. As endearing as the Puggles are, however, they can be a bit strong willed especially when youre trying to train them. To me, any beagle or beagle mix are too cute!! You can learn to perform this grooming yourself, but most owners will simply find it easier to leave such duties to the pros. A post shared by Rupert & Co (@rupertandco.shop). In fact, theyll likely follow your kids (and you) around day and night! A post shared by Thor the Borgi (@thortheborgi). You have successfully joined our pup pack. Originally bred as hunting dogs, modern beagles are typically kept as family pets these days. Beagliers are total sweeties that prefer to be in homes where someone is usually around to keep them company. The result? Lion vs Ridgeback, Cowboy corgi aka Corgi cattle dog appearance & temperament, Sarabi Mastiff ( Iranian Persian Mastiff) A rare powerful dog, Top 20 Fastest dog breeds 2020 | Racing dogs breeds, How Much Garlic Can Kill A Dog? We have a beagle-cavalier cross too. That makes these pooches quite lovable, but it means youll have to use gentle training techniques to get the best out of them. Youre sure to fall for the Shih Tzu Beagle cross. But despite these awesome traits, the Cheagle or Beagle Chi has a surprisingly high energy level, which means youll need to provide these little guys and gals with plenty of daily exercise. How anyone could have given up this sweet, one-year-old beauty is still beyond me, but I truly was fortunate that day. Pomeagles are generally smallish dogs, who display astute intelligence and affection. A post shared by Hunter and Cash (@hunterbunny_and_cashman). Beautiful inside and out, the Bea-Tzu is beagle and shih-tzu mix who is an extremely warm, loving and compassionate friend who tends to inherit the best of both parent dogs. A post shared by Graham Moore (@instagraham.1014). This will not only keep them healthier and happier, but itll help prevent them from developing problematic behaviors like jumping and nuisance barking. These powder-puffs of cuteness are ideal kiddie pooches as they cannot get in enough playtime! Plus, Boston terrier mixes tend to be a silly sort, so you can expect endless antics with one of these furry pals around. Be warned though, Borkies love using their voices and have no qualms about yakking and yapping all day. But despite the domestic lifestyle most modern beagles enjoy, they arent all cuteness and puppy kisses they are still capable of holding down a job, as these super sniffers have one of the best senses of smell among all dogs. Malteagles are, however, fairly difficult to train. Created by mixing a pug with a beagle, Puggles tend to be sociable, outgoing, and loving, and most will get along well with any other pooches in your family. I think anyone else who read this article would like to see them as well. Id love to share you a picture or two of my Vinnie. Beagle mix-breeds are also frequently employed by police K9 units and some work as search-and-rescue dogs. With that in mind, its helpful to understand how each parent breed tends to act to that you can determine whether your canine cross is a good fit for your family. A post shared by Shangri-Paw Pet Services (@shangri.paw.pet.services). She is has the best of both breeds but as I say I gues I have a bias. Hey there, Susan. Shes part beagle & part rat terrier. She was my sweetheart and super smart, extremely loyal and my best friend. A post shared by Rico (@rico_the_cheagle). A small and powerful bundle of dynamite, the beagle-rat-terrier mix is a loyal and loving addition to any active family home. K9 of Mine is reader-supported, which means we may earn a small commission through products purchased using links on this page. A cross between the beagle and a lhasa apso. My rescued Bull Terrier, Diva Ditto ODoulie passed away 9 months before but this adoption was not planned. Get tons of great dog training tutorials, canine gear guides, and the latest doggy discounts. I removed your phone number to protect your privacy. If you know of any just born or about to be born please contact me, I have 1 pure beagle Luna 1 beagle boxer Dasiy 1 beagle bassett Derby and 1 beagle Australian shepherd Rolo #beaglesarebest #puppylove, Looking for a female beagle mixed wish jack russell terrier, I have a female beagle jackrussel mix. Such loving and affectionate doggos are ideal household buddies for most situations, and theyre pretty tidy to boot! Like other Pomeranian mixes, Pomeagles adapt extremely well to small living spaces like apartments, making them ideal dogs for older people, or folks who have limited space. Check em out and let us know what you think! The golden retriever parent makes these excellent companions have a more cuddly nature than the purebred beagle. Before we talk about Doxies and what makes them so great, just stop and look at that face again. Then, go check out our guide to adopting a shelter dog itll walk you through the whole process. A post shared by Kristen Elizabeth (@kristen_in_wonderland). The short and stocky Beagi (whos likely to top out at around 14 inches tall) is quite the social animal, who gets along famously with other household pets. what about the Speagle? First of all, just take a moment to soak in this canines cuteness! Well I have a beagle and American bulldog mixed Ive looked them up and was surprised when I didnt see them on here . Just a suggestion- enable photo sharing? They do tend to exhibit some attention deficits as their curiosity often gets the better of them, and owners need to be firm and patient when training to keep their constant interest. These toy-sized pooch-pairings yield affectionate, spirited, sociable, and fun-loving canine companions with confidence that belies their tiny proportions (thanks in large part to their Chihuahua parents). Would highly recommend Cheagles! We dont sell dogs we just provide info for owners and those looking for a new dog. is a medium-sized dog, who has an extremely sensitive nature. They may also spend all day corralling your kids and other pets, thanks to the corgis livestock-herding dog roots. I didnt see one of those on this website. Mixed Breeds White with black spots and hes so sweet. 