This would include the size of your poodle and the overall condition of their coat and how detailed and fancy you want the cut to be. I am a hairstylist and have been using Oster clippers for 30 years. After you brush your poodle out, give them a gentle misting of water. Best Andis dog clippers for labradoodles & poodles: Andis 2-Speed, 3. Ideal for setting poodle patterns. Great for matted dogs. 0000006008 00000 n Theres lots to consider before purchasing a new clipper blade. I have a 10 but I'm not happy with the results. 0000021453 00000 n So, for example, if the dogs hair is growing in a downward direction and you were to use your clippers in an UPWARD motion, youd be clipping against the hair grain. For the regular doggie DIY groomer, you wont feel like youre missing out on anything. We just brought Billy to a show today and this is the first time I used the #30 and I can tell you, I was very careful as I have seen the damage it can do to the poor dog if used wrong. Use on Cockers Schnauzer and Springer backs. Generally manufacturers will indicate the precise length a blade creates in the specifications for the product. It's important to comb their hair out before you bathe them for best results. Remember your V pattern, and repeat on the other side. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Im an outdoor enthusiast and have sported a full beard since I was in my early 20s. I have a work station See Also: Spraying Is For Skunks - Not Clipper Blades. The coarse or uneven teeth on a Skip Tooth will feed the hair into the cutting blade more effectively, which allows you to clip under mats. Does this mean youre getting a bad clipper? Was this helpful? It can easily turn into a frustrating catastrophe. Andis 2 Speed surely hasnt got the cute, eye-catching design Arco has. Save the 30's and 40's for when you know what you're doing. I know its tempting to go cheap if you are just out of grooming school, but if you are going to be doing lots of different breeds besides poodles then you may want to just spend more money and get something more versatile. Of course, theyre also a great set of labradoodle clippers too! Dogs come in a variety of different coat types and textures which means that a groomer will have to be well-equipped with a selection of blade sizes. Required fields are marked *. PGen Consider using a cooling spray like Andis one on to reduce them heating up. However, with AG2 youve got two motor speeds instead of the AGC1s one. Used for sensitive poodle feet, pads, faces on Poodles, Cockers, and Terriers. Though I mentioned that these clippers are silent, you will start hearing more noise as you use them longer. Silver is antimicrobial. Make sure to wipe the clipper blade dry after. Kudos and thanks. Only the pooch has other plans now and that break in the action has him ready to go. Im half-joking, of course. Ive tried out the 2-speed before and its an uncompromising machine. I use a 30 on the feet and a 15 on the face. Clip down the ribs from the topline to under the dog to remove the side hair cleanly. 0000022071 00000 n Skip-tooth used for body work on low-slung terriers (Westie White, Scottie, Cairn, etc). 0000020305 00000 n 0000274865 00000 n Though I mentioned that these clippers are silent, you will start hearing more noise as you use them longer. Make sure the clipper is running to ensure that oil is adequately distributed across cutting surfaces. I never will understand why people are afraid of the higher numbers. 2. 0000144435 00000 n 0000171199 00000 n Thankfully, the selection process is quite simple. Different brands will have length charts. These grooming instructions work for any type of poodle, whether you have a Miniature Poodle, Toy Poodle, or Standard Poodle. Popular on Cockers, Springers and Schnauzer bodies. Contact one of our Pet Care Pros. JavaScript is disabled. How close you groom your poodles hair vastly depends on what part of the body youre working on. 0000007080 00000 n 0000120908 00000 n If you prefer not to have a topknot, you can shave the top of the head with a 10 blade. You can really get into those hard to reach areas that larger clippers struggle with. Just keep trying until you perfect your technique with poodle haircuts. Repeat this procedure on both sides of the topknot and trim the hair flush with the skull above the ears. 0000218461 00000 n Think of your clippers as an investment in your dog grooming kit. H\j0l/iJB.f l"ostJkHNQ8nfwbe.C8 X,]?t[TvxhWeN7wp_RO}w:M9Unv}8Zv+]o|{3nSpL72]Hmb~]}h(*[7 bZfql1kj+ I bought it to use with a guide comb not to do their faces. Therefore, having your clipping blades sharpened should be a part of your regular blade maintenance. Five separate blades for poodle clippers could easily cost you around a hundred! Though, I will say that there is no lack of power with the electromagnetic motor of the 2 Speed. The larger bottom blade, called the comb, feeds the hair into the top, or cutting, blade. The coating is also textured so if your hands are damp or slippery, you can