Thank you for sharing what you've learned with others. Imagine the difference when you try to get them on a schedule! If you dont get insurance, please start a puppy emergency fund. Puppies have short attention spans, so keep your training sessions short and praise-based. Happy-Go-Doodle, LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. Watch out for signals like "circling" or sniffing around, and immediately rush them outside even if they have already started to go inside. He just sat there and looked at me for the 2.5 mile ride home, and started to perk up when we explored my grassy yard. Training treats: Goldendoodle puppies are eager to learn and eager to please you. If youve done your homework on Goldendoodles, you know that they require a significant amount of grooming. Allow your puppy 10-15 minutes to potty and explore the new territory. Protected: Gracie and Coopers Summer StandardF1bs. He wakes up after 8-9 hours of being in his crate, but hes still in a sleepy, groggy mood. Once your puppy has come home with you, slowly introduce new people to them in a calm and friendly manner. Before we jump in to our list of Goldendoodle toys, please remember to supervise your puppy when she or he is playing with any puppy toy. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. Soft bristled brush: At first, the objective of brushing is simply to help your Goldendoodle puppy get used to the concept, experience the feel of brushing, and make it fun. Once your puppys food is prepared, you will start having your puppy sit and wait for his food. We found him at a shelter and I quickly named him Toby. I just had to show him where the back door was and constantly supervise him to make sure I knew when he was ready to go out. We wish you many Golden adventures ahead! Our family pets in our home have all been vaccinated and are safe for your puppy to interact with early on, but double check that your friends' and neighbors' pets are safe too before introducing them to your new dog. Here is a list of things that will help your puppy make that transition. Immediate and consistent reactions to bad behaviors is the best way to encourage good behaviors. If youre not familiar with a pet poison control hotline, you can check out the one at Protected: Sparkle and Dougs PreciousGems. Here are some travel time supplies that we keep packed in a travel bag: Collapsible food and water bowls, travel-sized food pouch, poopy sacks, travel toys, and a car safety harness or travel-sized crate. For now, were building his endurance with long games of fetch-the-hedgehog ;). He was already used to going potty outside, so in the four days Ive had him we havent had to do any potty training. Youll have more time to help your puppy settle in and get comfortable rather than making last-minute trips to the store. Styptic powder: If you trim your puppys nails, its a good idea to have styptic power on hand. You may roll your eyes at this one but choosing my puppy was so dang hard! I can definitely relate to standing in pet shops trying to figure out which collar, which brush and which toys will work for my newest furry family member. so Im making the most of these tiny moments where I can hold him in my arms. We discovered my massive dog allergies when we rescued a golden retriever when I was 9. I bet you are having so much fun with Riggins. He gets the hiccups about 4-5 times a day. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. This helps keep large dogs from developing bone and joint issues in adulthood. But a good comb is equally as important. I knew it was the perfect name. He wont follow me down the dark hallway unless I turn the light on. A couple of our favorites are Zak Georges YouTube puppy training videos and his dog training books. Measuring her food is a cup of love that helps me help her maintain a healthy weight. What to Expect Your Puppys First NightHome, View evergreendoodless profile on Facebook, View evergreendoodless profile on Instagram, View alliecarlson522s profile on Pinterest, Lifes Abundance All Lifes Stages Dog Food, what to expect your puppy's first night home, Apple and Coopers LitterFall 2017 life+Love +Little ones, Pearl and Cooper 2018 life+Love +Little ones, Jewel and Cooper 2018 life+Love +Little ones, Apple and Coopers Litter 2018 The Grace Between, Spring F1 Litter 2019 The Grace Between, Sparkle and Coopers Litter 2019 The Grace Between. Choosing what to feed your puppy once they come home with you can feel like a very daunting task. A natural disaster where you need a safe place to keep your dog in the hours following the event. (LogOut/ I had to leave him with his mama and brothers and sisters for another 2 weeks until his brain was fully developed at 8 weeks old. I am an adventurer, extrovert, and homesteader. . My husband and I raise and train