14 min read Very interested in comparing our beagle mix pup to your pictures. Hi my name is Susan Sales Im looking for a small indoor outdoor puppy or dog Im just not sure which one would be suited well for me I would like a Chihuahua but Im thinking just a small dog which should be good only even at top one from the lost dogs home or shelter but I just need help to where to look at and how to how to go about it thank you. A pretty social pupper, these dogs love both human attention and pupper play-dates. ), the best and worst choices for first-time dog owners. So, be sure that you keep your Poogle busy to limit the trouble hell get into. Utterly ridiculous levels of cuteness! Medium-sized, just the right size, happy, smart, playful and so loving and eager to please. Thanks!!! In fact, super smart puppers often require lots of mental stimulation, lest they become mischievous. What do you get when you cross a beagle with the worlds most popular dog breed? Lost our beagle Pekingese to cancer last month lft a hugh hole in our hearts. Sorry to hear about the loss of your pooch, but we are glad you got to enjoy 15 years together! While we provide information resourced and canine education, the content here is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. Look, this mixed-breed doggo is obviously cute, but we cant stop thinking about how great his nose must be! I just spent 15 years with this fabulous breed but he crossed the rainbow bridge a week ago. I did not know what she was all I saw was a pair of sad and scared brown eyes staring at me out of a crate from accross the store. This means that they are often tasked with using their noses to help humans. We dont have any specific leads to share, but we wish you the best of luck in your search. A post shared by Tater Tornader (@miss_sweet_tater). These active pups are wickedly smart and happy to learn just about any trick, so long as you have a treat or two to offer in exchange. I think there may be a misunderstanding here. But while beagles are clearly a beloved breed, some folks have decided to mix them with other designer dog breeds to produce unusual (and in some cases, even cuter) mixed-breed puppers. Make sure to also check out our article on the best dog foods for beagles (yum)! Weve sniffed out some of our favorites and listed them below so you can decide if one of these beagle mixed breeds is perfect for your family environment. Just understand that these mixes are going to shed quite a bit, mostly due to their German shepherd parent. He will definitely need proper training to control his energetic nature, but once thats accomplished, they will become delightful, endearing, and entertaining pets, who captivate everyone they meet. A perfect breed for apartment life, these little beauties will love cuddling on the couch, though they still need daily exercise and plenty of mental stimulation. I will breed my beagle dog with a french bulldog to make a Frengle. Did I mention perfect in every way? I love this beagle, Bassetthund on this site. Please feel free to share your own beagle mix photos with us and be sure to leave us a comment below. looking for a beagle mix female age approximately 2 to 4 years of age. Were particularly fond of those with some brindle markings in their coats (as displayed in the little gal pictured above), but theyre all adorable. 2 female and we call them feagles, I have a beagle/Fiest(terrier) I also have a tree walker beagle mix. Would love your input on that mix as well. They love getting lots of attention, they have really high energy levels (in fact, they make good running companions), and they have a playful nature, so they work well for active families with lots of kiddos. The adorable beauty pictured above is a medium-sized mix between a beagle and a husky, with the characteristic markings of both purebred parent breeds. Keep at it and youll soon be bragging with the best behaved beagle-pug mix in the neighborhood. Still havent identified our pups origin. We promise itll make your day better! Made by crossing a beagle with a Yorkshire Terrier, the Borkie (a name we love, by the way) is a small sized pup, whos ideal for single doggy owners and large families alike. Love my pup. As a result, you get a sweet canine cross that loves spending time with family and friends. They also need regular grooming, thanks to the long, beautiful, smooth coats their Maltese parents contribute to the cross breed. What did Dachshunds Originally Look Like and how do they look now, Mostly multi-colored (black, brown, white), Uni-colored (cream, tan), Playful, loyal, loud, energetic, long-term companion. Theres no getting around it: Teagles are absolute cutie-pies! Need small under 40# retired couple with lots of love & care to give.. Spot over here (see what we did there?) Very interested in a beagle Boston terrier. I was wondering if you had any info to share. Now they can get into trouble together! Just be prepared for a little bit of trouble when looking for harnesses and clothes if your pooch ends up with a bulldog-like build their barrel-chested