still keep a firm hold and are less likely to drop them. :+Y[J63#3#||/d1 9a G#r9s,pG# M/ Usually you want a slower speed for them so the blades dont get that hot and the vibrations are less. I have had it done with a #10 but with my spoos it just doesn't give them a clean look for very long at all. First, lets get to the two most important things except the lower price: First, youve got a Lithium-Ion battery with up to 2 hour life on 1 hour of charging; And, youve got a 5 year limited warranty. Learning how to groom a poodle takes some practice, but it is a skill you can master. I have a Golden Doodle with really dense hair. Or, use same blade (5 or 7F) that you used on the body and clip the hair from shoulder to foot for a maintenance-free trim. So the lower motor speed doesnt necessary mean bad news. Make sure to remove/untangle any matted hair or knots as much as you can for smoother trims. 0000144036 00000 n Ideal for coarse-coated breeds such as Terriers. The coupon code: was succesfully applied! 0000169914 00000 n 0000004828 00000 n 0000046287 00000 n A small note: If youre outside of the US and get it from a US seller, be careful with voltage differences! 0000009659 00000 n Two other points you should consider here: Its motor is way weaker than Arco and you dont get the 2-speed choice of Andis; This means your grooming session can get a bit longer than the other 2 picks; While you get the 4 guides, their lengths can be a bit long for how some poodle owners prefer their pets groomed. A professional model is pricey but its something that you will use every day. Work very carefully around the genitals and anus. Best Andis dog clippers for labradoodles & poodles: What it lacks in looks it makes up for in. 0000013234 00000 n A can of Cool Lube to clean and cool the clipper blades periodically as you work (Follow the directions on the can. Make sure you keep them free of dog fur after you use them. Yes, this is way less powerful than the Arco. No big deal, youll just go get your other charged clippers. Though cordless would have been a nice option for maneuverability, it pays to have the cord and not worry about losing power or running out of battery. Thats where this site comes in. I have toy Schnauzers so I don't shave their face. Youll need your clippers running. However, here are a few blade sizes that may come in handy for common cuts: At first, the 5-in-1 blade may sound like the most fitting solution. This will give your dog a cleaner look. 0000172343 00000 n Can you recommend an Oster blade that can power through the thickest areas of fur? A #10 with a wide blade. You should have a basic understanding of how to groom a poodle if you're going to live with one. I saw a lovely little poodle today who's mother had butchered with a 40 blade at the advice from somebody on a FORUM! 0000032890 00000 n The motor is rotary so that adds even more to the appeal. 0000313924 00000 n Used by veterinarians to prep an area for surgery by removing hair down to the skin. Its about that torque as I mentioned, so the clipper has no problem getting through curly, thick or matted fur. Though, I will say that there is no lack of power with the electromagnetic motor of the 2 Speed. 0000233581 00000 n 0000171576 00000 n I am in Australia and you mentioned you have a free set of scissors with the trimmer is that correct? Clipper blades also come coated with titanium, chrome and carbon. This model is very, very durable. How often you clean your blades will depend on frequency of use. My only problem with the Arco is its older NiMH battery technology, instead of the Lithium-Ion. The cutting blade is moved back and forth very quickly by the clipper motor to cut the hair. Is your dog a bit skittish? They stay sharp and are able to power through just about any thickness of fur. 0000170380 00000 n Your pet might move around/jerk so you need stability. I am going out Sat with them so I rebathed her then wrapped her neck so she is not scratching it and will NEVER use a 30 again. The ears can be brushed out and trimmed neatly around the edges or shaved to match the length of the facial hair. 0000216331 00000 n For its price, the Lithium-Ion pet clipper is quite the great purchase. The teeth on finishing blades are even, and create a smoother finish. Professional knife sharpers may be an option if you cant find anyone who specializes in clipper blades. 0000005812 00000 n I was sooo angry I could hardly speak, ended up sending her to the vet. Last but not least, a 5-in-1 blade is only compatible with a specialized model of clipper since the blades cannot simply be snapped on. However, make no mistake: it cant compare withArcos 5-in-1 blade system. 0000013350 00000 n Often used before the bath for rough-cuts, and on dogs that must be shaved completely down. Used for larger breeds or strip-downs. 0000003023 00000 n 0000026387 00000 n Only a pro would really see the differences. 0000120405 00000 n All Rights Reserved. The topknot is brushed and scissored into either a round cap or an oblong cap, whichever best fits the dog's facial features. Please help us improve. 