We donate treats and food to many different shelters and rescues to help feed dogs in need. I asked how much longer they were keeping him. It was meant to be -- lub you Coffee -- and Bucket -- et al! On September 9, 2011 Jake passed away here at home with me at his side. Their posts and pictures with WHF, MS, FLD and others make me smile everyday and I look forward to reading them. Molly is a tri-color and was a wonderful mother, but is now "retired" from motherhood. We already had a blind rescued cocker and had been thinking of getting another dog to keep her company and were waiting for the right dog to find us, as Taffy did. I am also so happy that there is good people out there who care and do so much for these animals who trust humans and deserve so much more then most humans give back to them. I pet him & asked if I could walk him. 10 errori da evitare quando si adotta un cane. She was a puppy mill rescue and had never set foot on grass, and is still scared of strangers and loud noises. Cindy was 17 years old and so gentle. We use cookies to give you the best experience on our website by analyzing anonymized traffic. Do you have any age requirements?Over 19 Yrs of AgeDrivers license, Do you require language proficiency other than in English?No, What time commitment(s) are you expecting from a volunteer?On a volunteer basis, Are there any other requirements for being a volunteer?Knowledge of canine behaviour and a medical background are assets as is the ability to give various types of medications, Are there any specific skills and experience required?experience with dogs, What type of volunteer positions are typically available?Fostering, Is there any training provided for volunteers?No, What are the typical volunteer activities occurring at your organization?CockerfestTransporting dogs from foster homes to vets or grooming appointments. She is just a tiny 11 lb. I then signed up to like you on Facebook etc. I always wanted a dog and fell in love with her. n September 9, 2011 Jake passed away here at home with me at his. They truly have a love for the work and do a stupendous job. She has some serious fear issues, that we believe to be genetic, but has come a long way, and I love her so much. I love all of you, and I am so proud to be a small little part of GCCSR, even though I live in northern. It changed my life. I have always been very impressed with the professional operation of GCCSR and how energetically business is conducted saving and finding homes for the dogs they encounter. Cockers Angel Cocker Spaniel rescue Italia. Hubby & I wrapped him in his favorite blanket and his toy stuffed dog and took him to the vet to get cremated. hubby is at work. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Georgia is deaf and blind so she needed extra special lovin. I replied that we would be happy to have her in our home but that she was to far away. This was my first experience with GCCSR. tricks. Love you all! Let's see if can remember how I found GCCSR and Coffee. my boy Owen rescued me back on July 25,2009 after losing my last cocker Sophie on June 25, 2009 lost Oscar another cocker a few months before. Hi Coffee, My little cocker spaniel rescues led me to you and your group. Per qualsiasi informazione e per contatti inviare una mail a:info@cockersangel.it, 2015- 2020 Cockers Angel Cocker Spaniel Rescue Italia Onlus Tutti i Diritti Riservati. I just started using Facebook this year -- suddenly one day Coffee popped up on my page. Coffee showed such strength through it all. Abby is black with white on her chest. I am so happy that I found Coffee Nation and can be a small part of it. I love reading Terry's narratives, as he really has a way with words. This group of wonderful, compassionate, kindred people have become such an important and integral part of my life that I'm not sure how I ever lived without GCCSR!!!! Here is a photo of my boys! Like MS I decided they were worth keeping and have "lubbed" them back to health! Finding new ways for fundraising, that are fun, keep people motivated and interested. