If you prefer a close-working dog, go with a feist. 2014-2022 Project Upland Media Group, LLC. While many dogs of mixed ancestry have made great squirrel-getters, most squirrel dogs today fall into two groups: curs and feists. Portage, A 100% free to use, collective knowledge hub for everything Mountain Feist Dog! 9th - CH GRSQCH Mighty Oaks Miss Squall HTX, Female Mountain Feist, Tobby Oaks, Battletown, KY ", Earl Reynolds, originator of a line of feist squirrel dogs known across the country for their hunting ability, seconds that notion. Neither does your dog. It also gained United Kennel Club recognition on February 1st, 2015. While there is no single accepted model on how the Mountain Feist dog was bred into existence, it is commonly accepted that the originalforefathers of the Mountain Feist dog were small terrier breeds imported by European settlers into north America. The answer can seem arbitrary at first, but there are some important differences to consider if youre in the market for a squirrel-hunting companion. United Kennel Club (UKC) is an international dog registry celebrating bonds, rewarding ability, and preserving the value of a pedigree. World Show Champion & Champion Class Winner - WSHOWCH CH Plantes Rippin Robber, Male Treeing Feist, Vance Plante, Anna Plante, Perryville, KY By Some hunters routinely cross their curs or feists with pointing breeds, and the Norwegian elkhound often makes an excellent squirrel dog. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Showing a pup a caged squirrel or squirrel hide over and over makes them lazy., Another technique often overused by hunters is to run a pup with an older, more experienced dog. With the main feist-type dogs that are the focus of my book (The Mountain Feistavailable by contacting me at graysfeist@gmail.com or social media), we are watching in real time and there is potential for the dogs to be drastically different, for better or for worse, in another 20 years. Largely because of their frame, curs range more widely. Mountain Feist, Treeing Feist A Look at Squirrel Hunting Dogs, Understanding Shotgun Chokes How to Choose a Choke Size for Hunting, The Difference Between a Deutsch-Drahthaar and a German Wirehaired Pointer, German Shorthaired Pointer The Most Popular Versatile Dog in the World, Training and Troubleshooting the Recall Command with Dogs, Pheasant Hunting Ammo and Chokes A Pheasant Hunters Guide, Wirehaired Pointing Griffon Information, History, and Eduard Korthals, Defining the Differences of the British Lab and the American Lab, Recovering Americas Wildlife Act with Senator Martin Heinrich, Vizsla: How the Hungarian Pointing Dog Propelled Through History to Today, Women in American Field Trials: Paving the Way, How Dogs Develop on Ruffed Grouse A Guide to Preparing a Dog for Grouse Hunting. Yes, feist is like deerthe term is both singular and plural, never feists. The origin of the variant from Appalachia, the mountain feist, is somewhat convoluted. Many veteran hunters say a good squirrel dog is born with hunting in its blood, and all you need to do to have them treeing like a pro is nurture that instinct along. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. July 29, 2022 |Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes, July 27, 2022 |Timber 2 Table Wild Game Recipes, Some say a squirrel dog is found, not made, but even a good dog can be ruined by these training mistakes. Even in the technologically-advanced world with its myriad distractions, we still crave our roots. In fact, I like it when a young pup trees a bird and starts barking and searching up in the tree for it," Reynolds says. She hadn't been hunted much when I got her but we soon learned she absolutely loves our training program, and is ready to go. Thats fine for a few hunts; the pup can learn by watching the older dog work and trailing along, even if the pup isnt hunting on its own," Reynolds says. Squirrel hunting behind dogs has taken a big jump in popularity in the past few years. Do you think our ancestors would have shunned much that would have improved their lives when given the chance? Since 2913, he and wife, Jess, have produced two dvd videos showcasing their dogs hunting across the country. These accents become more logical when considering the different terrain types in areas where the Mountain Feist dog is prominent. Just as Coonhound breeds radiated from common Foxhound ancestors and Fox Ferriers split into predominantly white-coated variants of working Terriers such as the officially-recognized Fox terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, Parson Russell Terrier and Russell Terrier; we are at a crossroads. I bought Lady to train to squirrel hunt, but she's not interested. These dogs would go on to use their keen senses to excel in tasks such as ratting, livestock guarding, and herding tasks. Many dozens of dog breeds were developed in Victorian times and the process is largely lost. Competing with the trappings of modern life is a challenge with children, but while hunting with squirrel dogs they can talk, throw sticks, kick leaves and otherwise move to keep their attention rather than sitting still in a cold tree stand. 