Once you have the dog shampooed, take the pin brush and work the shampoo into the coat. Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA) is an inherited eye disease that is present at birth. Pay particular attention to the inside legs and the under side. Brush him a little, then praise and encourage him (reassuringly tell him what a good dog he is), and brush again. Your car is like an oven, even with the windows cracked. For information on grooming a collie, click here. It has a double coat, with a short, dense undercoat and a long, straight, harsh outer coat. You can clean the inside of your dogs ears, only as far as you can see into the ear, with a small amount of alcohol or ear cleaner on a cotton ball. The Shetland sheepdog is a small, agile dog, longer than it is tall. look. Dampness in these areas can also cause skin irritation. When you think youve rinsed enough, rinse for 15 to 20 minutes more. If there is a large, hard to remove mat, it is ideal to take your dog to an experienced groomer. In a land with few fences, an adept herder was essential to keep livestock away from cultivated land. One of his greatest assets is his natural love of children. Be sensitive to the age of your puppy, requiring less time from a younger pup and increase the time as he gets older. Maybe even throw in a couple of ice cubes. Start by wetting the dog completely. Using your pin brush, dry in sections starting at the rear. Collies like to bark but I don't think they do it as much as Shelties. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Or you can rinse the shampoo out and use the same steps for conditioning. Unless your dog is in a fenced area, do not let your dog off the leash on snow or ice, especially during a snowstorm, dogs can lose their scent and easily become lost. Also, it is a lot more work to bathe a dog that has a large amount of loose undercoat, not to mention the increased amount of drying time that will be needed. Shelties tend to love their family more than anything. Its gait is smooth, effortless and ground-covering, imparting good agility, speed and endurance essential in a herding dog. She has been called Collis, Colley, Coally, and Coaly, names that probably derive from col or coll, the Anglo-Saxon word for black. If not, your dog may lick the salt water or pool chemicals and become sick. You can watch Collies and Shelties in the agility ring so see the differnce. Keep them tethered tightly to your side if the route to the yard is icy. we also had some stressful times teaching her not to bark excessively in our apartment. "Here's Timmy, he threw a stick for me and now he's my new owner!" *Information copied from Lynn Nelson with Sunfield Collies. During this time, the following steps are recommended: Be sure to mist (not soak) the coat with either water or a grooming spray to prevent the coat from breaking. /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss all topics related to dogs. Petroleum jelly spread on the feet will help protect them from these chemicals. They also come in two coat varieties rough (long hair) and smooth (short hair). If they jump on their owner, it's brief and light. The fourth color is white, which is predominantly white body with either sable, tri or blue merle markings, usually on the head. In the early years in England, breeders often discreetly crossed Shelties with rough-coated collies in an attempt to improve on their collie characteristics. Seems like you have a better understanding of shelties, but if you have answers for collies as well I'd love to know. Copyright 2021 Tri-State Collie RescueAll Rights ReservedPrivacy Policy Site by Sitka Creations, Minor concerns: distichiasis, pyotraumatic dermatitis, Occasionally seen: PDA, deafness, cerebellar abiotrophy (Rough). A bad slip can cause a ruptured disc, broken leg or other major injury. OTOH, when trained with a light touch and plenty of praise,, both Collies and Sheltie are so happy. Remember though, a warm bath will also serve to loosen the hair when your dog is shedding shedding is a process that takes several weeks to complete. The Shetland sheepdog almost certainly is derived from these early collie type dogs, which then were further developed on the Shetland Islands. If kept outside for long periods of time with no human contact, they can become easily bored, as well as lonely. Herding ability was more important than appearance, so the dogs varied a great deal in looks. Thoroughly wipe off your dogs legs and stomach when he comes in out of the sleet, snow or ice. Cut the hair as short as you can between each pad on the bottom of the foot. Grind one nail for 3 seconds, then go on to the next nail, grind, then the next, etc., allowing the previous nail to cool off. Trimming the hair on your dogs feet on a house dog will greatly eliminate the amount of dirt and/or mud he brings into the house with him. When the temperature (and the snow) begins to fall, your pets will need extra care. You will need to MAKE him do this at first, being firm, but also petting/praising him and telling him to stay. They like to know what's going on in their house at all times. Hold the ear itself forward, toward the head, as you brush the hair away from the ear. Minor concerns: CEA, PRA, trichiasis, cataract, CHD, hemophilia, Legg Perthes, patellar luxation, Occasionally seen: PDA, deafness, epilepsy, vWD, MDR1. Continue cleaning out