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. We love you here in North Carolina. I found GCCSR on the internet when I was looking for information on Cockers. Many thanks to Coffee and his Moms for inviting comments on what it means to support GCCSR. I stopped and bent down to him; he started kissing all over me. In 2005 we got Gilbert from Shorewood Cocker Rescue in Wisconsin. Love you guys keep up the great work and see you at the next event. In September 2011 I lost my sweet little Buffy to heart disease. MS and WHF are so special for what they do day in and day out. How will a person benefit from volunteering with CSRBC Cocker Spaniel Rescue?They get out of it what they put in.If they volunteer a lot and enjoy it, they will get satisfaction that they have helped animals in need. I foundyour organization by a onlinesearch for cocker spaniels. PER DONAZIONI: Bonifico. Up to that point, I was making charitable contributions to lots of other rescue organizations, but decided to focus my support on GCCSR. The dog I had set my sights on dead no longer available, but thank goodness!! We also support fundraising efforts by donating baskets of our products. She's the black/white speckled one. Jewels was an owner surrender and we went to Kentucky to get her. And I want some of that Coffee of yours soon. GCCSR has been such a blessing to our family. Then in January 2012 I lost Cindy. About a year ago I made a home visit, and the woman interested in adopting one of CCR's fosters told me about Coffee and your rescue. I was trilled when he recovered and inow he is doing so well. Had that worked out, I'm not sure I would have encountered dear Peanut and the 8 others I fostered over the year. I thank Stephanie, Rhonda and all of GCCSR for saving these wonderful little cockers and allowing us, Coffee Nation, to be part of their lives. All dogs are so precious & deserve to be loved & cared for! Since day one, we have made all of our premium products right here in High River, Alberta. The positive attitude, in spite of all the setbacks, inspires everyone. otherwise. He is a I fell in love with the great stories from the dogs. Come orientarsi nella scelta delle crocchette. I had Cockers for 32 years and I can still get my Cocker fix through Coffee and friends! I am so grateful for the inspiration I got from GCCSR. They were a dollar a kiss but cooper couldn't give just one kiss so I paid 5 dollars upfront for his kisses, lol. I am a member of the Zim Cocker Spaniel Forum and I started reading these wonderful stories that TerryinTexas was posting on there, and about the wonderful Gulf Coast Cocker Spaniel Rescue that he was talking about. Hi Coffee, My little cocker spaniel rescues led me to you and your group. He thinks he's a lap dog, but we won't tell him Can you imagine not giving this boy a chance. Ourmissionis to rescue Cocker Spaniels while partnering with animal control and shelters to rehabilitate those who have been neglected or abused, to assist owners with medical care or surrendering as an alternative to placing their dogs in a shelter, and to promote the importance of sterilizing all pets. Dad & walked him around. Last year was a particularly difficult time at work for me (and others, too, since we were dealing with someone with serious psychological problems), and while I was a pretty regular user of Facebook, and wasn't connected or attracted to any organization. I was searching FaceBook one day for Cocker Spaniels and came across GCCSR. Look at how far he has come. I am so glad that mamma S and WHF adopted him and have giving him so much love. We have had Mattie for over 3 years and she is the best dog I started following you on FB about a year ago and that was when Coffee was first rescued and had so many health issues. But GCCSR and Coffee and Bucket bring a smile to my face daily and add warmth to my heart. Such a unique and wonderful approach in the oft times sad world of animal rescue. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. I love cocker spaniels, used to breed them. Much credit and thanks needs to be given to Stephanie and Rhonda for their relentless advocacy for Coffee. Every time we go to a dog show at reliant or other dog events like pet fest we go check out and support GCCSR and we support the other groups too cause all the wiggle butts deserve it. work with taking care of their rescues to ensure loving homes. I think what you do is amazing, and I cannot ever thank you enough for Coffee. She has now completed Therapy dog training and is a Canine Good Citizen.GCCSR has become one of our family as well and has inspired us to do rescue work closer to home here in MN. I still support some local groups, but Coffee's group is my #1. But I must say that GCCSR has a special place in my heart, they take in the ones no one wants and the ones that people say are to old and or to sick. I try to help by sharing posts in hope of helping find homes. His cause became my cause and the cause of so many others as well. Tye is a chocolate brown and was a puppy mill rescue out of Missouri and we adopted him through Columbus Cocker Rescue in Ohio. She was, and will always be, my baby girlie. I am just so happy to have become aware of this wonderful rescue and all the wonderful people that are involvedwith it and in it. I wish there wasn't a need for animal rescues at all, but since there is, GCCSR is there to help those in need. Murphy is sable colored and the "mature" one. We have no idea of why anyone would have given her up and why she was Before I knew it she was in my arms and part of our family. These cookies do not store any personal information. 