In either case, their coat acts as a buffer layer between the dogs normal body temperature and extreme temperatures outside. The dog will still shed, but it will just shed shorter hairs. If you find our article helpful, kindly help us share it. Shedding in Australian Shepherds can be problematic for some owners, especially in the winter when shedding occurs at its highest. Australian Shepherds will naturally start to shed their undercoat during periods of heat and mosquito or other insect bites. Using cooler water when bathing your dog will also help, and because their coats provide insulation, shaving your dog could put them at risk of getting even colder during the wintertime! When you shave a double-coated breed, you remove both layers of hair even though only one is meant for protection from the sun causing your pooch to be unprotected from harsh weather conditions. Together, these protect your dog from dirt, rain, and extreme temperatures. Additionally, shaving is an ineffective way to address shedding and overheating, two of the most common reasons why people shave their Australian Shepherds in the first place. Even with a complete shave-down, a dog can still have a few stray fleas that may appear over time. You can also try trimming your dogs fur slightly for tidiness and some cooling, but this is less necessary than the act of brushing. Brushing Australian shepherds regularly can go a long way toward stopping or reducing the amount of shedding experience. Can you shave Australian Shepherd dogs? Always bring some water for your Aussie if going for a walk. Australian Shepherds dont require trimming, but it can help if your dogs fur has a tendency to get matted or if your dog is overheating in the summertime. The fur actually helps to protect your Australian Shepherd from sunburn and insects. The Australian Shepherd is known for its desire to cuddle and play with its owner, which makes it high-quality best friend material. Most Australian Shepherds have what is called a double coat this consists of an undercoat and an outer coat. While there is no way to eliminate shedding completely, there are some steps that Breeders or owners can take to reduce the amount of hair released by their pets daily. Brush in the direction of the coat down to the skin. The only exceptions to the rule against shaving are: When you shave an Australian Shepherd, youre cutting the guard hairs down to the same length as the undercoat, but you dont eliminate the hair. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'activedogbreeds_com-large-leaderboard-1','ezslot_6',171,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position!='undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-activedogbreeds_com-large-leaderboard-1-0')};report this ad, link to 17 Common Ways That Aussies Show Affection, link to 9 Things You Need for an Australian Shepherd Puppy, Paws and Learn: Shaving Your Australian Shepherd Is it Ever Ok? Australian Shepherds are known for their distinctly spotted fur, marbled eyes, and a sweet tail wag that sets their whole body wiggling. If you want to help your Australian Shepherd stay cool, you should provide it with plenty of water and a place to rest in the shade. Apply a dog-specific, non-toxic shampoo and scrub the dog from head to toe, either with your hands or a rubber massage tool, avoiding the eyes. You can trim the fur around the paws, legs, groin, and stomach, which will keep the dog cooler. Shaving your Australian Shepherd will essentially ruin the effectiveness of their single most important tool in staying comfortable throughout the seasons their beautiful, weatherproofed coats! In the winter, they trap warm air, and in the summer, they trap cold air. Dogs cool down through their feet, so keeping the fur on their feet from overgrowing the pads is an example of how trimming can keep them cool. There are many reasons people love the Aussie, but one of the biggest is their beautiful coat! No matter how you love your pet, seeing furs always hugging on your clothes or furniture can cause some discomfort. Australian shepherds are medium-shedders which means they shed an average amount throughout the winter and summer months, and then their shedding levels will decrease during the spring. Tips for Families With Allergies. Why Do Dogs Roll In Dirt? When our furry friends get too hot or too cold, their bodies cant regulate themselves properly, and this can lead to health problems such as dehydration, fatigue, or even seizures especially in young puppies. Some sources have even observed Australian Shepherds shedding more after shaving due to the undercoat growing back faster and thicker post-shave. Can you shave Australian Shepherd dogs? Brushing or trimming your dogs coat and bathing your canine friend is good enough to keep it always clean. Check out my Grooming page to see recommended brushes. Doing so removes tangles and dead fur as you go. (The Truth Revealed), Australian Shepherd Club of America: Grooming, Aussie University: Australian Shepherd Fur Grooming Lessons, Dog Grooming Tutorial: How To Bathe An Australian Shepherd, When it is medically necessary to shave your dog, When the fur has become matted and needs to be removed. Ill also discuss what you can do instead to keep your dog cool and happy. That means more frequent brushing to remove these parasites, which will irritate your Aussie. The legs can usually be