The Labrador is much the same height as the Vizsla, standing between 21.5 and 24.5 at the shoulder. They are also used extensively as service dogs, law enforcement and military dogs, as well as hunting dogs. I care for and live my animals just as if they were a human child of mine. Their penchant to please and their high intelligence typically make these dogs easy to train, both as puppies and as adults. I still have the pheasant hunting business, but my husband of 46+ years died 2 years. Stay on top of dog food recalls here >, Have a question? I had her three years, and I lost her just this May. These breeds are two members of the sporting group, but they have slightly different roles. But is this a great companion for those who like to be active and social? Practicing the stay command will help teach your pooch patience so they can get along well in the family household. Youll need to find a different dog if youre looking for a watch dog, as most dogs with Labrador blood do not know a stranger. Ensure you have the right environment to give them the care and attention they need. This crossbreed dog will stick to their family members like glue and tend to develop separation anxiety if they are left alone too often. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon EU Associates Programme, an affiliate advertising programme designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, The Happy Puppy Site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The breed has a long history, and in ancient times it was used to hunt Falcons. Keep in mind that the majority of animals at a breed-specific rescue are either retired breeding stock or show stock. Her pedigree is fantastic with many generations of high class show We'd love your help to develop Preloved in the direction that, you, our incredible members want. Advocates of mixed breeds voice concerns that inbreeding and exaggeration of certain physical characteristics in purebreds can result in dogs with health problems. Both are handsome dogs, so the combination is sure to be a pleasing-looking pooch. He will be with me at all times, an the town I am going to be living in is close to 3 different dog friendly parks. I got my Vizsla Lab mix at the Cincinnati Lab Rescue, in Cincinnati, Ohio. Vizsla-Labrador mixes may inherit the Vizslas short coat, or they may inherit the Labradors double coat. But if its pointing you are after, then a pure Vizsla would be a safer bet as their mixed breed pups may or may not inherit the inclination to point. But it is interesting how you get a lot of solid clues as to just what went on, through their moments of terror when in certain situations. Taking into account what we know of both breeds, what can we predict when it comes to the temperament of a Vizsla Lab mix? However, the Vizslas ancestors can be traced as far back as the eighth century. She would suddenly be afraid of me when I put on my fathers big shirt-jacket and my boots to go work in the orchard. Sadly, these dogs are usually bred in cruel puppy farms. to work in all kinds of terrain in Europe. But, the grandkids could flop on his back andgrab his tail and privates, and would just lie or sit there. We also know that they are sporting breeds, which means they are intelligent and need a lot of exercise. From personality and looks, to health, training, and daily care. The Vizslador or Labrala, as this mixed breed is sometimes called, is a cross between the Labrador Retriever and the Hungarian Vizsla. As high-energy dogs, Vizsladors need plenty of daily exercise and play time in order to keep their weight down and for their mental health. This inflammatory skin condition results in hair loss that may be accompanied by drying, scabbing, and scaling of the revealed skin. Its necessary to invest time in obedience training if you expect your Vizsla Lab mix to behave well as they get older. Your breeder needs to demonstrate that they are creating puppies not just for money. Nr Perth, Perthshire. Health testing matters, even if you are buying a breed mix. They can even be trained to walk on a treadmill for exercise when the weather is too bad to go outside for a walk. Great that she got to have a few good years. They will require socialization, time, and love. They are also contenders in the versatility ring and the field. They too will be a kid for a while they may grow up a little faster than the Vizsla but are still renowned for their extended puppyhood. The brand new hardwood floor I had put in was completely torn up in a year from her claws when she would suddenly become rigid. Its possible of course to breed a Vizsla Black Lab mix, Vizsla Chocolate Lab mix or Vizsla Yellow Lab mix. This advert is located in and around With such an energetic personality, the Vizsla Lab wont be content spending their days locked inside the house. The Labrador Site is also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Advice on raising a puppy when you work full time, Breed-Specific Polymyositis in Hungarian Vizsla Dogs, Applied Dermatology: Sebaceous Adenitis in Dogs, Purebred