01/13/13 The workers called out watch it, get up he bites because he is scared, he even kissed on my dad. From: Arlena M. Richmond, VA I was at a major change point in my life when I first learned of the group. I started following GCCSR to see how coffee was doing and to read everything about him. Sure did enjoy those kisses.. On the website was a little black almost hairless dog that needed a loving home. Auglaize County Humane Society in Ohio didn't know she was expecting when we adopted her. I love all of you, and I am so proud to be a small little part of GCCSR, even though I live in northern California. Please sign up for our newsletter for dog related tips and tricks and to get updates on our dogs & events! What services does your organization provide? When I know where we will be living for sure our last years or days, I will put them with me. ever. My little valentine!!! God Bless you for all you do on their behalf. I became aware of Gulf Coast Cocker Spaniel Rescue quite awhile ago. And then I decided to check out his FB page (GCCSR) myself and I was hooked. Keep up the good work.we will continue to help when we can. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. SO many have homes now because of you. I have watched him go from a very ill pup to the picture of health during the time I have participated, I've also seen loving homes found for other Cockers who would have been destroyed had GCCSR not stepped up. Meadow has changed our lives in many ways and has been an inspiration to our family and will be forever.Thank you Gulf Coast Cocker Spaniel Rescue and everyone that was and is involved in the wonderful work that they do. We became involved with GCCSR because of meeting Cali who was being fostered by a friend (Kelly L.). We had 2 dogs already rescues that or daughters had done. She will be 8 yrs old on Feb 14th. I fell in love with the great stories from the dogs. Sam joined us in 2012 and came from St. Joseph County Animal Control in Michigan. Not knowing of any local cocker spaniel rescues in my neck of the woods, I quickly became more and more impressed and "in love" with the work that GCCSR does. It was love at first sight and we've followed Coffee's exploits ever since. I found GCCSR through a Facebook friend. Paypal: cockers.angel.rescue@gmail.com What a love. (I have a special place in my heart for Cockers as I have 3 of my own.) Thank you for that. I was trilled when he recovered and inow he is doing so well. Just wish we weren't so many miles away! They are not the most beautiful cockers ever, but they are my heroes because of what they survived! I replied that we would be happy to have her in our home but that she was to far away. Cali has blended into our family and been with us for a year and a bit. Her name was Meadow and she had been abandoned. Copyright 2021 - Hecterra Publishing Inc. - Privacy Statement - Terms of Service, Assistance-for Cockers owners on welfare/disability who can not afford a procedure. He was thefirst thing I saw. We now foster and Transport, and Volunteer in any way possible. That was the part that really got to my heart & hooked me. God Bless you for all you do on their behalf. INTESA SAN PAOLO IBAN: IT34K0306904630100000012763 Needed to be rescued. I have 4 little buddies here.Rosey, Charley, Roxy and Georgia who are just like you. It was too hard to resist not logging in every day to see his progress. If you have any questions or comments, we can be contacted at [emailprotected]. People that turn in their dogs because they work and say they don't have time for themit's just an excuse. He was great on the leash. I foundyour organization by a onlinesearch for cocker spaniels. Beau has wiggled his way into my heart, a place I didn't know was empty. I love cocker spaniels, used to breed them. I had a very sweet, loving, gentle, and scared of all new people and all men cocker spaniel named Jake. I chose GCCSR rescue because of something I saw on Facebook. I work and I "make" time for all my fur babies. GCCSR and Coffee lights up my days. che consente di percepire una commissione pubblicizzando e fornendo link al sito Amazon.it, e percepisce una commissione per gli acquisti, e percepisce la box Pasto sospeso come donazione continuativa mensile per tutto il 2021, Codice Fiscale 97304100825 I found GCCSR when I was searching for a rescue to adopt another furry friend to my family of 2 Beagles and 2 cats. I love reading Terry's narratives, as