So next heat cycle the Breeder/Vet will be doing their thing to ensure the safety and welfare of both my animals.who love each other very much. The Akita Bernard does best with an experienced owner in a spacious house who has experience working with breeds of similar size and strength. or product manual for professional advice. They are a highly intelligent and active breed that can weigh between 45 and 120 pounds! They have a very thick coat which requires frequent grooming and their stubborn nature can make them defiant if not trained from a young age. I am the proud owner of ZHAN-SHI an all-black chow chow and AIKO an all-white Royal Akita. Mine is still getting socialized, doesn't bite other dogs, but plays too rough, as he is a dominant type of dog! The Akita Pit is a dominant breed and without a strong leader to establish a respected hierarchy, the Akita Pit can become difficult to manage. Kai is a: German Shepherd/Akita/Husky/Malamute/Bull Dog/Staffordshire Terrier/Rat Terrier mix. We can expect a large dog as a result of this mix, they generally weigh anywhere from 88 to 145 pounds! Anyone know how these crosses look? The Akita Mastiff can weigh up to 160 pounds! The lovable and outgoing Golden Retriever brings so much warmth to any breed mix. This particular parent breed pup is extremely loyal and very protective of its family. Thus, it is important to remember that strong will and loyalty continue to characterize both noble breeds today, because the genes for these traits have been maintained and valued, generation after generation. Akitas are the best ever. i have a male Huskita a female 4 way cross her mum was rotti/gsd and her dad was malamute / akita and i also have two of their pups, now 14 months old, i cant forget to mention my jack russell / chiuhuaha crosses aswell. We've done it twice now with great results. They enjoy spending time around those they love and do not like being left alone for long periods of time. The only other animal she even cares to know is ZHAN-SHI. Generally youll want to be selective of the Akita parent, to ensure that proper lines have been used for the mix so that they are not overly protective pups. They will also require frequent grooming and combing to ensure their lovely coat does not become matted. Be prepared for a giant breed, just in case. With consistency, this breed is moderately easy to train. During Japans medieval era, these regional hunting dogs remained largely unchanged in character, but soon after, during the Tokugawa Shogun era, their job changed. This is an obedient breed, which makes them easy to train. You should certainly never keep an Aussiekita in an apartment or tiny home setting. This striking breed can sport the signature black spot markings of a Dalmatian, making them quite the head-turner. This breed is certain to be fiercely loyal to their owners and should be socialized as early as possible to ensure they do not become aggressive towards strangers. The Akita is not the dog breed for everyone. Thank you for your comment, and thanks for reading! They should also not be allowed to wander off-leash or you may end up chasing them down for hours. Although they are not considered an aggressive breed, Huskitas can function as excellent watchdogs. Always happy to add to our mix articles when we hear about a fun new mix! Best Anti Shed Dog Shampoos For Heavy Shedders, Mastiff Mixes: 20 Different Gentle Giant Crossbreeds Youll Love, German Shepherd Chow Mix: German Chow Breed Information. According to Japanese sources, a total of only 18 purebred Akita remained. The result is a beautifully striking canine that looks much like a fox-wolf hybrid. Like many other Akita mixes, the Akitabern is a heavy shedder and will do so for the entire year! The Akita Matagiinu were prized because they were fearless in their tracking and holding of bear and wild boar, and they were extremely loyal to their owners. They will also shed a lot! She's being spayed so we are waiting to bring her home. This mix between an Akita and a Bernese Mountain dog, known as an Akitabern, is a wonderfully sweet-tempered and friendly giant dog breed. The unique Aussiekita is not a mix suited for everyone. For approximately 300 years, the Akita hunting dogs and the Akita fighting dogs co-existed with the fighting dogs being mixed with an assortment of western breeds for an even larger size during the Meiji era (1868-1912) and Taisho era (1912-1926). Many people are familiar with the Akitas cousins Huskies, Malamutes, Chow-Chows, Norwegian Elkhounds and others but few know much about the breed that is Japans natural monument. Quite the range! While the Labrakita makes a wonderful family dog, they are not recommended for families with very young children due to their size and energy level. The Dalmakita can sometimes suffer from congenital deafness, which is a condition inherited by their Dalmatian parent. The Dalmakita is a combination of an Akita and a Dalmatian. ( I often say she either wants to know if you smell like a serpent or a sheep!!) While this breed has been characterized as having a somewhat serious disposition, the intense bond they form with their owners is likely to produce a very affectionate and devoted companion. Terms | Privacy & cookies, Hey everyone my wife and i have a chance to get an American-Japanese cross puppy..the puppies havent been born is Japanese and mom is American. On the other hand, Samoyeds can be considered quite a dependant and even needy pup. In fact, while on a tour of Japan in 1937, Helen Keller expressed her affection for Hachikos story and was given an Akita as a gift from the Japanese government. With this tale of loyalty, coupled with their beautiful coat and adorable expression, the Akitas undeniable popularity has continued to grow. Because of this, the Akipoo will not do well in an environment where they are left unattended for long periods of time. Their mix tends to have an improved disposition in comparison to