an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a variable program. sounds like a true computer to me. It's difficult to make a fair comparison between the Raspberry Pi 4 and the BeagleBone Green. Five additional serial ports are brought to the expansion headers. I dunno about the Grove thing though. While it wont impress many people that want a cheap Linux box for retro video game emulation, it is a great board for anyone who wants to get real work done. We ended up using the display to arrange a prom date. drop hdmi, add eDP. MakerFocus 2pcs D1 Mini NodeMcu 4M Bytes Lua WiFi Development Board Base on ESP8266 ESP-12F N Compatible NodeMcu Ar duino. Select the arrow to the right of "run" (or "debug") in the toolbar to pull down the list of files to run and select your new file. Their radio chips CCXXXX are fantastic and have superb support. Im firmly in the camp that never used the HMDI port. Browse 1000s of projects and gain inspiration for your next venture. When the flashing is complete, all 4 USRx LEDs will be lit solid. Your question might be answered by sellers, manufacturers, or customers who bought this product. To begin editing programs that live on your board, you can use the Cloud9 IDE by click . If Linux isn't your thing, there's a FreeBSD port for BeagleBone boards too. It is not like they were limited by space or costs (both cost peanuts), so why to remove these? While it is compatible with the PocketBeagle, you'll get the most bang for your buck with a full-sized BeagleBoard, and the Green is a perfect choice. You can get really deep into control and timing using the BeagleBone Green too, as Greg KF5N shows us in his video exploring using the programmable real-time units (PRUs) for PID motor control. When the temperature exceeds the threshold, and lasts for 1 minute, a warning Email will be sent to you. The dual 32-bit PRU controllers on the BeagleBone Green allow for timing and control that simply cannot be achieved with a Raspberry Pi. Last year I was trying to decide between BBB and RPi, and ended up picking RPi, for two reasons faster HDMI (so the videos less likely to flicker) By using our website and services, you expressly agree to the placement of our performance, functionality and advertising cookies. (BBG) is a joint effort by and Seeed Studio. The addition of Wi-Fi connectivity makes the wireless version of the BeagleBone Green perfect for DIY home automation projects. At least the product page hasnt changed and theres no new product entry in the bazaar. Read books to help you learn fundamental concepts. I actually started my journey into Linux with the original Beaglebone and the Beaglebone Black but quickly moved to the Raspberry Pi. By far the largest change is the removal of the microHDMI connector. So Im the other nobody, I guess. (Comment Policy). The on-board HDMI is removed to make room for these Grove connectors. Now Freescale needs to do the same with i.MX6 quad in the same price range. LinuxCNCs AXIS GUI is miserably slow on the BBB. Want the latest news? Nobody used it though. It is the first Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) board from BeagleBone community. Beagleboard has always provided a browser-based IDE accessible via USB, but the omission of the HDMI port puts the BeagleBone Green much closer to the microcontroller world. MakerFocus 2pcs ESP8266 NodeMCU LUA CP2102 ESP-12E Internet WiFi Development Board Serial Wireless Module Internet for Ar duino IDE/Micropython with Free Adapter Board for ESP8266 ESP-01 and nRF24L01+, MakerFocus Lidar Range Finder Sensor Module TF-Luna, Single-Point Micro Ranging Module 0.2 to 8m Compatible with Pixhawk, Arduino and Rasppbarry Pi with UART / I2C Communication Interface, MakerFocus M5Stack Core2 ESP32 Development Kit 2nd Generation Core Device CP2104 MPU 6886 Built-in Bluetooth WiFi with Dual Core 32-bit 240Mhz LX6 Processors 16M Flash 8M PSRAM for UIFlow MicroPython, MakerFocus Lora SX1262 Module 868 915 MHZ LoRaWAN IoT Development Board ASR6501 MCU 128KB Flash Ultra Low Power Consumption Solar Energy Powered Design with Antenna for Ardui no and Intelligent Scene, MakerFocus LoRa GPS Module LoRaWAN 868 915mHz Development Board LoRa Kit Ultra Low Power Design CP2102 SX1262 ASR6502 Chip with 0.96 inch OLED Display and Antenna for Arduino and Intelligent Scene, MakerFocus WiFi Test Tool ESP8266 WiFi Deauther Watch V3 DSTIKE NodeMCU ESP8266 Programmable Development Board Built in 800mAh Battery with OLED Dispaly, Wristband and 3D Printing Case. I despise those connectors. Also on the list of changes are the addition of two Grove connectors. Its got a USB port already, just plug in a cheap WiFi dongle. Cookies are tiny data files stored in your web browser when you visit a website. Please be kind and respectful to help make the comments section excellent. To use the browser