left alone, but if you do trim them, pull the dogs leg up and trim one-third to one-half of the fringe. Dogs were bred to be furry creatures with an adaptive lifestyle meaning they can live outside in all sorts of conditions without causing harm to them or others (including other wild animals). I've wanted to add a third dog to the family for some time now. But is it wise to shave an Australian Shepherd? Every dog should be brushed at least twice a week to reduce the amount of shedding. If you shave your dog in summer, they may be more prone to developing this painful condition! Brushing, bathing, and well-balanced diets can help reduce shedding in Australian Shepherds. Apply any conditioners according to package directions. However, do it under a professionals guidance, lest you remove too much of the wrong fur. Australian Shepherds have a thick double coat of fur, and theyre notorious shedders. Owners often seek new ways to stop or reduce shedding in their pets. Since their hair is naturally designed to protect them from the harsh Australian sun, you should never shave your dog unless they need medical treatment for some reason. Wipe the area around the eyes with a damp cloth. Some people think that shaving their dogs makes grooming easier while also keeping their dogs clean. It will help if you groom your Australian Shepherd regularly but do not shave it. Excessive shedding can be a result of poor nutrition. Here are why we do not recommend you to shave your Australian Shepherd except maybe for medical reasons or underlying health conditions. The best shampoo and conditioner I have found is. If you own an Australian Shepherd, its probably safe to say that you love this breed. 13 Possible Reasons. A nutrient-rich and well-balanced diet leads to stronger hair follicles and helps in reducing shedding in dogs. Shaving an Australian Shepherd is a common practice for many owners. Owners should choose dog food made of meat as the first ingredient over dog food made of byproducts. Australian shepherds are known for their shedding hair, which can be a problem owners face when living with these cute dogs. When you shave your dogs coat, you damage this insulating layer, making your dog more prone to overheating. Blow-dry the dog if its cold outside, keeping the dryer at least six inches away from the coat. Those pesky insects can hang out in their fur for days before jumping off, so shaving only makes your dog feel better for a short time. Owners should brush Australian shepherds coats in the direction that the hair grows to reduce the amount of shedding, and they should use a brush designed for these breeds. The most important thing to do to maintain a good coat on an Australian Shepherd is to brush it at least once a week and as much as every day. Sunburn is a serious condition that happens when dogs have exposed skin for too long under direct sunlight just like with human burn victims; it causes redness and blistering to appear on the skin. But if you use this, you should make sure to follow the natural curve of the coat. The short undercoat often grows back faster than the guard coat, causing a fuzzy appearance and a velcro-like texture, sticking to anything the dog touches, especially burrs and plants. I'm Francisca Matthew, I blog about dogs, pets, and animals in general. If left ungroomed, mats may form in the dogs fur, leading to discomfort and pain for it. During these times, shaving off the undercoat will make your Aussies outer coat thinner and more prone to sunburn. Hertzko Self Cleaning Slicker Brushis a great brush for this. Unlike the Australian Shepherd breeds, some dog breed coats are not designed to help them survive in any sort of weather or climate and can be shaved at any time. Brushing makes the double coat more effective at insulating the dog. Just be careful not to nick the pads of the foot. Domestic dogs have lost their way over the years thanks to human interference, but that doesnt mean we should keep them in an unnatural state just to satisfy our own needs! Get the coat, undercoat, and skin thoroughly wet with warm water. Read on to learn more about why youre better off not shaving your Australian Shepherd. This is because when you shave the coat of a double-coated breed, it disturbs the natural oils and sebaceous glands, causing dogs to become more susceptible to sunburn and hot spots (a type of bacterial skin infection). An Australian shepherd requires daily brushing since its double coat consists of long straight hairs and short fine fibers that tend to knot up. No. Here are some ways to reduce shedding in your pet. We do not recommend shaving or removing the coat of the Australian Shepherd, especially those with double coats. Many Aussies do not meet the breed standard and have a shorter hair length, but they still fit the breed standard of having a double coat and three layers. They need to be regularly brushed to maintain their coat quality. The Chihuahua Brain Size (How Big Is A Chihuahua Brain)? Some owners opt to shave their coats to reduce shedding or cool them off in hot temperatures. It also stimulates the skin, removes old hair, and prevents shedding. Click the image to check it out on Amazon. When dogs shed their coat, it consists of longer guard hairs and shorter undercoat hairs. Thinning shears can also come in handy to trim the dogs britches.

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