the ear, perhaps using several cotton balls, until no more dirt or wax can be removed. Be particularly careful when escorting elderly, arthritic pets outside. Its also a good opportunity to check his skin for anything out of the ordinary, such as hotspots. Some do tend to be more stranger friendly. Start at the head and work your way back. Hope all that helps! Get as much hair out as you can, and you will have a lot less hair in the house and on your clothes. they are naturally polite and peaceful with others (dog, animal or human). If you dont have styptic, corn starch or flour will do this also. FRONT LEGS: The next step is to go to the front leg area and move up to the shoulders, using the same steps as above. Collies come in four different colors. Sometimes this is caused by flea bites, or not rinsing well enough during a bath. Dry well with a tissue. Shelties are busy little dogs. Use a good flea preventative, also. Lift the hair and dry, always moving the dryer to avoid burning the skin. If you start near the gum and get under the tartar, it is fairly easy to just flick it off in small pieces. Grooming a sheltie is similar to a collie and we recommend, viewing the grooming tips. When Im done doing this, I like to go over the gums with a cotton ball dipped in peroxide to prevent infection. The sensitivity of both breeds, their tendency to bark, and the coat maintenance are probably the biggest watch-outs. Interactions with strangers- both breeds lean towards being reserved. This color can range from a light golden tan to a rich mahogany color. They are not recommended as a complete outside/backyard dog and under no circumstances should a Collie ever be chained or tied up. The smooth has a short, dense, flat coat, while the rough has a long, harsh-textured coat. When working on a mat or large tangle, hold the hair by the base (against the skin) so that you dont pull the hair out or hurt your dog. A Sheltie wouldn't dream of it - why would he do that, that stranger is not Mommy. NAILS: If you can hear your dogs nails click when they walk on cement or a hard surface in the house, it is time to trim them. If your puppy appears to be sensitive to the weather, you may opt to paper-train him inside. This makes the back legs look much neater and they will stay cleaner. However, the Sheltie, like all breeds of dogs, has certain health issues. A Lab will be transported into joy if a stranger vigorously rubs his head and thumps his side. Males will stay cleaner if you trim the hair on their tummies and near/around their genitals, leaving a little right at the tip to help direct the pee. When you just begin to see the quick stop. Twice when he was younger he became briefly lost after chasing a deer in the woods BOTH TIMES, I finally located him just hiking along with another family he found and joined. NECK AND CHEST: You will need to work under the neck and down the chest in a similar fashion, making sure you get deep into the chest with the V-Rake, working section by section from the bottom-up. As a rule the Collie is a healthy/hardy breed. Rinse off after a swim. Exercise levels- collies are lower energy. She was pretty high-strung but a great dog when she got enough attention. All the collie/sheltie pros covered pretty much everything . **Information on the page was copied from Animal Planets Dogs 101. SIDE OF BODY AND BELLY: Now move to the side of the body and the belly area. The Collie is a medium-sized dog with females ranging from 22-24 (height measured from the floor to the top of the shoulder) and males ranging from 24-26. BACK LEGS: Have your dog lie down on his side. To avoid cutting the quick in the nail, take small bits off the nail. About 70 percent of Collies have a genetic predisposition, resulting from a mutation in the multidrug resistance gene (MDR1 gene), to adverse drug reactions involving over a dozen different dogs. Dont leave your pet in the car. A stranger needs to prove to the Sheltie that he understands the sheltie and will be polite. If by this time, you have spent a while removing a lot of undercoat and/or mats, allow your dog to get up and move around. Piggybacking on this, /u/abbiyah seems to be pretty knowledgeable on Shelties. To dry the dog, you can use a hair dryer on a low setting, or there are several animal dryers available. This wont hurt the dog, but it does leave ugly bald spots. She barked at everything (like a leaf blowing past the window) and would nip heels if people ran near her. Hotspots are moist areas that usually occur when the dog continually chews on a particular spot. Collies tend to be more regal and calmer. The Collie Club of America was formed on August 26, 1886, which makes it one of the oldest canine specialty clubs. The Collie is a native of Scotland, primarily from the Highland regions. Typically the Collie is not a one-man dog. Trim the hair on the feet between the pads when necessary (see details below). As all-around farm dogs, they herded not only sheep but also ponies and chickens. I know they are completely different breeds, but is anyone able to explain some differences besides size? I find it easier to brush the inside of the opposite back leg while the dog is lying down at this point. For more information on Collie health, visit the Collie Health website. Own a short-haired breed? Also, trim the hair on the lower area of the back legs, just above the foot up to the