IDE, you can follow the same steps outlined in the video above, as the steps for the BeagleBone Black and Green are identical. I applaud the removal of the HDMI port (for the sake of cost reduction). In short, there are a lot of options for working with the BeagleBone, but you are most likely going to have the best time using the stock Debian image and browser IDE. Note that only v8.4 or above versions of image file can be used flashed to BeagleBone Green. RTK with a BBB. There is, however, a third. analog-to-digital converter with 8 channels, 7 of which are made available on the headers. TI never followup those bugs, and after more than one year, they answered change your design to use the newer CC3200 . It's a RTOS for creating sound and music, and among the easiest to get started with in terms of digital music and sensor-based control. QNX is a long-lived RTOS for embedded systems and has been ported to the BeagleBone. Yep. Id take a barrel jack, screw terminals, or JST any day over microUSB. Download and install Image Writer for Windows by click . Since 2008, BeagleBoard has been producing miniature computers that stand with one foot in the microcontroller world, and one in the single-board computer (SBC) world. There are now third parties producing the BBB, so the BBG isnt going to eliminate it as an option. A true open hardware, community-supported embedded computer for developers and hobbyists. There's a tutorial to help you to make one. Fun, educational DIY electronic kits and video tutorials for all abilities. I guess he meant that it isnt a credit card desktop computer. Great BeagleBone, but have a USB-tty handy. Its an extremely capable machine with a few interesting features that make it the perfect device for embedded applications. jimmyplaysdrums wrote a comment on Wearable Endgame Arc Reactor Wireless Charger. You cant argue with that. All prices include VAT, unless stated otherwise. It's no surprise that BeagleBoard products are routinely used in mechatronics courses and digital signal processing where timing is essential. That said, there are multiple other Linux distributions available via the getting started page including Angstrom, Ubuntu, Arch, Gentoo, and Fedora. If you dont need HDMI, you are saving a lot of money with the green. In truth Id love an even more stripped down device. Hackaday Podcast 179: Danger Chess, Corona Motors, An Omni-Walker, And A Fast Talking Telescope, Homemade SawStop Attachment Is Just About As Sketchy As It Sounds, The GameTank Is The Latest And Greatest 8-bit Game Console. That said, it also loses its ethernet port, which might be a problem in areas with poor wireless reception. The DSP on board my original one was unsupported. It does sound like a pain having to do all that yourself. The BBG includes two Grove connectors, making it easier to connect to the large family of Grove sensors. The second I2C bus is available for you to configure and use. unfortunately the odroid peeps did almost the opposite ! Please try your search again later. Step7: Stop the code by clicking "stop" in the toolbar. The inclusion of the Grove connectors is just salt in the wound. Unless stated otherwise, you shouldnt ever apply a voltage to a pin that is greater than the supply voltage which would be zero in this case. Visit the Seeed Studio wiki for hardware support, IRC Group Chat The addition of two Grove connectors one UART, one I2C is Seeeds largest contribution to the BeagleBone Green, and with a large catalog of parts ranging from simple logic gates to OLED displays and GPS modules, its pretty handy. So thats pretty far from nobody used it. Why Fedora Decided To Give CC0 Licensed Code The Boot, Where Pollution Hits The Road: The Growing Environmental Hazard Of Rubber Tires, The Surprisingly Manual Process Of Building Automotive Wire Harnesses, Mutually Crafted Happiness: How MCH2022 Happened. Commonly found surrounded by hobby electrical components, he's also a keen programmer and likes to build crazy-sounding instruments with microcontrollers. Problems usally come from clamping/protection diodes or other parasitic diodes directy at the output pin, between the buffers and the outside world. If you have a 'Bone you need one of these! I appreciate the BBGW because it has onboard WiFi and bluetooth radios and increases the USB ports to 4. Always read the System Reference Manual!!! Beaglebone Green is a tiny computer with all the capability of today's desktop machines, without the bulk, expense, or noise. Leonel Flores has updated the project titled Arduino Mega2560 Powermeter. Hence, VDD_5V which is powered by DC Jack socket in BBB is not available in BBG. More peripherals, more ways to play. If youd prefer to restrict, block or delete cookies from, or any other website, you can use your browser to do this. Boot Linux in under 10 seconds