5th - GRSQCH Joeblack Cope, Male Treeing Feist, Johnny Ray Jude, Fort Gay, WV 6th - CH GRSQCH Mocos Bad Bonnie HTX, Female Mountain Feist, Eric Alexander, Stockport, OH Published Jun 2, 2015 12:48 AM. There are many who believe these small terrier dogs were crossed with native american dogs such as the Carolina dog to produce a prototype of what we could consider the modern Mountain Feist dog. Be patient and don't give up on a pup, some don't start treeing until a year old or well past.. Once they know what a squirrel is, wear out a couple pairs of boots by taking them to the woods as often as possible to let them find and tree squirrels on their own. Will show in woods. I would say he is SPECIAL to be this good, this early of age. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Service. Im working with a young dog right now that was treeing squirrels on a daily basis. There is value in any experience that reminds us of our distinctive national origins and evolution, i.e., that stimulates awareness of history . The collar also gives you the option of no shock vibration or tone to get your dogs attention without causing pain. Will show in woods. DO NOT SEE A DOG ON THE SITE TO YOUR LIKING? The Mountain Feist dog is the one trueenigma of American hunting dog breeds. They sound a bit like the Lurcher dog. Don't leave a pup in the kennel and expect it to start treeing first time or two out. Jessie Luther, owner of Luthers Feist, says that one of the main problems he sees with hunters training squirrel dogs of any breed is that they expect too much from them too early. Fabulously interesting. We use cookies to capture information such as IP addresses and tailor the website to our clients' needs. What sometimes seems like a good idea to help a pup learn to hunt can often set one back. TF Male Senior Class & Breed - GRSQCH Joeblack Cope, Male Treeing Feist, Johnny Ray Jude, Fort Gay, WV I had never heard of the type of dog until now. Learn more about our use of cookies:cookie policy. Feist dogs need to reclaim their position as the general-purpose homestead dog while simultaneously maintaining their hunting abilities that saved them from obscurity. I never get onto a pup when it sight chases a rabbit or trees a bird. Marc works internationally on advancing conservation of natural resources, notably pollinators, most recently. One trick many trainers use to teach a dog to bark is to tie the dog to a tree by its lead. Many hunters are converting from big game, to rabbits, Foxhounds, Coonhounds and bird dog breeds. One day, she was on tree and got against an electric fence. Wear out a pair or two of boots in the timber. "Shooting a squirrel over a silent dog might teach them to be the best tree dog in the woods but if they dont bark, you wont know it. Both breeds have their origin in the southern Appalachian Mountains, and both have a loyal following. 3rd - GRSQCH Jude Redman, Male Mountain Feist, Johnny Ray Jude, Fort Gay, WV (Don't Miss:How to Squirrel Hunt with Dogs), August 2, 2022 |Brow Tines and Backstrap, June 24, 2022 |The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory. She's treeing with other dogs now after a slow start. Dont shoot a squirrel if the dog isnt barking, he continues. Size Its all what youre accustomed to. Cash is a started, Male, Mountain Cur Squirrel dog that is treeing easy squirrels on his own now, after going through our training program. These dogs are not the "small foist looking cur" dogs that were referred to by George Washington in 1770. "But doing that too many times without hunting a young dog by itself will just teach a dog to follow and not hunt. 2021 Kevin Spencer's Squirrel Dog Dynasty. Regardless of your view on the history of this breed, it is generally accepted that these dogs were bred purposely for generations to produce a dog that excels in small game hunting, which is a trait that doubles its value greatly in farming or settler communities. How we ended up with these quirky little dogs doesnt really matter in the end. We