Hell watch what his big bro is doing and then follow along! Handy Hint: Frenchies snore a lot, but you can help them with it. As pack animals, dogs love to cuddle into each other and sleep. Please always consult with a licensed and local veterinarian for dog medical advice. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. You may even consider doing it outside at first. let us know if you have concerns. As well, Frenchies often get stressed out when settling into their new homes. Our current Frenchie is an all white three-year-old neutered male. 7 Reasons To Cuddle, What To Do About French Bulldog Tear Stains? Deciding to bring home two Frenchies at the same time ultimately depends on what you think is best for you and your loved ones! How to introduce a new Frenchie brother to my French Bulldog, Make sure youve got control of both doggos, Dont leave them alone together until you can trust them, Reasons not to have a second French Bulldog. This doesnt mean that your French Bulldog wont get along with any other dog breed, of course, but they tend to be happier with breed siblings! If youre a new owner, the first time you see this it will blow your Do French Bulldogs Have Bad Eyesight & How Far Can They See? As your first puppy is already socialized, you will have an easier time to train the newcomer as he or she can also learn things from the first Frenchie. They would play fight, chew at each other, chase, and run. Owning a Frenchie means you deal with a lot of upkeep and maintenance. Firstly, since Frenchies are pack animals, theyll be able to be silly and fun together and keep each other occupied when you are busy with something else. TomKings Puppies have been breeding French Bulldogs for 10 years on their farm. Its an exciting next step and its certainly going to give you lots of great memories and laughs. The addition of a second playmate could start to bring the other dog out of his or her shell. This is also helpful if you find the entire process both sleep-depriving and stressful weve all been there! Do French Bulldogs need to have a companion? Please let us know if you still have questions. They are approx 9 weeks old. They would bed down at the end of a long days play, and sleep through the night both snoring of course! Most articles Ive found just talk about raising one puppy, or about introducing a second one later. French Bulldogs do get lonely. With Frenchies, the answer is absolutely yes! If youre not convinced, keep reading to learn why your Frenchie really needs a companion. Hi Chad, absolutely not true, its ideal to have two pups from the same litter, they are already socialized and are used to each other. There are a lot of factors you need to consider before buying a second dog. Her and Claude get on like a house on fire for the majority of the time (apart from when around food which I will come onto in a moment). Heres a topic that really divides the pet-owning community: whether you should let the dog sleep with you or not. The next point flows directly from the last one. When the puppy stayed with us, we felt a lot better knowing that we could leave them both together for periods of time when we had to leave the house.. We had to closely monitor this as the puppy was still being fed three times a day (see feeding schedule) we kept feeding areas separate sometimes. Recently my wife and I have been discussing whether to get Claude a companion by getting a second French Bulldog. Make them meet in a neutral place, not at home, as otherwise, your first puppy might feel his or her territory threatened. Either keep both of them on the leash or none of them, dont control one of them more than the other. During the first period, your first Frenchie might get jealous, so its vital to treat them equally, and not to give more love to the second one who is usually younger and smaller. You can see photos and videos of Claude and our friends puppy embedded throughout this guide as they play as a pair (you can also see them playing in the video below). This is also the case if your pooch has never known a companion since puppyhood. By doing so, she decided to start writing about her findings in hopes she could provide insight within this dog breed. My thoughts are that he was teaching her how to dog. Talking of doubling-up the dreaded poop and pee scenario. This territorial instinct, particularly the aggressive part of it, will be much better off if you neuter both pooches before they meet! We found that Claude would get jealous and try to squeeze his way between my wife and the puppy. I'm Sara, an animal enthusiast and proclaimed dog lover. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The new addition should have more freedom if he wants to approach the household dog, but both should be controlled to keep everyone calm and safe! That means they are going to be more comfortable as part of a group of animals (even if that group only has two members). Ive previously written a guide on how to introduce Frenchies and cats which you might find helpful. We actually wrote two articles on this topic, as we are often asked the same. My wife and I were wracked with guilt, so spent lots of time giving him attention to try and take his mind off things. From the moment they woke up in the morning they would start to be active. So take your current Frenchie maintenance costs, double them, and decide if its affordable to you. How can two Frenchies help in this situation? If youre ready to add in that second Frenchie and you want to make sure that you are going about it the same way, there are some important steps to help you make the most out of it! Always consult the breeder about the character of the puppies and tell them about the Frenchie you already have. We dont just have Claude, we also have our cat, Poopie. By himself, a French bulldog will probably spend that time feeling lonely and pining for your return. Heres why. Those dogs feel that it is their responsibility to protect their home and food and water and will not take kindly to a new addition. This works in terms of socialization as well. There are some negative aspects to mimicked behaviour, and I will explain those later down the page, but having two Frenchies can mean they act as role models to each other. Owning one dog is a