Could it be the food? It usually takes six months to get sensitized to a new food, so if you have food allergy, its usually NOT something new, but something the dog has eaten for a long time. Usually in less than 3 days after we bath him he will start having the doggy smell and a really strong one. We have another yorkie who is fine and has great breath as far as dog breath goes. Any ideas? do you have any suggestions? Smell is gone! Join our mailing list to receive the latest updates. sometimes an ear smear on a slide is required to indentify the type of yeast or bacteria that is living in the ear, so that it can be effectively treated. Just be sure to use. I have a 1yr old choc lab who sometimes smells horribly like stinky feet even his pet bed smells like it even after laundering, the smell will last a few days to a week at a time then go away, it gets VERY strong, (literally the first time it happened i yelled at my fiance to wash his feet assuming it was him poor guy) I also have a rescued golden retriever (not sure of her age)who when bathed, has a stinky odor, not wet dog smell, or camel smell (lol) just foul stinky and hard to describe maby like poopy bo, i just assumed maby getting a bath made her nervous and she was secreting some sweaty bo or oil, anyway smelly shampoo doesnt do the trick for either of them, any ideas, normally i would just load them up for a trip to the vet but i lost my job (dang economy) 3 months ago and therefore have to work on a tight budget for now, I love my pets and consider them my children, while my friends and family consider me crazy. Search flatulence to find an excellent article on the gas problem. Help! The circular spots indicated past ringworm, yeast and bacterial infections. The dog could have a Sorry I cant give you the long-distance help that I would like to. This will last for a day or two but then the smells back. Talk to your veterinarian about revisiting the hyposensitization therapy, and also about a dietary elimination trial to look at food allergy. The technical name for this situation is seborrhea. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Could it have something to do with it? Some dogs under stress will have a butt-pucker moment, and the same squeezing of the anal sphincter empties the sacs. We suspect his mouth is the primary source of the smell as it stinks the most (vet says he does not have teeth / gastric problem), but we couldnt relief that smell. Over time, poor oral hygiene can lead to periodontal disease., Are Shih Tzus Lazy? I wouldnt count on the dipping. Source: Richard Brancato, D.V.M., Animal Medical Center, Clearwater. You should see your veterinarian about this. I cannot give my dog a bath every few days (or every week for that matter) and that pet deoderant is not the answer!! I have given them baths snd smell good but as soon as they walk out that door and come back in they stink all over again. That will tell you whether or not its in the yard. At first, I thought one of them had rolled in something, but it has gotten stronger over the last couple of days. Buggy-eyed dogs like Shih Tzus, Lhasa Apsos, Pekingese, Pugs, etc need a greater than average amount of tear film present ot ekep their corneas healthy. But I treated that and he still smells. Would giving a stinky dog yeast help or hurt. His eyes do drain a little and I clean his face daily with a baby wipe but it does no good. If there isnt enough water to keep the mucus dissolved, it gunks up on the eye. After many months of licking and scratching, the skin become hyperpigmented black. A foreign object in the stomach can move around, sometimes blocking the exit valve at the pylorus, and sometimes being out of the way. These are not going to be long-term stinky dogs. We have tried putting a few drops of cologne or chlorophyll tablets in her rinse water, to no avail. Thanks for trying!! As the article says, most odors stem from ears, teeth/mouth, anal sacs or skin problems. It would be unusual for a dog to suddenly begin secreting excessive skin oil in his old age. If you cant find a nasty place in the yard, then Id take them to your veterinarian for a good exam, and a urine check. They are in the best position to help you, but if you dont tell them whats going on, they will be thinking everything is okay. Her cage also stinks of it and she smelled this way the day after giving her a bath and washing her bedding. Dogs that are losing hair have some type of problem. He is an indoor dog and I take him for a walk four or five times a day. They usually have a LOT of obvious skin problems. in this video, we bring to you 5 things you must never do to your shih tzu dog. until about 2 weeks ago and now whew! Sometimes a growth or polyp involving the vocal folds causes loud snoring. Just be sure to use bathing products that are sensitive to the skin. Thanks! We took him to the veterinary and they said it is the anal glands issue, so they took care of it. Itchy dogs that scratch excessively get those skin oil glands overactive, producing that rancid smell. The VIN guys noted that the had seen dogs develop a fishy odor when fed a fish-based dog food, but not a smell of urine. You dont cure allergic patients, you manage them. Required fields are marked *. The odor could be yeast, even without the itching. Those are areas that can be prone to a yeast skin infection. St. Petersburg report addresses Childs Park odor, suggests more investigation, What to know about monkeypox