Use a clean and dry cloth to dry in between the face folds so no moisture is left behind. Its way more noticeable on lighter colored Frenchies and can freak owners out dont worry, its not blood! We would greatly appreciate it! I like to keep these products handy for wiping and preventing stains. If the dog food contains beets, you may want to consider changing your dogs food to a brand that does not use beets. Thanks for sharing! Read on to find out why your French Bulldog has tear stains, when it could be an infection, and how to clean and remove them safely. Inflammation around and especially under the eyes. Must-Know Dangers & Benefits, Can French Bulldogs Eat Watermelon? Give your bulldog benedryl once every three days until the tear stains clear. I have tried a lot of different tips and suggestions. Excessive, thick, and/or smelly tear production. Hope you guys find this helpful :). He loves it and it came highly recommended by our vet! Ingredients:ORGANIC HEMPSEED OIL, ORGANIC SHEA NUT BUTTER, ORGANIC COCONUT OIL, ORGANIC AVOCADO OIL, ORGANIC JOJOBA OIL, CANDELILLA WAX, ORGANIC OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT, CALENDULA EXTRACT, NIAOULI, ROSEMARY EXTRACT, NATURAL VITAMIN E. We hope these tips work for you! First, you should visit the vet if simple life style changes are not helping to keep your dogs eyes clear. Ditch allergy-provoking plastic food bowls and invest in glass or stainless steel. Possible solutions may include flushing the eye or removing the foreign body while your Frenchie is sedated. Typically, this is the result of them still growing and of development of the facial structure. Moisture attracts bacteria, hence why tear stains are associated with skin inflammation, irritation and infection. However, I am not your vet, so if your Frenchie has excessive tear stains coupled with what appear to be obvious eye discomfort, I recommend you contact your vet. In early November 2014, the FDA warned U.S. manufacturers to stop selling tearstain products containing Tylosin Tartrate, an antibiotic that is not approved for dogs or the treatment of tearstains. You should try a complete diet change.. So if the continual washing and wiping of your dogs face seems to get you nowhere, then here are a few home remedies you can try. You can give your pup supplements to support their immune system. Copyright 2018 to 2022 French Bulldog Owner. Distichiasis is a common condition that results in abnormal eyelash growth (view the definition on VCA Hospitals website). You can also. If this is the case, your vet should be able to provide some relief by flushing the tear ducts. If your Frenchie needs regular cleaning, you can get rid of the tear stains at home by cleaning their face up to once a day. We recommend Zymox Topical Cream available on Amazon. He has terrible tear stains. They can also be prone to tear stains, especially if they have buggy eyes that are more exposed to the elements, dry eyes, corneal ulcers, or traumaall of which can lead to tear stains. Because of this breeding, the development of the tear ducts is often affected, leading to tear stains and infections. There is also a chance that the blocked tear duct is the result of a chronic eye infection or allergy. While youre Frenchie is still a puppy, you can expect to see a lot of extra moisture around the eyes. That said, even if excessive tearing is common in puppies, its still a good idea to speak to a veterinarian about any concerns. I highly recommend giving it a try! The good news is that most of the conditions listed are treatable either by a veterinarian or simple changes around your home. Actually, you do not have to worry on the application of these products as they can be basic solutions that wipe off the tear stains on an everyday basis. The fur will grow back in and be free of stains. Some pet foods with certain additives will stain hair in the mouth area, HOWEVER BEET PULP WILL NOT CASE TEAR STAINS, that is mis-information to assume it will. Thank you in advance for your suggestions John. It will really brighten the fur of your bulldog, especially our white furry friends. How/when to use: We recommend using 1-2Xs every 2 weeks as needed. 5 When you Should Visit The Vet for Tear Stains, What Is the Best Pet Insurance for Bulldogs? Minerals in the water may stain facial hair in the whisker, and mouth areas, as well as other areas on the chest and front legs when water regular drips. None of the advice on this website is designed to replace the professional advice of your own vet. This may help the dog to avoid rubbing its eye until such time that it is completely recovered. Even small cracks can harbor bacteria which can be very difficult to sterilize. It wont cure tear stains overnight though, as you need to do it daily. While you are treating the underlying causes of tear stains, I am sure you are anxious to get those red lines cleared up. French Bulldog eye stains are predominantly due to the way in which our dogs have been bred. Most veterinarians agree that face staining results from excessive tearing. We use steel ones at home, and you can buy similar dishes on Amazon. Aside from keeping the skin dry, its essential to keep any hair under the eyes short. However, as with anything of this nature, you should always seek professional advice if in any doubt about the health of your dog. The same spokesperson on the American Kennel Club website said the following: Two things that have worked for me are adding one teaspoon of either organic apple-cider vinegar or buttermilk powder to meals. You must also determine what is causing excess tearing in your bulldog and treat the underlying condition. Repeat once a day for three days and skip the fourth day. I also have a white Frenchie. Tear stains are seen on the face of your dog, usually in a fold that runs from the inner corner