great way to reduce stress, reduce blood pressure, and generally foster positive health. This is because French Bulldogs are pack animals and they recognize other doggos from their pack (read: breed) and instantly take a liking to them. I can cope well with pretty much the rest, but the double amount of poop did start to get quite frustrating. Once they understand your attention, as well as their physical needs such as food and water, arent going to be threatened, theyll quickly switch from irritation to excitement over having a new best buddy. Frenchies recognize other Frenchies and are well-known for getting along with others of their kind. But the bottom line is, Frenchies are social companion dogs, and do get very lonely. They love to be together and this comes through in the way that they often act the part of the clown with each other. With two dogs, this is not as big an issue. Im actually in a similar situation I recently adopted two Frenchie sisters. Perhaps its excitement, or maybe it was just Claude teaching the puppy how to do dog things. And even if you do work from home, youll need to leave them alone for short periods when you buy groceries or run other errands. Thank you, Hi Billy, thanks for your question. Two Frenchies! Its something to keep an eye on when you get a second French Bulldog. You also dont necessarily have to have two Frenchies if you dont want to, or cant. To keep everyone comfortable and stress-free, youll want to have one person with each dog so that both are contained on a leash. If you live alone, have family and work commitments, and spend periods outside the home away from your dog then I recommend you have a pair to keep each other company. (Explained), Adding a second French Bulldog vs getting two Frenchies at the same time. Unless you work from home, youre going to have to leave your dog alone for long stretches of time. Another option to consider is the idea of bringing home two Frenchies at the same time! Thank you, Your email address will not be published. We would be more than happy to help you with that, please write us an email on team@tomkingskennel.com! This is an affiliate advertising program that is designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees and revenue by advertising and linking to amazon.com with recommendations. Also, as we mentioned in the article, they never get bored as they have a friend to play with , Thank you for your article. Having now seen how much happier he is with a companion; we are seriously considering getting a second French Bulldog. Perhaps the best example of this is the need for exercise. This mostly refers to the fact that youve got double of everything. From bullying to aggressive behavior, its your job as a pet parent to make sure that both are safe and comfortable in your home. Am I better off with 2 males or 1 male & 1 female, Hi Linda! Firstly, Frenchies dont always get along. Here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2149832885108427/. This is particularly true when you bring a puppy into your home with an older dog. By being in a pair, French Bulldogs will always have company, stimulation, and will grow to be social dogs that will be well adjusted (in most cases).. Whilst its hard to read their facial expressions, you only have to leave a Frenchie alone for a few hours to see the sadness in his eyes when you get home. You can consider getting one after the fact or getting two at the same time. They love each others company and really wear each other out. Its also a good idea to adopt two of them at once; when they are from the same litter, they know each other well, so it will be easier to socialize them in their new home. Be prepared to have the occasional aggression between the two, particularly in the first couple of weeks as they start to learn the boundaries between each other. This was for 2 reasons, firstly she is still a puppy, so I wasnt able to go on our longer walks, but in the main its due to the exercise they gave each other. If you dont want to have more puppies later, its best to have two boys or two girls. Your email address will not be published. French bulldogs, like other dogs, are pack animals. After all, hes 3 years old versus her 6 months. Thats the only way we can improve. Are two happier than one!? By having a second Frenchie this wont be as big an issue. This can make it a little more challenging in terms of time. When you have two French bulldogs, they are likely to cuddle with one another at night to stay warm. Are French Bulldogs Better in Pairs? When you are ready to do the meet, youll want to make sure to do it in a neutral part of the home. If one of your dogs suffers from separation anxiety, he is less likely to suffer when he has a constant companion. Understanding both of these perspectives will help you to make the right decision. Frenchies will be happier when they have a companion dog; they keep each other company, exercise each other, and can be left alone for longer periods when in pairs.. Many dog lovers ask themselves, are two dogs better than one? The truth is that this answer varies from breed to breed. I have a neutered almost 2 year old frenchie. No offense, but their primary consideration is usually staying warm throughout the night. The bottom line is, both will need to be insured (heres details on how much it costs), both will need trips to the vet, and both will need feeding. Difficult question, right? Weve now seen it first hand, and are now seriously considering getting a second dog to make a pair. I can see why this would be the case. They can often keep each other out of trouble and they will play together and keep the other one moving, which is great for handling issues such as obesity in your French Bulldogs. Send us an enquiry with the name of the puppy that catches your attention and we will tell you all about him or her. Some Frenchies can be prone to separation anxiety. Since French Bulldogs are expensive in terms of their breeding purchase price, many people get one at a time and then add a second one later if they feel that the expense is worthwhile. They should both look to you as the alpha, keeping them both on the same (conflict-free) playing field.