This backwashing can in obedience fundamentals is an ongoing process. . . So, whether it is our five month old puppies or almost fifteen year old, Diesel, we had many more moments together since March. . . 2 Beardie BulletinOn our cover HC Tweeddale's Star Spangled BN RE HSAd HSBds HSDs HIAds HIBd HIDs HSAsM HXAdMsM OA OAJ OF RATO TKN MV CH Moonstone Get Out Of My Way BN RA HSAd HSDs HSAsM FDC AX MXJ XF ex Tweeddales Black Magic Woman MX MXJ Spring is a fitting performance Bulletin cover girl. . outstanding Best of Breed GCH Spindrift Bend it Like Beckham HT OA AXJ OF, who not only graced my ring Another serious problem that is raising its ugly head in with his breed type, movement and charisma but also your breed is your mouths. . I was ready to get out I know that if I am and about. Mallory Allaround Mockingjay:Girl On Fire CA BCAT THDA CGC TKN HIC GCH Raintree Rock Around The Clock ex CH MACH4 Estrella Theres A Breeze Allaround BN RI HT MXC MJB2 MJP NF CGCA TKI MV Owned by Gretchen & Darron Blackburn Bred by Andrea Hobe & Jennnifer Scheytt During COVID, Mallory got on the stick and earned several new titles including THDA, CGC and TKN. To skip this remedial work Training Vim and Bissii has been my happiness lifeline will harm the respectful and trusting relationship despite Pandemic isolation. . I will be able to depend on him to follow Bissii through the Novice routine. . . We recommend genetic testing of breeding dogs prior to mating to assess the expected average litter COI and to consider a preference for pairings that would produce litters with a lower COI. . Many beardies did not more blue ribbons, including some who didnt place, have sufficient layback of shoulder and several had long the competition was that good. She returned to UK with Printed using Breeders Assistant for Dogs software ( The BOB exhibits gave loins. . We will aim for a December first deadline with the magazine being distributed mid-January, but it will remain up to us whether or not a magazine will be produced. . It was experience it was to be able to have my hands on so many indeed an honour to judge so many wonderful Beardies wonderful beardies. . All changes of address should *Camera- Ready - 12/15/* be sent directly to the Corresonding Secretary. . . I want a dog that is aware and brave but not foolhardy. . I trained my heart dog Zeal, to his UDX2 (Utility Excellent 2) and OM2 (Obedience Master 2) despite his lack of bravery. . . . . . . There is nothing better saw over 10 that had the bottom canines embedded in the than judging lots of good dogs and this was particularly tissue of the top gum. . . . I thought it would be interesting to include NATIONAL SPECIALTY National Specialty judges comments on our breed from years past. . . . . . . Vivvie will get her turns in conformation, rally and obedience. Osterbauer 8 GCHS CH Ragtyme Call Off The Search L. Zagarella 9 CH Aellen Above And Beyond River K. Krivas 10 GCH CH Majela An Aons Mhain Miss Elleigh At Jaliel J. McNeil/M. . . . This magazine may not be reproduced in part or Publications Chair in whole without the written permission from the editor. . . . . . . Bleed - .125 on all four sides Margins - keep photos & type .5 from edige of page, unless you intend for them to bleed off the edge of the page Color Space for photos & graphics - CMYK Photo Resolution - 300 dpi Photos saved as TIFF or PSD not JPEG *COLOR BY RESERVATION ONLY PREFERRED POSITION RATES ON COLOR PAGES ONLY* Front Cover $450.00 Page 1-4 $200.00 Back Cover $325.00 Camera Ready $180.00 Inside Front or Back Cover $225.00 $170.00 Centerfold $400.00 Rear Color Section $150.00 Single Color Page $180.00 Camera Ready $160.00 Color page/Camera Ready $350.00 ADDITIONAL FEES Color Spread $310.00 Each b/w photo above 3/page $5.00 Color spread/Camera Ready $250.00 Each color photo above 3/page $10.00 $110.00 Redesign up to $60.00 BLACK & WHITE S70.00 There is no limit to the number of photos used in Centerfold - up to 7 photos color or black & white camera ready ads. . . . . . . Stand by Me! Your size is much more consistent breed type who is not overdone and without exaggeration. . . . . . . Lambing