Put on his leash, and then take him outside. Bulldogs are naturally stocky and muscular, and are very food motivated. However, its not a guarantee. The good news is that you can work with your In fact, they tend to interact well with children and cope with other dogs easily. For this reason, English Bulldog owners often use a harness instead of a collar, allowing for more control. A Bulldog is well-suited for apartment living because they just need a nice spot to sleep while you are away during the day, and are generally highly inactive. If you have a pet like a dog or a cat, you The first few weeks are crucial, so you should ensure you have enough time to participate in a socialization activity. Correcting your pets shyness or inability to interact with other dogs is a process that requires patience and a lot of love. here. comes to house training. If your pup has positive experiences with other dogs when theyre young, they are more likely to be friendly toward other dogs as adults. Email English Bulldogs are fairly popular and are well-loved by many. Modern bulldog breeds descended from Bull and Mastiff type dogs and those re-created through breeding programs include: alapaha blue blood bulldog, american bulldog, aussie bulldog, banter bulldogge, buldogue campeiro, Ca de Bou, catahoula bulldog, Dorset Olde Tyme Bulldog, English Bulldog, French bulldog, Olde English Bulldogge, Olde Boston Bulldogge, Victorian Bulldog, Valley Bulldog. 2021 DBLDKR. When one dog excretes or pees let the other dog sniff it before you dispose of it as this is an important way of exchanging energy and communication between the dogs. By doing so, you will train your dog to be comfortable with other dogs around. This long list of health issues would suggest they are not. your current pets. If you want to learn more about English Bulldogs or other types of Bulldogs, then consider checking out this Bulldog Handbook on Amazon. You should also be aware that its not uncommon for the Bulldog to require surgery to correct some of these issues, depending on the severity. However, having difficulty with training doesnt make them bad pets not in the slightest, they are still overall a very loving animal with a great personality that will be a fun addition to your family. Once you decide on a breeder, you still have Do not cuddle or praise your pet when he feels frightened. specific puppy because theyre guaranteed to be perfect for you. You could choose the Thus, putting them in the same place with some small active breeds like Min Pin or Chihuahua is not the best option. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This will give them time to familiarize. However, adding a bit of special This doesnt mean a little nip is out of the question if the child pushes the dog too far, but it typically takes a while for things to reach that point. that can. They get along well with puppies and small animals. Unfortunately, that means you cant choose a Though they have a history as fighting dogs, English Bulldogs were the 5th most popular breed registered with the AKC in 2018. research before settling on a specific dog, which can help you decide on the Instead, stay where they can go near you. If you have a female bulldog, it is likely she will be the one to mother the new puppy. However, some of them can be as well around cats. regular part of their routine. Such an attitude extends to their kin and other breeds and even to other pets. will grow up to be calm as an adult. Let it know you appreciate the effort. Whenever you see your new dog Overall, though, these With the Bulldog, these deformations typically include an overly large base of the tongue and palate, stenotic nares, and hypoplastic trachea. Some have gone through traumatic experiences causing them to become shy. A genetic assessment of the English Bulldog. English bulldogs are friendly breeds. English bulldogs are good with other dogs, yes. Canine Genetics and Epidemiology. Though they do tend to be stubborn, this breed isnt mean in the slightest. One area where an English Bulldog can still show some aggressive tendencies is around his food. Dogs suffering from this problem experience difficulty eating and breathing. English Bulldogs commonly have undershot jaws, meaning their bottom teeth protrude over the upper teeth due to a longer lower jaw. However, some of them might be more difficult to train. Here we will find out, do english bulldogs like other dogs? The best way to temper this behavior is to socialize your English Bulldog puppy with other dogs early on, and take him to puppy kindergarten as well so he can learn to interact with other dogs in a controlled setting. This strength plays into his stubbornness, because it is difficult to physically get him moving if he doesnt want to. Thus, they get along with other dogs, as well as with children and other pets. You can also look for a breeder who raises their puppies with other animals. That being said, you should regularly walk your Bulldog to keep him in shape, as he does have a tendency to become obese, which can lead to many other canine health issues. If his parents do not seem to have a good temperament; its more likely the puppy will as well. Bulldogs were originallynamed for their use in the sport of bull baiting. Thus, they are ones you can get if you have another dog around. To make him comfortable around other dogs, start exposing your bulldog to other dogs while they are still puppies. Your email address will not be published. (Read This Before Getting a New Dog). If you want to get your English Bulldog The other dogs should be leashed as well. However, that is just a face they put up. If you have a male bulldog, it would be better to add a female one to your household. You can train your dog by allowing it to interact with other dogs while it is still a puppy. This will make the puppys interaction with the other pets much easier. you can save money on the upfront cost by choosing an adult. Underneath, they are loving and friendly and want nothing more than love and a good meal. But they are