will be expanding on the regional concept of the Mountain Feist's genetic make up a bit further. Our site uses cookies. Like Breathin Air A Squirrel Hunting Film, Marc Gray has been hunting squirrels for nearly 30 years with his Dad and other members of the the Gray family. And others are coming to squirrel dogs for their first foray into the world of hunting dogs. Showing a pup a caged squirrel too many trips in a row will make it think that all squirrels should be that easy and they dont have to look for them, Reynolds says. Didnt need to keep her entertained. The Mountain Feist Squirrel Dogs Group has been the largest and most respected Feist dog group on Facebook since its inception in 2013. They even build wire tubes for the squirrels to run through as the dogs chase them. When the pup barks, get excited, encourage it to do it again. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Please allow 2-3 extra weeks for paperwork, in addition to UKC processing time, due to nationwide postal service delays. Most of these dogs are kept for hunting and excel as squirrel hunting dogs which bark treed to keep a Gray squirrel in an area until the hunter arrives, similar to a Coonhound treeing a coon. George is a started Male Cur/Feist mix Squirrel Dog who has been heavily trained, and now is treeing his own wild squirrels. Other Breeds The term encompasses breeds and dogs of mixed or unknown origins but perform the job. Once the pup is barking loudly, release it from the tree and let it grab the squirrel. Its great exercise and gives us time to unplug and be outside engaging in nature as a participant. Quiet in kennel, but will bark when I have company. Eventually, the dog will learn to equate being in the woods with painful stimulation. One day, the right squirrel will run in the right place in front of the dog and everything will come together. Loves people and other dogs too. Geographic isolation and personal preference of the owner must have influenced the development of the mountain feist. 10th - Jacques Rico, Male Mountain Feist, Jacque Evans, Carrollton, OH, BENCH SHOW Reynolds adds that in the woods, on a first squirrel hunt, isnt the time to introduce a young pup to gunfire. In 2009, he completed his Masters in Wildlife Science at South Dakota State University. Curs can vary widely in size and height, weighing between 30 to 50 pounds. This was achieved by the efforts of the Mountain Feist Association, which is the UKC affiliated breed association responsible for promoting the Mountain Feist dog. UTD on all shots and worming. As noted, there have been many good squirrel dogs that are really just mutts. Why is there a vast amount of variation in physical traits within the Mountain Feist breed? Whistle and tone broke. Then take a freshly killed squirrel and tease the pup with it. GRSQCH Joeblack Cope, Male Treeing Feist, Johnny Ray Jude, Fort Gay, WV. there is value in any experience that reminds us of our dependency on the soil-plant-animal-man food chain, and of the fundamental organization of the biota.. We will always strive to bring our users the best in Mountain Feist training methods and techniques, pictures and video, history, squirrel hunting gear reviews, and competition hunt schedules. No one knows for sure how the various sections of the country developed their own distinct lines that are now being crossed widely given advances in communications and transportation. Ive had dogs out of the same litter, even, that didnt progress at the same speed. A few squirrels with side dishes will feed more people than you might expect and classics like squirrel cacciatore can change peoples opinions forever. In addition to bushytails, this original versatile hunting dog of America can be used to flush game birds, jump rabbits, tree coons, recover shot deer, bay feral hogs and more. Wonderful things can be accomplished with marinades and a crock pot or pressure cooker for older individuals found in the late season. If youre in the market for a dog, make sure the breeder you use hunts his or her dogs, and doesnt raise them just for show or the pet trade. As you can see we train year round, hot or cold, leaves or no leaves. A long season means plenty of opportunities to get out and states even have dog training seasons if you use my preferred methoda squirrel dog. Learn how your comment data is processed. Range TF Male Junior Class - Chaneys Henry J, Male Treeing Feist, Danny Clay Chaney, Nichols, GA He grew up in Central Virginia and has family in North Central Missouri where he also hunts regularly. Whatever type of dog you prefer, my hope is