of their eye and down to otter corner of their face. These include: Its worth looking at your dogs food and water dishes. Ingredients:Water(Aqua),Mild Coconut Cleanser, Vanilla Planifolia (Vanilla), Vaccinium Cyanococcus (Blueberry), Actinidia Chinesis (Kiwi),Vitamin E, Avena Sativa (Oatmeal), Camellia Sinensis (White Tea), Zingiber Officinale (Ginger). Always looking for more info but for now this worked for us too for those hoping to find other tricks: vet recommended filtered water as sometimes tap water can be a major cause. Moreover, diet alteration is also a good idea for you to consider. Switch your dog to filtered water; tap water may contain higher levels of iron and other impurities. My 6mo Frenchie has tear stains snd very watery eyes and stomache issueshis vet recommended Taste Of The Wild Salmon for puppies but I see no change can you please recommend a brand of food ?? White and light color coats, wrinkled faces and short nosed breeds like our beloved bulldog can acquire water stains from pet drinking water, bacteria and red or pimple looking bumps may appear as well, try using a stainless steel bowl for food and water and clean at least 3 times weekly in a dishwasher to sterilize them. Here are a few recommendations to clean tear stains that bulldog owners have found successful. Bulldog tail infections are identified by itchy, red or stinky skin around the tail. This is crucial to the preventionprocess. Make sure your bulldog isnt exposed to second hand smoke or other air pollutants. KEEP IT CLEAN. Veterinarians recommended replacing any plastic feeding dishes with either stainless steel or ceramic. Owing to the positioning of Frenchies eyes and their flattened muzzles, their eyes are less protected than other breeds. Tear stains are a common cosmetic issue found in a lot of dog breeds. In addition to this, the size and positioning of their eyes mean they need to produce more tears to avoid dry eyes. Allergic reactions and eye infections are two other common causes of excessive tear production in dogs. The scarring can either hinder or block normal tear drainage, resulting in increased tear staining. If your bulldog hasnt had tear stains yet, consider yourself lucky, keep cleaning those folds, keep them away from allergens! It is because of the struggle in removing the tear stains from the face of the English bulldog. Visit your veterinarian to ensure dog tear stains are not related to a more serious issue. As a result, your Frenchie will typically produce more tears as the body attempts to flush out the foreign body. And once they fall, tear stains may form eventually. One last trick to try is giving your bulldog benedryl. bulldog tear stains with the help of the dog collar, Best Life Jacket for French Bulldog Top 3 Options, When Do English Bulldogs Stop Growing? Its essential to make sure that once youre done cleaning that you also dry the skin. Not only are they not too pretty, but if left untreated, they will begin to irritate your bulldog as well. Make sure your dog gets a high-quality diet with all the nutrients they need. Ignoring the issue could result in long-term damage, such as scarring, vision impairment, or even blindness. However, in using such solutions, be very careful in applying it so that it wont get inside the eyes of the dog. Generally, the usual cause behind the formation of tears within the eyes of the English bulldog is allergies. I have used it this way to remove green duck poo stains prior to bathing our dog., Clean your Frenchies face every day with warm water. Your bulldog will only need this if tear stains are showing. While it is very common for bulldogs to have tear stains, it is not normal or something you have to just come to accept. If youre a new owner, the first time you see this it will blow your Do French Bulldogs Have Bad Eyesight & How Far Can They See? If you are concerned that the excess tear production may be caused by small tear duct openings, there is surgery available to correct that condition. The most common is "Red Yeast" which is usually associated with reddish-brown facial stains, and which may emit a moderate to noticeably strong odor. I found some comments on social media which I found very interesting; see what you think. Change diet their diet to be allergen free, and free of ingredients with copper (beets). Please note: comments must be approved before they are published. Continue the cycle until the tear stains are clear. Does Apple Cider Vinegar Kill Worms In Dogs? Vets also recommend reducing stress and improving nutrition. If tear stains are left untreated, it could lead to yeast infections, bacteria growth, and open sores. Whilst its not always possible to prevent eye infections altogether, there are a few things you can do to try and prevent them from happening in your Frenchie. The tear stains have reduced significantly., We have a white French Bulldog and struggle with red tears stains too. While porphyrins are usually removed from the body through poop, dogs and cats can excrete it through their tears, saliva and urine. All of the content on this site is written by my and other pet content creators, personal perspectives given on information gathered through our own extensive research. Rub Desitin Diaper rash cream into the tear stains. He is the sole reason I even started this website in the first place. Basically, consider looking for a new place for resting or playing of the bulldog or you may start cleaning its face right after playing or sleeping. Aside from that, the vet may also advise you in choosing the best collar that fits your English bully. Youre about to find out! Thank you in advance! Distichiasis can also result in this if left untreated. In humans, these trace minerals exit bodies through urine, but in dogs it can come through their eyes. Ive use desitin and cornstarch. Many