first joint. In 1879, the first Collie was imported to the United States. At this point, you can also put conditioner on the dog. WEEKLY: Once-a-week brushing is usually sufficient for a collie that is not shedding. When you bathe your dog in the colder months, be sure to completely dry him before taking him out for a walk. Shelties are herding dogs and are high energy. Make your puppy lie down when being brushed. Youll know when your collie is shedding small tufts of undercoat start to peek out of the topcoat and can just be plucked out. I've raised a few goldens for a guide dog org and I wouldn't mind a dog that was a bit more neutral around other people and dogs. Both are fairly healthy. When you see a small, black dot in the center of the nail, youve gone far enough. A little treat at the end of a short grooming session may be used as a reward in addition to the petting and attention he receives from you. They have their bubble and would rather play tag than wrestle. Dont stop brushing if he is still resisting you. Consider getting him a coat or sweater with a high collar or turtleneck with coverage from the base of the tail to the belly. Err on the side of caution and leave your pet at home. person he meets as though they are his long lost best friend. Here are the basic steps. Collies come in a variety of colors. A Lab will run to a stranger will unbounded joy. A happy and well loved Sheltie will think they are all that plus a bag of chips. A collie will be politely interested and courteous "How very nice to meet you" "It's a fine day we are having" "would you like to scratch my rump?". The color long associated with the breed is sable. Avoid using metal bowls outdoors in the winter. Following the immense popularity of the collie, the Sheltie became the answer to the family wanting a loyal, striking pet of smaller size, and it is one of the most popular breeds in the world. A excited 11 month old Lab pup will body slam and jump all over when his owner comes home. You can round the top and side areas of the nail to make it smooth. The tricolor is black, white and tan. Go to the next section above, moving along line by line until you get to the top of the dogs back. Im convinced they would suit my lifestyle very well. Back brush with the slicker and use the comb against the way the hair grows for the short hair on the front of the legs. Not only are they beautiful, but they are intelligent, friendly, loyal, loving and sensitive. Original Collies were closer in size and shape to todays Border Collies, and they were predominantly black. I don't understand how they retain enough air in their lungs to do agility. I'm still conflicted, but what you said about shelties does sound very appealing. If your pets must be kept outside, keep the dog in a dry, elevated house. HEAD: The head is done with a fine/medium-toothed comb. They should be taken outside for short periods of time only. For information on grooming a collie, click here. A lot of agility Shelties bark through the entire course which is something I absolutely hate. They understand and are sensitive to personal space. Now brush up the hair on the tops of the feet (toward the leg) and trim the long hair to give the foot a nice, neat shape. Never shave your dog down to the skin in winter, as a longer coat will provide more warmth. They're also sassier. Likewise, they are easy to train. Begin at the belly. Let me know if you have any other questions. The British naval fleet used to frequent the islands for maneuvers and often bought puppies to take home to England. To get a Sheltie to warm up to a stranger means several polite, courteous meetings. I don't know much about Collies. Chemicals used to melt snow on sidewalks and driveways can irritate a pets paws. Most dogs are not used to having their nails trimmed and will resist. They both have strong handler focus, high desire to please, are trainable and intelligent. However, the fine hair behind the ears on a neglected collie will be a disaster, and you may need to actually cut the mats out. If you live near a pond or lake, dont allow your pets to run loose. In this way, when the dog shakes you wont get completely soaked. Start at the bottom of the leg and work in sections, like de-thatching a lawn, until you have removed all of the loose undercoat. Part the hair (lifting up the top portion of the coat) and: First brush with the slicker or pin brush with the way the hair grows, then back brush. BATHING: Once you have the dog completely brushed and there are no mats, you are ready for the bath. Temperament- this is probably one of the bigger differences imo. When the hair behind the ears (and down several inches) is free of mats and tangles, and a comb glides through easily, you are done here. Shelties are smaller but higher energy. A Sheltie therapy dog will need to meet the people he will visit several times before his reserve nature starts to soften. Provide plenty of water. For more information on breeds affected, go to WSU. When you are sure the dog is clean, start to rinse. Hope this helped. If you come across a mat, work slowly to separate it with the comb. Begin by using the slicker brush then follow up with the comb, working on small sections that may have tangles. An additional warm-water bath in a couple of weeks will loosen even more hair, hastening the shedding period. Collies have a double coat; a topcoat and an undercoat, and they are seasonal shedders, meaning they dont shed large amounts of hair continuously. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read before putting it to use in your daily life. The first brush you should use is the slicker brush, then the V-rake, followed by a comb. You may accidentally cut the skin. Go back and make several passes on each nail until youve reached the desired length, checking to see if you are getting close to the quick. That stranger will never be that Sheltie's friend and in fact, the Sheltie will act as if he doesn't exist. Bring pets inside when the wind chill temperature reaches 30 degrees. Pets cant sweat like humans so they need a proper place to escape if they get too hot. They would happily give friendly strangers the cold shoulder. Many dogs are allergic to flea bites and start chewing these areas to relieve the itching. Females will blow their undercoat after each heat cycle (typically every 7-10 months), and spayed females and males will blow their undercoat once a year, typically mid to late summer. Keep the door turned away from the wind. He is THE most gregarious little dog, and greets every. To add to this, shelties tend to be higher energy. A car can act as a refrigerator in the winter, holding in the cold and causing the animal to freeze to death. A well-deserved break is always appreciated by both you and your dog. You can purchase a tooth scraper/scaler and remove any tartar build-up. As you brush, use your other hand to hold the longer hair, above where you are brushing, out of the way. As far as a Sheltie is concerned his owners and people he loves are the center of the universe and strangers are not interesting or important. No one told my Sheltie this! This practice led to oversized Shelties, however, and has long since stopped. Had a Bearded Collie that always barked when someone entered our property, very appreciated. Avoid hot asphalt. Try to only walk during the early morning or late evening and stick to grass and gravel trails rather than asphalt. Ive always been a fan of big dogs, too, and as a female who will likely live alone it would be nice to have a dog on the bigger side. If there are mats in the private areas, you can just carefully cut them off. You must, however, keep your dog groomed and mat free. Just wipe with a tissue. He'll run agility with anyone, tug with anyone, and if left with anyone virtually just acts like he's their dog. Also just as an FYI people are talking about adult breed traits; as a puppy my collie was a high-energy FOOL. However, it is VERY IMPORTANT that you only grind in short spurts no more than 3 seconds at a time per nail because heat builds up extremely quick. I love a good spunky, goofy dog and honestly wouldn't mind a dog who was a bit reserved. *Information on this page was copied from the Collie Club of America website and other online sources. Most Collies weigh between 50 and 70 pounds. Rough collies have become less common in my area. It is not only gentle, playful, amiable and companionable, but also excellent with children, although it can nip at heels in play. They may head for thin ice and fall through if they are not familiar with icy ponds. They first were exhibited in 1860 at a dog show in Birmingham, England, in the generic class known as Scotch Sheep-Dogs.. One Collie, named Old Cockie, who was born in 1867, is credited with the characteristic type of the Rough Collie known today, and she is believed to be responsible for introducing sable coat color to the breed. This can result in a noisy, unhappy dog. Then I like to back-brush, especially on the top of their back. Some historians say that the Collies particular ancestors were brought to the British Isles by Roman conquerors, some two thousand years ago. A sheltie moves, it barks. They are real family dogs and are noted for being very people-friendly. The hair on the feet seems to grow twice as fast as the hair anywhere else! A lot more grooming is needed during these blowing seasons. Its hard to get a good understanding from websites alone. You may have to firmly say stay several times while making him lie down, but also keep petting and praising him brush some more. Move along in a line (from behind the front leg along to the back leg) using the V-rake to remove as much loose undercoat as possible, again, like de-thatching a lawn. Collies, along with many other herding dogs, have long been known for their barking tendencies. Towel dry. Check the feet for any injuries or burrs stuck in the hair between the pads. This skin behind the ears is extremely tender and thin. It is very difficult to escape these watery graves and equally challenging for you to reach the site safely. brush out one side, under the tummy and tail on one day, brush the other side and around the neck the next day, and bathe on the third day.). *Information on this page was copied from The American Shetland Sheepdog Association website. Edit: there was a wonderful thread called "Collies without Borders" that you might want to read. Start at the head. Remember, there is thin, sensitive skin between each pad, so be careful! A 11 month old Collie or Sheltie pup will also be delighted and super duper happy when his owner comes home but it's expressed by dancing, leaping about, nose pokes, happy barks and rubbing alongside legs. So, be prepared to have a few more brushing sessions during