Homemade Dog Food vs Commercial Brands: Whats Better for Dogs? The members of the American Shih Tzu Club welcome you to the wonderful world of Shih Tzu! 16% of dogs of otitis externa will have otitis media. Normal healthy ears can live with hundreds of bacteria and not be affected unless something changes. Something may be trapped inside, he may be itchy from allergies, an infection, or his hair may be in the way. Visit our website for our comprehensive catalog of products and learn how our research is empowering pet owners everywhere to care for their animals with confidence. Seeing broken skin or bleeding around your dogs ears may be a sign of a deeper infection, and is always grounds to consult a medical professional. This type of infection is the kind that you can see on your dogs ear. Otitis and interna media are much more severe and can lead to facial paralysis, vestibular signs, and deafness. You May Be Surprised, Team Shih Tzu, Doing Their Thing During the Pandemic. Therefore it can be the result of one of the above ear-related issues. irritation. This can be a long, difficult process, and you may need the help of additional professionals to find the food that is causing the allergy. Diagnosis varies widely depending on your veterinarians facilities. All of our products are not just endorsed, but also used by vets all over the U.S. and in over 30 countries around the world. At times, an ear infection can be the result of a hypersensitivity to allergens, such as dust, pollen, or mold, or a pathogen, like fleas. It's a mix of two purebreds that have similarities in appearance but have two completely different Are you planning on adopting a mixed dog breed but not quite sure what to pick? Dogs with floppy ears are more likely to suffer from yeast infections. For example: If you suspect that your dog is developing an ear infection or has chronic ear infections, it is essential to bring him to the vet. P: 949-482-3647 5 min read. Add some cold water to make sure the temperature of the tea is lukewarm. Infections are normally associated with another problem, often an allergy to something in the environment or the food the dog eats. Anything they come in contact with, inhale or ingest could be an allergen. Rescue/Hoarding: When is Enough, Enough? Check ears at least once per week. The main parasite that enjoys the environment inside the In more severe cases, your vet may also prescribe oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatories. The most common reason for ear inflammation in dogs is allergies. If you suspect a dog ear infection, it is time to call the vet. Thorough ear washings should be performed weekly or every other week. Learn more about living with this designer breed! Fortunately, in this article, well discuss the four common dog ear infection symptoms you can look out for if you think your dog may have an ear infection. You should look at his ear and check for other symptoms. Foreign material in the ear, such as from a plant like a foxtail, Water in the ear that creates a moist, warm environment, Excess glands in the ears that produce wax and sebum. Removal of a little of the hair that grows inside the ear canal will allow more air to circulate. The Goldendoodle dog breed is a loving dog who makes friends with almost everyone he meets. Dogs will often scratch their ears and shake their head if they have an ear infection due to allergies. Boil 8oz of water and adding two green tea bags. These remedies are not recommended in lieu of going to the veterinarian if you believe that your dogs infection is severe. If swelling and inflammation are present, the vet may recommend that steroids be given, either orally or by injection. The bacteria and yeast that cause ear infections need a warm, dark, moist location in which to thrive, grown and reproduce. Due to their structure, dog ears are prone to many issues, and they must be cared for correctly regularly. Thorough, professional cleaning of the dog's ear is often recommended, especially in cases where the infection affects the middle ear and not just the outer ear. To treat your dogs ear infection, your vet may recommend a few options, including an in-clinic ear cleaning, as well as at-home treatment with a prescription ear cleanser and topical medication. Your vet will be able to accurately diagnose the infection and determine the best course of treatment. So whether you All dogs can be good dogs purebred and crossbreed dogs. The charming Shorkie is a Nowadays, there are now trackers that can help find our pup's real-time location. Delicate ear This architecture makes them more vulnerable to fluid retention, which creates a prime environment for microorganisms and bacteria to flourish.1. Using a good ear cleaner about once a week will keep ears clean and fresh. The first step is getting the proper veterinary diagnosis and identifying the allergen. The best solution to deal with your dog's ear problem is to take him to the vet. They can identify the type of bacteria and prescribe the correct antibiotic. Ear infections due to allergies are treated with ear cleaning and medications. Using shampoos with chlorhexidine or even ordinary bleach can help you kill the bacteria on the skin. Bacterial Infections Strains of staphylococcus are primarily responsible for bacterial ear infections in dogs. over your Tzu so you can prevent forest hitchhikers from becoming a TOP #25: Debunking 8 Common Homemade Dog Food Diet Myths, TOP #26: Who Benefits from Homemade Dog Food the Most. Cleaning your dog's ears thoroughly is the first step in treating ear mites. The presence of earwax is normal, but dogs have varying amounts. Whatever the ancestry is, all dogs should be loved and cared for. Shih Tzu dogs are prone to infections due to the way their ears hang down. Clean your pet's ears using an ear cleaner at least once a month and check his ears regularly for any scabs, discharge, or strange odor. Different topical and oral medication is used both for bacterial and yeast infections. Thank you! One or more of the following may