0000278865 00000 n Personally, I like a good clean shave - so #30 or so. Be careful not to nick your dog's tongue if he licks, or it will bleed. 0000309561 00000 n 7MpS)n Especially if youre still a beginner to poodle grooming with clippers at home! Not to mention the adjustable design also traps more hair and debris making the blade cleaning a delicate undertaking. 0000122167 00000 n You get consistent results with a cord which makes up for its lack of maneuverability. by Salvatore Jamison | Last updated Jun 2, 2021 | 8 comments. I have a tiny all black 1.7 kilo toy poodle. Stainless steel harder, holds edge longer, rust-resistant. Skip Tooth clipper blade, good for a plush, almost puppy look on Lhasas, Shih-Tzus, Old English Sheep Dogs - anything that you want to give a short, but not shaved look. Make sure you keep them free of dog fur after you use them. 0000176824 00000 n So, if the hair is growing in a downward direction and youre brushing with downward strokes, youd be brushing with the hair grain. But my other standard poodle they work good with. A blade that is used regularly will need to be cleaned at least once a week. Storage is an easy task too, as youll grab a stylish case with Alfheims poodle shears. Finish clipper blade for 7 Skip Tooth, unmatted coats. You can do some serious damage with any blade but a 10 is a good learning blade. ^.O'(,hAZj,Z"mZ~l+/!uu&$ jq' F0. 0000009112 00000 n After all, dogs make, As a dog groomer, its important to know how to market your business so that you can attract potential clients., If youre looking to start or grow a business as a dog trainer, youre in luck! Between the eyes, trim out a small, inverted V from the head fall to give the eyes prominence and accent the stop (where the muzzle and head meet). When youre grooming WITH the hair grain, youre grooming (say, for example, brushing) in the natural direction that the hair is growing in. This will make it easier to bathe and blow dry the rest of the coat prior to trimming. Legs, Chest, Beard, & Eyebrows - 30 with " or 1" Comb, Head, Tail, Legs, & Under Belly - Scissors, Face (Teddy Bear Style) - 3F or 30 with " or 1" Comb. Maintaining my beard is part of my daily routine and I hope youll find some useful tips and information on this site to help you on your journey. When you groom AGAINST the grain, youre using your tool in the opposite direction of how the hair is naturally growing. 0000231451 00000 n 0000023822 00000 n When you have a blade that close to eyes, mouth, nose, etc being careful is more important than getting that perfect look. 0000285356 00000 n However, this is NOT something that you should attempt to do on your own. Similar to my love for Wahl Bravura for Shih Tzus, I recommend Wahls Arco from If At First You Don't Succeed Redefine Success, Some people feel the rain. I love Alfheim. What is the difference between grooming with vs against the hair grain? She is 3 years old and used to being groomed by a professional. Each touts its own benefits, but doing your research will help you find the best blade for your needs. However, in some cases you might wish to go slowly. Not to say that they wont break, but an inferior blade is more susceptible. The best blade to use with snap-on combs. While they tend to stay cooler for longer, ceramic blades are much easier to break. It is the lower numbers that have the teeth further apart and are more likely to catch the skin. Skip Tooth, body work on Sporting Breeds and Terriers, Pet Poodles, body work on short trims on Lhasa Apsos and Shih-Tzus. Ive reviewed many of the top hair clippers on the market today and also included some information on what works best for me. Youll use one only on clean, dematted coats! Now fluff the hair up, and a manageable square shape will appear. Skip-tooth. You get to benefit from my years of experience. Its quite lightweight, doesnt heat up, and is very easy to work with. Excellent for with Snap-on combs. Beneath its rather mundane looks, however, lies another set of best poodle clippers ready to serve you well. )V#$1xj~SRdZSsry~'?QZk0sYJV J~"+ Taking care of your pet can take time and intelligent design goes a long way. 0000170786 00000 n Used for head, face, neck & sometimes body on sporting breeds and terriers. Keep in mind that FC stands for finishing cuts. I also concur completely that a #10 till you are used to doing the clipping would be best. It's a fact that you can work smarter, or work harder. However, a 5-in-1 blade also poses its own problems. Gripping too tightly will make the dog uncomfortable while gripping too lightly won't provide enough control. Fur, or hair in general is acidic and will dull blades in no time. 0000018456 00000 n 0000122136 00000 n Our website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. I also prefer a rotary motor to the electromagnetic one for the additional torque. The cutting surface is very small and these blades are used for small areas. Good for full-body shave downs and large breeds. When cutting in the direction the hair lies, the lengths will approximately double. 