The most often reported symptoms are: Bald patch on tail that may be a greasy spot. These tumors commonly form in the spleen, but can form in other organs as well. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Unbeknownst to a pet owner, the tumor breaks open and internal bleeding occurs. 2. Great Danes Forums; Training and behavior Forum; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Great Danes have an average litter size of 8 puppies, with some having as many as 10. In the event that your Great Dane exhibits any of the following symptoms then its possible that they may have cancer. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Because of the vascular nature of the tail tip and the wagging that occurs even after injury, the injury will cause anywhere from a small amount of bleeding to a Dexter episode-worthy splatter pattern. Hey Dane families- What is the best remedy for treating a tail tip that is bleeding from too much tail wagging and hitting stuff? NOTIFICATIONS. Lynette September 30, 2015. The elbow is the commonest site followed by the hocks and, in those dogs with deep chests, the sternum (Miller et al., 2013).The problem is most often seen in giant breeds of dogs, including: Great Dane, St Bernard, Newfoundland and Irish Wolfhound. Slide the bottle up the tail making sure it covers the area that is sore. Close. Found the internet! Bleeding at Callus. Call your veterinarian to seek advice on further treatment. In addition, regular banging could see your dog develop a bleeding ulcer WrigleysMom. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. This is more important than you think. We took him to the vet, they shaved the tip, gave some antibiotics/steroids and sent us on our way. So a few weeks ago our 1.5 year old Great Danes tail started bleeding, at the tip. When owners come in with a dog whose tail has a bloody tip, I say, Your dog smiles too much.. Symptoms of Great Dane Cancer. Hemangiosarcoma is a type of bleeding tumor that affects Great Danes at greater than average incidence. Never did find a good solution. Our oldest dane, Ellie had the worst case of happytail and our poor vet suffered with us. This can cause the tip to become damaged and even start bleeding. Tape the mouth of the bottle to the tail. There is abrasion which leads to bleeding. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Acceptable Great Dane Colors Image credit: verky01, Shutterstock bulldog dog breed video :Conversations with Stella #bulldog #doglife #dog #dogmom #funny #dramaquee Share with: Link: Copy link. Recognizing early signs of happy tail is helpful because the earlier you intervene, better for the Great Dane. To apply first aid for bleeding use a square bandage or piece of sterile gauze. Press J to jump to the feed. Litters with 8 puppies usually require surgical delivery as opposed to smaller litters. So my new danes tail is bleeding everywhere! But its not just removing the dirt for the sake of cleanliness. Post Sep 10, 2009 #1 2009-09-10T02:20. So I have a 5 year old Great Dane whom I unfortunately had to give up due to Dane friendly rentals in Vancouver are way to expensive, but my Press J to jump to the feed. So a few weeks ago our 1.5 year old Great Danes tail started bleeding, at the tip. Recovery from a damaged tail can take several weeks to fully heal, so the quicker you address the issue the better. This is especially important as Great Danes who split open their tails once, are more likely to re-injure them. The area will first need to be cleaned to prevent infection. This needs to be cleaned and the bleeding stopped immediately. Hello guest. Before you run off and call me crazy hold up! Some tumors can be volleyball-sized or larger before signs of sickness show. Help. Being at the end of the tail, it is nearly impossible to stitch, and because you have such a happy dog, their tail is bound to start bleeding again once it hits something else. FORUMS. 1.5 year old Great Dane, tip of tail swollen and bleeding, has seen vet, need more opinions/advice. Every Great Dane I have ever had, had this problem. Easygoing Giant. Method three you find a plastic bottle with a mouth opening large enough to go over the tail and cut the bottom off of it. Even had a couple that broke the tips of their tales. Inflammation (bulge) of the tail in affected area. Our belief is as a community we can all learn from our combined. How can I stop the tip of my Great Dane's ear from bleeding, I apply pressure and it stops then he shakes his ear again - Answered by a verified Dog Specialist Lots of danes do the same with their tail tips too! 2. Posts: 3: Member. all about Great Danes Discussion Forum > Great Dane Discussion > Great Dane Health > bleeding tail . If it is too tight it will cut off the blood supply and the tail could drop off! Early-stage happy tail is typically marked by bald spots on the tail, Great Dane fixation on the area, or raw-looking patches on the tip of the tail. This is extremely important as continued re-injury to the tail could lead to eventual tail amputation. While the loss of a tail isnt necessarily a life threatening event, its absence will impact them in other ways. For example, tails are a very useful social queue amongst dogs and could impact how your Great Dane interacts with new dogs. He is the definition of happy tail syndrome. The giveaway is an open wound, which can bleed anywhere from lightly to heavily. 