[9], In 1994, the story was made into a television movie entitled A Friend to Die For (also known as Death of a Cheerleader), with Tori Spelling as Stacy Lockwood, a character based on Kirsten Costas and Kellie Martin as Angela Delvecchio, a character based on Bernadette Protti. Its not about them, its all about Kirsten who,was,robbed of her life, and robbed from her family. You seem to have the mentality of a child. She was skinny. Well said Sarah. Despite our curiosity about her identity, it is only logical to be respectful of her privacy. Kirsten was just like any other girl who had to go to that snobby school. I would rather die," according to CNN. She as I said, didnt want to be bothered with stupid acting people. She did have money, dont let that other Mats tell you any different. I know beauty is all a matter of perception, not that it matters but in no universe would Bernadette be considered better looking. Psychotic high school student Bridget Moretti She was not any Chris Hargensen in Carrie, or Regina George in Mean Girls or anything like that, she was totally down to Earth and engaging from what I was told. That would disturb most people. You knew both girls? Yes, I have seen the movie. In order to get into the Bobbies you had to have money. Joe Kosla, where are you? Killing is going to far. If Kirsten was mercilessly cruel to Bernadette, it would have been brought up at Bernadettes trial which would have strengthened her case, but it wasnt brought up because it didnt happen. When Kirsten Costas was 15 years previous, a fellow pupil named Bridget Moretti fatally stabbed her. People in Orinda arent worried about this so much anymore, for all over the World were in times of need and Sorrow. Material on this site is provided for purposes of education, criticism, commentary, cultural reporting, entertainment, historical reference, and news reporting/analysis. She didnt have time to (bully). However, Moretti hasn't revealed the name of her husband. So please stop drudging up the past and move on with your lives please. Kirsten was well liked and cared. While she lacked the blond good looks of many of her friends, she had beautiful olive skin, and when she pulled her curly hair brown with golden highlights back from her forehead, her mother thought Kirsten looked like a Vogue model. Jealousy is an ugly thingmuch like bernadette. Im not saying Kirsten was totally innocent, for it takes 2, but to Murder in Cold blood. Although Bernadette was also well off, like most people in Orinda, she was not happy with her family. But I do agree in the movie Bernadette seemed dressed down the night of the murder and if she was really going to a popular party, bringing Kirsten and wanting to be seen as more popular, then she would have been dressed nicer. Word was that girls were safe because raping a girl is irresponsible and could get them fired because girls could get pregnant and priest need to bring money in, not pay out for 18 years. I highly doubt I would like you either. Additionally, Costas visited Miramonte High School and was a member of the school's varsity swim team and the cheerleading squad. Discovering her true picture on the Web is one thing that many individuals do. [3] Protti passed a lie-detector test, but her alibi went unverified. However, all of this is unconfirmed. No one is killed without a reason. Shes the Victim. They probably rubbed her the wrong way, or got on her nerves somehow. Im still scrolling through your crazed obsession. And Im sure Ms.Stuff and D and Beauty and the Beast are probaly still today If they want to be. You would have to contact her friends personally for any information on who gets together or doesnt, I personally dont know, and even if I did I wouldnt tell it on here and name them off, that is invading Privacy. Youll notice that there are no pictures of Kirsten as a cheerleader. She had a Childhood friend who was Popular, wonder she didnt go after her, and kill her, like Karen Severson. You have no one to blame but yourselves for being unnattractive, fat, disliked, broke loserswhatever your issues are. As for Bernadette, I didnt know her well, but said hello to her a few times in passing at school, and when she came to get the attendance slips. Also Karen, Kirsten favors Stacey Dash, with Lindsey Warners personality on Saved by the Bell. Still wasnt right. Kirsten was Cute and funny from my Standpoint. No , then its gona be she was mental ill and forgotten forever yes? And she killed her because she was jealous and that she would have been humiliuated if Kirsten told people at school that she was admiring her. We know Bernadette has issues, you that like her and defend her have Issues as well. I didnt know either girl, but there are people who knew them both, they were both described as Sweet, Kirsten was more Outgoing, and Bernadette was more shyer. No one is bothering her anymore. She was happy go lucky mostly, she only had a couple (she didnt like), we all have someone we do t get long with. Where Is Bernadette Protti, AKA Bridget Moretti, Now? If she would of left her alone, Kirsten wouldnt of ever bothered her, those TV movies Kirsten wasnt nothing like Tori Spelling, in the 2nd movie a little maybe she was like that girl, but more funnier. I know there were problems beteewn she and Nancy Kane, and that other blamed girl. Kirsten Marina Costas (July 23, 1968 June 23, 1984) was an American high school student who was murdered by her classmate Bernadette Protti in June 1984. Or someone who stares at you constantly, you got a problem doing that. (Kirsten sure didnt), Saying bullies need to get what they deserve. According to