be present: Severe cases can result in loss of hearing and balance, or walking in circles.While rare, some Shih Tzu can shake and scratch so violently they damage their ear flap (pinna). Check your Tzu thoroughly after any romp in the woods, on the beach or if you notice he has had fun rolling in the grass. In most cases, ear mites are passed from a pet to pet through direct contact, so dogs that come in contact with cats are more likely to get them. Other potential causes include allergies, moisture, foreign bodies, excessive cleaning, wax buildup, injuries in the ear canal, and endocrine disorders (like thyroid disease). When they have ear problems, their discomfort is hard to ignore. Sometimes a culture and sensitivity is ordered. Since the Shih Tzu have hair that continually grows inside the ear canal, it is important to remove the hair, and excessive wax build up to prevent infections from occurring. While you may be familiar with the telltale signs of your dogs desire for a treat or need to go outside, you might not be sure how to identify whether your pup may be suffering from a doggie ear infection. The ear powder will give you more traction and allows you to easier grab and pull the hair. While most people think of the Greyhound when thinking of Fastest Dog Breeds, there are other breeds that are also pretty quick. About97% of dogs get ear infections because of the following reasons: Some dog breeds are more prone to ear infections due to the formation of their ear. Sometimes a dog's ear can be filled with debris, or some foreign object can get lodged in the ear canal, causing a variety of ear issues. If your Shih Tzu has a problem withallergies, they may end up with an ear infection. But if you are dealing with ear problems don't rule out the possibility that it could be the food you are feeding. Your dog will likely shake, and that will also help distribute the medication. The Border Sheepdog is an alert dog who makes a great, active companion. Find the base of the ear and gently message with your thumb and index fingers. Apply an ear powder to the canal first and spread around with your finger or a cotton ball. While the severity of ear infections can vary, if treated swiftly and with proper care, most dog ear infections resolve with few long-term consequences. Sometimes crying out when scratching the ear, Rubbing the head against the floor or other objects, Dark brown, or bloody discharge coming from the ear, Hormonal imbalances such as hypothyroidism, Antibiotics to treat bacterial infections, If allergies are the cause, then allergies must be identified and then treated, Replacement therapy will be initiated the infection is due to a hormonal imbalance, Assemble what you will need: Ear medication, tissue, small towel (optional). Surgery is only needed in severe chronic cases.Treating early and addressing any secondary problems leads to the best outcome. However, with some breeds, too much hair can also cause infections because it can trap extra debris, moisture, and dirt. If your dog swims or dives in the water and also has floppy ears, the water may be trapped in the ear canal, causing ear infections. Your veterinarian can test your dog for allergies with a physical exam and lab tests. Sometimes the veterinarian can diagnosis the allergy by treating the ear. With proper treatment, an ear infection in dogs will likely clear up in about 1-2 weeks.2. In contrast, surgery can also be a necessary option in severe cases where the condition doesn't go away after six weeks or more. October 10, 2020 She hasnt had any unsupervised contact with uncastrated male dogs. you will receive just for signing up for my newsletter. It is crucial that if you are concerned that your pup might have an autoimmune disease, that you bring them to the vet to do a biopsy. Humans have a horizontal ear canal. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. For yeast infection, the vet will prescribe topical antifungal cream or ointment. Most can be taught to tolerate it A: 880 W 16th Street For more severe cases, you might need a complete veterinary checkup. Once the infection has set, using a regular ear cleaner will not help, and it's usually recommended to use a type of ear infection treatment instead. There are a few different species of mites that can live in your dog's ear, and they are all very contagious, causing a variety of dog ear problems. Proper hygiene of your house and your dog's living area is also essential. Frequent ear cleanings prevent microbes and bacteria from incubating in your dogs ears, and the routine will enable you to perform regular at-home check-ups so that you can spot signs of new infections ahead of time. There are several reasons why dogs may develop an ear infection, but the most common culprits are: Its important to note that some breeds of dogs are also more vulnerable to developing ear infections than others.3 These include: As a general rule, dogs with long hair or long ears are particularly susceptible to developing ear infections. On a kibble only diet, your dog lacks the proper nutrition they need for a strong immune system. Because many ear infection symptoms can also indicate other medical conditions, a proper diagnosis is crucial. Yeast infections are discernible by itching and flaking around the aural cavity. When doing a deep clean, the best thing you can use for your dog is to use a non-toxic, high-quality ear cleanser with hypochlorous acid to drain their ear canal of bacteria and pathogens. but some will resist. 2013-2022 By Janice Jones Miracle Shih Tzu All Rights Reserved. If your Tzu is cooperative, you will be able to do this by yourself. Don't let hair growth become a problem in the first place. All of our products are not just endorsed, but also. If your dog matches the descriptionor loves taking frequent dips in bodies of waterits important to check their ears for infection regularly. All products mentioned on this web site are registered trademarks of their respective owners. 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