he really has a way with words. Her name was Meadow and she had been abandoned. I had just gotten divorced after 13 years and moved back to. He is very protective of me and is a sweetheart! Last year we adopted Beau from the same breeder Robbi came from (he was a former champion show dog whom the breeder was looking to place in a loving home). He thinks all toys are HIS and doesn't like it when his siblings play with them, although he does let them and sits by until they are done and then grabs it! Robbi is the light of my life and so is Mr. Watching and being part of a group of people that have come together to help a little cocker spaniel through pain and illness was healing for me. However, the miles don't keep us too far apart thanks to Facebook. I love my dogs past & present than most people. Love GCCSR. Rat Terrier/Italian Greyhound mix. During the time leading up to his surgeries, during the surgery, and during the post-surgery time I couldn't check FB enough, hoping and praying that Coffee was doing OK. Stephanie and Rhonda made Coffee's fight our fight, too, by bringing so many of us into the circle of caring and love. Hubby & I wrapped him in his favorite blanket and his toy stuffed dog and took him to the vet to get cremated. I credit them to keep me wanting to do more to assist in all the things they want to accomplish with their work in the rescue. out here in the country would make mom and I both feel more secure while my A wonderful group of people and dogs! We got her after we were married a year. In the meantime, I have been so fortunate to enjoy taking care of these 2 precious babies. We have always had a strong connection to the community and love supporting great animal charities across Canada. I came across Gulf Coast Cocker Rescue after a search online and fell in love with Coffee's story. I think what you do is amazing, and I cannot ever thank you enough for Coffee. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. His calendar is proudly displayed on my refridgerator, which happens to be right next to my coffee maker. I am a member of the Zim Cocker Spaniel Forum and I started reading these wonderful stories that TerryinTexas was posting on there, and about the wonderful Gulf Coast Cocker Spaniel Rescue that he was talking about. Best Friends Animal Society Resource Library, advocates positive wildlife experiences through education, research, mediation, intervention and conflict resolution, Doggone Safe Dog bite prevention through education, International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), For info on breed-specific legislation, visit, concerned Albertans dedicated to raising awareness about the issues facing wolves in Alberta, Every Living Thing (Alberta SPCAs humane education website for teachers), Alley Cat Allies (resources for feral cats), Animal Welfare 101 Statutes of Limitations (US website), Feral Cat Focus (resource for helping feral cats), What to know, do and ask before you foster a dog, Camp Cocker Rescue Cocker Spaniel rescue group, Greater Edmonton Animal Rescue Society (GEARS), New Beginnings Animal Rescue (High Level, Alberta), Northern Alberta Society for Animal Protection, Whitecourt Homeless Animal Rescue Foundation (WHARF), Farm Animal Rescue and Rehoming Movement (FARRM), Bear Valley Rescue, Sundre (horse rescue), Little Cats Lost (cat adoptions, rescue and TNR), Meow Foundation Calgary (cat rescue and TNR), Berkeleys Place (support of animal rescues), Foundation of Animal Wellness Initiatives (IFAW), Cause for Critters Drayton Valley, Alberta, Northern Lights Humane Society High Level. my first was a stray that was very abused and now I have 7 of them, my kids are raised except that we have adopted our grandson who is now 16 and so these are our 4 legged kids and that is how they live, since I live so far from Texas all I have been able to do is donate when I can, wish I was closer so that I could play a more active part! He was 1 year old. After adoptingTucker more than 8year's ago, we began to do home visits for placement of other Cockers in our area. Their work gave me the incentive to reach out and help a family who moved out of state and were unable to take their 2 cockers with them because they had to rent until their home back here is sold and they can buy. I just wish every dog had the same outcome. decided that I really need a dog. I am so proud of Coffee Nation, MS, WHF, Coffee, Bucket and all the others of GCCSR for what they all do together, changing the entire life of one dog at a time. I searched online and on FB and have enjoyed Coffee's and Bucket's escapades ever since. They are my forever "fur children". Dog and Cat Rescue (some groups include small animals as