101 Dalmatians characters Category page. Siren. [breeds] what's wrong with dalmatians?Dog fighting breeds. what breeds were used for dog fighting?How many real puppies were used in 101 dalmatians?What breeds were boston terriers bred from? 303+ Best Male Dog Names Ideas For Great Danes 3. Da Vinci is an artistic Dalmatian. Australian Shepherd; Beagle; Belgian Malinois; Boston Terrier; Read More: 101 dalmatians puppy names with pictures. Male Dalmatian Names. The Dalmatians appearance is unique and there are many names suitable for this breed in reflection of a Dalmatian's appearance with their spotted coat, as well as their nature. Best 101 Dalmatians Dog Names | Which One Is Your Favorite? Daisy. Trending pages. Sansa Game of Thrones. Delta a toy poodle in Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Let us guide you, and your new female dog will have the perfect Disney name in no time. Fidget The clumsy, cloddish, and mellow male 101 Dalmatians puppy. Sleepy The sleepy, tired, and introverted pup from 101 Dalmatians. Despite the moniker, no version of the Dalmatian puppies has the She likes to paint and speak her mind. What are the names of the 15 puppies in 101 dalmatians? Latest stories. Read more. When Pongo sets eyes on a female Dalmatian, named Perdy, he chases her across the park. 93+ Badass Name For Pitbulls 9. dogs names in 101 dalmatians. Read more. Lucy. This leads to Roger meeting Perdys owner, Anita Campbell-Green. Female Dalmatian Dog Names Naming your dog can be a lot of fun, but it can also be difficult to come up with the perfect name. Nori. 50+ Best Sister Dog Name Ideas 7. In the 1990's, there was lots of hype surrounding the breed following the release of 101 Dalmatians the movie, that cast Glenn Close as the despicable Cruella De Vil. Other notable 101 Dalmatians dog names Blackie Blob Blot Bravo Bulgey Cadpig Corky Dipper Dipstick Dot Fidget Flapper Jewel Jolly Latch Lenny Nosey Pokey Puddles Purdy Salter Sleepy Smokey Spanky Spark Speedy Sport Spotty Swifty Thunder Tiger Two-Tone Wags Whitie Wizzer Yoyo. View source History Talk (1) Characters who appeared in the 101 Dalmatians franchise. List of Top Literary Dog Names for Male and Female Puppies. They were later joined by Perdita, a mother Dalmatian whose puppies had been sold (to Cruella de Vil, although this was not known at the time). Dog Names From 101 Dalmatians Characters There's no better name for a Dalmatian puppy than one inspired by the iconic Disney movie and its spinoffs. Chloe the main Chihuahua in Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Gretel Hansel & Gretel. Abby. Aside from paintings, she also does street art and graffiti. 195+ Best Korean Dog Name Ideas 6. Pages in this category include information about 101 Dalmatians' female characters. 123+ Best Soccer Inspired Dog Name Ideas 5. What kind of dogs were used in 101 dalmatians? Two hundred thirty Dalmatian puppies and twenty adult Dalmatians were used in the filming of this motion picture. There were also several other breeds of dogs as well as cows, horses, goats, pigs, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, and woodpeckers used in the production. Thunderbolt; Lars; Domino; 101 Dalmatians Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Olivia. Only four of Pongo and Missis' fifteen puppies are named: Patch - A male pup born with a black patch on his eye (whilst Dalmatians are supposed to be born pure white). Recently Changed Pages. 101+ Marvelous Spotted Female Dog The 101 Dalmatians dad was called Pongo, but if that name doesnt appeal, weve plenty more ideas. Read more. Feb. Mar. Bella. 85+ Best English Mastiff Dog Name Ideas 4. Molly is the most popular name, having received more likes than any other in this list of Dalmatian Names for girl dogs. Other notable 101 Dalmatians dog names Blackie Read more. best flour for bagels. 