astounded at the Season! dog is movement which should be ground covering with minimal effort. Sharon Prassa TheBeardieBulletinisavailabletomembersatthecostof$28.00peryear Printed by (includes postage). Do kennel visits to get hands-on experience, (refer to Complete 6 judging assignments as AKC sanctioned the link below for more details.) Shafer/R. This report does not necessarily represent the global genotype frequencies for this breed. times indicated! He is retired now, but he loved agility with his whole heart. . . . Some specialty and taking care of all of my needs. . . . Nonesuch She Will She Will Rock You Bred, owned & loved by Cheryl Poliak Bred, owned & loved by Cheryl Poliak and Jana Dozet Judy hanging out with her babies. . PubHTML5 site will be inoperative during the Copy changes are allowed to insure accuracy of the Add a new page size to Adobe PDF conversion settings, information on an ad. . It could not have been done without your support, so thank you! . Olivera/S. . A Bearded Collie who is overdone and heavily Good job! . . . . Write, call, or email 1/4 color page, formatted/1 photo. . Like this book? That is long folks. . . Here he is with Jean, his co-owner and handler! . . . What a great electing me to judge the 2009 National Speciality. I dont want to know how good a exhibits that I really liked had to settle for being placed handler can make their dog look, I want to see what they down the line on the day, this being no disgrace as no really are because I am a believer that our shows should doubt their day will come. . Originally, Bearded Collies were bred to herd and Laurie Lo tend livestock. . . Sometimes we train in our community (while maintaining proper social distance). . . . . . . 26-29 Adamson, Baker, Cartwright, Cloninger, Cotton, Frankel, BOARD OF DIRECTORS Furlow, Hale, Leon, Molloy, Poliak, Quinn, Remell, Taylor, Wyant CLASS OF 2022 Puppies Feature. . Furlow/B. Another title does not have the same appeal to me as staying healthy. . . . The closer a dog is to and committee and members of the Bearded Collie Club of these three points, the more able they are to stand still. . . . Went The Strings Of My Heart RN HIAs HXAs HSAsM TKN ex GCH Orion Across The Universe From Highlander BN RE HSAs FDC CGC TKI 3/25/2020 owned by Janice Kehoe bred by Molly McNamara, Beth Tilson & Shannon Smart Celia Highlands As You Like It At Papaw GCH Highlands Deacon Blues ex CH Highlands Pajama Game April 22, 2020 Owned by Leslie Papa Bred by Lillian Esposito, Kathryn Cullen-DuPont & Judy Leonch nonesuch wildwch ood drama queen Vince,AmGCH CanCH Nonesuch Arlin Green 'N Gold RN ROMX ex Dusty, GCH Wildwood Arcadia Devil 'N Disguise ROM My lovely Posh is my first blue. . 44 PRESIDENT Editors Letter . . You were truly a dog of a lifetime, and I am so grateful we got to share that life together. . . Rugby Lil Cloves Ruff n Tumble CD BN RA HSAds AX MXJ XF CGCA TDI Owned by Trudy & Chelsea Wisner Rugby is my perfect partner and Bearded Collie Ambassador; super smart, friendly, happy, driven, fearless, loves to work, and especially, handsome.ITS ME AGAIN . . . Barkly Nutshell was owned by Mr. & She went missing and wasnt ever found. A rep will observe your judging and discuss with you the pros and Pass the ABCs of Canine Anatomy breed test. 2 Beardie Bulletin2012 BEARDED COLLIE CLUB OF AMERICA must be in front of the legs; (3) The rear feet should be NATIONAL SPECIALTY slightly behind the dog (A plumb line dropped from the ischium (the point of the buttocks) to the ground, should May I first of all extend my sincere thanks to the officers land on the tips of the rear toes.) JENNIFER OF MULTAN BRASENOSE Dauntless Douglas of Doornkraal (M) ANNABELLE Sire Dashing Dinih of Doornkraal (F). As promised, we have three separate features in the magazine; eight.pages for our Performance Beardies, four pages of our Beardies Being Beardies and one page introducing our beautiful Puppies! . Interestingly enough, it was less expensive to run a 32 page color form rather than indiviudal forms of color and black/white. . Also in the early 70s several others arrived from the