in Tampa Bay, At Sol St. Pete Bistro, a healthy approach that doesnt feel restrictive, Deb Rogers follows a Florida Woman into the wilderness, Rat lungworm found in Pascos giant African land snails. Talk to your veterinarian and let them know that draining his anal sacs did not make a difference. Originally, the skin will be inflamed red and pink. His chest is always sweaty feeling and we are at our wits end. A bath every three weeks wont hurt your Shih Tzu. 11 Signs Youre Obsessed With Your Shih Tzu, How to Save Money as a Shih Tzu Owner (13 Ways), 18 Human Foods That Are Toxic or Deadly for Shih Tzus, How to Make Your Shih Tzu Really Happy (15 Ways!). Somedays we can smell him from a few feet away, other days we only catch a whiff of it as he walks by or wags his tail. There are quite a few different things that could be causing this and you really need to get a diagnosis instead of just treating by guess and by golly. I have posted a query about the ammonia smell. According to the American Kennel Club, The most common causes of bad breath in dogs are bad oral hygiene and periodontal diseaseIf your dog is not a chewer and you do not regularly brush his teeth or have his teeth cleaned, then the most likely cause of his bad breath is plaque build-up. I woudl be very concerned that your dog has dry eye. The stink is seriously like nothing Ive ever smelled before. Allergies often begin the process, which leads to scratching and licking that open the door for infections. I am just worried she has something wrong internally, an infection or a disease. An ultraviolet light showed positive fluorescence. Right now I give him Nutro Natural Choice dog food, and Pedigree can foods. Your dog really needs to see your veterinarian. Thanks for reading! Ive noticed that she is not fluffy like most shi-zus . A good test would be to bathe him and keep him in for 5 days or so, even if you have to board him somewhere. Any ideas? symptoms include watery eyes, runny nose, sneezing, and coughing. I must confess that I dont have any specific ideas about why a stint in the sunshine would make your dog smell worse. Wet dogs do indeed have a distinctive odor, even when there is no problem. I have a french bull dog and every time she goes pee it smells really bad, its been happening for awhile and I change the bedding constantly. This is a bigger up-front expense, but can save a lot of time and money in the long run by getting an accurate diagnosis. Thanks. Youre not alone. Hi: I have an 11 y/o rotweiller who has hot spots, itchy skin, and extreme shedding. As the anal sphincter contracts to finish off the poop, the sacs are squeezed and a few drops of the foul-smelling territorial marker falls free of the dog onto the top of the BM, where you would not notice it. She smells like urine. this smell makes you not want to be around or affection with your pet. She does have allergies that she takes meds for. The only way to diagnose these is with a dietary elimination trial. To get a little fragrance that antagonizes the doggy smell, I also like Fresh-n-Clean aerosol cologne. He also has a strong odor. after a few days. Keep in mind, your Shih Tzu shouldnt smell bad, so there is something going on that needs to be looked at and taken care of.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'shihtzuisland_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',116,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-shihtzuisland_com-banner-1-0')}; It may just be time for a bath. However Im not really sure what our problem is. This can include Cushings Disease or Seborrhea. She has anal sac problems, that oder is differrent from the new odor that smells like vomit.she is afraid of loud noises such weather or my washing machine(?) It does NOT sound like the ammonia smell one finds on the breath of animals with kidney failure (they are REALLY sick). We have changed foods and that does not seem to help. I know that you posted that you hadnt heard of this before but, we wanted to post to Dawn that we know exactly what she is describing! This site no longer supports your current browser. I give her a bath, using Histacalm shampoo, and within a day or two the smell comes back. Thats why the skin begins to flake: its just not built as well as it should be. Curriously they both have showed bite hold shake behaviors toward other dogs. In other words, she wouldnt feel like swimming shed just be moping around doing very little of anything. I think he must have some underlying issue that the food brought out in him. She also scratches quite a bit. I have a 10 year old Spitz mix male dog. After we came back in and the Westie/Bichon ate some food, the smell seemed to return. Either way, back to the old food and he smells great again! Again, nothing a bath (or two) wont cure. Kennett , MO 63857. You should have your dog checked by your veterinarian to rule out sarcoptic mange, but I suspect you are dealing with allergies. It wouldnt hurt to check her ears as well. When she comes in she ranks so bad for an hour or so. You might ask your veterinarian about it. This may require some hands-on work. Dont know if this was coming on and could have caused this smell. If your veterinarian hasnt done a thorough physical exam and some screening bloodwork (biochemistry profile) recently, I would talk to him/her about that. 10 months ago she was fixed, two weeks later she had an allergy reaction to the stitch knot. Well done on staying in touch with