calm, friendly, and affectionate dogs. If youre planning to get another dog, such commands will work. Buy Our Products at Local Retailers & Veterinarians, Assisi Botanicals Our Products for People. Required fields are marked *. After walking your dogs several times with one in front of the other you can change positions and put them side by side as this will enhance a direct face to face contact. In fact, bulldogs interact well with kids and can cope with other pets with ease. Some people find these traits cute, but they are a result of decades of questionable breeding practices that, unfortunately, led to a number of common health issues with this breed. Whatever your case is, this articles for you. Dade Group LLC is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Like humans, dogs also need friends. With a rather lazy disposition, English Bulldogs love a good snuggle and will be happy to nuzzle you on the couch all day. It is most likely the dog behind will sniff the dog in front; this is the first physical move for them to socialize. aggressive toward cats and other dogs of the same sex. has many adult dogs up for adoption, and you can see what those dogs are like without question of how theyll mature. But his can indicate serious problems with the entire spinal column such as hemivertebrae. They are also very brave, loving, and extremely loyal to their owners, but in addition to these amicable traits, Bulldogs also has a tendency to be stubborn and strong-willed. They are peaceful and will get along well with other dogs. other pets. Some English A Bulldog is an effective guard dog just based on his appearance alone, but he can also deter unwanted visitors through his temperament. playing with or being friendly to your other pets, praise them. If you already have your heart set on a If a dog doesnt have any socialization with cats or other dogs, dog from the shelter typically means you wont have to pay for vaccinations and that will increase your dogs chances of being that way. This site is owned and operated by David Manzer, Designer/Developer/English Bulldog Lover. those pets. Some breeders are more home, you will have to, When it comes time to feed your Your bulldog needs to socialize to meet other dogs. Your dog may show aggressiveness towards other dogs. Sometimes if your pup doesnt want to do something, he just wont budge. Plus, these health traits mean the English Bulldog becomes one of the most expensive dog breeds out there. Do English Bulldogs fight with other dogs? This makes them relatively hefty considering their short stature. It will only give the wrong impression. Another thing to consider is their gender. Find Bulldog items you need to care and love for your Bulldogwhatever bread she or he might be. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your name and email to get exclusive offers and updates from Canna-Pet! can be especially protective of their food, too, which can pose problems at Unfortunately, many owners will only enable this behavior, because it can be pretty darn cute, but this should be avoided as much as you can help it. Your Bulldog will be happy to play and wrestle around with you and your children (unless its nap time) and will prove to be very gentle and patient with children who dont yet understand the dogs boundaries. English Bulldogs have easy going personalities, but their dramatically exaggerated physical features have left them vulnerable to a lot of health problems. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.uk, The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. The English Bulldog is a very bold dog that is not afraid to stand his ground, and he can be very protective of his owners and possibly, territorial over his property. Our nutritional products are available for purchase worldwide. So, are English Bulldogs good pets? Here are the Costs of Maintaining an English Bulldog. Puppies will have a bit more energy and can get a little rambunctious, but adults are extremely mellow, and love naps, food, and belly rubs more than anything. Related: Do English bulldogs get along with kids? But if youre looking for an incredibly smart, easy-to-train dog that will do all kinds of tricks, this isnt the breed for you. This means your English Bulldog will most likely have a difficult time learning and executing commands, because unlike other breeds of dogs who were bred to work and need jobs to be happy, English Bulldogs have no such desire, and wont really care to act on command just to please their owner. You should feed a Bulldog the highest quality food you can afford. Also, getting a You dont have to adopt the oldest English Further, they would even pick a fight with other dogs they see loitering in what they consider an area of their own. But years of careful breeding has tempered down their aggressive tendencies, and in spite of being strong willed, they are very eager to please, and will be devoted companions. The friendship mentality will slowly begin to kick in and the dogs will begin longing for the walks or each others company. Make sure to always supervise your children around your English Bulldog just to be sure. As you might guess, when your Bulldog is done walking, he will just stop and let you know. You must also consider whether a dogis neutered. English Bulldogs can be good with dogs and other pets, they dont respond It may not guarantee you select So, if youre seriously interested in getting an English Bulldog, we suggest rescuing one from a shelter. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'animalfate_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_7',114,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animalfate_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')};One way to train them to be useful is to teach them basic obedience commands. Its not a hidden fact that two male bulldogs are not your best option. If you want to know more about English Bulldogs, click Their characteristic short height is caused by chondrodysplasia, a skeletal disorder that results in dwarfism. Consider where you live and the pets you This breed is a sociable and sweet dog, and though they have a long history of bravery, todays English Bulldogs are much more lovers than fighters. Yet despite these behavioral traits, you should still attempt to train your dog as much as it will allow. Bulldogs are a breed of dogs that are quite friendly and very sociable animals. These dogs are famous for being excellent family pets. Still, that friendly attitude only happens when they learn to socialize at an early age. can get a female English Bulldog. If you have other dogs that are a little dominant than your bulldog, start with them. Therefore, socializing will be a breeze. We will talk more in-depth about these health problems later in the article. This will be the initial stage of introduction as the dogs come face to face with one another. already have before you add a new one to the group. This will not be possible if the parent does not put in the work. Home - Bulldogs - Are English Bulldogs Good With Other Dogs? Review all the dog training basics you will be referencing to ensure you have the right instructions. As such, this breed commonly suffers from brachycephalic airway syndrome, which causes breathing problems. This is a time to be vigilant since the dog being sniffed will automatically react, move the rear dog to the front of the walk so that it too can be sniffed and avoid a long-standing situation as this may lead the dogs into a confrontation. Not only is their continued breeding inhumane, but many vets recommend preventative care plans for this breed that may require more visits than normal. This breed should not be exercised hard or in hot weather. Later, once the pets have a face-to-face meeting, remove all the toys that your resident dog might consider his. Over the years, English Bulldogs have gone from being gladiators to the couch potatoes people know and love today. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is advisable that you dont let the dogs in close proximity to each other as the emotions are still high but instead walk them in single file with one in front and the other following behind. Dade Group LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking toAmazon.com. Most English Bulldogs cannot exercise much as they are prone to breathing problems, so its important that food is regulated in order to reduce the likelihood of obesity. Some dogs diets need more regulation than others. Eventually, the aggression will lessen after some time. Bulldog, but you dont have to go for a puppy either. Many love to roll on their backs and have their bellies rubbed, and they will generally take as much affection as you are willing to give. Get a coupon for 30% off a future order when you join our newsletter! Bulldogs are friendly and kind to other animals. Furthermore, its common for Bulldogs to have allergies, so youll need to speak with your vet if your dog displays signs of food allergies in order to eliminate offensive ingredients from the diet. One of the most important things to consider when asking are English Bulldogs good pets is temperament. In general, bulldogs are dog breeds known for getting along well, not only with children. Unfortunately, English Bulldogs are often plagued with a plethora of health issues due to irresponsible breeding practices, mainlycaused by selectively breeding for appearance rather than health. By doing so, youll teach it to get used to socializing. To help answer the question are English Bulldogs good pets, lets look at some basic information about this breed. Bichon Frise Lifespan How Long Does This Small Breed Live? English Bulldogs are inherently stubborn and have been known to be downright willful. Before we get to tips on how to properly socialize your English Bulldog, we need to think about how we get them to the socialization location properly and safely with comfort and avoid a traumatic car experience. You can decide to walk the dogs side by side in closeness or put the dogs on either side of the walker. You may not have to train an adult dog as much, at least when it However, if you have a female, adding another female or a male should work fine as well. In pairs, however, that would depend on their differences. If your bulldog is shy, you can easily turn him into a social being with ease using the tips we have listed in this article. In this post, lets take a look at the English Bulldogs temperament and personality to give you a better idea of what breed characteristics may play into your dogs behavior. The English Bulldog actually has a background as a fighting dog, which gives the breed strong shoulders and scowling faces. Do English Bulldog Puppies Lose Their Teeth? Without the right leadership, your bulldog may turn out to be a skittish or timid dog, especially when you introduce him to an unfamiliar environment. Bulldogs are one of the friendliest dog breeds you can have. early exposure to other animals will probably be a better fit for a family with When trying to socialize different dogs it is important to know the history of a dog. Thankfully, dog fighting has been deemed illegal for a number of years, and the English Bulldog is now a more docile pet, which has helped give them an enduring appeal. Most shy pets have never been exposed to other dogs or people since their puppyhood. Those that have been trained early on, despite their resistance, and have also been introduced to other animals at an early age, will be more likely to have a nice dog they can bring anywhere. Of course, you may also have to train your English Bulldogs are gorgeous, and they can make good pets. Though English Bulldogs do well with people, sometimes they arent so good with other dogs. That doesnt mean cat owners cant get an English Bulldog, So if youre looking for a cuddle buddy, the English Bulldog is a great pick for you. Bulldogs are sociable and friendly pets. If you truly love the English Bulldog, you probably shouldnt purchase one from a breeder. English Bulldogs are medium-sized dogs, if only because of their height only 14 to 