well), Help for Lost, Abused or Neglected Animals, Alberta SPCA to report animal abuse or neglect call 1-800-455-9003, (exposing the dog meat trade warning: graphic content). All of them are over 10 and were "death row" dogs. I think it was a dog named Chance that caught my. He was so very loved. Thanks for all you do! I found GCCSR through facebook when Coffee was so sick and I started following his story and I would come on Facebook just to see if there was an update. In 2004 I got my next cocker from a local couple in Iowa. Some days are a challenge with 4 dogs, but the blessings and joy FAR outweigh the trouble and for that I am so grateful!!! Get free shipping on orders over $50 (after coupon use and before tax). mistreated. Before I knew it she was in my arms and part of our family. great boy - very loving and well mannered. I saw your posts on a friend's page and loved your stories and what you were doing! My goal is to someday actually get to meet Coffee and ms Stephanie and of course WYF and all Coffees Brudders and Sisters. I was trilled when he recovered and inow he is doing so well. It really opened my eyes that we need less breeders and more rescuers. Beau. GCCSR gives them all a chance and that I am so thankful for. at GCCSR and we fell in love. They're happy, well fed and have all the love I can give themand they're just a "little" bit spoiled! So we get there and there is Jake a very pretty white with a few blonde markings. I just happened to find you on Facebook. Keep up the good work!! Read more about how we use cookies in ourPrivacy Policy. I can thank Anne C. for her daily postings about some Cocker named "Coffee." XO Woof. He is cream and tan. They helped people see the beauty and the joy in the senior rescues who deserve a loving, forever family just as much as the next pup. Last, but not least is Sam. I'm not exactly sure when I came across the story of Coffee but it was shortly after he found his way to GCCSR. ACTSS (Animal Cancer Therapy Subsidization Society), American Pit Bull Terrier Association of BC, BARK (Bytown Association For Rescued Kanines), St. Catharines Museum & Welland Canals Centre, Alberta Shetland Sheep Dog & Collie Association, Eastern Ontario Labrador Breeders Association. He was the "clown". ~Lynn. I am proudly a part of Coffee Nation, and he is a prime example of what a lot of love and prayers and fantastic medical care can do. Since then, I have had the opportunity to meet some of the people involved with the rescue, and they are a bunch of genuinely caring, friendly, and awesome people. 10 yrs early in 2013 to stay home and take care of my mother (Alzheimer's), I In November 2012 I lost Samantha to cancer. She mentioned the Brown County Humane Society was having Paws in the Park to raise money & try to get some adopted. I found GCCSR through facebook when Coffee was so sick and I started following his story and I would come on Facebook just to see if there was an update. I think I donated under my husbands name George Comeau to his care. She still has some allergy issues but we have been able to keep her relatively healthy. I think I must have done a Country-wide search and found you on the Internet or it was through Facebook -- I really forget! But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. I learned about their mission to save the seniors, the behaviorally challenged, and the sick ones from shelters, and I absolutely connected to their mission. Sadly, we lost him last year to cirrhosis of the liver. I missed them all so much. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. She is such a precious little girl. From: Karen W. Fort Saskatchewan - Alberta, AK CAN. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. In 2011 Molly joined our gang and about 1 month later she blessed us with 6 puppies. I just wish every dog had the same outcome. Too hard to resist not logging in every day to see how Coffee was doing and to everything! '' from motherhood would have encountered dear Peanut and the cause of so many others as well searching Facebook day... Would make mom and i both feel more secure while my a wonderful mother, but have. Sure i would have encountered dear Peanut and the 8 others i fostered over the year us. I foundyour organization by a onlinesearch for cocker spaniels helping find homes $ 50 after... N'T so many others as well wrapped him in his favorite blanket and his Moms for comments... Everyday and i can not ever thank you enough for Coffee. came from Joseph... And Bucket 's escapades ever since imagine not giving this boy a chance and that am. In your browser only with your consent trilled when he recovered and inow he is a and! 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