UK. . . Rebeccas mating to Whittakers Darkn Dandy of Willowmead produced one beardie that bred on Croftburg Lip (or Tip) Top and remained in at least two lines through 1996. You might, too. the top gum or even into the top palate and the breeders have ignored it convincing themselves that it only affects Mrs. Sue OBrien the puppy teeth and the adult teeth will be fine. For me for a time. . . . . Professional Edition, licensed to BeaCon for Health. Owned by Meaghan Edwards & Kirsten Andreassend Bred by Kirsten Andreassend, Margie Haarsager & Michele RitterAnnouncing My Retirement from Agility Competition Over the last 20 years, I have trained and competed with three great dogs: Jax, Zoom and Rezoom. While this variant does not have any effects on liver function or health (for which ALT is a commonly used biomarker), it does tend to cause dogs to have a lower resting ALT activity: As such, dogs with this variant may need to have their normal reference range adjusted accordingly. charisma and he/she must ooze the qualities of a rugged hill dog. Some bearded collies, overly sensitive to novel situations, are unable to maintain their composure when challenged by a new environment or an unsuspected event. . that I have with my dog. Harrington 00 111 341 4 GCH CH Now And Then Watermark Cruisin At Kelkary 01 021 152 00 000 A. Berry/J. Matings: MUSICAL MAID OF WILLOWMEAD AMBERFORD BRACKEN Ballacralee Gay Gleam produced CH Bobbity of Barkly (F, 8/27/78). . Olivera 00 511 571 3 GCHB CH Carowynd Maximillian At Dunhill 00 220 484 01 211 372 C. ONeil/R. Any other changes made to a design will 9.28w x 11.78h, saved as Bulletin Portrait result in a redesign fee of up to $60.00. . The Beardies are coming! And through rain, chill and sun, they did. . Beardies Being Beardies!Lila & Maisie GCH Highlands Evening Primrose CGC TKN MacCorkindale Maisy Marie Owned by Samantha Cotton Maisy (17) and Lila (6) having a staring contest with my lunch! . . . . . . She is a Master Versatility dog with titles in herding, agility, obedience, rally and barn hunt. Harrington 3 15 4 GCHS CH Aellen The Son Also Rises 1 14 4 12 S. Remell/J. . Collie Club show. . You can publish your book online for free in a few minutes. Thus, the modern breed started here in 1964 with Mr. and Mrs. Everard (Doornkraal) importing the first two Beardies, CH Cannamor Cragsman of Doornkraal and CH Doornkraal Birr of Bothkennar. . . Hargis 7 GCHS CH Ragtyme Call Off The Search L. Zagarella 8 GCH CH Classicals Turn On The Magic At Wavecrest J. Atkins/C. . . 22-23 571-765-0522 571-765-0522 Lili, Papaw Tailwind This Ones Mine . . . I'm looking forward to many more years of fun performance with Spring.Theo Vanessa MacGregor Blue Moon Forevermore Blue Moon Vanity Fair Willowridge Golden Nugget MacGregor GCH McCrystal Forever Timeless GCH McCrystal Forever Timeless CH Dunhill Shamrock Lad by Lochcairn BN RI FDC OAP OFP ex Blue Moon Violets Are Blue ex Blue Moon Violets Are Blue SCN SIN SEN THDN RATO CGCA CGCU TKN ex CH Cameron 6/16/2020 Owned by Christina Alletto Bred by Audrey and Jim Williams 6/16/2020 Bred & Owned by Audrey and Jim Williams Quickdraw Annie Oakley BN RI FDC CGCA CGCA TKN PCeulpebpriaetsing 5/1/2020 Owned by Lori Wolbach Bred by Charle Charenz Charm Willowridge Good Luck Charm CH Dunhill Shamrock Lad By Lochcairn BN RI FDC OAP OJP OFP SCN SIN SEN THDN RATO CGCA CGCU TKN ex CH Cameron Quickdraw Annie Oakley BN RI FDC CGCA CGCU TKN 5/1/2020 Owned by Kevin & Suzanne OMalley Dakota Wigglesworth Gemineye Thanks 4 Masking GCH Wigglesworth Aberlour Black Magic ex Wigglesworth Dont Look Back AX AXJ April 23, 2020 Owned by Meg Naylor & Sharon Ipser Nathan Orion Counting Stars with Aellen GCH Aellen Zing! . Was she bred? . . The very first class that walked into the ring let me know how much I was going to enjoy this assignment. . . The Editor assigns We accept PDFs converted from InDesign, Quark & art directors for ad production. . . bred by Terri Stepankow and Cyndi Cerjan nonesuch bearded collies Cheryl Poliak generations of dogs that will move you [emailprotected] 920-229-8193 Ripon,WIAt nine years young,Viva is a versatile veteran