flat-faced dogs, including Frenchies, have trouble with their eyes draining correctly. Then I switched him to a vegan diet from. Sit, stay, learn! + How To Serve It The Right Way, Are Cucumbers Good For French Bulldogs? If there are still marks, you can get rid of tear stains on your Frenchies fur by using a cleaning solution. It may generally occur because of infection, dog breed susceptibility to the stains of dog tears, and the presence of trace minerals within the bulldogs food and water. -just like dying your own hair. We switched to giving them bottled or filtered water and it cleared right up. In this guide I am going to share with you what weve learned over the last few years. Are tear stains harmful? see which dog-friendly wipes we use on Amazon, view the definition on VCA Hospitals website, Use a damp and clean cloth or a vet-recommend doggy face wipe. Lighter color dog fur is actually nice and somehow eye-catching. I was wondering does anybody's bulldog suck on toys or their bed/blanket? Tax and shipping estimated during checkout. Moreover, for eye discharge within the dogs eye, you can consider doing some home remedies. 1. If your dog has a habit of chewing or licking a leg or some other area of the body, youll likely see this area stained over time as well. When this happens, eyelashes can rub against the cornea and irritate the eyes in general. Usually, the medicated ointment has an antimicrobial as well as antifungal property that is perfect to be applied over tear stains of the English bulldogs. Your email address will not be published. Can I use peroxide on my dogs tear stains? Beets are high in copper. Usually, tear stains are wet and come in a dark color or deep red color. Once you know what tear stains looks like, youll have no problem spotting them from a mile away. Brachycephalic breeds including French Bulldogs, are particularly prone to this condition and will require much more attention to keep the fur around their eyes and muzzle clean. French Bulldogs have red tear stains. Why do some tear stains smell? This gentle, organic and 100% all-natural balm includes anti-fungal properties that can knock out bacteria, yeast, and nasty smells too. In this case, the damp face hair is a breeding ground for bacterial and yeast growth. Weve been using it for over a year now and combined with great diet, keeping it dry, and using the Desitin its completed solved the tear stain issue for us. Doing this will help to make cleaning and general maintenance easier. Your veterinarian can also surgically remove ingrown eyelashes, fix inverted eyelids, treat infections, and help you change your bulldogs diet. You can do this with a warm, damp cloth or with a vet recommended wipe. So, as a pet owner, you may be wondering how to clean English bulldog tear stains. How/when to use: Anytime you need to clean or wipe off the eye area. I started using 1/4 tsp of Organic Apple Cider Vinegar w/ the mother, mixed in with his dog food, twice a day (he weights 25lbs). Once the cause of the excess tear production is treated, you can trim the fur back a little and continue to clean the area daily. The structure of the eyes of the bully is actually prone to staining. That said, excessive tears can sometimes be indicative of a more serious medical issue. After getting advice from Henris groomers (Henri is a fawn colored frenchie) I was told to change his diet- NO grain NOR chicken. We are the proud parents of Claude the French Bulldog. If your Frenchie has managed to get something caught in their eyes, such as sand, grass, or dirt, this may result in excessive tearing. If your dog will tolerate it, you could make it into a paste as smear it on the stains rubbing into the fur which will speed up the process. The content published on this blog is for informational purposes only. We changed to Merricks puppy food, too. Some of the most common causes of eye infections in Frenchies includes: Eye infections can also be symptomatic of more serious medical conditions, such as: Excessive tear production and tear staining are not unusual in Frenchies and are usually nothing serious. He loves the food and didnt lose any weight on it. Amazon Affiliate Disclosure Notice: It is important also to note that PawsGeek is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. As always, make sure to check with your vet prior to trying these tips! Plus, its safe enough to use on your dogs face and all the way down to their cute little tail pocket. As we go along, we will share to you the definitions and causes of the tear stains in English bulldog. The most common health-related causes of epiphora or tear stains include: For one, dog tearstains usually contain porphyrins, a naturally occurring iron-rich molecule that is a waste product produced when red blood cells break down. Our vet told us something in the tap water can cause it. We have a filter on our faucet, but he said Brita works just fine! Best products toTREATalready existing tear stains 1. Moisture trapped between the face folds can develop into a bacterial infection (skin fold moist dermatitis), which will only exasperate the issue. You need to look out for any redness and sores. Aside from that, make sure that the solutions you will be using are not too strong to irritate their eyes. The doctors advised them that the eye structure was the most probable source of the problem. Tried EarthBath wipes they dont work, unfortunately:( hoping that blueberry facial will work. However, when it comes in dogs, the minerals come out via the eyes. This is extremely painful for your bulldog and will require a prescription cream to help. Senzu has provided me with so much love and companionship that I have spent more time learning about dogs in my attempt to help Senzu live a long healthy happy life.

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