15 inches tall but can weigh up to 50 pounds. luck. Lets get into it!if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'animalfate_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_0',108,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-animalfate_com-medrectangle-3-0')}; English bulldogs are one of the placid dog breeds. Are English Bulldogs good pets? Praise your bulldog only when he displays a calm demeanor. If you are planning to introduce your new bulldog to your other pets, start with one pet then move on to the other pets for short lengths of time under proper supervision. A less problematic breed to consider may be the Alapaha Blue Blood Bulldog. If you have other pets, you should consider they might be more aggressive to them. While this breed does require some activity to help them avoid becoming obese, English Bulldogs make great apartment dogs because they are also happy to lounge around. With proper training and introduction, they can be the friendliest dogs you can meet. This breed was prized in the arena for his strong bite, aggression, tenacity, and ability to withstand attack and escape mostly unscathed due to his loose, wrinkly skin. And despite this breeds grumpy face, the English Bulldog is actually a very friendly, curious, and happy dog. Hi I'm Sarah, dog lover and blogger. When you first bring your dog If your Bulldog behaves well when it is meeting other dogs: Bulldogs can be loving, loyal, and social animals. He can be fiercely protective of his family, and will spring into action if there is an intruder. This might be the question lingering in your head right now well you need to relax and go through the following tips on how to successfully introduce your bulldog and make it socialize with other dogs. Perhaps youre someone who plans to get another dog to live with your English bulldog. These dogs have an easy-going nature and friendliness. How do you go about it? The DBL DKR logo and marks are copyrighted and may not be used without permission. You can still do something about it. My bulldogs have come from breeders and from rescue organizations. The better your breeder, the document.getElementById( "ak_js_3" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. You can also do your It would be best to train your pet to be good with other dogs to avoid unwanted incidents. You can also decide the two dog owners to give your dogs bathing and grooming sessions together and with this act, the dogs will tend to be inseparable. When asking are English Bulldogs good pets, one of the most important things you should consider is their health. Best breeds you can pair with your English Bulldog, Can Dogs Eat Pistachios? you get, considering certain factors can help. Today, the English bulldog makes a fine family pet. Chondrodysplasia can lead to the following disorders: Bulldogs are sometimes born with a corkscrew tail. If youre wondering what breeds you can choose from to play with your bulldog, you can go for: If you have trained your dog to socialize, it wont have any problems dealing with other breeds. Your child needs to learn to be gentle with your dog just as much as the other way around. If your bulldog does not have much exposure to other dogs, he might not want to be with them. Thats why early socialization is so important with both people and other dogs. The meeting may be difficult if these conditions are not met. You dont want to unintentionally encourage your dog to be stubborn, no matter how funny your Bulldog can be. Bulldogs aretypically low-endurance dogs, English Bulldogs have a sweet disposition, are predictable, dependable and excellent with children and need only moderate exercise. They are one of the calm breeds. If your dog is used to being alone, it may become territorial after meeting another. English Bulldogs tends to be a slow learner, but once he learns something, it will stick. higher your chances are of getting a dog thats a good fit for you and your about their past litters. Despite that peaceful behavior, English bulldogs can still be aggressive. Also, learn when their heads start to get bigger! While these dogs can be very kind and peaceful, they dont all have the same temperament. Perhaps Ive just been lucky, but luck was on my side. Learn more. One study published in 2016 examined the genetic diversity of 102 English Bulldogs and the many health issues they face. average, and that wont go over well in some homes. He may also display aggression, which is a common sign of lack of exposure to other pets. With time the dogs will be eliminating their waste in the presence of the other and this is a sure sign that the dogs are getting used to each other. Please feel free to contact me at [emailprotected], Copyright 2017-2021 BulldogBackyard.com | All Rights Reserved, Introducing and Socializing your English Bulldog to Other Dogs, Routine For Your English Bulldog To Keep Them Healthy, Barking Problem With An English Bulldog And How To Correct It, These are the Foods Your English Bulldog Should Avoid, Healthy Activities for Your Bulldog While Understanding Their Stamina. An adult Unfortunately, English Bulldogs have serious health problems. However, you need to understand your pets well enough so youll know how to make introductions properly. This is especially true of male Bulldogs, and even more so if he hasnt been properly socialized. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Canna-Pet produces the only legal, veterinarian-recommended, non-prescription CBD products for animals. As I said earlier, bulldogs may get along with other species. When it comes to choosing a dog, you may know On the other hand, if Usually, a well-socialized bulldog gets along well with other dogs. Do English Bulldogs get along with other dogs, Today, the English Bulldog actually has a background as a fighting dog, which gives the breed shoulders. To consider may be the friendliest dog breeds out there use a instead! The puppy will as well and introduction, they are still puppies peaceful,! 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