February 22, 2022. When picking a name for a strong female dog, many owners find it necessary to walk a fine line between selecting one thats feminine, while still picking one that sounds tough. She is married to the king God, Zeus. Elda: In English, this name means, Old and Wise protector. In Italy, it means, Battle maiden. Either way, its one of the cool badass female dog names. All Rights Reserved. Bash: Bash could mean a huge crazy party. Bible verse search by keyword or browse all books and chapters of Cora: This name comes from Greek Myth. Rogue: Rogue means a few things and all are badass. Ripley was the female hero of the flick. hesitant in His actions; the principles and purposes behind His actions are all clear Bear: Lets face it a bear is just scary. Jaws was the name of an unstoppable bad guy. The second is from the James Bond movies. Any snake is worthy to be on this names list. Of course, you might have a sense of humor and decide to name your cute dog something ferocious. Falcon: Falcons are birds of prey. This name also comes from the film, Smokey and the Bandit. If youre more musically inclined, then there are some tough dog names for that as well. Raiden: Raiden is a name from Japan. Usa. As they say, Karma is a bitch.. Kimber: Kimber is a military and NATO handgun manufacturer. Rebel: A rebel is a person that opposes a government. This huge hammer takes both arms to use. Spike: Spike means to impale something. She has rescued and cared for dozen of animals over the years, ranging from a one-eyed Shih Tzu to a disabled Chinese Water Dragon. CBD oil may help. Or, if youre looking for a unique name thats more on the classy side, here are a few badass dog names inspired by classic action films. We hoped you liked these badass dog names, there are some great choices. Hades: Hades was the Greek God of the underworld. Check out our list of 500+ Husky names here. What are some good guard dog names for you to name your pooch? Nyx: She was a legit badass! Bandit was the handle for Burt Reynoldss character in that movie. Kara: This is Supergirls name. Zeus: The main God in Greek Mythology is Zeus. Check out these scary dog names for your pooch. Tappaa: In Finland, this word means, Kill., Thana: This is the girl form of the Greek name Thanatos. The word comes from the Greek word for fire, Pyr., Ragnar: This name is from Norway. Overall, you want to have strong, bold names that will show off your dogs personality or breed. She hung around with Ares, the War God. Are you ready to name your doggo? Zelda: The meaning of Zelda is Dark Battle.. These hidden bursts of might include names that mean warrior and dog names meaning strong. It is used in bullet-proof vests. you enter into true worship life. Sasha: Sasha is from Russia and means, Defender of man.. Learn how your comment data is processed. Once you get to know their personality a bit and keep their breed in mind, its easy to find a unique name. There are also these names inspired by the universe. If it sounds badass and has an even more badass meaning, then its badass! K9ofMine.com does not intend to provide veterinary advice. Gauge: Gauge is the size of the inner diameter of a gun barrel. It is also the nickname for a person that parties. Gemini Rouge LLC. Ripley: This name comes from the movie Alien. It was also the Secret Service code name for JKF. Dont miss: The Best Hunting Dog Names for your fierce and loyal dog. A human can be called a beast. Trailblazer: A trailblazer is a person that makes a new trail. within. Lets start with some strong female dog names from history. She currently lives in Cookeville, TN with her husband, daughter, and very opinionated Husky, Atlas. Renegade: This is a person who changes loyalty. Looking for more funny names? Stryker: This is an armored eight-wheel vehicle. Juno: She is the Roman counterpart of Hera. The Cockapoo: Is it the Right Dog for You? We also have the meanings of these tough dog names! Hannibal: There are three Hannibals that make this a bad-ass name. In the Marvel world, it is the real name of the villain, Mystic. We cant forget about those villains! Who has eternal life? Slash: Slash has the meaning of cutting something with a wide motion. This film is about a female assassin. Bomber: This is a kind of plane. He was the Good God.. 800+ of the Most Badass Dog Names for Your Best Companion. Ghost: A ghost is a spirit of a dead person or animal. Katana:Katana is a hero from DC Comics. Also, there is the entire Stark family from Game of Thrones. Who is the most famous badass dog? That would definitely make you stand out at the pooch park. Some people believe that the raven is a messenger. Rainier: This name means Warrior. It is from Norway. Below are some categories to provide you with a perfect idea for your Cane Corso dog. And want to know what breed he/she is? A spike is also a nail that huge. So, you need some tough dog names for your new pup? Barrett: This is a German name that means,Strong as a bear.. It has come to symbolize, the end of the final act. The Black Widow is known to mate then kill. Gator: This name comes from the alligator. Trackers can follow anyone or anythings trail. Crash: When objects or people smash into each other forcefully. If your Cane Corso has an elegant and dark blue coloured coat and you want to name it accordingly, you can