Vs Mutt Common Objections To Mixed Breed Dogs, German Shepherd Lab Mix Sheprador Breed Traits, Goldador Dog Breed Traits of the Golden Retriever Lab Mix, Red Fox Lab Traits, Appearance and Characteristics, Golden Retriever vs Labrador Breed Traits and Personality. When I moved, it was evident that she was afraid of going through the chain link gate in to the yard. You may find that even within a litter the puppies range in size and weight quite a bit. I actually saw it as steps toward the healing of her psyche. They love to swim for fun, and theyll take advantage of a wading pool in the yard on a hot sunny day. Her mom trained all our puppies. In this complete guide to the Hungarian Vizsla Labrador cross, youll find out just what to expect from this mix between two classic gundog breeds. Sporting breeds like Vizlas and Labradors have been crossed for years in order to combine favorable characteristics of each breed to achieve the perfect working dog. Ormskirk, West Lancashire. He must have been a chained dog his whole life. Learn more. Preloved supports a number of accesskeys to help you navigate our website, they are as follows: Preloved and the heart device is a registered trademark of Moo Limited. Things to Know When Owning a Vizsla Lab Mix, Adventurous families, kids of all ages, other pets, houses with large yards, hunters, Intelligent, outgoing, friendly, loyal, protective, curious, family-oriented. Labrador Retriever Life Span How Long Do Labs Live? If your Vizslador takes after their Vizsla parent, they could be clingy and sensitive. 10-14 years This advert is located in and around A mix of these two breeds would probably not exceed 24 inches in height. Youll probably be hard-pressed to find a puppy at a rescue. You may find a Vizslador by perusing animal shelters or breed-specific rescues. ***UPDATE*** ALL PUPS HAVE NOW HAD THEIR VET CHECK AND 1ST VACCINATION AND ARE READY TO LEAVE. Youll also find them in service roles, where their trainability and excellent noses can be put to use in tasks like search and rescue. Early Labradors were primarily bred as retrievers of water fowl, while Vizlas were bred as trackers of land-dwelling game, but were also trained to retrieve water fowl. This is a condition both parent breeds have in common, so you should be extra careful to check that the parents of your pup did not have joint problems. We found 16 'vizsla mix' adverts for you in 'dogs and puppies', in the UK and Ireland, This advert is located in and around If you decide you would like a Vizslador pup, then please do not buy one online or from a pet shop. Llangollen, Denbighshire. We have been looking for over a year but with no luck. She wouldnt look straight at me for the first six months. You can find a whole lot of helpful resources for Labradors here. Mix breeds are rapidly gaining in popularity. Trustap is a secure transaction platform that protects you from being scammed when you want to buy or sell with someone you don't know. I was so happy because it was like the last big hurtle for her and we made it. But within a couple months I figured out her Vizsla heritage. She was afraid of doorways. KC registered. I rescued a ten-year-old that someone had sorely abused. The long and short of it is this: dont expect a mix of these two to mature quickly. Labradors are a very high shedding breed, so in the moulting season (which for them can feel like most of the year) you will find you need a very good vacuum. I took her everywhere I went and after meeting soooo many friendly people, she finally came to like it. Temperament & Intelligence of the Vizsla Lab Mix. talk to a vet online for advice >. As a hybrid dog, the Vizsladors temperament is typically a mix of his parent breeds temperaments, or he may favor one parent in personality as well as physical traits. I hope to fine one and have it become the best hunting dog ever, but I want it with me when she is not in the field. A Vizslador may lick an intruder to death, but thats about as bad as things will get. Mum is our beautiful girl Saxon who has a gentle, fun and loyal nature. The 2008 Vizsla Health Survey. West Chester, PA: West Chester Statistics Institute, ONeil, D.G., et al Longevity and mortality of owned dogs in England. Veterinary Journal, 1997. I have a a Vizlador, also rescued.. i found him on the road, stopping cars.. he would step in to traffic to get the cars to stop, then he walked to the driver door as to say, take me with you? It broke my heart to see it. This advert is located in and around Dont be surprised if your Vizsla becomes your canine-shaped shadow as you go about your business at home. Featured Image Credit: Ivanova N, Shutterstock. Suitable for: KC Registered. The good news is that regardless of which type of coat he has, a Labrala will just need a weekly brushing, although more during shedding season if he has a double coat. With any mixed breed dog, it really is a 50-50 chance that a Vizsla Lab mix puppy will come out more or less like a Labrador Retriever or a Vizsla.

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