this blog, Bernadette is married and has made a new life for herself. The killer this time is named Bridget Moretti and is portrayed by . But Miramonte was what you made of it, I wasnt Popular, but I got along esp, with Kirsten and her group. People looked up to her to.. Kristen was a bitch (sorry, fact), who would roll her eyes at randoms and point and laugh at people. That Saturday evening, Kirstens parents and brother left to attend a potluck dinner for Peters Little League team. Hollywood tends to make villains heroes, and innocent people into villains. The only truly real statement that is completely believable is Bernadettes taped confession where she is mostly panicked about press and people knowing. Tell me someone who is nice to every single person in the world and likes every single person in the world, if they do let me meet them. She slaughtered the girl. She was convicted in 1985 and sentenced to a maximum of seven years behind bars and was released from prison on parole in 1992 at the age of 23. Giving our McDonalds name Dont prove you know them. She had a circle of friends, Kirsten was more popular though. They were ususally strange. Cant see her making fun of anyone. In addition to joining the Bobbies, Kirsten was a member of the varsity swim team. Do you really think its acceptable to lure someone out of their house under false pretences and then expect a positive reaction if your lie is discovered? if you came at her the wrong way like Bernadette did, or kids no one else liked cause they were so annoying to be around. Kirsten told her she embarrassed her, and, she didnt want to be around her. justice was nwot served and the costas have shed tears and felt grief for over 30 years and i think bernadette shouldnt have been given the privelege to go to college, get her high school diploma, have a boyfriend, and then have kids and get married no she should have been locked in a brick cell staring at walls all day so that she could focus on what she did but no she is scott free now to go out and kill again if she wants. Bernadette was paroled after seven years, for good behavior, at the age of 23. The profesors are going home and the parents are at work all day and dont have a time for kids, so what do you expect from society like that. Even religion, which is supposed to be about mostly how you treat others. Girls are graded by twenty judges, and are told their fate at an Academy Awards-type ceremony where outgoing cheerleaders pluck names from envelopes, giving the winners kisses and flowers. The Homecoming Court was as popular (if not more) popular than Kirsten. I read a lot of these Articles,and her BFF said the exact same thing on one interview. Doesnt make her a killer, thats being a teenager but dont make it sound like she just said shut up thats unrealistic. I instantly knew it had to be a true-life story. Even before I read about the real case, I thought the movie blamed the victim way too much. Several girls in Interviews said they didnt want to be found cause there years at Miramonte wasnt the best. Bridget Moretti, also referred to as Bernadette Prott, was given a most sentence of 9 years, however she was launched on parole seven years later, in 1992, when she was 23. Joy, why dont you stick to writing under one name instead of creating different aliases? John even if Kirsten was as mean as Tori Spelling (which BTW she wasnt) that is still no right to Murder her. (The misfits) we really didnt see them as Misfits. Kirsten would of changed to overtime. Orinda was not Beverly Hills. I was in the artsy and nerd group to. She had a sort of ombre style in fact which was kind of weird in the 80s, but cutting edge. She is unstable and who knows what she will do. She felt it was even worse than having killed someone which is ridiculous and sad but thereve been a few cases like this.. Its thought to be the reason why Skylar Neese was really killed though her two best friends who killed her claimed they just didnt like her any more (again doesnt make sense) and there was evidence that Skylar had seen her two friends making out. (Yes at times) Kirsten teased Bernadette, but they were still mutually acquainted Bernadette never could figure out why she thought she was a Bullied failure. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I honestly thought Bernadette wouldve looked worse. They dont even bother to investigate her alibi to see if she was telling the truth? So this murderer just gets off free after 8 years and gets to live her life because (somebody picked on her)????? I still cant believe this individual who killed someone because of jealousy, if she was so down in the dumps they why didnt she just KILL herself?????? Poor bernadette seemed very vulnerable and in need of help. Please make an appointment with your councilor at school and discuss this with him or her In your dreams Bernadette was better looking! As I are, I think of all Kirsten has missed and how life changing it was to have your daughter murdered this way and then dragged through the media as a tori spelling played psycho who deserved what she got. But most important to Kirsten was becoming a cheerleader. Bernadette really should have left her alone. And yes Bernadette has enough problems, and theres Virus out there Worldwide that is killing people all over, and Rioters rioting in streets keeping the Virus alive, that is what the World needs to focus on today. As I wrote in a previous comment to you above rupaul/joy, if there was evidence of Kirsten bullying Bernadette, she would have given examples which would have strengthened her case and possibly portrayed her as a sympathetic