choose a blue-colour inspired name from the list given below. answers. Irresistible Malamute Puppy Pictures and 10 Cool Facts! Cuervo: This name comes from this dude who makes some pretty righteous tequila. This is a very exciting and happy time, There are so many different tough dog names, and we have a great list of popular tough dog names for you here! Timberwolf: This is another name for the Grey Wolf. Pick one from these 400+ names. Home Dog Names 800+ of the Most Badass Dog Names for Your Best Companion. They make for a good companion and are also trained to be guard dogs. Top 10 List of Best Bully Sticks for Dogs in 2022, 12 Best High-Fiber Dog Foods for Your Furry Friend, The best Irish dog names for your new puppy, Diamond Dog Food Review: Best Recipes, Ingredient Analysis and Recalls History, The Best and Coolest Names for Rottweilers. Additionally, K9ofMine.com participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. Nina: Sure in Spanish this name means, Little girl. But it also a Quechua name that means, Fire.. Hercules: Hercules is from Roman myth. Raven: This name has a few meanings. The second one is the hard natural solid. The sound and meaning of the name, for one. Get tons of great dog training advice and tips about gear! It is also a person that is dishonest. Magnus: This is a Latin name that means, The greatest.. As you will see, these names run the gambit. Enyo: Enyo was the goddess of war in Greece. Give your pup a title with these important names that require formality. Bandit: Someone that is a thief, is also a bandit. Ajax: Ajax was one of the known warriors from the Trojan War. This beast always leaves destruction wherever he goes. Pyro: A Pyro is a person that likes starting fires. Sandor: Sandor comes from the Game of Thrones. This another form of Lexi. This means, Death.. She was the Goddess of love and marriage. It is always best to carefully consider the personality and characteristic of the dog before choosing a name for it or else if you rush, you might end up naming your puppy that feels goofy and weird. Tumbler: A Tumbler is a drinking glass. When youre bad, then bad things happen to you. Bruiser: This is a person that loves fistfights. Need more military dog names?. It means, Judgement or warrior.. It has come to mean the top dog. Dont worry; we have plenty more no matter your dog breed, whether its a Poodle, Doberman, Bulldog, or anything in between. Check out these names inspired by the letter A. One is Hannibal Smith from the A-Team. and transparent, pure and flawless, with absolutely no ruses or schemes intermingled As Christians, we However, her alter ego, Persephone, was the goddess of the underworld. Kara means, Beloved and Dearest one., Karma: Karma is the universes way of evening things out. For even more dog names we have several other articles out just for this case! Gabi: Gabi means, Warrior of God. It is short for Gabriela. Know Jesus section contains sub-sections such as Miracles of Jesus, Parables of Jesus, Jesus Second Coming section offers you insights into truths about the second coming of, How do Christians prepare for Jesus return? Which names on this list are your favorites? Aldo: Aldo is from Italy and means, Little sword. This would a cool name for a little bad beast. Saber: Saber is a big sword with a blade that is curved. Lets check out the list! Dog and Pup Town has you covered with this badass dog names list! Some strong girl dog names have built-in power and a bit of attitude thanks to epic meanings. In the Gaelic language, this name means, Warrior., Kerta: This is an ancient name that means, Warrior.. Send us an email with the name and we will add it to our ever-expanding list of names! Talon: This is the large claw on the foot of a bird of prey. Badge: A badge is a symbol of authority. Rogue is one of the X-Men from Marvel. Which means to do the opposite of what is expected. Bane: Bane is a cause of great sorrow or pain. Chill with the Gerberian Shepsky, The German Shepherd Husky Mix, Copyright 2021. Helmer: This Name means, The wrath of a warrior.. However, using searchlight for a pup name is weird. It is used to rip flesh. Prepare for Jesus Return section shares, Salvation and Full Salvation section selects articles explaining the meaning of, What is eternal life? Zao: This is a Croatian word. Check out more Golden Retriever names here! Many people have heard of Christian schools but what does it mean Here are some more working pups, female sled dog names inspired from Alaska. It is the second biggest bear. Jinx: Anyone or anything that gives bad luck is a Jinx. What about these badass dog names inspired by TV characters? How about these badass dog names for Golden Retrievers? name is Lexin, and when we hear her daughters simple expression, we can deduce that Deacon: A Deacon is an ordained minister. Erma: This name comes from the German word irmin. Irmin is linked to strength and a female deity of War. Kevlar: This name comes from the super-strong material. It was also the code name for President Eisenhower. believers in God, we all know that, By YimoSpeaking of Gods blessings, all brothers and sisters in the Lord are familiar with them. But how. 400+ Rapper Dog Names: Drop a Bone For These Name Ideas! to have Christian education and a Christian school? Kong: King Kong is a movie monster. In other words, Gods substance contains no darkness or evil. So, how can we gain the power of prayer? Hawk: A hawk is a bird of prey. This is the word for, Thunder.. In Greek Mythology, Cronus has a few family issues. She could destroy worlds in a blink. His name is Jose Cuervo. Ghost is also the name of a Dire wolf on Game of Thrones. She would become ruthless to protect it. Kurgan: This was the bad immortal in the movie, Highlander. He was the original evil guy. Ozzy: This name means, Divine protector. It can also refer to the Prince of Darkness, Ozzy Osbourne. Besides the meaning, the name needs to one or two syllables. K9ofMine.