premium goldendoodle puppies in the beautiful PNW. Congratulations! We are firm believers that the first six months of a puppy's life establish their personality and behavior. He was so scared! I actually put my deposit in on a litter last October, before the mama dog was even expecting. Our Goldendoodle puppy supply list is chock full of everything youll need for your Goldendoodle puppytoys, Goldendoodle accessories, crates, grooming equipment, treats. My favorite blogger, Simply Taralynn, has 2 of them and I am embarrassed to admit that I will literally break into a smile when she posts pictures of them. Wait until they are somewhat sleepy or at least not energetic. Goldendoodles a hybrid breed between a golden retriever and a poodle have been my favorite dog for YEARS. I am a mom, wife, dance teacher, dog breeder, puppy trainer, and I worked as a Chemical Dependency Counselor for 3 years. As the mom of a Goldendoodle, aunt of two Doodles, and a research hound, many Goldendoodle parents-to-be have asked me about Goldendoodle puppy supplies. I struggled so hard not to let him out. My. When walking out of the house, use important key words like "outside" or "potty", or ring a set of bells on the door. I would cradle them like babies and see which one let me cuddle them longer. Youll be able to have everything you need assembled, washed, cleaned, or prepped before your Goldendoodles arrival. Be sure to order some ahead of time so you can have it ready. In fact, for Chloes size (shes a medium Goldendoodle weighing about 40 pounds), she eats one cup of food in the morning and one in the evening. It doesnt take a very big food bowl to hold one cup. Over time, she started ringing it herself. My #1 name was Ollie, but one of my friends actually adopted a goldendoodle a few months before me and ended up naming hers Ollie! My lungs would feel like I was having an asthma attack. Contact:, Im Not Done Blogging, Im Just Somewhere ElseNow ,, Bucket List Item #5: Fit Back Into My Wedding Dress, Bucket List Item #4: Play 18 Holes of Disc Golf. The breeder brought him to Boise on June 3rd and I took him to my home. He has not had any accidents in his crate, and hes starting to get more and more comfortable with confinement. An accident or illness where your Goldendoodle must have an overnight stay at the vet. Puppy ID tag: No one wants to think about a new puppy getting lost. Our focus at Riverside Goldendoodles is raising calm, gentle, and well-socialized dogs. Our Maggie was crate trained and it worked out nicely. Endless amounts of your tender loving care! Check out our resource page for my favorite recommendations. I remember standing in front of all the collars at the pet store thinking, What size collar should I get my Goldendoodle? If youre wondering the same thing, maybe this will help you: Our Goldendoodle puppy weighed eight pounds and her first collar was 9 long. Hes playful but gentleeven with his own chew toys, hes so polite and gentle! Dogshave distressing pressure points in the slight indent at the top of their head and the sinuses below the tear ducts. He grabs the leash in his mouth to walk himself when we go for laps around the neighborhood. Small family dog breeding and puppy training business. Personally, I wouldnt go without it. We spend one-on-one time with each puppy, giving them lots of love and attention in order to get them used to being around other people and pets. If you have any questions about which treats are right for your Goldendoodle puppy, talk with your vet at the first puppy wellness visit. I am loving this expansive list of information and very helpful for doodles owners as well as many other breed owners. Our puppies are trained to sleep with all of the lights turned off, so they should calm down and fall asleep pretty quickly. You might want to have a travel bag at the ready. Stainless steel food and water bowls: We like stainless steel bowls for their durability and resistance to bacteria. It is easiest for the puppy if you can feed them the same food your breeder was giving them. Goldendoodles are a trendy breed right now, so breeders take deposits for waiting lists months in advanced. Avoid overwhelming them with large crowds. Chris Christianson brush: This brush was a game changer for us as I learned to groom my Goldendoodle at home. You can choose a place in your home that will be your Goldendoodle puppys space and have it ready. Dog first aid kit: Safety first and happiness will follow is one of our mottos at Happy-Go-Doodle. Our focus at Riverside Goldendoodles is raising calm, gentle, and well-socialized dogs. Avoid overwhelming them with large crowdsright away, as it can ingrain a panicked and overly-cautious reaction to new situations. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Change). We made it through the night, and he eventually wore himself out from crying and fell asleep for a couple hours until he had to go outside. We provide you with a small sample of their current food to take with you, and that amount should help you make the switch. We simply rang the bell and said, Potty each time we took her out. Butthey WILL transition! Paper towels, towels, small blanket: Yes, these are staples for puppiesbecause poop, pee, and muddy paws happen. I LOVE my mornings with him. Also, make sure that you wait to visit dog parks or areas with lots of animals until after your puppy has received all of their booster shots. You Hes going to make a great roommate , Your puppy stole my heart, but I also love your blog. And thats been life with Riggins for the past 4 days. I would take them out without. It is so crucial to train your dog from the very first day, in order to stop habits like biting, jumping, or barking from developing. Youve probably been preparing for your pup in many ways and now your ready to bring them home! Puppy gate: Goldendoodle puppies are very curious. Ive had a note in my phone with dog names for probably 3 years. For even more precision, some veterinary experts recommend a kitchen scale to measure your dogs food. Repeat the crying and the sleeping a couple times. But if the worst happens, having a puppy ID tag with your contact information on it could be a lifesaver. They are giant curly teddy bears. Also, you may want to join a Goldendoodle community on Facebook. Finding a vet that is close to your home and available for regular appointments is crucial to keeping your pup happy and healthy! He raced to me the fastest, he cuddled up to me as much as he could, and he just looked so happy and playful. Now is a great time to add a pet poison control phone number to your contacts list on your phone. For more about grooming, please read my articles: Goldendoodle Grooming 101 and Cornstarch for Matted Dog Hair. Cleaning up after an accident with an enzymatic cleaner makes it less likely that your puppy will sniff out the urine smell and want to return to the same spot. I question I often get is how can I help my puppy the first night? It is a big transition for the puppy (and you!) I dont blame you. Training treats are essential for teaching your puppypositively. Now that you have a good start on what to buy your puppy, you may be ready to think about what to name your sweet Goldendoodle. You can read our story here: Best Brush for Goldendoodle Grooming. Being a huge dog lover, I am bummed that I cant hold him and cuddle him myself. This list of Goldendoodle supplies is organized by activityplay time, meal time, bed time, potty time, grooming time, and training time. *They may also drink and obnoxious amount of water! Puppies are used to playing a little rough with their siblings, and need to know right away that they can't play with you in the same way. The first few nights at home may be difficult for both you and your pup. You can rub those areas while snuggling in addition to long slow strokes from the top of his shoulder blades to the base of his tale. Goldendoodles are notorious for having separation anxiety; they like to be with their families (human and animal). As far as the size of bowls, it may seem logical to purchase the same size for both food and water. Stinky stuff. Surgeries that require strict crate rest as prescribed by your veterinarian. Bring your puppy into your lap giving them lots of eye contact. Poopy bags: Stick a few in your pocket so they are always handy. ), With all that in mind, when you first arrive home give your puppy a chance to relieve itself in an area you have designated for that purpose. (LogOut/ The biggest struggle was acclimating to a crate. Steel pet grooming comb: It seems like brushes take center stage when pet parents think about grooming. A dog first aid kit is part of that philosophy and a common sense item to have in your home. But first things first. Keep it picked up and give it to them each time. Airtight food storage container: This is a much more convenient way to store your puppys food and helps keep it fresh. He is afraid of the dark. We are firm believers that the first six months of a puppy's life establish their personality and behavior. So I make my cup of coffee, grab my phone to scroll through instagram, and soak in his snuggles on my lap or my arm or my chest while hes this little. Learn how your comment data is processed. 