character. Thats teens for you, its tough being a teen, most of them are smart alecky at some time or another, but we outgrow it. She talked to most people. Living in orinda back in the 80s&90s was no easy task if you indidnt wear the right clothes or drive the nice brand new car you wernt shit . Bernadette lived in a wealthier area than Kirsten. There is no way Bernadette is better than Kirsten. In addition to, Kristen was an American highschool pupil killed by her classmate Bernadette [] We all moved on, every time we rehash this, it just brings up the past to that very day. As Kelly prepared to go inside, Bridget came from behind and stabbed her with a kitchen knife, continuing to do so after angrily asking her victim why she wasn't "good enough" to be her friend. I see why her Sisters and mom forgive her, theyre her family and family sticks by you. That Movie was truly (one sided) and people are just going by off that Movie, and maybe Kirsten did say some mean things to other People, but who hasnt! Proceed studying to be taught extra about Kirsten Marina Costass homicide. Bernadette went to private grade school called St. Perpetuas in Lafayette Ca. Or do you mean that you think she was a fragile human being before she brutally murdered Kirsten? Are you suggesting by your comment Kirsten had is well deserved that Kirsten deserved to be murdered because she understandably didnt take kindly to being lured out of her house under false pretences to a bobbie (sorority) dinner that didnt exist by someone she wasnt friends or even acquaintances with and was then driven to an empty car-park at night. I hear she was Caddy and Stuck up, I dont even know if thats true, but she wasnt a Bully. Nancy I know exactly how you feel. The school was no more competitive than any other school around anywhere. She may of been Stuck up most Cheerleaders are, but she was no where near a Bully or made fun of people. To the fellow classmates of 1986 Miramonte, so sorry if your World crumbled cause it wasnt meant to be that way, but you got to know that it was t any picnic for Bernadette as well, and if she could set time back and do all over, she would of left the situation with Kirsten alone to start with. I dont think she suffers from depression, but she is wanting to isolate from the World. Why are you so focused on what they looked like? Look inwards and think with consideration before you speak. Of course its done and over with, and people arent forgiving and never let you forget anything you did, she made a enormous mistake, that cant change, but she does regret it and as for her and the Costas family making Peace, cant even tell you how much truth is in that, but Im sure she reached out and owned her part, but nothing she can do to change what the outcome cost them. Most people would be angered and perturbed by that kind of behavior. Joe she must of liked your Sister. I dont understand what is wrong with people. I can see Kirsten not wanting to be bothered with her. Some of these girls ( not Nancy or Joanna) acted like Hoes, and ppl dont take kindly to that. Nothing should move a person to kill another. She didnt make fun of people like that Mats girl claimed, probaly Bernadettes BFF commenting or Virginia or Bernadette herself, truth be told, cause Kirsten wasnt a thing like that Stacy Lockwood in the Movie. [6], It took the police almost six months to find Costas' killer. Bridget Moretti (Aubrey Peeples) is the protagonist turned villainess of the 2019 Lifetime film Death of a Cheerleader, a remake of the 1994 TV movie of the same name (airdate February 2, 2019). Kirsten wasnt obligated to helping those people, sometimes it has to be done on your own! In addition to, Kristen was an American excessive school pupil killed by her classmate Bernadette Protti in June 1984. Note: ClickAmericana.com features authentic historical information, and is not intended to represent current best practices on any topic, particularly with regard to health and safety, but also in terms of outdated cultural depictions and social values. All teen gals are (snotty) for the most part, but grow out of it. I am shocked to even read that some people think this 15 year old girl deserved to die because she could be a little snobby at school, I personally would prefer my children to be friends at school with a snobby girl than a cold blooded killer! I remember one time coming back from skiing, my friend and I were saying how we should stab the killer 18 times for what she did. The case is ancient history so why is it constantly being rehashed over and over. One girl she got mad at for saying stupid stuff around her and embarrassing her. I just hear she stays mostly to herself and dont see much of former classmates. Wife, Bio, Wiki, Age, Net Worth and More, Meet The 12 Chefs Going Head To Head In Snack Wars In Netflixs Snack vs. She wasnt mean or that just high maintenance. I live in LA and know people on the Bay Area that know all about the case, and know people who knew Kirsten, and they say the Movie was offbeatfar from Kirstens Personality. I can't live if it is known. Bernadette is a Weirdo as Kirsten spotted, this wasnt about Bullying, it was about being called out in front of the School, and tarnishing her reputation, which in the long run it did. We are simple people. Even a Mother of one of her friends said, Kirsten was like a Puppy and hugged people,,not exclusive and liked everyone. Very, very mean. Bernadette is a physchopath and a Killer, and always will be. I still have nightmares of many girlfriends ignoring me, making fun of me and being just vicious. Bernadette was popular to, she was just wanting