your veterinarian and getting the problems handled. He seems healthy. They arent having the loose stools or the constant itching they were having and my Bichon has actually calmed down (big plus!). How Do You Keep a Shih Tzu Smelling Good? This is usually obvious, i.e. After steroid treatment, the skin disease \"recurs\". and another refill was needed. Your veterinarian can help with this. Treatment involves frequent baths (at least weekly) with a shampoo recommended by your veterinarian. A dry cornea is easily damaged. Sounds like there may be some incontinence, leaking urine possibly. illness that causes bad breath. I would not ordinarily pick on the food, but since this started right after the change of food, it would be worth checking. The combination of problems that your dog exhibits does suggest allergic problems. Any skin problem should also have a skin scraping to rule out mange mites. Collect a fresh stool for your veterinarian (less than 12 hour old when they veterinarian gets it). This is not ringing any bells for me. The owners sometimes notice an oily film on their hands after handling the pet. Id recommend a visit to your veterinarian. Or should I just continue waiting and bathing her? That generally doesnt occur unless the dog is in terrible shape. Sometimes a dark coloration is associated with a yeast infection. When we brush him dead flakes of skin come off everywhere A LOT! It sounds like your dog has some serious itching problems, and the other changes you describe (including the odor) are most likely secondary to the constant scratching and chewing. His brother Cav also cleans his eye drain when he licks his face from time to time as well. Lots of scratching gets those skin oil glands overactive. early treatment and follow taco has bumps and dry skin that irritates him. The last 2-3 months she has had an occasional smell. If the dog is clean, and medical problems with mouth, ears, and anal sacs have been ruled out, and the dog just smells doggy, you might try using Pfizers Canine Elimin-odor product. One option is the. Hi there, love the blog and was so happy to find it. Nancy. Hi, I have a 4 month old Golden Doodle puppy and he and his crate smell sooooo bad every time I come to let him out. What you are describing sounds like a pustular eruption (pimples), but in those areas could also be an eruption due to auto-immune disease, like the pemphigus diseases. It's driving us crazy. we have always treated her as a member of the family. Two of which are pups of 6 months. Since then she has been fine, not vomiting and having regular stools, eating & drinking fine, playing, but her breath still smells like poo. Thanks for reading and writing. The only one I ever tried did not appear to do much (it was not the Critter Zone). Im willing to put up with it a while longer to see if their bodies adjust to it as long as the food itself isnt causing problems with their kidneys (this was the first thing I was worried about when I noticed it getting worse). Medicated shampoos (benzoyl peroxide, colloidal sulfur, coal tars) will help abate the excessive flaking and greasiness, but you must find the underlying cause and treat that. Dogs can carry small numbers of these mites throughout their life with no apparent problem. Subscribe today! pk. Open her mouth and check for stuff caught between her teeth, or back between cheek and gums. Im currently treating her for mange, even though they didnt find anything with the skin scraping. The dog would feel greasy, too. I never noticed it at the zoo, but I wasnt very close to the binturongs, either. However, loud snoring also may indicate a medical problem. You have to control the itching to get the smell to go away. It is certainly possible to catch ringworm-type skin fungus, but I would expect that you personally would have some red, crusty sores. Wiping your dogs tail and bottom down with such a product would greatly improve the situation if the anal sacs are the problem. Hello, Debra, I know all poop is going to be smelly but this is just beyond rancid. This article should not be considered in any way as veterinarian advice. His stinkiness is a very strong houndy odor. Admittedly, my nose is not sensitive at this point, so I do ask the staff to come in and give their viewpoint (smellpoint?). If your dog is licking or scratching a lot, you should have your vet check them out for skin issues.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'shihtzuisland_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_4',115,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-shihtzuisland_com-medrectangle-4-0')}; If you have had your Shih Tzu for every long, you will have noticed that their eyes tend to drain, a lot. Answer: Certain disorders of the skin can predispose animals to secondary infections, including bacterial, fungal, parasitic and allergic conditions. As a puppy he did have many skin problems (mange, a staff infection from a bad grooming visit,etc) and became a regular at his vets office & treated/cured of his skin ailments. Could it be hormonal?I think im going to have to see another vet to be taken seriously! Its almost like he gets excited and then he stinks..his breath doesnt stink but Im wondering if it could be something with his skinis there any home remedies for this or any ideas of something I can get to bathe him in??? Allergies could explain your dogs condition, but that would not be catching. This causes the production of too