this time to truly remove all of the loose hair. * The sable color can range from a light golden tan to a rich mahogany color. They are both rather introverted. They can also include seizures, bloody diarrhea and vomit, along with an elevated body temperature of over 104 degrees. If you are taking your pet for a swim to cool off, be sure to provide plenty of supervision and time to rest between dips into the water. Better still, every eight weeks. Dogs with the MDR1 gene may have adverse drug reactions to over a dozen drugs, including Ivermectin (for Heartworm control), Ioperamide or Imodium (antidiarrheal), and Acepromazine (pre-anesthetic). Owners often talk about how hot they get in the summer though, so I guess weather is something to think about, Both dogs will alert bark for you, which is great for feeling safe! They don't, however, love rough play or dogs with poor boundaries. If you get him used to staying still while being groomed at an early age, your job can actually become enjoyable for both of you when he grows up. OTOH, when a Sheltie likes you and considers you a friend, it's an honor. However, the Collie, like all breeds of dogs, has certain health issues. Collies come in a smooth coat variety whereas Shelties only come as rough/fluffy. They are, honestly, not great therapy dogs - not because of aggression or rudeness but before they are not keen on engaging. Do that to a Sheltie and he'll be deeply insulted and will look away. When you are ready to resume grooming, you will repeat the exact same process, but on the other side of the dog. The hair of the mane, frill and tail is abundant. They certainly can be serious but tend to be less so than the collies I've met. Be sure that your pet has a shady tree to lay under when outside, or a cool place in the house to retreat. Interactions with dogs- collies and shelties tend to get along fine with other dogs. If petted by a stranger, a Sheltie will be polite but won't tend to engage. Gently pull each ear forward (toward the nose) and brush the opposite way away from the ear using the slicker brush first. Baths given before grooming tend to tighten mats and make loose undercoat more difficult to remove. First brush the tail hair with a slicker brush followed by a V-rake to remove loose undercoat. Its important to rinse your dog after a swim in the lake, ocean, or pool. One of the biggest difference is how they act towards strangers. More dogs are lost during the winter than during any other season, so make sure yours always wears ID tags. Edit: things I would love to learn about include temperament/interactions with people and dogs, exercise levels, trainability, health, etc, Edit 2: Im talking about rough collies :). Shelties tend to live longer but that's normal since they're a smaller breed. On a 78 degree day, your car can heat up to over 90 degrees when parked in the shade, imagine how hot it can get when parked in the sun! The fourth color is bi-black, which is black and white with no tan. My Pablo would look them in the eyes and give a "And how does that make you feel?' Finish with the comb, getting all the way down to the skin, until it moves freely through the hair. Its expression is gentle, intelligent and questioning. I joke that Collies have self esteem issues and when performing are very careful and want to do things right. Use a slicker or pin brush and go over the dogs entire coat, brushing with the way the hair grows. White nails are easier as you can see the vein through the nail. Queen Victoria is credited with saving Collies from obscurity. About 15 percent of shelties have a genetic predisposition, resulting from a mutation in the multidrug resistance gene (MDR1 gene), to adverse drug reactions involving over a dozen different dogs. They are, honestly, not great therapy dogs - not because of aggression or rudeness but before they are not keen on engaging. Collies tend to be more welcoming of strangers. Make sure he knows that you are the one who decides when you are done and its not while he is still squirming and complaining; instead, its when he has stopped resisting. It wasnt long before the dogs were shown and bred for good looks rather than working ability. They're spunky and very goofy. Feel with your fingers to make sure there are no tangles left thats how mats begin. Could a they be a good office dog? In some areas, asphalt can get hot enough to fry an egg imagine how that must feel on your poochs paw pads! They'd definitely let you and your neighbors know if someone weird showed up lol. Make sure that your pets pads and toes are free of harmful ice balls. Frozen water cant help a thirsty pet. Make sure to calm, praise and treat the dog to get it used to the experience. Make sure you brush the pants at the collies rear, and the fringes along the backside of his front legs as well as under the armpits using the brush. Some of these dogs were quite small, measuring only about 18 inches in height. Shampoo residue left on the dog can cause skin irritations, including hot spots. Shelties have a lot of sparkle and went trained correctly, will be bursting with pride and confidence. Know the warning signs. Give outdoor pets more food, as they need more calories in cold weather to produce body heat. They will become stiff and tender quickly and may find it difficult to move about in the snow or ice.

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