15 years later, I FINALLY was ready to adopt my own dog again! The first few nights with your puppy are very important, because they set the routine for your pup. (Always supervise your puppy and make sure gates are puppy safe and securely fastened. You should also be careful not to fall into diet plan fads like the grain-free trend. If you accidentally clip the quick (the blood and nerve supply of the toenail), styptic powder helps control the bleeding. Dog grooming table: You wont need this right away of course, but it makes it so much easier to groom your Goldendoodle at home, if you choose to do so. Heaven. Bringing home your new puppy is an exciting day! Measuring Cup or Digital Kitchen Scale, Rolled Leather Collar (For Adult Goldendoodles), Books: Zak George's Dog Training Revolution, Car Safety Harness or Travel-Sized Kennel. Night 3 went even better. Little chunker! Measuring cup or a kitchen food scale: A measuring cup probably isnt a top-of-mind item on your list of what to buy for your Goldendoodle puppy. Get the latest Happy-Go-Doodle stories delivered to your email inbox. Since it is less about the brush itself and more about the act of brushing, just having a soft bristled brush on hand will work. It's important to remember that routines are best set from the beginning. (LogOut/ The most important thing to keep in mind is that your dog's food should be specific for their age and size. Serious willpower will be required not to immediately go find yourself an equally adorable fluff ball ;). Its an essential item on our list not just for puppy days, but also for scenarios like these: Puppy collar: Your new Goldendoodle puppy will need an adjustable collar that easily attaches to a dog leash and holds your puppys ID tags. Counting every blessing. Also, make sure that you wait to visit dog parks or areas with lots of animals until after your puppy has received all of their booster shots. Not every item is needed right away. But youll have a pretty solid idea of what supplies youll need as your Goldendoodle puppy becomes an adult. Most puppies wake around 6am needing a quick potty break, but should go back to sleep for another hour or two once returned to their bed. ), Animal poison control phone number: Accidents can happen so quickly. Heres my logic: Chloe needs to drink plenty of fresh water throughout the day, but her food requirements are small. Puppies have short attention spans, so keep your training sessions short and praise-based. "OUCH", they will stop just as if their sibling had yelped. Later, youll probably want to invest in a high quality slicker brush, which we discuss in a couple of paragraphs. If they havent relieved, take them inside and again in 10 minutes. We love the Andis steel comb. List any other Goldendoodle supplies here 10. This will be your puppys first meal by themselves. Recently, I found Millers Forge nail trimmers (they cut like a knife through butter) and I took an online course on how to cut dog nails. Posted on June 6, 2017, in Healthy Habits. He had never been confined before, and it was also his first day away from his dog family. (LogOut/ Youre here scanning this post about Goldendoodle puppy supplies, which probably means you (or someone you know) is about to become a Goldendoodle parent and will soon be looking into the adoring eyes of a sweet Goldendoodle puppy. Establishing a veterinarian for your puppy before bringing them home is incredibly important. The next night, I learned to WEAR HIM OUT with 2 hours of playing, walking and running before bed. If they start to cry, feel free to talk and reassure them, but resist picking them up or taking them out of their crate. This is where I share my (unpredictable) post-graduation journey while balancing health & happiness! They are durable, easy to fill with a puppy treat, and most dogs love them! Bookmark the permalink. Flexible flyer (frisbee): The Kong Classic Flyer is one of our faves since it is flexible, durable, and another great option for Goldendoodles who love to retrieve. Hes adorable. We recommend that you buy the essentials for your Goldendoodle puppy beforeyou bring your puppy home rather than wait. Treat dispensing dog ball: When your Goldendoodle isnt playing with a fetch ball, the next best thing is playing with a ball that dispenses treats as it is rolled. Fetch ball: The question for many Goldendoodle parents is not whether to buy a ball, but how many! It usually only takes a week or two for your puppy to get the hang of things, but remember that it takes patience and consistency. She gave birth to 9 multi-colored puppies on April 6th and I got to go play with all 9 to find which one I matched the best with. Youll notice they may have tummy issues do to the stress of the change and keeping the food the same will help. Up to this point, most puppies have been with their mama and littermates. So Happy-Go-Doodle Chloe (our familys 7-year-old red Goldendoodle) and I decided it was time to put our hands and paws to the keyboard and create the ultimate list. He slept in my room, and aside from general allergy symptoms, I would have MASSIVE coughing fits where I could not breathe.
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