Beardie, currently trialing on sheep and competing in the agility ring. Our agility journey promises to be quite a ride! . When I look for a bearded collie for competition obedience, I look for a happy dog that is companionable and resilient. . . Marini 6 GCHS CH Aellen The Son Also Rises S. Remell/J. . . . . . . Burger & Esposito Burger & Esposito. . . . Although these goals The amped up dogs often add creative embellishments to are reasonable, achieving them is easier said than done. I was very pleased with the great, correct temperaments with When I judge, I am looking for a Bearded Collie with true very few exceptions. Its good to I never imagined in my wildest dreams that one day I look back in time at our past. . A brown bitch, Barkly Bo Jangles (Splash, DOB 11/18/86) was kept. A number of studies have shown correlations of DQA-DQB1 haplotypes and certain autoimmune diseases; however, these have not yet been scientifically validated. In fact, training any dog in fundamental obedience will enhance his life and make him a better companion. . . M, DOB 8/20/89) was imported to SA by Marlene. Genetic COI is more precise than tests using fewer markers - ultimately providing more information to better understand a dogs genetic health and to guide strategic breeding crosses to mitigate inbreeding depression. Embark Veterinary, Inc. | [emailprotected] 43 Summer 2020 Performance IssueOn our back cover Moonstone Vivacious RN CGC TKN MBISS GCHB/Can CH Potterdale Jubilee Diamond CD PCD BN RE PT OA AXJ OF CGCA TKN NW1 MV 2020 has not quite been the year that we imagined it would be. . . (GMT) Sunday, June 26th, 2:00 am - 8:00 am. . advance Bissii to Open training. . . 18 Ipser. . Whittakers returned to UK around 1985 after contributing greatly to the Bearded Collies in SA Iris Berry (unknown if dogs were exported from UK or during their 15 years there. . . Westmilwunda (Marlene Pritchard). . CD RA AX AXJ Owned by Christiana Taylor, Billy Carter & Amy Steltz Ill show you how to do this!Wigglesworth Jokers Wild x Auldscotia Forever Young 9/27/2003 - 7/18/2020 Lili, you gave me almost 17 years of total love and devotion, countless memories, and some of my best friends. Training fundamental skills requires a well thought out plan, repetition and a willingness to grind things out until commanded behaviors becomes habit. . . She is smart, funny, loving, and independent. . . . . So proud of our AllAround girl!Kensi CH Pentangles Special Agent CD RAE OA AXJ MXF T2B HSAsd HSBsd HIAs FDC CGC VX Owned by Beth Scorzelli This picture says it all. . 17 281-851-3048 [emailprotected] Waldeck. . . When 2013 BEARDED COLLIE CLUB OF AMERICA something goes wrong with Mother Nature, it continues to NATIONAL SPECIALTY deteriorate unless someone steps up to the plate and stops it. . . . . . . So often in life, things that you regard as an impediment turn out to be great, good fortune. Justice Ruth Bader GinsburgMoonstone Vivacious RN CGC TKN MBISS GCHB/Can CH Potterdale Jubilee Diamond CD PCD BN RE PT OA AXJ OF CGCA TKN NW1 MV. . . Namey/B. . . . . . . . . . Furlow 10 GCH CH Kington Time After Time C. Cloninger/K. He produced a litter with one Barkly Black n Bonnie of Westmilwunda (Megan) of Marlenes bitches (different owner); Two of eight pups survived but were not bred from. . . . . Like take minutes, days, or even weeks, depending on the maintaining any other skill, you either use it or lose it. behavior being taught. . . . . For me movement is of utmost importance in our breed and Sharon Ipser certainly shows whether they are built for the job for which they were originally bred. . . . . . . Atkins & Namey Brentwood, TN 37027 Centerfold. , repetition and a willingness to grind things out until commanded behaviors becomes habit you regard as an Turn. Gmt ) Sunday, June 26th, 2:00 am - 8:00 am in obedience is. Ch Kington Time After Time C. Cloninger/K be quite a willowridge bearded collies 14 12. 00 111 341 4 GCH CH Classicals Turn on the Magic At Wavecrest J. Atkins/C GCHS CH Aellen Son! Ones Mine support, so thank you Nutshell was owned by Mr. & went! 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