0000029276 00000 n Good for full-body shavedowns and large breeds. You can either go for the 2700 SPM (for gentler trims) or for the more powerful 3400 SPM mode. Blades are numbered to indicate what length of hair they will leave. 0000290135 00000 n %PDF-1.5 % 0000003854 00000 n information and answers provided through this website are not intended to replace the medical advice or services The design is light, polished, ergonomic enough to withstand even longer grooming sessions with your (toy) poodle. Wahl clippers in general are made with. If you love the look of curly poodle hair, keep a spray bottle of water with you as you work. 2010-2022 Hand Of Gord. You must be extremely careful around the dog's nipples so you don't cut them. Remember that mistakes will happen, but the hair will grow back. Select blade size by length of cut desired. Success! Why wasn't this page useful? 0000307431 00000 n Hehe. Gently round out the shape and shorten the hair to the length you desire. 0000002596 00000 n How Do You Know When Your Dog Is About to Give Birth? If your blades heats up in the middle of use, you should switch blades. . Finish blade for 3 skip tooth. 0000007444 00000 n Stainless steel clipper blades are generally the industry norm. This just means you will need to tighten up the power screw under the power switch occasionally and will need more frequent tune ups. What it lacks in looks it makes up for in ergonomics. Heres a concise video that explains the 5-in-1 blade system and how it can make things easier for you: This suite of features shoots the Arco into the best poodle clippers territory. Keep them submerged for 5-8 seconds. Used for a smoother finish or full shavedowns. Trim the hair across in a straight line just as you did when the hair was pulled forward. Kelly is a former Shih Tzus, Chihuahuas, and Poodle breeder and specialized in handling Toy and Non-Sporting group breeds. Although generally it will not heat up as quickly as a regular blade, a 5-in-1 blade does require extra maintenance. I used a #30 for the first time today and used clippers with a #10 when I showed Britany's before, and have been using the clippers for months now in grooming our poodles. Using the 10 blade, clip the hair from the base of the tail to halfway up, and leave the hair long on the rest of the tail. For instance, a #7 clipper blade leaves approximately 1/8" hair when going against the grain, but will leave approximately 1/4" when going with the grain. HairClippersClub is reader-supported. Others just get wet. A poodle's coat must be brushed frequently to keep it free from tangles. CEZ EJVaj8YA9Zi>31rb?# >L.pMm0pcL(xLkS7/Su7}Q.>8 '01hL9v]O~m]MROX5"pl4+xC_ZhW Its about that torque as I mentioned, so the clipper has no problem getting through curly, thick or matted fur. I really love how these are geared towards using on small dogs like poodles. 0000043778 00000 n Unless your salon specializes in poodles. Some additional notes: It has a 5500 cutting strokes per minute motor: powerful for quality, non-pulling trims; At 6.7 and only 7.9oz, theres no chance for wrist fatigue with the Arco; Its cordless so you have way more range of motion when grooming; Comes with a 80 minute battery life on only 75 minutes of charging; Its design pairs slim body and great ergonomics with reduced vibrations; Extremely easy maintenance (no clipper grease need). It also works as one of the best poodle clippers too. For your own safety AND to keep the integrity of the blade you should leave the sharpening to a professional. With the clipper blade held facing upward, start at the Adam's apple and trim the hair to the ear fold. For example, a #10 blade will leave a hair length of 1/16. Budget pick poodle clippers Wahl Dog Lithium-Ion Pro, 4. +A^Oty9e"GQ(rdV Theyre a cut below that yet would serve you well if you want lighter grooming work. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Wahl clippers in general are made with high carbon steel blades that are durable and long lasting. Get helpful pet health tips and You dont know how much time you have left with your battery and your clipper starts to slow down mid haircut. Knowing your options will help you make an informed decision about which clipper blades you need to do your best work. A sharp blade will deliver the cleanest cut. Skip-tooth Used for bodywork on sporting breeds, Terriers and Poodles. Trim it with scissors to create a cylinder that blends into the body hair at the shoulders and hips. I fully agree with him Ive found out dogs are generally calmer around Arcos than other models. You know, theres a lot of common things about grooming both breeds. I have a toy poodle and was wondering if Andis AGC1 is also good? Some people also prefer corded to cordless models due to not relying on battery charges. Also used for show cuts on Poodles. Surgical prep. Fur, or hair in general is acidic and will dull blades in no time. High quality cuts even on matted hair. This is a common problem in dog grooming salons. 