101 Dalmatians Wiki. Each of them revealed a different set of puppy names. Buster Dachshund in Toy Story. And at one time was quite a popular choice for a girl Dalmatian puppy. Video answer: 101 dalmatians disguised as labradors Your answer 26 Related questions ; Video answer: Pongo and perdita have a big family. Collette a puppy in the movie 101 Dalmatians. Fifteen of them are Pongo and Perdita's puppies, who are kidnapped by the evil Cruella De Vil, and their parents journey off to go rescue them, eventually adopting the other 84. Bessie. Jewel The girl pup whose name comes from the spots around her neck resembling a necklace. He is Lucky - A male pup who seems to be the ring leader amongst his siblings. Molly is the most popular name, having received more likes than any other in this list of Dalmatian Names for girl dogs. Answered by Josiane O'Conner on Tue, Aug 24, 2021 9:07 AM Lucky Rolly Cadpig - From the book Patch Harley. Peppa. Annie. Nana The Darling familys pet in Peter Pan. Towser a Bloodhound in the movie 101 Dalmatians. Cujo from Stephen Kings book. Heidi from the Ugly Dachshund. Purdy (American Origin) meaning "pretty" Non-Binary Puppy Names The list below, full of puppy names from '101 Dalmatians' will be a big help for you and your little dalmatian puppies. 47 Shares. Dalmatian Names: Stats. Zero Ghost dog from the Nightmare Before Christmas. The Dalmatian Puppies comprise the vast majority of the titular characters of One Hundred and One Dalmatians and related media. Francis A bulldog in Oliver and Company. Lets begin with 101 Dalmatians Dog Names. BammBamm. What are the names of the 15 dalmatian puppies from 101 dalmatians? We hope you find the right name for your dog! Tito Chihuahua in Oliver and Company. Disney Before the Story: Anita's Puppy Tale 101 , anita'75,42.5,1 Before Anita rescued one hundred and one Dalmatians . In 101 Dalmatians, Pongo is owned by Roger Dearly, a video game designer. Female Dalmatian Dog Names Freckles Lady Cupcake Onyx Barbie Copper Dot Cookie Beatrix Dapper Coco Nana Diana Mittens Mary Daisy Male Dalmatian Dog Names Tux Panda Spot Domino Dodger Penguin Pixel Jack Percy Bruno Puffin Jock Patches Digit Pepper Bolt Da Vinci is a female Dalmatian puppy who appears in 101 Dalmatian Street. iruma sama ad blocker android tv; manchester city council photo archives Shadow Golden Retriever from Homeward Bound. 31+ Cute Dog Names Inspired From 101 Dalmatians Movie 8. Warn the town, your Dalmatian pups name is about to be selected. Our stats suggest that they are less fashionable than they were six months ago. In the original story of 101 Dalmatians, Pongo and his mate, Missis Pongo, had a litter of fifteen puppies. Cruella De Vil; Pongo Godfrey the Guide Dog; H Hansel; Herbert (101 Dalmatians) Hugo (101 Dalmatian Street) Hunter De Vil; I Ivy De Vil; J Jasper and Horace; Jean-Pierre Le Pelt; Jewel; Jock; As of July 2022, Dalmatian Names are trending down with new puppy owners. Apr. Allie. 101 Dalmatians Dog Names. It may have been years since you watched your last Disney movie, so heres a refresher on some of the most popular Disney dogs. Perdita (Latin Origin) meaning "lost", the name of the female, mother dog in '101 Dalmatians' 24. Following the abduction of their puppies, Pongo and Missis set out to rescue them; saving an additional eighty-two puppies in the Tag Archives: dogs names in 101 dalmatians. CUTE DOG VIDEOS; FUNNY DOG VIDEOS; DOG TRAINING; LIFESTYLE. Danke Mother Dachshund in the Ugly Dachshund. rsu google. Toby The Great Mouse Detective. Pongo. Leopold Ulysses. Zebra A unique and great name for black and white Dalmatians. 101 Dalmatians is a 1996 American adventure comedy film. Polka. Who wrote 101 dalmatians? Female Dog Names; VIDOS. List of Top 101 Dalmatians Dog Names for Male and Female Puppies Pixel Molly Digit Roly Poly Fidget Barbie Whizzer Flapper Blob Cruella Pepper Hoover Jewel Puddles Lady Dot Sa-sa Salter Brandy Dallas Perdita Percy Horace Lumpy Holly Cupcake Jasper Pickle Dorothy Bravo Blackie Nana Penguin Penny Juno Beatrix Jolly Prince Whitie TRAVEL; QUIZZES; Dog Breeds. Other notable 101 Dalmatians dog names Blackie Blob Blot Bravo Bulgey Cadpig Corky Dipper Dipstick Dot Fidget Flapper Jewel Jolly Latch Lenny Nosey Pokey Puddles Purdy Salter Sleepy Smokey Spanky Spark Speedy Sport Spotty Swifty Thunder Tiger Two-Tone Wags Whitie Wizzer Yoyo More Disney Dog Names Directed by Stephen Herek and co-produced by John Hughes and Ricardo Mestres, it stars Glenn Close, Jeff Daniels, Joely Richardson, Joan You wont regret choosing a name as unusual and special as your female dog! No list of Disney dog names is complete without these pups. Dolly Daughter of Beethoven and Misty. Never fear. As of July 2022, Dalmatian Names are trending down with new puppy owners. Find the best pet name by browsing our list of 101 dalmatians dog names. Those who are looking for an answer to the question What are the 15 puppies names from 101 dalmatians? often ask the following questions: What are the dogs names from 101 dalmatians? She was voiced by Cate Bauer in the animated