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'dailyfrenchbulldog_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',141,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dailyfrenchbulldog_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')}; If youre seriously considering the idea, now, of adding in a second Frenchie to the mix, congratulations! Either in the room or in the house in general, they should always have someone there that can intervene and catch bad behavior (particularly, who instigated it) as it happens, and then work to adjust it. If your older Frenchie has been well-trained, you might find it a lot easier to train the second younger pup. While this may extend to issues with begging or barking when you dont want them to, its all great for those pesky issues such as potty training and leash training! When weve had to leave Claude for a couple of hours, we definitely see a marked difference in his behaviour when we first get back home. But if you have two French bulldogs, they can keep each other company in your absence. During this meet, youll want to make sure that both doggos have easy access to their private spaces in case they want to retreat. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. In this respect, two French Bulldogs better than one as they can keep each other company when you need to go out for a few hours, meaning you wont have a lonely and depressed dog when you come back through the door. It was so cute seeing Claude and the puppy cuddled up and asleep together. We are thinking of getting another Frenchie, a girl. There have been countless scientific studies that show how dogs can be beneficial to humans mental and physical health., In my guide to Frenchies as therapy dogs, Ive referenced various studies that show how dogs can:. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. No wonder: these puppies are so friendly and adorable that you cant resist the temptation to double or triple the joy. Having only one puppy underfoot is also going to be a little easier as you get used to feeding, training and even the social interactions with other pets and children in your household. They even travel together which is very reassuring for them. We want to do what is best for our boy. They love human companionship, but also that of other dogs. Youve surely heard that phrase that sometimes, less is more. But when it comes to the health benefits of owning a dog, it turns out that more is more.. Maybe its because they think they can share the responsibility of the behaviour. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'dailyfrenchbulldog_com-leader-1','ezslot_0',135,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dailyfrenchbulldog_com-leader-1-0')};Lastly, having two Frenchies means that your older and more established Frenchie can be a great role model for your new addition! I wrote a long guide which helps you understand if you have a depressed Frenchie. Just like with human siblings, youll have to watch over them and make sure that you are ready to step in if you need to. Probably the best you can do is to adopt one of each gender as in our experience a boy and a girl pup get along very well. Even if your Frenchie is very little, having two dogs means you can comfortably leave them alone for longer without worrying about them taking revenge against you. And if youre not back before that counter counts down, you may come home to an absolute mess created by a very pouty dog. How cute is that? Frenchies living together also offer great companionship for each other both when you are away from the home as well as busy. If they have a buddy there with them especially a buddy that was there with them as they grew up and can help ease that fear or uncertainty. Weve recently socialized him and he does well with other dogs at the dog park. Hi Polet, please join our Tomkings Frenchie Facebook Family and read the posts in this topic! When you come back to the house, you may find a dog that is anxious and depressed. One of the advantages of separating the Frenchie arrivals is that it is cheaper short-term in both the initial fee as well as the care-taking. There are pros and cons to both options, so its something youll want to carefully consider when planning your adoptions! French Bulldogs do get lonely and prefer to have a companion to spend time with. I still dont advise leaving them all day, but for a few hours, its far better that Frenchies have a companion as they wont be as lonely.. You've only seen one page. Which adorable Frenchie will you choose? With two French bulldogs, they can keep each other company while you are absent. We like to think we have Claude quite well trained. and they dont much appreciate another male alpha coming in to take over their household and responsibilities. We are now seriously considering getting a second Frenchie to act as a companion for Claude. First, if you go with a new Frenchie puppy, you have to completely redo all of the training and adjusting while you have household responsibilities and a teen or adult Frenchie to deal with, too. Sometimes personalities just dont mesh, particularly with two males, and you may not be able to guarantee that both are safe in your household. The first reason your Frenchie needs a friend is pretty simple. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. A companion of any furry variety (even cats) is a great relationship and Frenchies and happy, social instant besties with basically anyone! Its quite a common trait. This is great when you dont think you are going to want to do it again in the future. There are some disadvantages to consider, though, as well. I was wondering if you could shed more light on some of the issues of raising them together, or if you knew of any resources for that? Thats because some Frenchies actually suffer from separation anxiety. The article was written based on the experience and the services of the TomKings Puppies Team. There are also some points to consider for not adding a second Frenchie to your household, both as two puppies at the same time, or one at a time and spaced out. Are you considering adding a second loveable French Bulldog to your household? Should you let your puppy sleep in your bed? And one of those ways is that they can benefit from having a role model. French Bulldogs are, indeed, better in pairs because they are social animals and greatly enjoy having a furry best friend around to play with when humans are away. Some advantages of doing it this way include the detail that you get to get all of the training and socialization over with all at once. How Often Should A French Bulldog Poop? During the 10 days that the puppy stayed with us, I actually reduced the number of walks that I took Claude on. Perhaps. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. There is such a thing as antisocial Frenchies, after all! Not only will you be able to leave your French bulldog alone, but you can comfortably leave him alone for a longer period of time when he has a friend. One of the funniest things about having a Frenchie is when they get what we call the zoomies and start running about like crazy. My owner, Sara, always tried her best to understand the specific needs of a French Bulldog so I could learn and live in the healthiest and happiest way possible. All the pictures in the post belong to them and show a puppy from their breed. Below, you can learn about adding a second Frenchie to your household as well as how to do so and what you should know about when its a good idea versus when it isnt!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'dailyfrenchbulldog_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_9',142,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dailyfrenchbulldog_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0')}; One of the most important details to consider is the timing of getting your second French Bulldog. The dogs are going to play with each other regularly and basically help with each others exercise. In short, the earlier the better. A French bulldog and a friend! I can only assume that whilst French bulldogs are good in pairs in the main, they will act as tag team to possibly do more naughty things. Now you have an answer to the simple question, are two dogs better than one. Now that you have an answer, though, do you know where you can find another Frenchie? Unlike some dog breeds, you cant leave them alone for hours on end. Thankfully this jealous behaviour didnt end up in any biting or barking, but having spoken with other dog owners, I know this wont always be the case. When it comes to meeting nose to nose or sniffing and playing and hanging out together at the right amount of intervals as their friendship progresses, make sure you dont force something before theyre ready for it. Its not exaggeration to say that for 2 hours in the morning they were non-stop active, before they crashed and had to sleep to get their energy back. I imagine this is a trait thats a result of their wolf genes, perhaps when wolves had to keep each other warm in a damp cave. The main flashpoint we found though was around food. This led to teeth showing, growling, and aggression. I thought Id managed to stop him from digging up the garden (see how I did it), but once the puppy was with us, the bad behaviour came back. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. When introducing them to each other (see below), this can take a lot of the stress or potential discomfort between pooches out of it!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'dailyfrenchbulldog_com-leader-2','ezslot_11',140,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-dailyfrenchbulldog_com-leader-2-0')}; Just like any other kind of dog breed, you may find that having two male French Bulldogs is a little more work at first. My wife just read its not a good idea to adopt litter mates. It turns out your fuzzy little duo will be giving back to you in some very powerful ways! Download our FREE Ultimate Guide to Adopting a Frenchie, and prepare to become the best dog parent! Best Ways To Crate Training A French Bulldog (At Night). When the puppy stayed with us, she still hadnt been toilet trained (heres how to potty train a Frenchie) so we were constantly having to clear up her mess from the kitchen floor. If you cant do that, even with time, patience, and professional support if needed, you may need to consider the fact that two Frenchies arent a good idea. As an added bonus, theyll look absolutely adorable while they play! Its not cheap to keep a Frenchie, as they can be prone to a number of health issues (over 31 in fact) so you need to be prepared. Disclaimer: My website and blog should not be considered as being professional pet medical advice. Weve recently had a puppy stay with us for 10 days whilst her owners were away. Your lifestyle will not change dramatically after adopting your second puppy. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. (For this reason, we do our best to make them fly in pairs if possible, even if they belong to two different families.). Many of our clients who raise a wonderful French Bulldog soon realize they want to adopt a sister or a brother. Heres a very short guide on how to introduce the pair to make it as seamless as possible. If so, you arent alone and its a common place to be when you see just how much fun one Frenchie is! Both dogs will have their own dedicated space that the other one cant get to, but the meeting itself is best done somewhere outside of both of those spaces. If you cant find your dream Frenchie amongst our available Frenchie puppies, sign up to our New Puppy Notifier to get notified when new puppies are available: As a trustworthy elite breeder-family of French bulldogs, we dedicate our lives to raise healthy, balanced, and well-mannered Frenchie furbabies for future owners. French Bulldogs are instinctively social animals and love being in a pack. Do French Bulldogs get along with each other? And as for the dogs? Simply put, owning two dogs means that the counter is longer. We also look forward to answering any questions you may have! Whats better than a French bulldog? The puppy was very needy as you would expect and spent a lot of time jumping up onto my wifes lap. When you introduce a second French Bulldog into your home, you need to make sure that you initially take things very slow. If one dog can have those type of effects, imagine how your well-being could increase by having two French Bulldogs instead of one!
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are two male french bulldogs better