and get started on development in less than 5 minutes with just a single USB cable. That and the built-in USB JTAG + serial console it has over the BBB is a bonus. These few projects only scratch the surface of what can be done with these powerful mini computers, and the addition of Grove connectors only makes a fantastic board even more extensible. People seem to like the 3300 though, aside from the fact thats its multiple times the price of competitors. SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green Wireless is a joint effort by and Seeed Studio. In GPIO mode, each digital I/O can produce interrupts. At we use cookies to personalise your experience and help us identify and resolve errors. Thats a welcome change thats long overdue. jimmyplaysdrums liked Wearable Endgame Arc Reactor Wireless Charger. The Grove Starter Kit for BeagleBone Green allows you to get started with the BeagleBone Green from Seeed Studio quickly. This is an IoT demo which we can upload the temperature info. I suspect this Groove connector really isnt going to leave the niche either. The use of cookies and similar technologies have for some time been commonplace and cookies in particular are important in the provision of many online services. BBG can be powered only by micro USB connector as there is no 5V DC Jack socket in BBG. this is fantastic, recently as a hobby i have been researching can bus/ iso bus hacking in agriculture, is a great place for information and they use BBB, a can bus shield and a bluetooth adapter to send can bus information to an android device. For shifting out data fast, you might consider using one of the SPI ports. Once again, this uses the BeagleBone Black, but the Green edition would likely be even better suited, with the easy addition of Grove-based motor controllers, and wireless connectivity. The on-board HDMI is removed to Not so wild about the Grove connectors, but these do offer an easy integration path to various sensors. But the they I work with did not decide HDMI was not needed . Seeed Studio Raspberry Pi Pico Flexible Microcontroller Board Based on The Raspberry Pi RP2040 Dual-core ARM Cortex M0+ Processor, 1pc. The BeagleBone Green that can be initialized by a program booted off of a microSD card. So what is the price? Instead of 1 USB host, you now get 4, making it even easier to attach peripherals and work on headless connected internet of things (IoT) and automation projects. There are buffers, and they are tristated but there is still ESD diodes, if you power pins on an IC that isnt powered you will push current through the ESD diodes and in worst case trigger latch-up so the IC will short the supply and smoke once you turn on power. Depending on how much punch your external supply delivers, this can quickly vaporize not just the diode, but other stuff in the chip too. It is a bit odd of a connector but at this point, theyre stuck with it even if they wanted to change it. GRRRRR. These days I use a Banana Pi Pro for everything that power intensive. If you found this article interesting, youll also enjoy the Electromaker newsletter. Have all the pins tristated until the chips ready. C - 4GB Flash - Cortex A8, Adafruit Proto Cape Kit for BeagleBone & BeagleBone Black, The first Wi-Fi + Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE 4.1) board from BeagleBone community, Built-in 2.4 GHz TI WLinkTM8 Module with two antenna solution, Comply with Bluetooth Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP), SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green Wireless x 1. Android? There are numerous sources on line that are relevant to the BBB or BBGw. When the temperature exceeds the threshold, and lasts for 1 minute, a warning Email will be sent to you. For most users, this is the route to take, as the Debian based system is the most documented and supported out of all the options. PRU and eth are all I need, you may not be completely right with the retro game emulation on bbb. Heres a list of the main cookies we use, and what we use them for: Each web browser handles cookie management differently, please follow instructions for your chosen browser: Keep an eye on your inbox for a monthly roundup which includes all of the top content on Note that DO take care as you handle USB micro type-B socket, or you might break the socket off. / 18th January 2021. Through a cooperation between the BeagleBoard foundation and Seeed Studios, the best small Linux board for doingreal work with small Linux boards is now cheaper, a little more modern, and green. MicroUSB is a pretty lousy connector. The first I2C bus is utilized for reading EEPROMS on cape add-on boards and can't be used for, other digital I/O operations without interfering with that function, but you can still use it. The manufacturer is somebody called Shenzhen NS-Tech and there