a purebred Akita. Just out of curiosity, as I do not know anything about the breed, what would be the reason someone would want to cross American and Japanese Akitas? Helen Keller in 1947 with her second Akita, Kenzan-Go, a gift from the Japanese government. This mix between a Siberian Husky and an Akita generally weighs between 50 to 75 pounds. This feature makes them difficult to train and consistent, firm leadership is a must for this stubborn breed. However, if this mix happens to favor their Akita side, they can exhibit a more independent and dominant personality. for professional safety or care advice. That's an interesting mix! This compact and powerful dog tends to resemble a larger Shiba Inu, which is widely known for their fox-like features. I think I have an Akita Weimaraner mix. Both parent breeds like to work and therefore an Akita Collie will no doubt be an active dog with demanding exercise requirements. This medium-to-large pup generally weighs in between 30 to 70 pounds with a coat that tends to resemble that of a Pit Bull. They are endless! However, the combination is likely to give you the best of both worlds, making them an ideal family pet! A mix between, you guessed it, an Akita and a Saint Bernard. They have become extremely popular as a designer dog over the last several years, and as a result, there are many different popular Akita mixes. Both of the Labrakitas parent breeds come from a working background and combine to produce a very agile and lively breed. In todays article, we are going to look at 20 different designer breeds that have been produced from mixing an Akita with another breed. Hi Barbara! The one thing I have to say about Akitas I never read anywhere is how they can be trained and even registered service (medical) animals and still let their instincts make them indiscriminate and what I mean by that is if they feel and they judge a situation to be not up to their instinctual preference for their owner or themselves they will override their training to act on impulse. These swe, Adorable Lisa is looking for her forever home. However, dont be disheartened by their independence. Due to their size and strength, we do not recommend this mix to novice owners. Mixing them with an Akita can help produce a more well-adjusted, bold pup. Very smart!! Foster, volunteer, adopt, donate, or just shop to help our Akitas. This breed requires a confident leader who can provide firm and consistent training. Both registered and impeccable examples of their breeds. Their parent breeds have very different personalities, which make the Golden Akita a surprising mix to some. I have what I believe is an Akita-border collie mix who looks almost exactly like the photo. Known for being quite independent, they can sometimes display distant or detached personalities, making them an ideal choice for someone who isnt looking for an overly affectionate canine. Proper exercise is very important for the active Labrakita and they are happier in a home with a fenced back yard. We called him Buddy. ! They are a large-to-giant breed which can weigh between 50 to 100 pounds. If you are looking to adopt or purchase a Dalmakita, you should be diligent about checking medical records to ensure the health of your pup. Because any potential Akita Newfoundland owner could receive a huge dog with a difficult and commanding personality, we do not recommend this breed to inexperienced owners. Left under-stimulated and with pent up energy, this breed is likely to act out in destructive ways. 36F21FEA-B094-410D-8A8A-C048C1EE68BC.jpeg, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. Just let us know where to credit the photo. This means their mix will have a strong drive to work and perform tasks. During World War II, the Akita fell upon hard times as many civilians became unable to care for their pets, and the Japanese government confiscated dogs not engaged in military operations. (Source: Archives of New Zealand). I Adopted a 4 year old Akita while I was searching my first house purchase, ended up seeing him in the backyard of a farmhouse staying in a Kennel 10x 10ft, which did not allow him to do much at all, very limited, they were going to put him down after selling the house, and I was like you want to leave him with me if I get the house, and the owner was like, sure, take it. The Aussiekita does best in an environment where they can stretch their legs, explore their surroundings and burn off excess energy. Is your dog a Husky mix? In 1931, the Akitainu was designated a natural monument. Or better yet, adopt a deaf Dalmakita from a shelter! If mixed properly, the Akita is great option to pair as a designer dog. The Akita Bernard is known for their courage, intelligence, and unwavering devotion. Yes, I'm sure he's going to be very intelligent, and also very active! However, both the Akita and Boxer can be stubborn and therefore we do not recommend their mix as a choice for novice dog owners who have no experience working with strong-willed breeds. ), any potential adopter should consider their size and extreme shedding tendencies when deciding if this pup will be a good fit. The original traits of loyalty and fearlessness were again invaluable, because to do these jobs, the dogs had to think for themselves. These pups do best when surrounded by their pack and do not like to be left alone for long periods of time. This impressive canine is quite large, averaging between 70 to 90 pounds and usually resembling a short-haired Akita. Wait for the sales - you can usually get that pack at around $129 if you wait for them to come down in price. Despite their large stature (this pup usually weighs between 70 to 130 pounds) they do very well with children due to their patience and gentle nature. These qualities make them a highly capable guard dog who bonds very closely with their owners. The fur may lean towards the Samoyeds fluffy white fur or may blend with the colors of the Akita (which includes