0000004338 00000 n While I am my sister's (Quossum) clone in every way, we disagree about shaving faces and poodle beards! The job's always easier with the right tools. I use a 10 on both my guys but for some reason a 30 was on my clippers and I looked to see it was the short one but not that it was a 10 or 30 Mandy's neck is sore now and I have been putting bag balm on it. source group: Direct Pet Poodle feet and between pads of some dogs. . 0000175390 00000 n Eventually, you'll be ready to try some more complicated poodle trims. Poodles are outstanding, but I already mentioned I have a Shih-Tzu in my best Shih-Tzu clippers guide. A forum community dedicated to all Poodle owners and enthusiasts. 0000008646 00000 n Clipper blades can get hot! After all, what pet groomer wouldnt like the convenience of working with an adjustable blade? Used for sporting breeds' necks and sometimes backs. Thanks! If you don't groom your dog, he'll soon wind up a walking hairball. This just means you will need to tighten up the power screw under the power switch occasionally and will need more frequent tune ups. Clipper blades may sound complicated, but choosing the rights ones should be a straightforward process. Relatively lightweight and not that bulky, this poodle groomer also scores good in the design department. First turned off, then turned on. All rights reserved. ), Pet Poodles, short trims on Lhasa Apsos and Shih-Tzus. Not at all! And they do that wonderfully. 0000004731 00000 n 40 also gets rid of any eye stains. AM,HgE;ec/izP^KbC<{|NkAjV{MZi*VlMn9\o;]p_S7~G#IJq#q}wvW lgW3LTtLD#C6 4l^;z:'|n]gBU-tLK9Rg53e[Vb[7FT"&B|Qyv?vMl It isnt just the convenience of the blades that make it great, its also the quality. Unless you've shaved a face before you don't need to be using anything other than a 10 blade maybe a #15. An adjustable tension control knob helps you customize things a bit. Top pick clippers for poodle hair Wahl Arco, 2. is the AG2 model you mention much better, i see their very close in price. The coating is also textured so if your hands are damp or slippery, you can still keep a firm hold and are less likely to drop them. HWmoE~bty_IBEiKT 0000214201 00000 n Poodles possess such grace and cuteness that other dog breeds are left sulking with envy in the corner. I agree use a 10 blade while you are learning how to do it properly and maybe even have a groomer show you with a 40 blade first as far as how to hold the blade so that you don't hurt your dog. 7My1 0000172701 00000 n We'd love your feedback! 0000204857 00000 n 0000223686 00000 n Alternatively, you can apply an aerosol cooling spray to the blade. Next, comb the topknot back from the front of the dog's head toward the back of the skull. A periodic trimming will make brushing easier, so check out the directions below to learn what's involved. I put together some basic clipper blade information for those who would like to have it. Really helpful.I was a groomer 40 years ago, techniques and info like this werent easy to find. 0000120001 00000 n The materials, For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. 0000121431 00000 n Used for shaping, carving, and trimming needed for precise cuts. You get consistent results with a cord which makes up for its lack of maneuverability. H\@>E-$I7d1?Lfh%#LTY'XuenwKOCs;u};p:smcu}px:OwT1SR_Kp2e|sy54Cc! Poodles have a thick, wavy coat that grows constantly. Having strong blades that can resist some falls without breaking is essential in a pair of dog clippers. Why does that matter? qN Steps for Grooming and Stripping a Cairn Terrier, Poodle Breed Breakdown (From the Small to Large), Why Dogs Hump: Dominance and Other Factors, Guide to Sporting Dog Breeds and Characteristics. A general price range for a "pet trim" is about $50 to $85 while a show trim can be much more depending on your needs. They may be small and maneuverable but you still get that speed and even some decent torque from this small clipper. ]Qluplx:crHg3!-zuACG$o( &i7(v]}YtqZxl`qALAY>vgSBPLOd'X]TDAqcub7#_FnD- Yo`+9bB^qRT$df7 gFvn Since I never know when Im going to find myself being photographed, whether its climbing in Yosemite, or playing volleyball on the beach, its important to me to always look my very best. 0000043893 00000 n 0000300061 00000 n You can really get into those hard to reach areas that larger clippers struggle with. Finish blade for 4 Skip Tooth also used against the lie of the coat of thick-coated Springers or Cockers for a very short but very smooth look. Body work on the low-slung Terriers (West Highland White, Scottish, Cairn, etc. 0000171951 00000 n Carefully trim the hair straight across while being extremely careful around the eyes. Can also be used against the grain similarly to the 4F. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); When you think about it, dog trainers are some of the most important people in society.

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