is a mechanical spec sheet at Read the step-by-step getting started tutorial by click to begin developing with your BeagleBone in minutes. Worse still, you can develop for Beagle bone Green using a R-PI, but you cant develop for R-PI using a Beagle Bone Green. Indeed Ill find some way to solder my own wires to power the board. It is a joint effort by and Seeed Studio. Setup is a lot easier since I can just plug it into the TV and go. After all, it uses the same open hardware specification and has the same processor. Michael Bravo liked Minamil: a minimal CNC mill. Step1: Download the latest microSD card image. If your chip requires multiple voltages to power it then check the datasheet to find out the correct order to bring them up. Im not sure if this is still the case or not. What are other peoples experiences with the BBB or the BBG ? In-house tutorials written by our expert editorial team. There is provision in BBG to short VDD_5V and SYS_5V by using a 0 Ohm resistor. Yeah. Thats not a problem though, since the BBB isnt going away. SYS_5V is available. Download and install 7-zip by click . SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green If the BBB is going to be really embedded somewhere, then the jack is easier to find (or put on) on a power supply than a micro USB connector. The BeagleBone Black has been around for more than two years now, but its still an extremely capable machine. It is sad that the official PRU documentation is on a website instead of the AM335x TRM, but everything is there (apart from the industrial features, i.e. Apply a voltage to the pin, and the current wants to go thru the top clamping diode into the supply net. I fully expect that my next Beagle Board will be green. Seeed Studio BeagleBone Green Wireless is a joint effort by and Seeed Studio. This processor features 2 controller-area networks (CANs), dual-core programmable real-time units (PRUs), these devices are enhanced with image, graphics processing, peripherals and industrial interface options such as EtherCAT and PROFIBUS. In addition to Electromaker, Ian writes over at MakeUseOfand has bylines at the likes of Online Tech Tips as well as Help Desk Geek. Ive no idea how youd actually buy those connectors though. With the BeagleBone Green, the BB Black gets a small hardware refresh and a drastic reduction in price. Learn more, BeagleBone Green Hands-On: Lower Price, Same Horsepower, an awe-inspiring, blinding amount of RGB LEDs, Retrotechtacular: The Trautonium Was Elemental To Electronic Music,, Toyotas Cartridge Helps Make Hydrogen Portable. Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. Please try again. The PRU (which is one of the major selling points of the Beaglebone soc) was very difficult to use and had very little good documentation on how to use it. It may not always happen either so your prototype might be fine but once you start mass production then youll find some devices just mysteriously die. Given that all three boards are roughly the same price, it really comes down to what specification you are looking for in a project, and all three can be extended to work much like the others with a little work. When I talked to [Jason Kridner] his justification for the removal of the HDMI capability of the Green was that nobody used it. This is fair and true; if you want a media server, you get a Raspberry Pi, and if you want a tiny Linux box to toggle pins very quickly, you get a BeagleBone. Rich Hardware InterfaceBeagleBone Green Wireless has 4x USB2.0 host, 2x 46 pin headers, 2x Grove connectors. Collaborate on the Beagle community forum, Hardware Discussion Groups I havent owned a TV since 1999. And where can I buy it? Everything you need for your next project. I had the original one and it had problems booting Linux, the guys in the iRC channel and mailing list ignored me totally. Ive deployed several BeagleBone Blacks none of them has a monitor attached to them. So all the servers in the worlds datacenters, including the webservers that served you the HaD website arent true computers? The removal of HDMI plays to the BeagleBones strengths, and makes it a less expensive board. Add to that the fact you can buy an LCD cape for the BBG and have it work with the 3D accelerator and youre really not losing any capability, just shaving sixteen bucks off the price. If you'd prefer to start completely from scratch and build your own OS, the StarterWare image gives bare-bones interfacing with the BeagleBone hardware. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we dont use a simple average. The second reason is a little more subtle. The Beagle Bone Green isnt even a true computer any more, because without a display you need another computer to develop on it. The BBG has included two Grove connectors, making it easier It has the same amount of RAM, the same processor, the same amount of eMMC Flash, and the same pinout as the BB Black. 