that this article will serve as a reminder and a celebration into the resurgence of a hunting dog that could have been forgotten. Lady is a Mountain Cur/Pit Mix, Female Pup for sale. 7th - Maynards Hammering Hoss, Male Mountain Feist Ask them to join you on your next adventure. Dont shoot squirrels out if you see them before the dog does. Shows excitement to learn. People should use the luxury of technology to enhance our experience of the past, not move us further away from it. Many years on down the line, farming techniques would change as would the Mountain Feist dog. Fox squirrels can be up to three pounds depending on the subspecies. Available all year long and a dog would help! MF Female Senior Class - Wilsons Ready&Able Mable, Female Mountain Feist, Adam Wilson, Demossville, KY 2022 United Kennel Club Gray is a 2006 graduate of Unity College in Maine with a Bachelors in Wildlife Conservation. . She's an awesome pet and has never growled or shown any aggression. The modern Mountain Feist dog is a truly precise and purpose bred, American squirrel hunting dog. A useful type of mixed breed dog.Thanks for your article and for your keeping a breed line! Hunting Style Its a low barrier of entry for children, who often enjoy the action of watching a dog work and learn life lessons on squirrel hunts. Pete is an NKC Registered Male, Mountain Feist Squirrel Dog in training. After youve hunted a few times with an experienced dog, get the pup out in the woods by itself so it can put what it learned to work.". Packing your kill out of the woods is much less of a chore and regulations are less daunting to interpret for new hunters. Increasingly, there are subtle developments happening as feist are tailored to fit the needs of a new generation of owners. Hosted by Brown Co Squirrel Hunters Association, HUNT That will come with experience. Feist is an umbrella term to describe a smooth-coated canine, under 30 pounds, used for squirrel hunting. While the squirrel hunters of the Appalachians might bristle to hear it, other breeds can distinguish themselves in the hardwoods. A good tracking collar like the Sportdog Houndhunter lets you keep up with the precise location of your dog from up to 2 miles away. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information. In some areas, the terms are interchangeable, much to the chagrin of mountain breeders. While breading and frying squirrel has a strong traditional following, deboning will open new horizons of stews, casseroles, loafs, meat pies, tacos stir fry, calzones and pizza. "Those are skills that will serve it well down the road when it figures out that squirrels are the game you're after. Both breeds range ahead in the woods, find the scent or movement of a squirrel, put it up a tree, and then bark on tree until you arrive. Friendly with other dogs and people. The NKC and UKC both host extensive squirrel dog trails geared towards Mountain Feist and these events including the UKC Feist Days, MFA Mountain Feist Days, and both the NKC and UKC World Squirrel doghunts. Negative experience can actually cause a dog to regress in its training. There are specific dog breeds that were added to the Mountain Feist dog over the generations in these areas where the dogs were prominent to enhance treeing ability, sharpen certain senses, or increase/decrease the size and general appearance of the overall dog to better suit the terrain and environment that the dogs were being utilized in . We are currently processing incoming regular mail received through July 18. As you can see we train year round, hot or cold, leaves or no leaves. 12 Reasons Why Your Venison Tastes Like Hell, Safety Precautions for Public Hunting Areas, Watch Raccoon Chase Woman and Dog Into House. Do it with something the pup likes, like feeding time, he says. If a dog comes from good stock, it will have the ability to hunt. Feists average less than 18 inches at the shoulder and weigh no more than 30 pounds. Sure, the goal of a squirrel hunt is to kill a few squirrels for the dinner table, but both trainers caution against shooting squirrels that you might see before the dog does, or shooting a treed squirrel immediately over a young dog. You have to let them know that woods time is work time, Luther adds. Its just the hunting instinct in them. I was looking at a video on dogs rescued by the National Mill dog rescue and saw two dogs whose breed was a Feist. Our blog page will allow for users to contact the webmaster directly to suggest updates and edits to the website and all information within. Reproduction in whole or in part without the express