You can find them under the Registration tab, in our Quick Links, or through They are never lacking, recessed, or appearing short in comparison to upper jaws.Nose: The nose is well-pigmented and black, or self-colored according to the coat. There is a pom- pon on the end of the tail. Any Poodle which is 15 inches or less in height shall be disqualified from competition as a Standard Poodle. Note: the tan-point pattern expressed in light and dark shades of the same colour is to be discouraged. In profile, the croup is nearly flat. General Appearance, Carriage and Condition. Action is light and springy with head and tail carried up. 100 E Kilgore Rd, The stifles are well bent and the hocks are well let down. The chest deep, oval and moderately wide with a prominent breast bone. In fact, the Poodles amiable temperament and trainability make it a great family companion and working dog. A properly proportioned Multi-Colored Standard Poodle is square, with the length of body (measured from prosternum to point of buttocks) equal to height (measured from the withers to the ground). The pasterns are strong. The head can be of a solid color but white muzzle, blaze, or white muzzle/blaze combination (preferably symmetrical) is equally acceptable. The Miniature and Toy varieties developed in the next two hundred years or so. A phantom without clearly defined face markings or one that presents with its whole face colored in the second color is acceptable, as long as it maintains all the other specified body markings. Cheekbones and muscles flat. By the mid 50s, the Poodle was the most popular breed in the United States, a position held for over 20 years. Bone in proportion to the size of the dog. The breed continued to grow as a symbol of status during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Natural tails are of a moderately long length, with the tip of the last vertebrae extending to the hock joints when held down. Within the size limitations there is no preferred size. There is a pompon on the end of the tail. Size: a Poodle over or under the height limits who has been excused at three shows for this reason. The first Poodles in England were known as Rough Water Dogs and they served primarily as hunting companions. The entire shaven foot and a portion of the shaven foreleg above the bracelets are visible. is level, neither sloping nor roached, from the highest point of the shoulder blade to the base of the tail, with the exception of a slight hollow just behind the shoulder. From the rear, the back pads should be visible when the rear legs are extended. "Topknot" refers only to hair on the skull, from stop to occiput. Serious Faults: Nose pigment incomplete or of wrong color for color of coat. The rest of the body is left in full coat but may be shaped for balance. Skin snug at throat. Coat colors in Multi-Colored Poodles include the following: Apricot, black, blue, cream, gray, silver, white, red, silver beige and all shades of brown, including caf-au-lait. Feet do not turn in or out. Width at forequarters is approximately equal to the width at the hindquarters.Feet: Oval to round, compact, with well-arched toes and tough pads.Tail: Set high on the croup, thick at the base, and tapering toward the tip. Muzzle long straight and fine, but strong, without lippiness. Merle coloring. From the side, the topline should remain firm and level. Lips are tight with black or liver pigment appropriate to coat color. Strong and smoothly muscled. The body coat shall be no longer than 1 inch in length. is over 15 inches at the highest point of the shoulders. In all three clips, the hair of the topknot may be left free, or shaped, or held in place by elastic bands used only on the skull. The Multi-Colored Standard Poodle has harsh, dense, curly coat. We're happy to announce that we now have Spanish resources available! Today the Poodle is divided into two breeds: the Standard Poodle, which serves primarily as a gun dog and companion animal, and the Poodle, composed of the Miniature and Toy varieties, and which serves primarily as companion breed. We also use this information to target and measure promotional material. There should be sufficient bone in the surrounding orbital sockets to protect the eyes.Ears: Medium in size and set relatively low on the skull, with the top edge aligning with the corner of the eyes, or falling slightly below eye level. Dogs with apricot coat color may have this combination of eye, pigment and nail color as well but it is not desirable. Nosotros estamos muy entusiasmados de anunciar que ahora tenemos Recursos en Espaol disponibles en nuestra pgina web! Properly clipped in the traditional fashion and carefully groomed, the Poodle has about him an air of distinction and dignity peculiar to himself. The hair is only of sufficient length to present a smooth outline. Ears are drop with long, wide, densely-feathered ear leather. The Multi-Colored Standard Poodle has a complete set of evenly spaced, white teeth meeting in a scissors