to be Kirsten, and Kirstens approval meant so much to us all, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette till that fateful night, She never cared either way, Bernadette took it so serious and it became (serious) and fatal. You guys are kidding yourselves. Who can walk a straight line and never say one un kind word ever, w all make mistakes, and most teen girls do get Caddy at times thats just Normal, but we outgrow it. Bernadette should of gotten 25 to life for that Crime. The film "is inspired by Randall Sullivans Rolling Stone article of the same name about the real-life murder of a popular, affluent and beautiful Northern California high school cheerleader at the hand of a classmate, as Lifetime described it. Again so many came on saying they knew Kirsten and sharing Personal Details on other girls there. In 1994, the plot was made into a television movie entitled A Friend to Die For (also known as Death of a Cheerleader), starring Tori Spelling as the soon-to-be-murdered cheerleader and Kellie Martin as her killer. Were not sympathizing with you, (grow up and get over it) Theyre not going to beg you to come, and if you dont want to be found cause your life was miserable, were not really interested in finding you and apologizing. I hear she disguised herself when she comes to Orinda wears shades over her eyes, and lives behind a long lane (mom does). No one deserves to be murdered. Berns home on La Espiral was Larger and more Expensive. A full body orgasm at the L.A. Phil? Whether the murder was premeditated or not, no one can really determine that, still a young girl died at the hands of Bernadette Protti, and Bernadette will have to live with that the rest of her life. This Mats person you sound just like what Bernies BFF said about Kirsten exactly. She and D were always cracking jokes and having fun. Everybody who knew her just loved her well most everybody. You are lying. Did you know Bernadettes bff? It was more harmful teasing that she meant nothing by. My honest opinion on this is that I think that Kirsten didnt deserve to die. Bernadette was a Snob also, she only wanted to hang with the incrowd, if you were nothing she didnt talk to you anymore than she had to. Just like this, individuals proceed to surprise the place Moretti is even after a number of years. . As well as, Kirsten Costas grew up within the small Californian group of Orinda together with her brother Peter. [3] The Costases did not believe Protti's story; they asserted that nobody would use an 12-inch-long butcher knife to slice tomatoes and that Protti, casually dressed that evening, never intended to take Kirsten to a party but had planned to murder her. Shes grown up a lot and isnt the same teen girl she use to be. Some still get together. Bernadette made a horrible decision by ending a girls life, if she left her alone, B wouldnt be in the mess she got herself in, she kept pushing for her friendship. In the meantime, and along with the rest of the town, I watched this whole tale unfold sadly and slowly during the course of several months. Rubbish, it was jealousy and pure rage. I dont buy into the lesbian theory. No such articles exist about anything you have described. Bernadette was kind to. Since then, Bernadette Protti has seemingly vanished without a trace. Missy was Described as a Bully and Very Mean also. I heard they ran Several girls out not just them, they Demonized one to where she had to Leave portraying her as a Tramp over some guys. Mats Above a girl is dead, as a result from the girl who had a Sweet Melancholy. Was Kirsten a smart aleck , dont know but tell me a teen girl who isnt! She killed once. The sad thing is that adults act the same way. I just think Bernadette had underlying issues and pressure on her to get to the top, but that was no right for murder. Bridget Moretti is a shy outsider from a lower middle-class background who aspires to be beautiful, popular and perfect in everything. You are disturbing and evil by stating that death was too good for Kirsten, an innocent victim of a brutal murder. Missy was more toughish than Kirsten that took no crap. Thisb isnt about Columbine, its about the Kirsten Costas case. She clearly wasnt happy with them and their old, unfashionable selves either, adding that they didnt give her, their 6th child, the attention she so desperately wanted. A few left our school, one who went out with a lot of football players getting wasted, she was demonized badly also. I personally beleive Kirsten could be a smart aleck to those she didnt like, but remember most teenage girls are. As for the girls who got blamed, so sorry if your lives were miserable at the time, but remember Bernadette was scared herself and did t know what to do, she didnt aim for all that to come down. An example that shows that Bernadette didnt have respect for Kirstens family and shows how detached Bernadette was from killing Kirsten was that she appeared to have no inhibitions about attending Kirstens funeral. Kirsten from my Understanding was Self Absorbed and a Snob, but not a Bully. A 16-year-old girl was convicted Wednesday of second-degree murder in the stabbing death of a classmate she feared was about to tell schoolmates that she was weird.. The circumstances surrounding the cause of death. Further, he thought that he was witnessing a fistfight, but in fact, Protti had stabbed Costas five times with a butcher knife and ran. I didnt know her, but had a friend whos Facebook friend did. No right to Murder a person. She may, nonetheless, be residing in Oregon together with her associate and children.

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