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. Lobo is one of the strongest badass dog names! Myths and Truths about the Pocket Pitbull. Ragna: Ragna is a Norse name. Check out all the different niches below. But some of these names are badass! You can check out these male military dog names as well. Im sure there are people above that you dislike. A knife is meant to cut. Barda was great at fighting and she was strong. Viper:This name comes directly from the snakes. Don't have an account? They give a graceful look when their fur and skin are carefully looked after. Inspirational, encouraging and uplifting! Start With God. Additionally, if someone or something is huge, they can be a Titan. Cora was the goddess of spring. A post shared by Emilia Clarke (@emiliaclarke). Zelma: This cool name has the meaning of, Divine helmet. Can you hear yourself screaming this from the backyard? Of course, we added male working-dognames as well. It also means, Defender of man., Loba: Loba is the Spanish word for, Wolf., Luana: In Germany, this name means, Graceful Battle Maiden. In English, it means, Gracious Warrior.. For this reason, they are often used in buildings. The girl usually has the i instead of on the y at the end. The first one is Rock from rock and roll. Phoenix: This name is based on the X-Men character. Athena: Athena was the War Goddess in Greek myth. Cronus: Because of his history, this is one of the best crazy names. She is the one that turned the men into pigs, from the Odyssey. Lupa: This Latin name means, She-wolf. Just because of the meaning this is one of the coolest badass girl dog names. For more than 70 years, Bible App Pour Les Enfants has helped people around the world Gods changing of His intentions toward the people of Nineveh involved no Patrn: If you are a drinker then you already know what this means. Are you into the military? Ursa: Ursa means, Bear. It is taken from Latin. Back in the day, he was crazy. Here are some badass dog names inspired by movie villains. Check out our list of the best funny dog names here.. You cant go wrong with badass dog names inspired by Greek mythology to ensure your dog sounds tough. Michonne: This tough name comes from the Walking Dead. Naming your tough female dog can be difficult. Aife: She was a warrior princess in Celtic lore. Valda: This German name has a few meanings. They move effortlessly and defy logic. He is known for eating his kids and castrating his dad. If your doggo is a tough guy or youre looking for an ironic name for your scaredy-cat, weve compiled some of the most badass dog names for your best companion. This is their God of lightning and thunder. If this sounds like you, check out some of the names with history below! Are you still looking for a name? Kodiak: The name of the ultimate bear that lives in Alaska. As She was also the Goddess of the hunt, wild animals, and the moon. Durden: Tyler Durden was the nut in the movie, Fight Club. He took crazy to a new whole level. Tumbler was President Bushs code name when his father was President. Be sure to read the rules of puppy naming! Arma: This name is the word for a weapon in Romania. It meant to purposely cause harm that disfigures an individual. relationship with God, what true honest people are, how to get along with others, and more, helping The Eagle was the Lunar module of the Apollo 11 moon landing. mom, said the innocent, lively young girl cheerfully as she lay flat by her young Ward: This name isnt from, Leave it to Beaver. It is an English name that means, Guard. A perfect name for your beast. It means either evil or wicked. Sera: This is a nickname for Seraphina. Gesine: Gesine is a German name. Stone: It is identical to a rock, a hard natural solid. Thank you for reading this article, if you would like to contribute in adding some dog names we would be happy to share them! Here are some badass female names for your Cane Corso dog that will hopefully match with her personality. Heller: A Heller is someone that raises Hell. By Boss: A Boss is a person who tells you what to do. Jaws: This is one of those tough dog names that has a couple of meanings. Most of these tough dog names are cute and cuddly names for companions dogs who love to do a bit of snuggling. Having a hard time coming up with a name for your pooch? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It is also very important to socialize Cane Corso dogs well so that they do not end up harming the owner or other pets. Fang: A Fang is a long-pointed tooth in animals. If you saw some interesting tough dog names above, then be sure to check out their meanings.
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badass female cane corso names