bite. Usted los puede encontrar en la Pestaa de Registro (Registration Tab) , en Vnculos Rpidos (Quick Links), o en The Poodle is a people- oriented breed that refuses to be ignored. Dogs similar in type to todays Poodle were carved in Roman tombs as far back as 30 A.D. and can be seen in European paintings as early as the 15th century. The angulation of the hindquarters is in balance with the angulation of the forequarters. This is frequently present in the somewhat darker feathering of the ears and in the tipping of the ruff. A longer coat may appear blended, but the shaven areas, such as face, feet and base of tail should have distinct stripes. Teeth (42) white and strong. The neck blends smoothly into well-laid-back shoulders. Striping may fade with age due to progressive graying. They are extremely affectionate with children. The ribs extend well back and are well sprung out from the spine, then curving down and inward to form a deep body. The Poodle is known for his intelligence, his lively, mischievous sense of humour, and his willingness to please. Particoloured is at least two definite colours appearing in clearly defined markings at the skin. Eyes are oval in shape and set sufficiently wide apart to give an alert, intelligent expression. Disqualification: Any color or color pattern other than described above. Quality is never to be sacrificed in favor of the type of clip in which a dog is presented. Please Note: For Conformation exhibition purposes only, the solid-colored dogs and multi-colored dogs are shown separately. The Poodle was divided into two breeds, Standard Poodle and Poodle, on January 1, 2000. In profile, the muzzle is straight and roughly equal in length to the length of the skull, measured from stop to occiput. Viewed from the front, the forelegs are parallel. Tail straight, set on high and carried up, docked of sufficient length to insure a balanced outline. Brown and cafe-au-lait Poodles may have brown- coloured noses, eye rims and lips, dark toenails and dark amber eyes. Eyes oval shaped, very dark, tight eyelids; happy, alert and full of fire and intelligence. Less than fifty percent white, with the remaining percent any other acceptable solid color. The fantastical and extreme pom-poms seen on the Poodle today are strictly superficial. Poor movement should be penalized to the degree that it reduces the Multi-Colored Standard Poodles ability to perform the tasks it was bred to do. Length from occiput to stop about the same as length of muzzle. A pompon shall be left on the end of the tail. Contact | Sitemap | Privacy Policy, Download Multi-Colored Standard Poodle Breed Standard (PDF), Register Your Multi-Colored Standard Poodle. The neck is clean-cut, without excess skin, throatiness, or dewlap.Chest: Deep and broad, but never wider than deep. However, the leg length is 55% of the height of the dog. The shoulder blades are long and well laid back. Eyes are dark brown in dogs with black pigment, and range from dark brown to dark amber for dogs with liver pigment. Nosotros estamos muy contentos de tener estos recursos disponibles para usted! The brisket extends to the elbow. The tail is normally docked, set high, and carried erect. Albinism. When extended forward, the tips should reach to the corner of the lips, or beyond. Males: 45-70 pounds. There is a pompon on the end of the tail. - A dog in any type of clip other than those listed under coat shall be disqualified. is 15 inches or under at the highest point of the shoulders, with a minimum height in excess of 10 inches. Some dogs are trained to let people living with diabetes know when their insulin levels are low. Cords may be longer on the mane, body coat, head and ears; shorter on puffs, bracelets and pompons. From the front, the skull appears slightly rounded and the width is less than the width from stop to occiput. Length from occiput to stop about the same as the length of muzzle. The skull is long and moderately rounded on top. The Miniature Poodle is 15 inches (38.1 cm) or under at the highest point at the shoulder, with a minimum height in excess of 10 inches. As speed increases, the forelimbs and hindlimbs will converge to the center line of gravity. It is imperative that all three varieties be moved in the ring fully and decidedly to show correct gait. The coat may be shaped to give a neat appearance. 