3.5mm screw terminals are tiny. Worked like a charm out of the box. And this's a demo by BBGwe can easily monitor the room temperature, pressure, altitude info. This is a compressed sector-by-sector image of the SD card. Thats said, I dont trust them anymore. Im the nobody that finds the hdmi port very useful. If you are an experienced BBB user, be aware that the 5V jack is gone (now uses USB power only) and the P8/P9 headers have different default assignments. This comparison remains true for the majority of potential rival SBCs to the BeagleBone Green. Im so disappointed theyve removed the HDMI. Combine this with a serial terminal, and its really all you need. So you could run a CNC or 3D printer with a BBB as the main computer. Yup, Machinekit, forked from Linux CNC. Be sure to download the binary distribution. It is based on the Check out the review below for everything thats been updated, everything thats the same, and why this is one of the most interesting developments in small Linux boards in recent memory. J liked CanSat Romania - Monitoring air pollution. He decided that. If you e.. One of the best things about the BeagleBone Board is the massive accessible GPIOs coming out from its 2x 46 pin headers. Offers Wi-Fi and BLE SolutionBeagleBone Green Wireless supports AP+STA mode of communication, comes with an MRAA library, and complies with Bluetooth Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP). Educational robot kits, controllers, cameras & wheels. Interesting. Last updated by default on Wed Sep 12 2018 17:08:05 GMT-0000 (UTC). There is a dedicated header for getting to the UART0 pins and connecting a debug cable. The dual 46 pin headers can be used as general-purpose input/output pins, or with BeagleBone Capes, adding a vast array of extras including screens, motor drivers, industrial communication, and even a full handheld gaming system. Download the image from We strongly recommend that you download the latest firmware. Live chat with other open-source enthusiasts, Books Dead Spider Becomes Robot Gripper: Its Necrobotics! Seeed Studios has limited ability to support this board, but has tried to answer questions or to redirect to another source. The wireless edition of the BeagleBone Green adds more than just Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. And a X15 :). I could spend an entire article extolling the virtues of Bela, but in the interests of keeping things brief, in my opinion, Bela alone is worth the asking price of a BeagleBone board. BeagleBoard has presented something of the best of both worlds since the start, and while beginners might be best suited with an Arduino Uno or Raspberry Pi, anyone who wants a true Swiss Army Knife embedded computer capable of pretty much any project will find the BeagleBone Green and BeagleBone Green Wireless the perfect fit. Step3: Copy and paste the following code into the new tab. It works well in my opinion (under Linux that is, using XMing and Putty for Windows is terrible), the only issue being that it takes something like 15 seconds for the BBB to load the GUI and another 10 seconds to change gcode files. Join a discussion or start a new one. For a device that really isnt meant to be a desktop computer, this is the easiest way to get code up and running on a tiny Linux box. And friends.. j liked Meshtastic Mesh Device Station Edition G1. Much like the BeagleBone Black, the Green edition has an AM335x 1GHz ARM Cortex-A8 processor, 512MB DDR3 RAM, 4GB onboard eMMC storage, USB host port, and Ethernet. Its been used as a video card for an old Mac,and to drive an awe-inspiring, blinding amount of RGB LEDs, among thousands of other interesting and hardcore projects. Many people reports bugs with the firmware. The Raspberry Pi wins hands down. Seems a bit odd. PLA, ABS, HIPS,PETG & thermochromic filaments. SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green (BBG) is a low cost, open-source, community supported development platform for developers and hobbyists. If it is embedded, I would rather have screw terminals for power. With these connectors and a few modules from the GroveSystem, building simple projects is a snap. A simple TCPServer hangs after only few hours. Thats green. Way faster, and much easier to program for about the same cost. (and an empty socket for an esp8266). Id rather see 4 USB ports like on the RasPi and on board wifi/Bluetooth. This had been USB mini on the BeagleBone Black. The experience lands somewhere between working with an Arduino - coding using an attached computer with no direct input into the board, and a Raspberry Pi with a fully-fledged operating system. Dont assume you can safely apply a voltage to pins on any other CPU just because they didnt explicitly forbid doing so in the