shape can make it tricky to find things that fit. But as always, patience and positive reinforcement are key. And its easy to see why theyre incredibly cute, theyre wonderfully good natured, and they are the perfect size for many owners. You might even see a Beagle Husky Mix with the Husky parents bright blue eyes. By combining the incredible sense of smell beagles have with the similar olfactory awesomeness of the basset hound mix, you get a pooch whos nothing short of an Olympic-caliber sniffer! Whenever you welcome a marvelous mutt into your life, theres no guarantee that your canine companion will be an even representation of both pooch parents. We had that mix some years ago and she was the gentlest sweetest dog we ever owned. Get tons of great dog training advice and tips about gear! The Beagador a friendly, enthusiastic and playful family pet with a sweet disposition. Jackabee she is a doll. Proud owner of a beagle? Youll need to leave them with plenty of entertainment options when you head to work each day, unless you want to come home to complaints from your neighbors. Loved these mixes, but Im afraid Im have a bias for my rescued Reagle Samantha Schnozalina Lady Langford the First who I found in Louisville, KY at a Petsmart adoption that I unknowingly stumbled into while coming in to buy kitty food for some outdoor strays in the neighborhood. Hey Renee we dont have the capabilities for photo sharing yet I do like that idea though! Whatever you do, just be sure to keep your Beagador busy these little lovers will get into mischief if theyre not kept entertained. The spaniel beagle makes a fantastic companion for older children, senior citizens, and singles looking for a sweet companion, the Coagle is a popular mixed breed pupper who is easy to love. I would love to find another of this mixed breed but am having great difficulties. Teagles do tend to have quite a stubborn streak and require plenty of activity to work off their high energy levels, so be prepared to keep your new pooch busy if you select one of these mixed-breed dogs. The Labrador Beagle mix will spend all of his time following family members around, soliciting tasty treats, and begging for scritches, though you should be able to distract him by flinging a tennis ball whenever necessary! Heres what you need to know about the happy-go-lucky beagle: We hope you loved our beagle crossbreed compilation and would love to hear what you think! Very intelligent. She is our baby girl and spoiled! Not to mention, the poodles hypoallergenic coat may also be a bonus for allergy sufferers. On the other hand, these doggos will pick up basic obedience training and tricks very quickly, and they are more than happy to show off all their skills. A post shared by Ange_ (@ange_malteagle). These sweet little pups often inherit the underbite and wrinkles of their bulldog parents and the floppy ears and the coat patterns of their beagle moms or dads. Best of luck! And because Labs can display any of three coat colors, you can get a Beagador in your choice of several shades. For example, many hunters in Great Britain continue to use these canine accomplices while tracking down game. Theyre also smart pooches, who will quickly pick up basic obedience if properly motivated via positive techniques. I had a wonderful cheagle that I rescued when she was about 3. But any was he is a pretty amazing dog his name is duce and he is about 7months. We dont know if all Puggles are this adorable, but this one is certainly one of our favorite four-footers weve ever seen. Older kiddos, however, will usually love these pupperinos. However, just understand that incredible intelligence isnt always ideal. A post shared by Ali Tweedlie (@jazz_ali). She looked like a Beagle you wouldnt have known she had any Rottweiler in her. So, theyre not the best mixed-breed mutt for owners who like a tidy house. Just understand that rat terriers have quite a prey drive, so youll want to keep your new pooch on a leash whenever in squirrel or rabbit country! Just be sure to watch your Beago beagle mixs waistline, as their golden retriever parents can be susceptible to weight gain. But fair warning: Cat owners may want to pick another mixed-breed dog, as huskies and husky mixes often have difficulty making friends with felines. For now, you can go to imgur.com and upload a photo and share the link here! A post shared by Riley (@riley_the_puggle). Shes a delightful little riot. The friendly disposition of Doxies will set your mind at ease if you are already a pet owner, as they get along famously with other animals. Please contact me , Rosalie Paisley at [edited] am interest in the Jack russel beagle mix also interest in the beagle and chihuahua mix !! Exceedingly good-natured, these pups are great for a variety of homes and familial situations, though they may not work very well for homes with very young children. Borkie puppies are extremely intelligent, loyal, and loving of their nearest and dearest. A post shared by Princess Lilly Aphrodite (@lilly_the_doxle15). She is half Rottweiler and half Beagle, I found out via a DNA test a few years after she came home with me. By Where, when and how much? Just told he was a small breed mix. You forgot the Beaglier! Would that make her a beast? She has the floppy ears and brown mask of a beagle, which complements the black baby blues inherited from her husky parent. Part beagle, part dachshund, Doxies adore your undivided attention and will keep you entertained for hours or for however long you are willing to roll around on the floor with him.
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