That allows the orchestrator to move tasks between nodes and to make sure that those tasks still have access to the same persistent volume they were using before. Consul 1.0 makes raft protocol 3 the default. The services register themselves with Consul on service startup. First off, service registration. This means that we can simply access the docker hosts by just going to "http://nb-consul.local:8500" for instance. [js] These registrators give necessary information of the cluster to the consul master. -serf-lan-port=${PORT_PREFIX:-800}1 docker run -d name=registrator2 net=host volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock gliderlabs/registrator:latest consul:// Before we start the Consul server, lets quickly look at the architecture behind Consul. So the first Consul server will be consul-server-01, the first Nomad server will bet nomad-server-01, etc. Brain Dump Space. But for this article we just specify the IP addresses of the relevant docker-machines. TransIP offers a High Availability IP (HAIP), which is practically a hosted Load Balancer with minimal configuration options. This event will cause a new Consul server in the cluster to assume leadership. Running Curator in Docker container to remove old Elasticsearch indexes. There are at least 4 really different types of nodes in our cluster: Each one requires their own packages, configuration and firewall settings. Alternatively, node that is assigned the flag will start in particular. For a cluster that supports redundancy, its not complete enough. In case too many containers are replaced to retain quorum, the snapshot can be used to get the cluster running. -p \ The volume configuration will depend on how your Docker EE installation integrates with persistent storage. Consul is a service discovery and a configuration system tool used to discover the services running on multiple nodes. The docker-compose file is very straightforward, and is just a simple way to avoid typing in all the launch commands (especially when you're doing live demos). It just seems more developer-friendly. Let us first set up a consul container on consul-node1 with a bootstrap-expect flag. The container exposes its data directory, /consul/data, as a volume. These are passed in through the docker-compose file we use: The interesting part here are the DNS entries. Again, I had no history with any of them, and no bias. TLS, mTLS, RBAC, SAML, OAUTH, OWASP, GDPR, SASL, RSA, JWT, cookie, attack vector, DDoS, firewall, VPN, security groups, exploit, []. That means that we want to be able to check out one or more repositories and restore a similar cluster without any (or minimal) manual steps. I also recommend different encryption keys for the gossip protocol. It primarily focuses on the Docker container runtime, but the principles largely apply to rkt, oci, and other container runtimes as well. I am actually getting ready to across this information, Its very helpful for this blog.Also great with all of the valuable information you have Keep up the good work you are doing well. | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | head -n 1) Your email address will not be published. docker run -d -h consul-node1 -v /mnt:/data \ -node=master-$(cat /tmp/hostname) So how do we do this for our services. [/js]. As you can see in the previous architecture overview we want to start a frontend and a backend service on each of the nodes. At this point we have our docker consul server running. Configuration can also be added by passing the configuration JSON via environment variable CONSUL_LOCAL_CONFIG. And although there is a Terraform Provider for TransIP, it does not really support real-world use cases. Every cluster needs to have a network-based filesystem that allows different nodes access to persistent file storage. When the healtcheck returns something in the 200 range the service is marked as healthy and can be discoverd by other services. -p \ So that means Terraform was off the table. Especially for databases a very important requirement. With this setup we can just reference a service by name, and use DNS to resolve it. Google App Engine is a platform-as-a-service product that is marketed as a way to get your applications into the cloud without necessarily knowing all of the infrastructure bits and pieces to do so. Lets first launch the services, and then we'll look at how they register themselves with Consul: As you can see in the last output of "docker ps" we have three frontends, three backends, and three consul agents running. If you look closely you might see that we use a couple of environment variables here. Cluster Address - The address at which other Consul agents may contact a given agent. If you run Windows or Linux the commands might vary slightly. Docker networking requires us to declare the ports we use and how to expose them. We are through with setting up Consul Multinode Cluster With Docker. Terraform is advised a lot for provisioning infrastructure as code. Enjoy your fault tolerant Consul cluster! This is where data visualization comes in. -p \ For the other articles in this series you can look here: In this first article we'll create a simple docker based architecture with a number of services that will communicate with one another using simple HTTP calls, and that will discover each other using Consul. In this post, well [], Software security is more important than ever, but developing secure applications is more confusing than ever. ZStream integration: we Ive done a lot of Kotlin for the last two years, and have mainly followed Scala and done some pet projects. Our container platform will be based on Docker. If you override them, make sure that the following settings are appropriate. When we create our services later on, we'll connect those to this network, so that they all share the same subnet. [js] Feature flags are a tool to strategically enable or disable functionality at runtime. done progrium/consul -server -advertise -join Great post! The networking of Consul is the most complicated part. So with these aliases in place, first we do a "dm-env nb-consul" to select the correct docker-machine. All rights reserved. Next we get the ip address of this server and then we can start our Consul server like this. For example, docker pull consul:1.4.4 will pull the 1.4.4 Consul release image. So the full cluster implementation consists of: None of these nodes need to be reachable from the internet. An agent just talks to one of the servers and normally runs on the node that is also running the services. The stack in this post takes snapshots at 5 minute intervals and keeps them for 10 days. Google App []. This will be done on all the nodes. Another solution is to create a custom image based on consul:1.3.1 and create the Consul configuration using a script. Client Address - The address where other processes on the host contact Consul in order to make HTTP or DNS requests. When the other container is up and running, we see the logs of the first