dark, tan and even a brindle shade) when mixed. Meet the protective and devoted Akita Pit! We most recently did one with our newest mix, and we've started her on joint supplements early as a result. They do well when given a job to do and at the very minimum should be exercised frequently and for long periods of time. The Bullkita is eager to please their owner, making them easier to train than some other options on this list. I'll get it to one of our editors to include in our next article update. Sounds like a great dog, Bonnie! While his temperament is going to be a bit of a wildcard due to the parents, as with all dogs, I'd recommend you make sure he is getting enough exercise. My boy is an Akita x longhair collie hes awesome loyal loving very good on and off the lead good guard dog gets a lot of compliments asking what breed he is he a very good example of what he is. The result is a wonderfully pleasant pup who still exhibits the fierce loyalty that the Akita is known and loved for. Both the German Shepherd and the Akita are known as faithful breeds. The adorable Corgita is a mix between an Akita and a Corgi. Thanks for stopping by to comment! Both have the same parents but are about 1.5yrs apart. Its important that any potential Akita Chow owner prepares for a giant breed and has room to accommodate a pup of that size. This pup is certain to have a thick double coat and lots of fur! This pup is one of the more affectionate breeds on this list. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what they know about crossing the two! A Wakita! Last on our list on incredible Akita mixes is another giant breed: the Akita Bernard. While rural villagers in the Thoku area still hunted with their Matagiinu, the nobility and upper classes began breeding their dogs larger to be more imposing as guardians of their people and property. The breeds have become increasingly popular, though often misunderstood. Designer dogs are the offspring of two different purebred parents. Was a interesting article and interesting to read of the other Akita mixes and characteristics. The Border Collie is also known for their intelligence, meaning an Akita Collie is likely to be similarly bright. We just adopted a mixed little girl- some Akita and lots of other things, the shelter believes. If you want any insights into his health, I'd recommend doing the full DNA panel and health check from Embark. Both the Akita and the Shiba Inu come from the Spitz family of dogs, meaning there are many similarities in the parent breeds of this mix. Although the Huskita may not constantly show it, this breed is intensely devoted to their family. The first three listed are the three most dominant of his DNA. He lived to be 13.5 years old. Are there any benefits to such a cross? With consistent, firm and kind training, an Akita Pit will flourish into an easygoing family dog. The story became famous worldwide. Proper and slow introductions should be made when introducing a new Akita Newfoundland to a household occupied by other animals. It's absolutely 100% unpredictable and sometimes for reasons I can't detect. While both the Akita and Pit Bull has a reputation towards aggressiveness, a properly trained and socialized Akita Pit will be friendly toward other animals and people, especially children. Discussion in 'Akita' started by Denzel, Dec 7, 2017. You really get the best of both worlds with this mix! Youre certain to have many stopping you to ask What kind of dog is that? We will look at our favorites in additional detail below. Sign up for free! Buddy is a good watch dog with a deep threatening bark. A well-adjusted Huskita will be energetic and playful. They are sensitive to disruptions in their schedule and can at times act out aggressively due to the anxiety these changes induce. So protective, but so harmless with people, and animals if you socialize them since puppies. The Akita is a member of the Spitz group, which includes many northern snow breeds. For these reasons, a Sharpita should only be considered by those who have experience with dominant breeds and can provide the structure and discipline this breed requires to thrive. I love Akitas, and their mixes! However, they should be socialized properly so they can distinguish between friendly visitors and possible intruders. The GSD is an American favorite. The gorgeous Samkita is a mix between an Akita and a Samoyed. While a majority of Akita Newfoundland pups do extremely well with other animals in the house, a select few can exhibit aggressive behavior, especially towards dogs of the same sex. This well-built mix usually weighs over 100 pounds. Please feel free to send us a picture to the email address listed on our contact page. He was a smashing compact dog and a great mover, but was just that bit to small so I stopped showing him after 12 mths. The Chow Chow from China and the Akita from Japan were both bred to serve their owners as fiercely loyal protectors. He is a rescue so it was hard work at first but he is an amazing dog! While the Akipoo cannot be considered an allergy-free breed choice, they will most likely shed less than other Akita mix counterparts on this list. This breed will most likely favor an Akita in appearances, standing larger than your average Golden Retriever. She was found, These 2 lovebugs Darby and Manny are still looking, Need an adopter or foster! In 1932, a newspaper published a story about Hachiko and his loyalty to his owner Professor Ueno. Its a common boxer mix, and like most dogs on this list, the Boxita has the potential to weigh up to 130 pounds. We have quite the mix on our hands! The information provided through this website should not be used to Distrust and even hostility towards unfamiliar people is a trait shared by both parent breeds, which means taking steps to suppress this behavior is especially important with this mix.
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american akita and japanese akita mix