permission of Project Upland is strictly prohibited. Depending on where you are and who you talk to, these dogs are referred to as treeing feist commonly. If you are currently training a squirrel dog, or thinking about doing so in the future, here are some pitfalls experienced squirrel dog breeders and trainers say to avoid. While a shock collar might not be a valuable tool for training a squirrel dog, a tracking collar is. So, a treeing feist could be a cross between a Beagle and a Jack Russell or a mountain feist and a Rat Terrier or a stock of dogs resulting from breeding for generations to other registered treeing feist. The dog owner needs to realize that their pup is young and should be treated a bit like a child. Talk to the pup, encourage it, let it know you are just as excited as it is to see the squirrel, then shoot it out when the dog is completely focused on the game.. @GrayFeist on Twitter & Grays Mountain Feist https://www.facebook.com/grayfeist/. He's excited about it, and so are we. When the time comes, only one type of dog Ill accept now, Fiest/American Squirrel Dog/Cur. They may not be ranked as smart as a Border Collie, but she was darn smart and happy just to hang out. | 4th - SQCH Cedarwood Bo, Male Treeing Feist, Chad Wagoner, Perryville, KY Think about it, would you want a shock every time you didnt perform a task exactly right when you were just learning to do something new? A truly American breed being used for a traditional job has a lot of appeal and resonates with a public longing to rediscover their roots. Your email address will not be published. Our mission here at MountainFeistSquirrelDog.com is to promote the Mountain Feist Dog as a world class squirrel dog and by hosting an informational and interactive online collective for all Mountain Feist dog related topics. But even a good dog can develop bad habits, and sometimes those habits are created by trainers with good intentions. You will hear people ask about there being enough meat on a squirrel to be worth eating, yet they relish small chicken wings or bony trout. Just as veteran wingshooters cant imagine flushing birds without a dog, once youve hunted squirrels with a good dog, you might never go back to still-hunting and spotting-and-stalking. The meat is naturally flavorful and lends itself well to endless combinations in dishes. Hang the dead squirrel from a tree limb just out of reach. And dont worry, theyll figure it out when they see your excitement when they do eventually tree a squirrel.". It so makes sense ow! His nationally-known line of squirrel dog founded in 2005, Grays Mountain Feist, is in its seventh generation and has hunters in more than 20 states enjoying the strain. When your young dog does tree, dont be in a huge hurry to shoot. Hunting the hardwoods behind a feist or a cur will put more bushytails in your bag, but which breed is right for you? Quiet in kennel. Small game hunting is easier to get into compared to big game because access is often more forthcoming, especially after deer season has closed. We would appreciate your honest input so that together, we may bring others a better understanding of squirrel hunting and the dogs who fuel the sport we all enjoy. Absolutely the sweetest dog I ever had the joy to share my life with. UTD on all shots and worming. Mailing notice for paperwork: please allow 2-3 extra weeks, in addition to UKC processing time, due to nationwide postal service delays. Now is the time for lots of praise. CALL OR TEXT TO BUY YOURS NOW: (419)689-9635, [WE HAVE BEEN EXPERIENCING DIFFICULTIES RECEIVING TEXTS FROM AT&T, CRICKET CUSTOMERS]. Site by Gray Loon. TF Female Class, Breed & Show - WORLD SQ DOG CH Chaneys Back-40-Missy, Female Treeing Feist, Danny Clay Chaney, Nicholls, GA, DOG OF THE YEAR Thats generally not an issue on flat ground, but in mountainous terrain, a cur is often considered a younger hunters breed. Phone: 269.343.9020 More people need to be introduced to hunting squirrels. She's a very smart dog. Changes in land use patterns, an aging hunter population and the adaptability of the dogs have all contributed to an exponential resurgence in their numbers. Larry Case Let the dog mouth the squirrel, and then take it away. Mountain Feist dogs, in small enclaves in different areas across the country will show accents of Mountain Cur dogs, Spitz dogs, Elkhounds, Coonhounds, or terrier breeds. The cur is known for generally having a keener nose than a feist (though youll undoubtedly get a hearty snort if you make that declaration to a feist owner)while a feist generally relies more on its eyesight to find