version. Angel. Here is our list of the main characters from 101 Dalmatians: Anita Blob Blot Bulgey Captain Cruella Dot Freckles Jasper Jolly Latch Lenny Lucky, Nanny Nosy Patch Patch Freckles Penny Pepper Lost Pepper Pokey I put Roger Rolly Salter Sleepy Spark Speedy Swifty Tiger Da Vinci has white fur, a black nose, and her spots are not only black but also a variety of colors to reflect on her being an artist. May. Perdita is the female dog in 101 Dalmations. Pokey (American Origin) meaning "poking" 25. Pongo Perdita Prince Missis Patch Cruella De Vil Anita Jasper Horace Roger Buddy Lucky Cadpig Rolly Penny Freckles Pepper Latch Jolly Lenny Salter Blob Blot Dot Jewel Fidget Dipstick Two-Tone Oddball Other notable 101 Dalmatians dog names Blackie Blob Blot Bravo Bulgey Cadpig Corky Dipper Dipstick Dot Fidget Flapper Jewel Jolly Latch Lenny Nosey Pokey Puddles Purdy Salter Sleepy Smokey Spanky Spark Speedy Sport Spotty Swifty Thunder Tiger Two-Tone Wags Whitie Wizzer Yoyo. Find more top names for female puppies and dogs here. Her right eyebrow and eyelashes which 101 dalmatians names - Page 1/9 439 best questions for 101 dalmatians names We've collected 439 best questions in the 101 dalmatians names category so you can quickly find the answer to your question! The film is a live-action adaptation of Walt Disneys 1961 animated film of almost the same name, itself an adaptation of Dodie Smith's 1956 novel The Hundred and One Dalmatians. Bailey. Advertisement Video of the Day Disney princess names Cinderella (Cinderella) Jasmine (Aladdin) Snow (101 Dalmatians) Perdita (101 Dalmatians) Anita (101 Dalmatians) Nanny (101 Dalmatians) Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty) Fauna (Sleeping Beauty) This might be the perfect list to look at when choosing a name for your dalmatian! Our stats suggest that they are less fashionable than they were six months ago. Ivy. 101 Animals (101 Dalmatians) is a spoof of 101 Dalmatians (1959/1961). Pongo - Cedric (from: Cdric (2001-2012)) Perdita - Chen Yauping (from: Cdric (2001-2012)) Roger Radcliffe - Tigger (from: Winnie the Pooh (since 1965), Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1967), Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too (1975), The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1979), The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh Because of his pivotal role, he is considered to be the most famous Dalmatian out of all the others. Perdita. Lucky Rolly Nosey Spanky Freckles Swifty Pepper Bulgey Patch Speedy Wags Penny Flapper Pongo Corky Smokey Dot Tiger Blot Puddles Lenny Sleepy Whitie Blob Latch Blackie Perdita Dipper Sport Spark Jolly Pokey Salter Yoyo Bravo Are there really 101 dalmatians? Main Page; All Pages; Community; Interactive Maps; Recent Blog Posts; Wiki Content. Dalmatian Names: Stats. In the 101 Dalmatians movie, Pongo and Perdita have puppies, and there are 15 of them. Bellatrix Bellatrix Lestrange is a villain in the Harry Potter series and is often clothed in black. Read more. Explore. Violet Lemony Snicket. Girl Dog Names From Disney Movies. Whether it's is a nod to her spots or her sweet personality, these names are sure to fit your little girl. 50 Female Dalmatian Dog Names Dottie Princess Maggie Elsie Yoyo Wendy Hero Dixie Belinda Moose George Washington's Dalmatian was named 'Madame Moose' Cleo Penny Birdie Dolly Izzy Peca Spanish, freckle Maya What are the best names for puppies? The laid-back but protective father of the 101 Dalmatians. When it comes to great dog girl names, you cant go wrong with something unique. Female Dalmatian Names. Cute Girl Dog Names. Patty. 101 Animals. 101 Animals (TheBeckster1000's Style) 101 Dalmatians Animals Alphabet. 101 Trains (101 Dalmatians) A. Afghan Hound. Airedale Terrier. American Alligator. American Pika. Coco. Apple. RELATED: 175 Creative Names for Your New Black Dog. Six are named, and these include: Patch male; Lucky male; Rolly male; Penny female; Freckles male; Pepper gender unclear. Stella. Jun. Quixote Don Quixote. 26. If you're having trouble coming up with a name for your dog, you've come to the right place, because our list of female dalmatian dog names can help. Cookie. The name of the 101 Dalmatians Wiki is a 1996 American adventure comedy film her mind your new female the! Father of the 101 Dalmatians disguised as labradors your answer 26 related questions ; video answer: Dalmatians! 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