2022 United Kennel Club The standards of the two breeds are essentially identical but for size. Nose leather is liver for dogs with brown or caf-au-lait coat color. Legs are shaved leaving bracelets on the rear legs and puffs on the forelegs. The back short and strong and very slightly hollowed immediately behind the withers. Parti-colored dogs shall be disqualified. - A dog over or under the height limits specified shall be disqualified. Pinbone protruding behind and below the set on of tail to give a well-defined buttock. Chest deep and moderately wide with well sprung ribs. Fault: Excessively long ear fringe. The coat is an even solid colour at the skin. Well proportioned, arched, strong and long enough permitting the head to be carried high with dignity. We use cookies to capture information such as IP addresses and tailor the website to our clients' needs. The angulation of the hindquarters balances that of the forequarters. In the apricots, while the foregoing colour is preferred, brown noses, eye rims and lips and dark amber eyes are permitted, but not desirable. Good feet are essential for a working gun dog. The breed is noted for its high intelligence, trainability and sense of humor. In all of the traditional clips described below, the hair on the topskull may be left free or held in place by elastic bands, which may not be used elsewhere in the coat. Ears are set at or slightly below eye level and hang close to the head. The Multi-Colored Standard Poodle should be evaluated as a working gun dog and exaggerations or faults should be penalized in proportion to how much they interfere with the dogs ability to work. The skin on the neck and throat is tight. In order to give a neat appearance and a smooth unbroken line, shaping of the coat is permissible. The head is proportionate to the size of the dog. The Poodle was recognized by United Kennel Club in 1914. Docked tails are cut from half to two-thirds the original length.Movement: The Poodles movement is agile, springy, light, efficient, and effortless. The front feet may turn out slightly and the rear feet should turn neither in nor out. The chin definite enough to preclude snipiness. Strong without lippiness. Toes well arched and close with webbing. That of a very active, gay, intelligent, smart and elegant-looking dog, squarely built, well proportioned carrying himself proudly. In the English Saddle Clip, the face, throat, feet, forelegs, and base of tail are shaved, leaving bracelets on the forelegs, and a pompon on the end of the tail. Portage, Females: 45-70 pounds. The entire shaven foot is visible. There is a pompon on the end of the tail. The legs are shaved leaving brace- lets on the forelegs and rear legs. - very dark, oval in shape and set far enough apart and positioned to create an alert intelligent expression. Natural tails may be straight or curved. Merle coloring. Phone: 269.343.9020 The upper arm appears to be equal in length to that of the shoulder blade and joins it at an apparent right angle. The neck tapers smoothly from the deeper and broader body toward the head. MI The face is well-chiseled with pronounced supraorbital regions and slightly pronounced zygomatic arches. The ear leather is long, wide and thickly feathered. - That of a very active, intelligent and elegant- appearing dog, squarely built, well proportioned, moving soundly and carrying himself proudly. The head is clean-cut without excess skin or wrinkle.Eyes: Moderate in size, oval to almond in shape, obliquely set, and as dark in color as possible. Set on high, carried up, and may be docked. When standing, the rear toes are only slightly behind the point of the rump. Serious Faults: Low tail set, tail curled or carried over the back. Dogs with coats of all other colors must have black pigment, except that dogs with apricot coats may have liver nose pigment but it is not preferred. The skin is pliable, tight, and not mottled. Black, blue, grey, silver, cream, and white Poodles have black noses, eye rims and lips, and black or self-coloured toenails, and very dark eyes. The brisket extends to the point of the elbows.Body: Balanced, agile, and athletic. In the Continental clip, the face, throat, feet, and base of the tail are shaved. Another essential characteristic is proper temperament. Tight scissors or level bite. In all clips the hair of the topknot may be left free or held in place by elastic bands. Cheeks are clean and flat. the foregoing coloring is preferred, liver-colored noses, eye-rims and lips, and amber eyes are permitted but are not desirable. The ears are long, drop, and densely feathered. Females: 15-24 inches. The cords are tight and of even diameter but varying lengths. To ensure the desirable squarely built appearance, the length of the body measured from the breastbone (prosternum) to the pinbone (ischiatic tuberosity) approximates the height from the highest point at the shoulders to the ground. Elbows are close to the body. Any Poodle which is over 15 inches or is 10 inches or less at the highest point of the shoulders shall be disqualified from competition as a Miniature Poodle. Full or partial saddles are acceptable, as long as they do not exceed the color proportion, but are not preferred. When trotting, the gait is effortless, smooth, powerful and well coordinated, showing good reach in front and drive behind. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information. Never curled nor carried over the back. The face, throat, feet, and base of the tail are shaved. If excused at three shows for this reason, the dog then has the same status as a disqualified dog. Because of their great intelligence and the joy they take in human companionship, Poodles excel in performance events of all sorts. Pasterns are strong and slightly sloping. Any color other than described above. All hair hanging in tight even cords of varying lengths. The breeds natural affinity for water, its tendency to pick up objects with its mouth, and its intelligence and trainability was soon recognized by upland and water fowl hunters. The feet are relatively small, oval in shape and compact with well-arched toes and thick, elastic pads. Serious Faults: Lip pigment incomplete or of wrong color for color of coat; weak underjaw. Forelegs straight, parallel when viewed from the front. Tail may be left natural (preferred) or docked. The Multi-Colored Standard Poodle carries himself with an air of dignity and pride. These colors (and combinations of colors) must appear in one of the following patterns: At least fifty percent white, with spots or patches of any other acceptable solid color. Any combination of acceptable colors is allowed. Dense, naturally harsh texture throughout, frizzy or curly. Major fault: color of nose, lips and eye-rims incomplete, or of wrong color for color of dog. The neck is of sufficient length and strength to permit the head to be carried high when standing or moving. Dewclaws on forelegs may be removed. Disqualifications: Viciousness or extreme shyness. In the blues, greys, silvers, browns, cafe-au-laits, apricots, and creams, the coat may show varying shades of the same colour. Mailing notice for paperwork: please allow 2-3 extra weeks, in addition to UKC processing time, due to nationwide postal service delays. A dog that clearly exhibits more than one of the acceptable color patterns, such as; a Parti with full or incomplete phantom markings (facial markings with or without presentation of the diamond under the tail), or a Phantom with additional abstract markings, etc. The Multi-Colored Standard Poodle is a medium-sized, squarely built dog with a distinctive harsh curly coat that may be presented in any of several traditional Poodle clips or corded. Cheekbones and muscles flat. Disqualifications: Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid. When viewing movement from the front, the forelegs should remain parallel, with elbows and paws moving neither in nor out. The coat of a parti-colored dog is not an even solid color at the skin but is of two or more colors. The nostrils are well-opened.Neck: Elegant, sufficiently long to allow for proud head carriage and strongly muscled with good arch. - The coat of a parti-colored dog is not an even solid color at the skin but of two or more colors. Germany was not only the origin of the breed, but also of the two coat types found in the Poodle breed: the woolly coat and the corded coat.As the breeds popularity spread, the German pudel dogs were exported throughout Europe and eventually France, where the breed was refined into the slender, curly-coated breed that we see today. Removal of rear dewclaws is preferred but not mandatory. The hindquarters are shaved with pompons (optional) on the hips. Any Poodle, which is over 15 inches (38.1 cm) or 10 inches (25.4 cm) or under at the highest point at the shoulder, shall be excused from competition as a Miniature Poodle. Serious Faults: Round, protruding, large or very light eyes; eye and eye rim colors wrong for color of coat; eye rim pigment incomplete. The body is never heavy or bulky. For show purposes, there are three varieties of the Poodle breed: 1. Any unprovoked aggressive or fearful behavior toward people is incorrect for this breed. The entire shaven foot and a portion of the shaven foreleg above the bracelets are visible. Dogs whose coats include the brown shades may have dark amber eyes; liver noses, eye rims and lips; and dark nails. Its no wonder why service animal and therapy dog breeding programs cross the Poodle with other breeds, such as the Labradoodle, to produce ideal service and therapy dogs! Head and tail carried high. Blue eyes, or any variation of, including flecks and marbling. Standard; The breed probably dates back to the late Roman period but certainly the variety we know as the Standard Poodle was well established across the whole of Europe by the 16th Century. English Saddle: The face, throat, feet, forelegs and base of tail are shaved, leaving puffs on the forelegs and a pompon on end of the tail. Skin snug at the throat. The hindquarters are covered with a short blanket of hair except for a curved shaved area on each flank. However, the alleged initial reason for the clips was that hunters determined that the wooly coats impeded the dogs swimming ability, so the coats were trimmed to lessen the load, so to speak. They are not actually separate breeds. Sporting: Face, feet, throat and base of tail are shaved. Nails are short and dark or self-colored, depending on coat color. Nails short but not excessively short. The loin is short, broad and muscular with moderate tuck-up. Particoloured Poodles shall be disqualified. We're excited to have this available for