squirrels. SEE OUR SQUIRREL DOGS FOR SALE BELOW 100 E Kilgore Rd, Work on that at home, starting quiet and working up. Unless you are familiar with this time-honored practice, however, you may question the need for canine help in acquiring the makings for squirrel gravy and biscuits. Take small steps and keep things fun for both the hunter and the pup," Luther says. Instead, make trips to the woods about learning things. Gone are the days of listening for a bell or walking through the woods wondering where your dog went. MountainFeistSquirrelDog.com got its start as it grew out of the largest Mountain Feist dog group on Facebook (of the same name) in 2016. All it needs is the know-how. The price will go up by September as we continue to work her. Of course way back in pioneering times squirrel would be hunted. World Hunt Champion - WORLD SQ DOG CH Chaneys Back-40-Missy, Female Treeing Feist, Danny Clay Chaney, Nicholls, GA Game meat is healthy and there is great satisfaction gained from hunting your own food. We also use this information to target and measure promotional material. He often trees from his kennel too when squirrels are moving in our training woods near him. Contact | Sitemap | Privacy Policy. The Mountain Feist dog has been recognized for years by the National Kennel Club. . 49002 Hunting squirrels with our dog breed of choice, mountain feist, is a great way to recruit new hunters of all ages and backgrounds. The short answer for this question is the fact that these dogs remained largely unknown outside of squirrel hunters and their genetic make up was confined to more regional enclaves until as recently as the last 15 years. A shock collar can be a valuable tool for a dog trainer, but overuse of a collar, or any use at all on an inexperienced young dog, is one of the surest ways to ruin a dog, especially a young pup. Friendly with people and other dogs. MF Male Junior Class, Breed & Show - Reynolds Leggs, Earl Reynolds, East Bernstadt, KY Over the last 20 years, a small dog has grown in popularity despite being around in one form or another for centuries. Pete is learning fast in our training program. Home Hunting Dogs Mountain Feist, Treeing Feist A Look at Squirrel Hunting Dogs, Marc Gray has been hunting squirrels for nearly 30 years. One way to think of it is a treeing feist can be a first-generation cross of two other recognized breeds or a mixed breed dog that fits a physical standard and used for hunting. Its been three months now since it happened and she hasnt treed a squirrel since, Luther says. All of the organisations mentioned above have proven interests in preserving the Mountain Feist dog as a squirrel dog and game dog, while advancing the natural ability that makes these dogs the masters of squirrel hunting that they have become famous for. Celebrating the dog/human bond through family-friendly events and programs for dogs that do more. Which to choose? You can walk the line between times. 8th - Chaneys Henry J, Male Treeing Feist, Danny Clay Chaney, Nichols, GA There are several other breed organisations that promote the Mountain Feist dog such as The National Cur & Feist Breeder's Association, The American Treeing Feist Association, The National Feist Breeder's Association, and the Shadowtails Outdoors Group. Squirrel can be substituted for any recipe that calls for chicken, rabbit, or even pork. Why cant an off-grid farm have internet? The local food and culture movements can be an ally in promoting preservation of these dogs by showing people the importance they played in the survival of our colonial ancestors. Instead, position the dog and make a fuss to draw its attention to the squirrel. The mountain feist is an artifact of the pioneer age that serves as a direct link to a time when many Americans lived off the land. An agile master of the treeing instinct with a wise and energetic demeanor, These dogs were created by unknown American pioneers, farmers, and settlers who needed a dog who could excel in a wide variety of hunting and farmguardian jobs. The practice represents a wholly different level of appreciation of the animal, connection to the land and celebration of our collective past. These events have done wonders to bolster the popularity of Mountain Feist dog and inspire the next generation of young hunters to take up the time honored, American tradition of squirrel hunting with dogs. We are fortunate to have them to enjoy today as a link to our own shadowy past as a nation. Babbie is a Female, Mountain Cur in training.
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mountain feist squirrel dog