You have completed part 2 of this series, and leveled up your experience by building and publishing a new Docker image, along with provisioning and deploying an application to a Kubernetes cluster using infrastructure as code and Terraform. You may now begin working with Terraform. With your infrastructure defined as code, you can automate the provisioning of your infrastructure using CI/CD practices (the same way you would with application source code). When youre ready, run the following commands: Using the same AWS account profile that provisioned the infrastructure, you can connect to your cluster by updating your local kubeconfig: If you want to map additional IAM users or roles to your Kubernetes cluster, youll have to update the aws-auth ConfigMap by adding the respective ARN and a Kubernetes username value to the mapRole, or mapUser property as an array item: When youre done with modifications to the aws-auth ConfigMap, you can run kubectl apply -f auth-auth.yaml. If using Terraform is a core part of your development lifecycle, you can make use of kOps to generate Terraform source code for provisioning a Kubernetes cluster in AWS. You have proof that your Kubernetes deployment works and that deploying the application to a GKE cluster has been successfully tested. Google gives a generous $300 credit for its free trial sign-up, but you could easily eat through that if you leave assets running. Set up and initialize your Terraform workspace. We previously used the Terraform Google Cloud Platform provider to create a new GKE cluster. versions for the providers used by the configuration. Kubernetes Provider, leave your cluster running and continue to the These outputs are used to expose a subset of its resource attributes to a parent module, or to print certain values in the CLI output. defines the output configuration. In this post, we will use the part02/iac_gke_cluster/ and part02/iac_kubernetes_app/ directories, respectively. Once you have a good, descriptive name, you can build an image. Open a web browser and use the output value to access the application. The selector{ app} block specifies a name that was defined in the file and represents the app value in the label property of the metadata block in the deployments resource. In this example, it is port 80. Have Queries? If you ever set or change modules or backend configuration for Terraform, rerun this command to reinitialize your working directory. It uses the Terraform Cloud, and is connected to the iac_kubernetes_app workspace you created in the Prerequisites section of the part 1 post. In this case, GCP will create and configure a LoadBalancer that will control and route traffic to our GKE cluster. 25th August 2020 contains a region variable that controls where to create the EKS cluster. A new VPC is created for this guide so it doesnt impact your existing cloud environment and resources. In this section I will describe what it takes to deploy a Kubernetes Deployment using Terraform. Kubernetes provider Learn tutorial. There will be a web page with the text Welcome to CI/CD 101 using CircleCI!. Then, expose the application with a LoadBalancer Service: Apart from Terraform, kOps is a tool that makes it easy to provision production grade Kubernetes clusters. Terraforms declarative model to optimize infrastructure resources makes the entire provisioning lifecycle repeatable for software teams with IaC access. This allows teams to maintain snapshots of versions as infrastructure architecture changes, as well as perform rollbacks in the case instability occurs in the provisioning process. In this section, you will provision an EKS cluster using Terraform. Now you can create the new infrastructure and deploy the application. Notice that the output values that were marked sensitive are masked in the results with tags. Because we will be pushing the image to Docker Hub, we need to prefix the image name with our Docker Hub username. Docker image with tools for maintaining Kubernetes clusters based on AWS EKS, An Ubuntu based docker image that contains a combination of useful tools for setting up and maintaining a Kubernetes container platform on AWS EKS with terraform. The resource template{} block has a spec{} block in it which has a container{} properties block. The This code block defines the providers that will be used in this Terraform project. Terraform will perform the actions described above. Docker images use tags composed of slash-separated name components. This file should seem familiar and is similar to the part 1 file. I will also discuss how to create and deploy the Docker image to a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) cluster using HashiCorps Terraform. NodePort and ClusterIP Services, to which the external load balancer routes, are automatically created. Apply complete! The first thing to set up is your Terraform. Through EKS, organisations can run Kubernetes without installing and operating a Kubernetes control plane or worker nodes. As with all web sites, it needs to be accessible for it to be useful. Kubernetes has three types of services. Amazon EKS clusters run within Amazon Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs). Master branch may not be stable all the time due to ongoing development activitites. Change directory into the part02/iac_gke_cluster directory: While in part02/iac_gke_cluster, run this command: This is great! In your terminal, clone the following repository. For more information on the EKS module, visit the EKS module page in the Terraform Registry. commands will detect it and remind you to do so if necessary. AWS charges $0.10 per hour for each EKS cluster, so you may be charged to run this tutorial. In this code block, we are using the remote backend. Fargate removes the need to provision and manage servers, lets you specify and pay for resources per application, and improves security through application isolation by design. If you're new to Terraform itself, refer first to the Getting Started Terraform can be used in conjunction with tools like this to create a better provisioning and configuration lifecycle experience. Only 'yes' will be accepted to confirm. An example of this manifest file exists in the raw-manifests directory. EKS automatically applies the latest security patches to your cluster control plane. This process should take approximately 10 minutes. Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Run this command in the terminal: Terraform will prompt you to confirm your command. While you could use the built-in AWS provisioning processes (UI, CLI, CloudFormation) for EKS clusters, Terraform provides you with several benefits: Unified Workflow - If you are already deploying infrastructure to AWS with Terraform, your EKS cluster can fit into that workflow. The eks_managed_node_groups parameter will create three nodes across two node groups. The application has now been deployed. tutorial. In this project, the .dockerignore file excludes unnecessary files related to Terraform and Node.js local dependencies. Its especially useful for provisioning complex platforms like Kubernetes clusters, which have been central to the increased adoption of cloud-native solutions. Therefore it is recommended to use branches that are bound to fixed versions of the tools. This service will route all traffic from port 80 to port 5000. Save them preciously because this will be the only time AWS gives it to you. 2022 All Rights Reserved. Go to next tutorial: Provision an AKS Cluster (Azure), Deploy Consul and Vault on a Kubernetes Cluster using Run Triggers. Cloud providers like AWS have created managed services, like Amazon EKS (Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes), to reduce the complexity of cluster management. Well break down the benefits and disadvantages of using Terraform for this purpose, as well as how it differs from native Kubernetes cluster deployment. Finally, we are ready to deploy our application to the GKE cluster using Terraform. Change directory into the directory with this command: While in part02/iac_kubernetes_app/, run this command to initialize the Terraform project: After creating a google_container_cluster with Terraform, authentication to the cluster is required. Run terraform apply to create your cluster and other necessary resources. This is also where we define the port to expose on the container that will allow ingress access to the application running. The command is called terraform plan and it also graphs all the actions and changes that Terraform will execute against your existing infrastructure. The FROM node:12 line defines an image to inherit from. We will be using it again here in conjunction with the iac_kubernetes_app/ directory. Congratulations! The endpoint value, and the output, is the IP address to the public ingress of the cluster LoadBalancer. At this point, our file specifies the directives for deploying a Kubernetes pod with our Docker image and the number of pods required. You have now provisioned an EKS cluster, configured kubectl, Destroy complete! Lukonde is a Principal Technical Evangelist at SUSE and is an AWS Container Hero. - Installing hashicorp/kubernetes v2.12.1 - Installed hashicorp/kubernetes v2.12.1 (signed by HashiCorp), - Installed hashicorp/tls v3.4.0 (signed by HashiCorp). To learn how to manage Kubernetes resources, your EKS cluster, or existing Kubernetes clusters, visit the Kubernetes provider Learn tutorial. Running the terraform destroy will terminate any running assets that you created in this tutorial. Open the file to review the configuration. Terraform will print your configuration's outputs. The following resources will help you expand your knowledge from here: Yarui Shi docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.13.7-helm2.11.0-tf0.12.19, docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.13.7-helm2.11.0-tf0.12.8, docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.13.7-helm2.11.0-tf0.12.6, docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.13.7-helm2.11.0-tf0.12.3, docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.13.7-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.10, docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.9-helm2.11.0-tf0.12.3, docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.9-helm2.11.0-tf0.12.0, docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.9-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.14, docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.9-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.13, docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.9-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.10, docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.5-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.13, docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.5-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.11, docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.11.5-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.10, docker pull tgip/terraform-eks-tools:k8s1.10.3-helm2.11.0-tf0.11.10. In this case it is the node:12 image, which is pulled from Docker Hub, if it does not exist locally. This abstraction enables non-local file state storage and remote execution among other things. Staff Analytics Engineer, Stanley Ndagi We can now deploy our application to this GKE cluster using the code in the part02/iac_kubernetes_app/ directory. and configure kubectl. With Amazon EKS, you can take advantage of all the performance, scale, reliability, and availability of the AWS platform, as well as integrations with AWS networking and security services, such as Application Load Balancers for load distribution, Identity Access Manager (IAM) for role based access control, and Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) for pod networking.

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