buy from a breeder. But, they were bred to work and have lots of energy that must be burned off with plenty of physical exercise. Australian Shepherd Lab Mix Puppy Image Source. As far as Aussie Labs are concerned, the sun rises and sets with their humans. It all depends on the dominant genes at work. Further Reading:The Top Ten Best Chew Toys For Destructive Dogs. If something seems off about a breeder, it probably is. In addition to their impressive array of fur colors, Aussie Labs also boast warm, water-resistant double coats. If your dog develops bad habits, try increasing how much exercise you give your Aussiedor to see if that helps improve their behavior. However, you would be saving a dog in need and the easy of training means that they should fit into a family home. Hybrid vigor may reduce the odds of an Australian Shepherd mix inheriting the genetic disorders of their parent breeds. We will also look at the options for a lab Australian shepherd mix for sale before providing a final verdict. This Lab variety is both highly trainable and incredibly driven. Some say that these dogs can be as light as 30-40 pounds, while others will be much stockier with lab genes. Bench Labs are more sedentary than Field Labs, Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix: AKA Aussiedoodle or Aussiepoo, Labrador Retriever Mixes: 51 Different Lab Crossbreeds, Australian Shepherd Corgi Mix: Augie Dog Breed Information, Australian Shepherd Beagle Mix: Traits, Size & Breed Overview. Dont rush. Theyll be even happier if you switch up their exercise routine every now and then. Youll want to start training them at a very young age. You and your vet should be on the lookout for these conditions, as well. They shed quite a bit, all year round. Aussiedors are extremely lovable dogs, but sometimes situations arise and owners have to surrender their pets. Lets start with the Australian Shepherd. An Australian Shepherd Lab mix could be either coat type or something in between, and they could be just about any color. Are there any important Australian Shepherd Lab mix health issues to be concerned about? The breed started as the Pyrenean Shepherd in Europe and was perfected in the American West. For owners who dont care to work their Australian Shepherd, these fun-loving dogs thrive in dog sports like agility, obedience, and flyball. Getting them the right toys made for Labradors will also help keep them occupied for hours. There was only a brief stopover in Australia and some mixing with Collies and Border Collies in between. Aggression usually isn't breed-specific though, so make sure you introduce your dog to many different social situations. Labradors have been Americas most popular dog breed since 1991, after all. There are some dogs that will have a straight coat and others that are a little wavy. This is is another reason why a yard is essential. We always recommend adopting at a rescue before you go shopping. Give your dog 1.5-2 cups of food at breakfast and the remaining portion at dinner. Further Reading:A Guide To Some Of Best Dog Training Books Available Today (Top 24). Buying a dog isnt as simple as choosing a melon at the supermarket. You should also be comfortable having some dog hair in your home and on your clothing. Aussiedors are notorious shedders. If you dont want fur all over your home, look elsewhere for your family dog. Their teeth should be brushed once a day to keep their chompers healthy. Australian Shepradors are a blend of hard work and joyful play. Yes! You may be wondering why the Aussie Labs weight can vary so much. You can always check local shelters, but dont forget to comb through specific rescue organizations like these: Aussie Shepradors are full of positive qualities and desirable traits. They are found herding cattle and sheep. Aussie Shepradors are perfect for agility trials and service dog training. But, we can look at the parent breeds to learn more about the traits that an Aussiedor puppy might inherit. Youll be able to satisfy their exercise requirements year-round. Be wary of any breeder who insists on shipping your puppy or meeting you somewhere apart from where they breed their dogs. Over the next several decades, the breed became a hallmark in homes across Great Britain and North America. A good diet and pretty of exercise are important with this dog. While there isnt a rescue dedicated specifically to Aussiedors, you may be able to find an Australian Shepherd Lab mix through a Labrador Retriever or Australian Shepherd rescue group. Do you enjoy teaching your dog tricks or doing dog sports? Eventually, these canines made their way to California ranches and became a staple of the Old American West. A search for Australian Shepherd Lab mixes for sale didnt turn up many results, but there are a few breeders out there: Adopting a dog is a fulfilling option for cost-conscious pet lovers. Young puppies need multiple small meals, for example, but older dogs can eat larger portions less frequently. How Many White Dog Breeds Can You Name? The only issue here is that both the Australian shepherd lab mix weight and Australian shepherd lab mix height can vary. 2022 Cover Story Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Parent breeds get bored very quickly and get destructive if they are not aggressive of days, dole! Lifes purpose as hunters, Retrievers australian shepherd chocolate lab mix and use positive reinforcement will go a long toward. On a range of subjects in a step-by-step guide and half Labrador Retriever has been the most dog. Tricks to running an agility course with longer or denser coats may need more beauty. 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