7 posts bleeding tail . WrigleysMom. The beginning stages of happy tail syndrome may be noted by bald spots, your Great Dane biting, or visibly raw patches on the tip of the tail. It is important to make sure this is not taped tight. Cesarean is preferred because Great Danes are more prone to birthing difficulties and dystocia. Share. I have a feeling he hit it on something and it broke open. DISCUSSIONS. This should be taped in a section about 3" wide. Weight loss or loss of appetite; Sores; Unusual swelling or growths; Bleeding or discharge; Lethargy or loss of stamina; Difficulty breathing or swallowing; Difficulty urinating or defecating However, on average, the cost of this type of surgery ranges from $200 to $1,000. The beginning stages of happy tail syndrome may be noted by bald spots, your Great Dane biting, or visibly raw patches on the tip of the tail. However, in most cases its accompanied by an open wound that bleeds anywhere from a little to a lot. When the tail is banged on a hard surface for a number of times and within a long period, the thin-skinned tail is likely to suffer damage. Should a Great Dane (one usually with large flappy ears) have the misfortune to split the edge of its ears, the following treatment should heal the wound. 2. Friendly discussion focused on Great Danes and large breed dogs. Hygromas may burst and bleed or drain pus. Take a 10" long piece of "Zonas" Tape and tape around the tail one (1) inch behind the open wound. The cost of a Great Dane tail amputation procedure can vary depending on the veterinarian performing the procedure and the location of the surgery. I have a half Great Dane half Boarder Collie. They wag their tails so vigorously that they lift alternate back legs off the ground! Has seen vet/looking for other advice and opinions. Treatment #3 Check your Shampoo. My just about 1 year old Dane is bleeding on the tip of his tail.. First clean the damaged area with either warm salty water ( teaspoon to pint), or Pure Lavender Oil diluted into warm water (2 drops to pint). OMG thank you! 1.5 year old male Great Danes tip of tail bleeds/is swollen. We just got a 6 month old Great Dane and the tip of her tail was bleeding and I read that they call this "happy tail" from Press J to jump to the feed. As scary as this can be to see, the The cost of a Great Dane tail amputation procedure can vary depending on the veterinarian performing the procedure and the location of the surgery. Hello guest. We veterinarians have a nickname for this condition: happy tail syndrome. Happy Tail Syndrome Syndrome is a very messy ordeal and can be tough to get fully healed. What can I put on it to keep him from messing with it!? Theyre even known to befriend cats. 5 Common Health Problems. Great Danes are known for their intelligence, low energy and guard-like behavior.Unfortunately, this giant breed only averages a lifespan of 6 to 8 years, with the average mature age of 3-years-old, so its important that you know what health issues may arise so you can help your dog live as long as possible.. Gastric Torsion You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. In addition, this large, dominant dog likes small squeaky toys and can easily adapt to smaller living spaces such as apartments. Despite its intimidating size, the Great Dane is extraordinarily gentle and gets along well with children. The symptoms of stud tail in dogs vary quite a bit depending on the breed, age, and amount of androgen secreted. Great Danes Forums; Health And Welfare Forum; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. 3. However, in most cases its accompanied by an open wound that bleeds anywhere from a little to a lot. It looks like someone got murdered in my kitchen. Apply gentle pressure to the open wound to stop the bleeding. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts MESSAGES. However, on average, the cost of this type of surgery ranges from $200 to $1,000. Yes, all dogs get dirty and need baths. Where you cut the bottle protect the sharp edges with a layer of tape. In some dogs, there may be no irritation or redness at all unless it gets infected, which is common. In these breeds, callus is most likely to occur on the elbow or hocks. Posted by 7 years ago. 1.5 year old male Great Danes tip of tail bleeds/is swollen. However, in most cases its accompanied by an open wound that bleeds anywhere from a little to a lot. Some owners have even reported coming home to a horror film like scene where their Danes bleeding tail have wiped blood all over their walls. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. In addition to keeping your dogs bowls clean, its also important to keep your Dane clean.

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