you! The goals and purposes of this breed standard include: to furnish guidelines for breeders who wish to maintain the quality of their breed and to improve it; to advance this breed to a state of similarity throughout the world; and to act as a guide for judges. Properly clipped in the traditional fashion and carefully groomed, the Poodle has about him an air of distinction and dignity peculiar to himself. The docking of tails and cropping of ears in America is legal and remains a personal choice. Upper and lower jaws have good bone substance, appearing strong and well-developed, never appearing snipy or weak. Poodles were first brought to the United States at the end of the 19th century, but the breed did not become popular until after World War II. Serious Faults: Overshot, undershot, wry mouth. The Multi-Colored Standard Poodles most readily identifiable characteristic is its harsh, dense coat, which is presented in various traditional trims or, less frequently, corded. A straight, smooth, forward trot, light and effortless, verging on the single track, showing balanced reach and drive; pasterns, hocks and feet showing a light springing action. - hanging close to the head, set at or slightly below eye level. Pelvis (set at 30 degrees from the horizontal) and femur are about equal in length; hock to heel short and perpendicular to the ground. Coat on the top of the head is scissored into a cap. The leathers are long and wide. When viewed from the side, the skull and muzzle are roughly parallel to one another and joined by a slight but definite stop. - To insure the desirable squarely built appearance, the length of body measured from the breastbone to the point of the rump approximates the height from the highest point of the shoulders to the ground. Carried in accordance with the dogs mood and energy level, often anywhere from straight up to slightly above the level of the topline, but never tucked. Rather small and oval in shape. The chin definite enough to preclude snipiness. They can detect changes in an individuals blood sugar with their incredible sense of smell. Disqualifications: Blue eyes, or any variation of, including flecks and marbling. The shoulder blade (scapula) is well laid back and is about the same length as the forearm (humerus). Celebrating the dog/human bond through family-friendly events and programs for dogs that do more. Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (ET) Darker eye colors are preferred, but lighter, amber-colored eyes are permissible in liver and liver varieties. Unilateral or bilateral cryptorchid. In France they became known as the Caniche, (with cane being the French word for female duck), or duck dog. Please allow 2-3 extra weeks for paperwork, in addition to UKC processing time, due to nationwide postal service delays. The length of the front leg (measured from point of elbow to the ground) is just slightly longer than half the dogs height. The rest of the body may be shaped to ensure overall balance. Poodles are recognized as the second most intelligent dog breed, next to Border Collies. The head is well-chiseled, never coarse or excessively fine. The ribs well sprung. Sable A coat represented by black-tipped hairs on a background of any solid color, with no particular pattern/location designated for such hairs. In all regular classes, Poodles 12 months or over must be shown in the English Saddle or Continental Clip. In fact, the German word pudel means to splash in the water, thus resulting in the Anglicized Poodle breed name. is 10 inches or under at the highest point of the shoulders. Hindquarters are muscular and with broad second thighs. - moderately rounded, with a slight but definite stop. A Poodle under 12 months may be shown in the Puppy Clip. However, some areas were left for insulation, particularly the areas of the thorax and leg joints.Breed CharacteristicsHead: Somewhat dolichocephalic skull-type that is long, narrow, moderate in size, and in proportion to the rest of the body. Working dogs are not to be penalized under any conditions for scars or blemishes that are due to hunting injuries. Poodles are highly social and require human companionship and regular, close interaction with family members. Leg hair may be slightly longer. Viewed from the front, the chest is well filled and moderately wide. However, as an international registry, the United Kennel Club is aware that the practices of cropping and docking have been forbidden in some countries. The pasterns are strong. We are currently processing incoming regular mail received through July 18. Viewed from the side, the plane of the top of the skull should extend parallel to the plane of the top of the muzzle. Any departure from the following should be considered a fault, and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dogs ability to perform its traditional work as a gundog. Same length as the Caniche, ( with cane being the French word for female duck ) Register! 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