much skin oil, which gets stinky in a hurry. I cant identify the smell only that it doesnt smell like feet, ammonia or wet dog, the smell is definitely coming from his skin. I read somewhere that baking soda and cornstarch sprinkled on him then brushed would help. Nasty mounts can spread their stink on the skin. Hi Doc! Id try to observe the kid closely to be sure he isnt eating garbage, cat poo, his own poop, etc. I have a toy poodle, almost 6 months old, and he had puppy breath (so sweet!) My nose thanks you for your help! Possibly there is a nail-bed infection. I can't find anything wrong with them, and he does not have fleas. She is a sweet dog, she has gotten progressively more timid with age. These can cause issues for your Shih Tzu. The groomer did it externally. examined by your veterinarian. There are many reasons why your shih tzu may smell like pee. If your veterinarian cannot find the source of the odor, you might ask for referral to a dermatologist. the cause of irritation can be both external (fleas and ticks) and internal (worms) parasites. Sorry I cant do a long-distance diagnosis for you. Otherwise, his appetite is good and he plays, etc. Be sure to get the underside as well. I used to use a medicated shampoo and bath him every 10 days but in the last 2 years he has been great with his skin and I am able to bath spencer less frequently with pet store shampoos, although I choose to use a hypoallergenic type. Source: Douglas Metzler, D.V.M., Oakhurst Veterinary Hospital, Seminole. its me again. Karen. One great option for getting rid of the smell is a CritterZone air purifier. Taking care of your pets hair starts from balanced nutrition, Itchy conditions are responsible for bad hair, bath is the least favorite thing your dog wants, the most suitable shampoo for your dogs skin, Fleas and ticks are the most common parasites that infest dogs and reproduce. Hello. Even a day after her bath (we use Adams flea shampoo), she smells. When he passes gas, you have to leave the room. I have a pup that smells strongly of cat urine. You need to work with your veterinarian to develop a long-term maintenance plan. Change back to his regular food for a week, and see if the odor resolves. use a clean and damp cloth, or a dog friendly wipe to help prevent infection. In other words, when we cant find an obvious cause, we treat for scabies (sarcoptic mange) to rule it out. Which as severe a problem as you are describing, I wouldnt waste time and money screwing around with over-the-counter remedies. You can miss things sometimes. I adopted a 6 month old puppy about two weeks ago and she stinks like a corpse. If you purchase a product through this article, we may receive a portion of the sale. It could be an infection in the sacs, and it could possibly be a tumor, though thats less common in females than in males. Are his stools firm or loose? Before you go off and start grooming your pup. She bites and scratches constantly, leaving bloody open sores and removing any portion of her fur she can bite or rub off. Despite teh fact that he seems happy, I would be very suspicious of some medical problem. In the last few months, her licking has aggressively become chewing. Hi I have a Northern Inuit/Husky cross the last couple of months his back end occasionally smells fishy like hes farted its not a constant smell but I also notice wet patches were he lies I never thought anything of it because sometimes when he licks himself he leaves big wet patches also in the last couple of weeks his hair has really thinned out I think he had a hot spot on his thigh which has recovered fine but I dont know his fur feels horrible it used to be soft and thick but it feels kind of rough and his chest I can see his skin but he still has all his hair down f that makes sense but its Snow White on that part anyway Im just wondering if the hair thing is because hes just lost his summer coat and is just waiting for his winter coat to grow back also he is 2yrs and 6months so the roughness might be his adult coat as people have commented in the past that he was abnormally soft he also just had his boosters around about the same time all this started so hes seen the vet recently and I mentioned this but they didnt examine him fully it was more like from what they can see he looks in really good condition hes not acting sick like hes not more tired than normal or not eating normal he goes to the toilet normal so my question is really am I worrying over nothing or should I go straight to the vet thx any reply is welcome . You can search the blog for anal sac problems and learn more about this. It almost knocked me over tonight. The fishy smell is how some people describe anal sac secretions. Chris Christensen Original Little Wonder 20mm Pin Brush, Buddy Splash Dog Deodorizer & Dog Conditioner, 7 Things You Should Never Do To Your Shih Tzu, How do You Know If Your Shih Tzu Loves You (14 Clues). The dermatologists did not have a good idea about this. However, this only prevents chewing at the areas that are covered. Our vet insists it is her anal sacs but this is a different odor. My 11 year Cavalier King Charles Spaniel has a horrible sour vomit smell. I have heard of yeast infections in bulldogs folds & try to keep his under his eyes pretty clean but they have always and currently stay very moist and wipe a red/brown stain onto the wipes when I clean them.
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shih tzu skin problems odor