manual. The first major difference is the lack of an onboard HDMI port, which has been replaced with two Grove connectors. There are two Grove connectors. More options is good. For a project at work we ended up shelling out extra for a few BBWs for this reason. For me setting up the BBB (tethered to the PC via USB) was the easiest solution by far. So use a BBB if you need HDMI. installation is via a flashed microSD card, Cloud9 IDE on Node.js w/ BoneScript library. In terms of beginner user experience, the Pi wins too which should be no surprise to anyone, as no other board has such a large community and support. Ubuntu? it is not (at this time) listed in the Seeedstudio depot. Most deep embedded stuff do not need HDMI (and all sofware associated like X server and destop env). Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2017, Reviewed in the United States on February 17, 2019. Seeedstudio published a tutorial on Instructables showing how to use a Grove Base Cape to expand on the two Grove connectors already available on the BeagleBone Green. Multiple emails to Seeed support asking for ETAs only to get multiple answers when the previous date passes. to add other I2C devices at available addresses. First are the specifications of the AM335x 1GHz ARM Cortex-A8 processor: Then comes the connectivity options for the standard Green edition: And finally, the supported operating systems, although there are more custom OSes appearing as time goes on: The BeagleBone Green wireless edition comes without the ethernet port of the standard Green board, but adds a few key features: On the surface, the BeagleBone Green looks similar to the BeagleBone Black. Amazon Basics USB 2.0 Printer Cable - A-Male to B-Male Cord - 6 Feet (1.8 Meters), Black, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B 2019 Quad Core 64 Bit WiFi Bluetooth (4GB), MakerFocus M5Stack Tough ESP32 IoT Development Board Kit Waterproof LCD Display Built-in Bluetooth WiFi with Dual Core 32-bit 240Mhz 16M Flash 8M PSRAM for a rduino UIFlow ESP-IDF. Note: This can take up to 45 minutes. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Raspberry Pi 4 Computer Model B 8GB Single Board Computer Suitable for Building Mini PC/Smart Robot/Game Console/Workstation/Media Center/Etc. The best-known BeagleBoard is the BeagleBone Black, a powerful and tiny computer capable of interacting with a huge array of peripherals and with a browser-based development environment (IDE). Machinekit users used the HDMI connection. BBG has few hardware differences when compared to BBB. Motion, range, temperature & humidity sensors. Find answers in product info, Q&As, reviews. The BeagleBone Green borrows heavily from the Black, with a few changes to satisfy the cost-reduction goal, and to make the BB Green slightly more accessible. It costs slight more than the BBB and RPI, but the performance is amazing, and it doesnt suffer from all the fatal usb/hdmi flaws in the RPI. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. Because theyre embedded machines that do a job that doesnt require a display. Reblogged this on Beagle Blogger and commented: Ive been waiting for this damn board for over 2 months now. A simple demo to create an intelligent alarm system out of a SeeedStudio BeagleBone Green and Grove modules. (Information Commissioners Office). Use the provided microSD card to SD adapter or a USB adapter to connect the SD card to your computer. Due to ongoing chip shortages and related supply problems, backorders are not possible at this time. Design materials for creating your own customized version of the hardware, or for better understanding the design are also linked from the traditional home of "". If you overshoot the supply rails or bring up the voltages in the wrong order then you can get latchup and burn out the chip. Learn how your comment data is processed. Whats the deal with Grove connectors?! There is not much to write about the PRUs. 8 PWM pins on the BBB is sexy. Hopefully theyll actually allow us mere mortals to purchase the Green after all this waiting and I am glad to see that it isnt vaporware. Gentoo? To make full use of, enjoy the personalised features and ensure the websites works to its full potential, your computer, tablet or mobile phone will need to accept cookies. Although the BeagleBone Green was announced at the Bay Area Maker Faire last May,there hasnt been much said about it on the usual forums and IRC channels.'s BeagleBoneGreen page documents all of the known hardware issues. Id actively avoid their parts in design. J liked Low-cost and high-speed nanoscale imaging tool. Insert SD card into your (powered-down) board, hold down the USER/BOOT button (if using Black) and apply power, either by the USB cable or 5V adapter.
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beaglebone black vs green