container. The reference architecture for Nomad tells us that we should have at least 3 Nomad servers. -client= Since a lot of interesting stuff has been going Service discovery in a microservices architecture using Consul, Presentation on Service discovery with consul, Service discover with Docker and Consul: Part 2,,,,, Exploring ZIO - Part II - ZStream and modules, Service Discovery with Docker and Consul: part 1. Now on to the description of what we are trying to do. The official Consul container supports stopping, starting, and restarting. Thus we need to run 3 registrators for and on each node so that the data is in sync. When a previously stopped server container is restarted using docker start , and it is configured to obtain a new IP, Autopilot will add it back to the set of Raft peers with the same node-id and the new IP address, after which it can participate as a server again. For a redundant cluster, the recommended setup is that you build a Consul cluster of at least 3 Consul servers. Now lets create the other three servers on which we'll run our services. [/js]. Consul gives us a variety of features that help to determine our infrastructure in a better way such as service and node discovery mechanism, health check, tagging system, system-wide key/value storage, consensus-based election routines and so on. The consul*dev network will need to be created before hand using swarm scope. The easiest way to accomplish this is to create a single network that is used by all the services running in the docker containers. -http-port=${PORT_PREFIX:-800}2 If you want multiple Consul clusters in a swarm, each cluster will need to specify a unique set of ports. ". However, since there are only two nodes, bootstrap process has not yet begun. When we see the logs of the container it shows: Similarly, when we see the UI of the consul we see no nodes appearing. More instructions on how to get started using this image are available at the official Docker repository page. Consul uses it only during start up and does not store any state there. Ive tried to be as complete as possible and include all the required code and steps for you to set up your own Docker cluster using SaltStack, Nomad and Consul on any provider where you can provision a VPS with an Ubuntu 20.04 images. 14 minute read. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Get curated content and new job postings delivered straight to your inbox. Most well-known are Puppet, Ansible, Chef and SaltStack. In this part were going to extend on that example and add the following: -p \ If anything is missing or unclear, just comment down below and Ill try and help. Consequently, when we run a docker container on consul-node3, it is not discovered by consul because we are not running any registrators. If you're doing microservices you've probably ran into the issue that when the number of services you create increases it becomes more and more difficult to manage the communication between all these services. This does not affect saving and restoring snapshots when running in Docker. You can see that it tries to join the cluster. -p \ For example, in the frontend service we call the backend using this code: This calls one of the backend services using DNS. progrium/consul -server -advertise -join We could, easily, just use an environment variable for this, which is set through a simple bash script. -advertise=$(cat /tmp/hosts | grep -v ^127[.] To do this we create a simple "overlay" network like this: And since we created this on our swarm master, this network will be available in all the members of our swarm. Required fields are marked *. To start the consul agents, we're going to use docker-compose. This is pretty much the architecute we're aiming for. The container has a Consul configuration directory set up at /consul/config and the agent will load any configuration files placed here by binding a volume or by composing a new image and adding files. Practically that means our cluster looks something like this: For practical reasons well use a fixed IP numbering scheme in our private Network. We have multiple docker hosts so we need to find an easy way to have services running in node "nb1" to be able to communicate with "nb2". -datacenter=dc1 Servers need the volume's data to be available when restarting containers to recover from outage scenarios. After checking the documentation for all four, Ive decided that SaltStack fit my way of thinking and working best. We could do this manually, but since we've got docker-swarm we can easily do this through a single docker-compose file. Consul's official Docker images are tagged with version numbers. -p \ Ideally using Nomad and Consul would also mean using HashiCorps Terraform to provision the infrastructure. Consider using this if you use NAT in your environment, or in scenarios where you have a routable address that cannot be bound. Each node in the network should therefore have a Salt Minion installed. I found it difficult to configure and want to share my solution to help others. Your email address will not be published. At this point we've got four docker-machines up and running., Natively Compiled Java on Google App Engine, Building Better Data Visualization Experiences: Part 2 of 2, Unleashing Feature Flags onto Kafka Consumers. In the following example, the client and bind addresses are declaratively specified for the container network interface 'eth0'. I hope the blog was useful. -p \ echo Taking Consul snapshot; This set of articles dives into setting up a new Docker cluster in a repeatable way in the form of Cluster as Code. That also means that integrating this in our existing applications is really easy, since we can just rely on basic DNS resolving. Make sure your "DOCKER_HOST" points to the docker swarm master and start the agents like this: At this point we have a Consul server running in docker-machine "nb-consul" and we've got three agents running on our nodes. -config-dir=/consul/config And, as you can see, we've got 1 server running (our Consul Server), and the three agents. This works since we can just reference the local agent by its name, since it is in the same contaner. -p \ Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. docker run -d -h consul-node3 -v /mnt:/data \ We also recommend taking additional backups via consul snapshot, and storing them externally. It provides an easy to use, open standards based (opinionated) approach to service discovery (and besides that provides a large set of other functions). [/js]. We don't need to explicitly do something to enable service discovery. All nodes changing IP addresses Prior to Consul 0.9.3, Consul did not gracefully handle the situation where all nodes in the cluster running inside a container are restarted at the same time, and they all obtain new IP addresses. For example, the tasks.consul-dev name used for service discovery does not work in Docker CE, at the time of this writing.

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